Envoy to Earth

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Envoy to Earth Page 26

by P. S. Power

  They seemed pretty happy, but also left without stopping to chat with him, which meant that he needed to get back to the guests. That part was a bit daunting, but when they got into the next room it was only half as bad as he feared. There were about ten people there, but most of them were actually for Princess Veronica. Four of them, to be exact. Little Alison was cute, and dressed all in white, a little Austran style jumpsuit with matching boots, and stood on her own feet, as her nanny stood behind her, trying to make certain she knew that the tall lady that was closing in on her was her mother.

  It was pretty clear that the girl wasn't going to buy that one too easily, but she took to the whole thing a lot faster when Karina and Alphonse hugged Veronica for a while first.

  Tiera watched them, and moved, along with Smythe of Westend and Karen Derring, into place in front of the rest of them. Gerent managed to bow, going deeply enough to be polite and not so deep that everyone else would be trying to lick the floor in order to go further down than he did in angle.

  The introductions didn't take too long, since almost everyone actually knew the others, except for Ambassador Eto, who was clearly looking around the space, as if expecting someone to greet her personally.

  Gerent smiled.

  "Ambassador Eto is here to inform Tor that he needs to get things ready for the new class of Mages coming in from Vagus. He's been elected the new Great Brother for that land, but they understand that he can't go there for a few years, so are planning to come to him." He deadpanned the whole thing, but Tiera just tilted her head a little and bowed.

  Then she spoke in a language that Gerent thought was Vagish. Ambassador Eto answered in kind, and they spoke, very politely, for a while. Even the mean looking temporary guard behind her smiled after a bit, which Gerent took to be a good sign.

  Then they both... Started singing and dancing around. It didn't take them long and sounded happy enough. When they stopped, Tiera explained to the group, translating it all.

  "Torrance Baker, the new Great Brother of Vagus, bringer of magic from the land of the Green Brother, will be hosting twenty Mages from that land in the coming years, to teach them his skills. We need to prepare for them all, as they will be coming in the next few weeks!" There was a nicely excited lilt to her voice. It was hard to tell if she meant it or not, which was probably the point.

  Of course Tor might just be less than thrilled to find out that he was slated to be the Great Father of an entire land. No one had even asked him to be. Dorgal however walked over, his face still and calm looking. When Tiera saw him she nodded. Regally.

  Gerent waved at him.

  "Have you two met? This is Dorgal Sorvee. Dorgal-"

  Tiera cut him off and moved in, giving the man a very small, but polite, hug.

  "How have you been? We should have sent someone to make certain you were all right."

  The man stood back, his black outfit plain, but nice. Merchant like, rather than what you might expect from someone that had once been a king.

  "Not too poorly. That's a good plan. Tor is... Probably the person best suited to rule Vagus. Magic is rising there. Faster than almost any place, but here, I think. He's already their High Mage, you know. Lyn named him as such. I'll leave telling him about his new promotions to you however?" He smiled, but seemed to mean it.

  Tiera just shook her head a little and hugged the man again. It still didn't seem close or warm. Perfunctory came to mind. Like she wanted to let him know he was liked, but didn't really feel that way about him.

  "On the contrary, Dorgal. I think that you might actually be just the man to explain that to him. I'm sure that it will be welcome coming from his old friend." If there was a barb in the words Gerent didn't really get it.

  Dorgal had admitted to having not always been kind to Tor, but that wouldn't have much bearing on the fate of an entire land, would it?

  Sighing and looking a bit annoyed, the former king nodded.

  "Fine, fine, dump it all on me. I just want to have a word with Rolph, then I'll be off to do that. Can I get someone to take me to Tor?"

  Tiera smiled, though it didn't seem pleased anymore. A bit bitchy, to tell the truth. Gerent looked at her for a bit, until she stopped doing that and wrinkled her nose.

