Malice Masterpieces 2

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Malice Masterpieces 2 Page 6

by K'Anne Meinel

  Alice was keeping Kathy calm, this procedure would go better if she was relaxed. Perhaps it wasn’t the best time to be inflicting this on her bride-to-be’s body but even Kathy wanted it all and wanted it soon. It wasn’t like she was going to get pregnant by accident on their wedding night like other couples. This procedure, unbeknownst to Kathy was tricky under any circumstances and few people had the kind of money and power that Alice did to enact it. Normally impregnating a woman with sperm and eggs from another woman was relatively easy, at least in the last twenty years or so it was, but add in the DNA from Kathy so it would genetically be related to all of them was trickier and almost unheard of. Alice had assured the doctors that this was what they wanted and allowed them to use the case study in their research. It helped that she was a major investor in their research, financial backing a project lent priority to their wants and needs.

  “Well ladies, are you ready?” Dr. Robinson asked them cheerfully.

  The two women smiled, Alice confidently and Kathy a little nervously. She was lying there in a cloth sheet and gown and nothing else, feeling extremely vulnerable.

  “Everything looks good from the tests,” Dr. Robinson continued in her cheerful manner smiling to calm Kathy. It wasn’t easy to have a person stick a tube inside of you and this one always looked ominous to patients as it appeared to be a needle syringe. It was a special one though; it contained the fertilized and genetically altered eggs that Alice had donated. They had figured out Kathy’s ‘fertile’ time and now was a good time to implant them or they would have to wait another entire month to six weeks. They had more for future implantations when they were ready if this one didn’t take or if the couple wished more children, Alice had already purchased additional implantations and sperm for future proceedings, tying up all the donated sperm so there would be no other ‘siblings’ to their genetically altered offspring. “Now Kathy, I want you to relax,” she grinned knowing that was the hardest part. “Let’s put your legs up in the stirrups,” she indicated the steel braces that would raise her legs and spread them.

  Alice held Kathy’s hand reassuredly, Kathy was gripping her tightly, her only real sign of nervousness as she lay there for the implantation. So much rode on this and she didn’t want anything to go wrong, she didn’t want to disappoint Alice, they both wanted another child so much or so Kathy thought. Alice just wanted Kathy to be happy and would ensure it any way she could.

  Kathy put her feet into the stirrups and looked up at the ceiling. The doctor had a sense of humor and posters were plastered all over the ceiling for women to look at. There is nothing comfortable about putting yourself in stirrups for a doctor to look at your vagina. She felt the coolness of the doctor’s impersonal gloved hands as she examined her one more time.

  “Kathy, scoot down a little, just a few inches for me will you?” the doctor asked from between her legs and under the sheet.

  Kathy felt invaded as the doctor inserted the cold speculum to open her cervix wide for the implantation. She watched on a mirror set to the side for just this purpose as the doctor reached for the syringe. She held her breath as she expertly inserted the mixture into her cervix with hopes for all of them that the eggs would attach to the side and create a baby for them. Only when the doctor immediately removed the speculum and lowered the sheet did Kathy feel she could breathe again.

  “Now, you’re going to lay there for twenty minutes or more and while I’m gone I want you gals to,” and here she paused as she thought about exactly how to suggest it to them, “Um,” she seemed embarrassed, “Well you know, they say that it not only relaxes you but the contraction of your uterus causes the fertilized eggs to latch on tightly…” she left off as her face turned red and she gathered her tools to leave the room.

  Alice exchanged a look with Kathy the amusement on her face obvious.

  Kathy was mortified, “Did she mean what I think she meant?” she asked incredulously.

  Alice nodded as she moved to the roller chair that the doctor had just vacated and lifted the sheet.

  Kathy tried to pull her legs together and sit up but Alice pushed against her stomach and said, “Relax; it’s not like you don’t know what I’m going to do to you.” She pushed her legs apart with her hand gently.

  “You can’t be serious you’re going to…” she gasped.

  Alice nodded, “If it helps things why not?”

  Kathy laid back and stared at the ceiling certain she would feel nothing. This was so odd, and she felt very weird about her girlfriend, her fiancée, going down on her in a doctor’s office. She couldn’t possibly have an orgasm under the circumstances. She forgot though how good Alice was at it and her determination.

  Gently Alice began to rub her clit and the surrounding tissue. She worried about the possibility of seeing something white coming out of her girlfriend, perhaps the inserted fertilized eggs but she saw that Kathy was unnaturally dry at the moment; probably the situation was not conducive to lovemaking. She massaged all around between her legs trying to relax Kathy but she could tell that this alone was not going to work. She came out from under the sheet to see Kathy staring at the ceiling very determinedly and nearly laughed. She got up and went to her head to kiss her gently. “Baby, it’s not something you need to think so hard about, enjoy it, it’s like…” here she thought quickly not wanting to make an analogy that would have Kathy even drier, “Sex in public, you know about that….remember,” she teased.