  "Let's see to that then? Gerent, you go along too, I'll call Timon in for it, since he's not working today. Who else do you need? If we're divvying up the lands now, I mean? I have the Moon." There was almost a sense of her claiming that she "called" it, but that was fine with him. She seemed to be doing well enough so far.

  Gerent felt silly, but shrugged and thought for a moment.

  "Well, Karina was looking into Mars, and Timon is already busy with Austra. So, she can be the leader there? Um... Does anyone know anything about Tellerand?"

  Tiera nodded, but didn't look around.

  "Terry. He knows more about it than any of us, I think. A bit much to dump on a boy, but... Well, they better not think that getting him is going to be easy. You may be the bravest man I've ever heard of, Gerent, but he's the most noble. That isn't a horrible idea however. So that leaves... Well, Blue Four has the Antarctic already it being her inheritance, so Soam, Afrak and Noram? I always imagined Tor in charge back home, but that's probably not the best plan ever. We had two thousand years of the Green man, so maybe we need to try something else now. I know, why not Sam Builder?" It was clear that she was putting him forward for some reason, and still trying to seem bland about it.

  That got Smythe of Westend to walk forward, and make a face.

  "Is he going to get taller? One of the problems that poor Count Lairdgren always had was his lack of size. No one took him seriously, I fear."

  It impressed Gerent that the man didn't suggest himself for the task. He had been, and still was, the Military Counselor for that land. It might even make sense that he become responsible for it.

  Tiera knew that one however, and looked at the man as if he were being silly.

  "Of course, he's six inches taller already. In eight years he should be half a foot taller than you are, William. That's enough, isn't it? We could make him bigger than that, but it makes it hard to get a date if you're too big, I hear." She looked down at her own thin body, which was about the same size and shape as his own, he realized. Over seven feet tall and bone thin. Almost skeletal. That would change however, as they ate more, he thought. There wasn't a food shortage after all. Not now. Not for them.

  The young looking man stood there in white and yellow robes that looked like a truth amulet. Maybe as a sign of how honest he was? Or an attempt to manipulate people into thinking that. He actually smiled though and bowed a little to Tiera.

  "That will be enough. We should contact Richard and let him know about that. At least the boy is known to him, and well liked at court." He looked over at Alphonse, who stood with his sisters and niece, smiling and touching everyone as if he worried they might leave at any moment.

  Princess Abbey wasn't there, but Dorgal walked over as they watched, and Alphonse kissed him, openly. It wasn't just a peck on the cheek either. Gerent looked away, so that they wouldn't feel self-conscious about their welcome. He hadn't realized they were that close, but it also wasn't his business. Not yet at least. It wouldn't be if it didn't interfere with his life or work either. After all, he wasn't dating either of them yet.

  He focused for a moment and then tilted his head.

  "How about... That Ross girl for Afrak? Is she any good? Kind and all that? I just think they need a strong woman to lead them." One that wasn't named Baker.

  Tiera looked away and then back to him, her face less than perfectly pleased.

  "That would work. So who do we put in for Soam? The place is... Well, how is it?"

  Gerent shook his head. He had a report, after a fashion, from Sara, but that was all.

  "About half the people are gone. The rest are scattered except for two cities. They're good people, and working to try and survive, but it's hard. The biggest problem there is rad
iation. I think..." He looked around, and then leaned in, his face serious. He didn't want to say the next words, but it was the only idea he had. Soam needed a miracle, and someone young enough that living their life trying to save a potentially lost cause wouldn't crush them. Someone strong, and wise too.

  A person that could be given a job that no one wanted, and still come out on top.

  He felt himself tear up, just a little.

  "I think that Soam should go to Taman." He said the words softly and was instantly glared at by everyone around him. For a half second he really thought that Smythe was considering trying to punch him, which distracted him from the fact that Tiera actually did it, at first. His shield kicked in, as she tried to do it four more times.

  He just stood there, not knowing what to say. It was an almost evil idea, but she could just tell him no, it wasn't as if he had any right to go and assign who got what land. She punched his shield a final time and then slapped at his face, still not making contact. Then she looked away and stood as everyone in the room turned to stare.