  Kathy did indeed know about sex in public, Alice had brought along a couple of blankets to a picnic for the two of them on the beach one evening and seduced her there much to her chagrin and enjoyment. She had come out of her euphoria to find a man and his dog standing over them as Alice was kissing her way back up her over heated body. The experience had been awesome and humiliating at the same time but Alice had laughed about it and the man had pulled his dog hastily away as he was embarrassed once he realized the situation. Here he had thought something was wrong with the woman lying on the beach and didn’t realize it was two women making whoopee! Fortunately it was dark enough that he hadn’t seen who it was and neither of the two women had seen him again although any man walking a dog was suspect from then on. Remembering the experience brought a smile of remembrance to Kathy’s face and she responded when Alice began to kiss her passionately, her hands roaming on her nearly naked body, the hands were knowledgeable and knew all her buttons and what ones to push to get the needed and expected response.

  Soon Kathy forgot she was in a doctor’s office with weird and amusing posters on the ceiling and instead concentrated on the lips that had captured her own and the knowledgeable hands on her body exciting and delighting her.

  Alice kissed her to distract and arouse her; her fingers began to play through the sheets, not quite the same as skin on skin contact but still enticing. She was rewarded by feeling and seeing out of the corner of her eye as Kathy’s nipples responded to what she was doing. The gown that Kathy was wearing was good for clinical exams but even better for Alice to pull slowly up and allow her fingers to touch Kathy’s rapidly heating body. She could hear the catch in Kathy’s breathing as she kissed her deeply and soundly.

  Kathy couldn’t believe how this woman made her feel. Despite the time they had been together she always surprised and delighted her. She loved that Alice never made her feel inept or foolish, it had inspired her on many occasions to take the upper hand and as a result Alice had enjoyed her aggression, forcefulness, and their lovemaking sessions even more. Now, in her nervousness she was sure she would not be able to have an orgasm but Alice knew her so well, knew how much she loved her, knew every nuance to bring in to play to make her feel good, to make her forget her nervousness and surroundings…

  Alice was sucking on Kathy’s tongue hard; a finger playing with the gown and her skin as she slowly raised the fabric. Kathy being naked underneath only allowed Alice more access to her rapidly heating body. She wished she could climb on top of Kathy and use her own body to
help break down Kathy’s defenses but this was a challenge and she was up to the job. It was like playing a piano; she was going to use her fingers to create the best ‘music’ out of the instrument. The sighs, the responses, and the muffled groans told her that her playing of this instrument was becoming successful. She built up the song, playing a crescendo as she felt her way along in this musical. She smiled to herself realizing how rapidly Kathy was becoming aroused. Her agile fingers playing mercilessly she enjoyed what she was doing to her fiancée.

  Kathy couldn’t believe how mindless Alice was making her, she wasn’t even totally aware of her surroundings; she muffled her groans but barely, realizing on some level that they were in the doctor’s office. She could feel the delicious feelings inside rising, the ones that only Alice had ever drawn out of her. The tingles began in her toes, the blood began to drain from her lips, Alice’s lips against her own and her fingers touching her body was the only body contact they had…slowly and surely the tingles rose up her heated and flushed body…

  Alice began to raise the sheet, when Kathy’s lower extremities were exposed, Alice was certain Kathy wasn’t even aware of that as she began to move down her body, she wanted desperately to suck on her nipples but settled for tweaking them as she moved rapidly to the V between her lover’s legs and began to immediately tease her erect clit with her tongue.

  The tingles changed with this new tactic, they became even more intense. Kathy bit back the little moans and cries that Alice was causing as she pushed her lower half into Alice’s mouth, as much as Alice would allow.

  Still teasing with just fingers and mouth she pulled away when Kathy attempted more contact, Alice tongue lashed her erect clit and massaged the surrounding skin. She could scent her lover’s arousal, she could see out of the corner of her eye the moisture forming, she wanted to plunge in with her tongue and her fingers but instead satisfied her with outside stimulation, and she was satisfying her from the all indications.

  The blood from her lips was gone, they were cold, her brain was rapidly losing all coherent thought, she curled her toes that the tingle had left without blood and she arched as it all centered around the lips on her clit. She nearly screamed out as the sensations became too much for her body and she arched up into a sitting position, Alice’s fingers on her nipple slipping away as her mouth nearly became dislodged from Kathy’s clit. She hung on though and the sight of Alice’s head between her legs had Kathy cumming and cumming hard! She restrained her cries of ecstasy but barely! Her hips though continued to buck against Alice’s eager little lips and tongue until she had wrung every spasm from her over heated body. Slowly she eased back on the table as Alice lifted her head and wiped her lips and cheeks with the back of her hand smiling broadly down at the woman she was hovering over.

  “I think that was what the doctor ordered,” she said wryly and both she and Kathy dissolved into laughter.

  With that behind them they had to worry about their wedding. The planner had been determined to turn it into more than what the two of them wanted but something about one of the brides frightened her into curbing her enthusiasm. With that though it was a lovely ceremony with Kit being their flower girl and Andie Wilson and Portia Spiros as their attendants, the few guests they had made it an intimate and lovely affair.

  The flowers displayed around the house and into the gazebo were just lovely, the justice of the peace had written a beautiful piece for them and as they spoke their vows Kathy swore she saw a tear in Alice’s eye but she couldn’t be quite sure because they were pouring down her own cheeks she was so happy. As Alice slipped the ring on her finger and she slipped one on Alice’s they kissed to the cheers and clapping of their assembled guests.