  Karen Derring, who'd been standing there the whole time didn't hit him. She just cried, fat tears running down her cheeks. Then she hugged Tiera from the side, and looked at Gerent with a sad expression on her almost too perfect face.

  "It's the right thing to do. I hate it, and we all should, but gods, there's no one else that can do it, is there?"

  Sobbing a bit, Tiera shook her head.

  "No, there really isn't."

  Then she walked away, leaving the room all together.

  Chapter ten

  Near the shops, everyone walked. It wasn't exactly a rule, Karen told him, as much as a good idea. People kept walking into and out of the different recessed alcoves at what seemed like random intervals. If you were using a Not-flyer, floating above the ground, and not paying attention, then you might just run into people. That wasn't a crime there, on Harmony, since everyone wore a good shield, all the time, but it was annoying and still scared a lot of people that thought they were going to be hurt not being used to the idea that magic would, or even could, protect them from harm.

  It took a while to get from the meeting room to the bakery that way, but only about twenty minutes. Karen smiled at him a lot, and kept patting him on the shoulder, as they walked. It wasn't exactly flirtatious however. More like she just wanted him to know that they were friends. Not that anyone wouldn't want to be her pal, if they got the choice. She was lovely on a level that was nearly annoying, and friendly. The only real problem there was that he felt himself being drawn to her for some reason, in a way that felt like it was more than just her being attractive and nice to him. Not that those wouldn't do the trick.

  So he turned his shield on. That helped a lot, the pressure suddenly backing off a bit. Then a wave of silver came off his shield, indicating that he was being hit with a nano attack. That, or viral. He thought that's what he'd been told would happen. Instead of looking panicked, the woman next to him just grinned and took a deep breath, followed by several more until the wave of whatever was coming off of her died down.

  "Sorry. I guess I really want you to like me. Well, no mystery there. Petra is one of my best friends, and if you two are married it would be awkward if you and I hated each other." She made a flaring motion with her delicate hand at where the light had come from his shield. "So, my body started putting out chemicals that sort of make you like me. It wasn't on purpose. I'm still learning how to control that particular effect."

  He kept walking, but didn't take his shield down. The people behind him didn't comment on the interplay, so he just decided that it was normal, given everything. She had a new ability and didn't know how to deal with it yet. The important part was that she wanted him to like her. That was good.

  "Not a problem. I think you seem pretty friendly so far, at any rate, which is a good sign. Is this the place?" He pointed at the bakery, getting a slight chuckle from the people behind him, or at least most of them. It smelled like a bakery, which was the destination, and there was a sign, but he had to work to make out what it said. Tor's Bakery. It was less than subtle, which probably explained why everyone was making fun of him by laughing.

  He nearly turned and explained to the six people trailing along that he just wasn't very good at that sort of thing, reading written signs, except that when he looked everyone was gesturing down the giant hallway, and not at him. It was a huge space, with white stone floors and what seemed like giant emeralds along the walls and ceilings for light. It was about sixty feet across, and more in places, but the sides had different colors, depending on what the shop was. The bakery was purple for instance, and where people looked, down the way, was plain stone colored.

  The chuckling still seemed mean, since people, four of them, were kneeling naked along the way, calling out as people passed. They were loud, and all seemed to be saying different things. The joke however, he understood by listening to the chatter behind him, wasn't about the poor people that didn't have clothing, but Tiera.

  That was mainly due to Smythe of Westend, and what he was saying.

  "I believe attempted assault requires two hours, doesn't it, Queen Tiera?" There had been a conversation going on, that he hadn't been paying attention to, but Karen went wide eyed and then nodded.

  "Oh... That's right. We probably can't afford to do that now either. Well, we need to schedule that. Unless you need a hearing first?" She was being a bit sarcastic about it, but her face looked serene. No doubt it was all a dig at Tiera, who wasn't all that old after all.

  The girl snorted and then flipped her right palm over.

  "So much for the dignity of the leadership, huh? It's a real enough point. I broke the law. I'll do that in the morning tomorrow, unless anyone has something else in mind?" She looked around, as if that was a real possibility, but he didn't understand what was happening. Neither did Bonita, who reached out and touched the younger woman's arm.

  "Is there trouble?" She spoke calmly, and Misha seemed to be digging into her pocket, standing next to Dorgal. Going for a weapon he bet. To protect Tiera from her own people? It looked like a joke to Gerent, whatever was happening. Luckily Tiera explained.

  "It's out Standard punishment here. If you break a law, or rule, you have to try and fix it. Sometimes you can't however, like with attempted assault. It's been decided that it's rude and harms society, so, if a person tries to hit anyone, they have to come out here, strip naked and beg forgiveness for a certain amount of time. Some people have to beg for different things. It would be worse for me, but I guess everyone assumes that I'm going to apologize to you, Ger. Which I will, as soon as we get inside, and possibly are alone?" She seemed hopeful about that, even as Karen and Smythe mocked her for being cowardly and not doing it in public.

  Still, while he got the idea, he hadn't been hurt and even through the shield it was pretty clear that the girl hadn't been really trying to do more than slap at him. With a closed fist, and he was willing to bet good form, but he'd been hit with a shield on before. That was different. The floor popped if the person really meant it, for one thing.

  He nodded to her, willing to take her intent as being enough. She was in charge after all. She could have set up the rules so that anything she did was just the law. This seemed more sensible however.

  There was a good line at the bake shop, and they had to work in carefully, starting from just outside the purple door, which had been propped open, and slowly moving into the inner portion. There was no shortage of food in Harmony, and people could use the food devices to get what they needed, over in the restaurant or the food shop, but this place did smell good.

  Looking around it was decently impressive inside. It seemed, from the interior, almost like he'd walked into a country shop on Earth. There was a large window, to the left, that showed a town outside, surrounded by evergreen trees. Complete with horses and people walking past. There was a smaller one on the right, that seemed to be showing the same scene. If he listened he could
make out the sounds too, and everything looked real. Except that it wasn't what was outside the place, and there were no windows into the store at all. Magic, he was willing to bet. That, or Austran technology, but it was Tor's place and the man was an excellent builder.

  Everyone looked at it, and then found seats at a small white table that had a clear glass top. It was pristine, and the chairs were hard, but as soon as one was free, Karen took him by the hand and pulled over a seat, then started looking meaningfully at the rest of the people eating their treats. She didn't call for them to leave, but people saw the funny clothing and got the idea.

  Strangers, there to see Tor. It wasn't a fast process, since behind the counter, Tor kept giving away things as more people came in to ask for them. Finally, after about fifteen minutes, the other needed people came in, all at once, and Douglas Baker closed the door, much to Tor's amusement and slight annoyance. At least that was what his face seemed to be telling them.

  That lasted right until he finally came out and noticed who was there.

  "Nita!" He ran to the woman and practically picked her up, then, his entire family being there or not, including his wife and mother, he kissed her soundly enough that Gerent had no doubt that the woman was well and truly loved. When he sat, not asking any questions yet, he insisted on being right next to her. Ali moved in on the other side, but didn't have a chair, so Gerent gave her his and moved over in front of the counter. It was clear and shone like smooth glass, but inside it was a wonderland of baked things. Pies, decorated cakes and small fried treats as well. Breads in at least six varieties and rolls in at least as wide of an assortment. Cookies too. His stomach tried to growl at him, looking at it all, but he turned back, waiting for Douglas to hop up and let the next batch of people in.

  Tiera stood up, and moved in next to him. Everyone went silent and looked at them, as if they were in charge suddenly.

  "As soon as the door is locked? This is everyone I think. All the immortals. Except Alice. Can someone get her on a device? This is important."


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