  The party went on for hours in their new home and everyone admired it, looking around nosily into the rooms, many commented on the empty and undecorated nursery.

  “Don’t you find Alice a little, um er, cold?” one of the friends Kathy had made from the school Kit attended commented to another of the mom’s.

  The mom nodded as she watched how attentive Alice was and then commented, “But if our husbands paid as much attention to us as she does to Kathy then we would have nothing to worry about would we?”

  This wasn’t the only exchange regarding Kathy and Alice’s nuptials. In fact Andie and Portia had had a similar conversation by phone. “I never thought Kathy was gay, what does she have to marry that Alice for?” Andie asked as she looked at the engraved and expensive invitation she was holding.

  “You should have seen Kathy last year, she was so afraid, a real mess and Alice helped her out, they fell in love and Kathy wasn’t sure what to do about it. When I visited we sat and talked for hours. She is in love with her, who would have thought?” Portia reminisced.

  “Well Connie was a barrel of fun, but I always felt Alice was a little cold, like she had never had a moment’s fun in her life, remember how awkward she felt going out with us when she visited?”

  “She’s different with Kathy though and she makes her happy, if they want to get married I say let them.”

  They both agreed to not only to attend the wedding but to stand up for Kathy and Alice as their attendants as Kathy had requested. Andie was delighted to see that the love that Kathy had for the cold and pretty Alice seemed to be returned. It amazed her to see Alice laughing and being almost human to her invited guests. She also overheard a couple of Alice’s guests talking.

  “Damn she has the Midas touch, my portfolio has never looked better.”

  “Why won’t she take me on as a client?” the other one sounded bitter.

  The first one shrugged and then said, “I don’t know but she IS VERY VERY choosy about whose money she handles.” A touch of pride could be heard in this first ones voice.

  “My money is as good as yours,” the second one said bitterly before they moved off.

  Andie wondered why Alice didn’t take on more clients, it was obvious people wanted her services. The estate showed she had made money, a lot of it. She could make a lot more if she wanted. She watched as Alice effortlessly swung Kit up into her arms for a hug. She would never have thought to see the day.

  Alice had to concede that she actually felt an emotion she thought never to experience. She was happy. Kathy was fun, she was loving, she was attentive, and Alice wanted to give her the world. Their honeymoon had been for the three of them in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico because Kathy had said she wanted to see it. Despite having a child along the two of them both remembered it as a romantic and wonderful honeymoon. The three of them played tourist all over town and enjoyed each other. They went boating, site-seeing, and ate at the best restaurants. If not for Montezuma’s revenge that Kathy contracted it would have been perfect.

  “Are you feeling any better?” Alice asked concerned their first night back home.

  Kathy was laying in the huge bathtub that was big enough for two and she was just lying back resting. She couldn’t stand the draining effects and acid of the diarrhea she had suffered for days now. She shook her head as she felt the cramps begin again and then looked down horrified in the water as blood began to come out of her body.

  “Oh my God Kathy, has that happened before?” Alice had seen the blood too.

  Kathy shook her head as she began to cry, “What if I’m dying?”

  Alice gathered her close despite the wet from the water, “Come on, put a pad on, I’ll help you with your clothes, I’m taking you to the hospital.”

  Kathy protested but Alice was determined and overrode her. She helped her into slacks, putting her socks and shoes on her herself. She helped pull a blouse over her head and comb her hair and then gently wrapped her in a blanket before helping her to the car and buckling her in.

  “Mrs. Fernandez, I’m taking Kathy to the hospital, she is very ill, may I ask you to watch for Kit when she comes home from school?” Alice asked the housekeeper.

  Mrs. Fernandez nodded; she too had been concerned when she saw how pale Kathy was return
ing from her honeymoon. She had seen the amount of laundry that Alice had done for them both and been surprised that she hadn’t been asked to do it for them. Kathy had stayed in their bedroom making her way to and from the bathroom. Alice had brought her soup that she had ordered Mrs. Fernandez to make as well as salt crackers and white soda.

  Alice drove quickly to the hospital and checked Kathy in. She thought for a moment and called the clinic asking to talk to their doctor and quickly explained the situation. She was relieved when she agreed to come and examine Kathy for a possible miscarriage.

  “I’m sorry, I am SO sorry,” Kathy sobbed in Alice’s arms.

  “Shhh, shhh babe, it’s not your fault, it’s not your fault,” Alice held her tightly and rocked her. They had just gotten the news that Kathy’s body had expelled the baby that had taken root. The doctor said it could have just been a natural reaction to her body’s illness or even a natural abortion; it was no one’s fault.

  “I should have taken better care not to get sick,” she sobbed unreasonably.

  Alice shook her head, “You heard the doctor, it isn’t anyone’s fault, it was nature.”

  Kathy wouldn’t be soothed though; once they got her body to stop liquefying all the food she consumed and her electrolytes up she was determined to schedule another implantation. Alice insisted that she rest, possibly for weeks first. The doctor agreed, it was too soon for another implantation at this point.


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