Malice Masterpieces 2

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Malice Masterpieces 2 Page 29

by K'Anne Meinel

  “Oh, oh, ohhhhh,” she cried out as she quickly turned her head to scream out into her pillow. The house wasn’t as large as their home in Palos Verdes and not nearly as sound proof.

  Alice wasn’t done with her yet though as she held her through that first orgasm. Inserting her fingers she pressed up and in, hitting Kathy’s G spot and causing a spurt of fluid that wetted her hand. She smiled at what she was doing to Kathy who was writhing again almost instantly.

  She had barely come down from the first when Alice was already tonguing her clit, pressing inside and hitting that delicious spot. Slow thrusting ensued and every second or third thrust a light caress against the G spot. Kathy couldn’t believe how quickly Alice had aroused her the second time. It wasn’t demanding, it was loving, it was tender…she could tell Alice was enjoying what she was doing to her and seeing her face between her legs with the delight clearly on it sent her over the edge a second time. She clamped her legs against Alice’s head as she bucked and writhed and gushed over the fingers inside her.

  Alice loved knowing what she was doing to her wife. She hadn’t demanded anything, she had simply insisted that they take it slow, take it easy, and with an incredible amount of patience the results were more than she could have hoped for. Her own arousal was high and she moved up Kathy’s over-heated body taking her in her arms and kissing her deeply.

  Kathy could taste herself on Alice’s lips and tongue. She could smell both of their arousals. She was exhausted not only from the stress she had put herself through all evening but from the sensual lovemaking that Alice had put her through. She wanted to sleep, desperately, but Alice was kissing her in a way she knew that no sleep would come for a while. She responded to it accordingly, showing Alice how much she loved her, how much she desired her. Caressing her, not in a hard or rough rapid way this time but slowly and tenderly, the way Alice had done to her.

  Alice couldn’t tell Kathy she wanted it fast and furious now after she had made such a point of loving her so thoroughly and slowly. But the caresses she was feeling in return now weren’t enough for her body. She wanted her wife touching her, now, there, and she gently grabbed her hand and placed it between her legs to suggest it to her.

  Kathy smiled in delight. Alice who had insisted on slow and easy was now insisting on more and quicker than normal. She could feel the heat radiating from her lover’s body. The moisture between her legs was incredible; it instantly covered her hand as she plunged in. It was obvious one finger wasn’t going to be enough, she tried two, the thrust was easy with that much moisture. She tried a third finger and her thumb began to rub on Alice’s clit. Her lips and tongue played with Alice’s. A growl and a moan escaped from Alice in appreciation of how Kathy was playing with her body. Kathy’s other hand smoothed down Alice’s backside until she cupped her buttock and held her in place as she pumped her hand into her.

  Alice knew it wouldn’t take her long; she was too aroused, she had enjoyed herself too much arousing her wife to wait any longer than necessary. The combination of fingers and thumb had her moaning as the pressure built and popped. She pulled her tongue out of Kathy’s mouth as she threw her head back and gasped for air at the intensity of her orgasm. She wanted to scream and sensing this Kathy covered her mouth again and Alice’s guttural scream echoed into her own. Her body twisted and ground against the hand thrusting inside it, her hands clutched Kathy’s lush body to her own as they met breast to breast. Kathy’s grip on her ass felt hot and tight to her as she pulled her even closer. For a second Alice felt as though she had lost consciousness as she felt the waves go through her.

  Kathy was incredulous. Alice had rarely lost ‘control’ like this. Momentarily she wondered if Alice had been with anyone while she was ‘dead’ but she had wondered that before and all indications from the children and Alice were that she had been too grief stricken to try. Seeing her in her arms like this though she wondered that she could ever doubt that Alice loved her, that she wanted her. That she could share herself like this with Kathy was too special to discount. Slowly she held Alice as she came down from the mountain she had so quickly climbed.

  Alice looked at Kathy as she slowly pulled out of her. Holding each other they exchanged intimate smiles that only lovers shared. Gently Alice kissed her in gratitude for causing that in her. Finally they had achieved the intimacy she had been craving. So much had gone into this lovemaking of theirs and for Alice it was a level she never shared with anyone else.

  Kathy was smiling as she leaned her forehead against Alice’s and then kissed her gently murmuring, “Thank you,” softly and reverently.

  Holding each other, legs intertwined, they began to drift off in each other’s arms. Sometime during the night one or the other turned to get in a more comfortable position but all night long they were touching in some form. They woke to smiles as they both remembered the night before.

  Over the next few days they referenced the journal only vaguely. Once again it became Kathy’s coveted possession. She never wanted her children to read it. She guarded it from them almost obsessively. Alice didn’t ask to read it again, she had practically memorized it the first two times she read it, she also knew a lot more than Kathy realized. They didn’t actually discuss it but they both knew the other was aware of what had happened at the compound. To Kathy’s relief it didn’t matter to Alice, she still loved her. To Alice’s relief Kathy didn’t really wish to discuss the details and so she needn’t lie to her wife or worry about giving too much away.

  To distract the children who had played endlessly on the island Alice arranged for a glass bottomed boat to be made available for all of their use. It was fun for the whole family and everyone, including Nan and Mrs. Fernandez and Coco could go along for picnics on the reef and watch as the fish quite fearlessly came up to the glass and watched them as well. It was endlessly fascinating as they saw fish that only snorkeling would have allowed them to be seen otherwise, as Alice was the only one who snorkeled, now the whole family could enjoy the sights. It also told Alice where some fish were that her presence and hunting had nearly eliminated in the past. She took note of this for future reference.

  One day Alice took along her snorkeling gear and swam around the boat and under it to make faces at the children who giggled endlessly at the contortions that she made through the glass.

  As Alice looked in the port hole of the boat Kathy suddenly had a feeling of dejavu, it hit her so hard and so suddenly she was unprepared. Suddenly she was back in her little cubicle, waiting for her ‘masters’ pleasure and a face appeared in the window of the door. Glancing at it she could have sworn it was Alice despite the mask with her distinctive cat-like eyes, even the shade of them which changed was normal like she was seeing them now. Seeing Alice like this now with the diving mask on she was certain she had seen this very thing once before, not with the goggles of course but in the little cubicle that had been her prison for so long. She suddenly was shaking, her head was reeling and she felt dizzy. Putting out a steadying hand she held on for all she was worth.

  “Are you okay Mom?” Kit asked seeing her ashen face.

  Kathy didn’t hear her, there was a ringing in her ears and she had her eyes closed to control her emotions.

  Alice looked at her through the hole again and saw her ashen face, alarmed she quickly surfaced and climbed into the boat. “Are you all right Kathy?” she asked concerned as she ripped off her snorkel, goggles, and flippers wringing out her long blonde hair as she put down the spear gun.

  Kathy opened her eyes, the world was not her little prison, and she was out on the water with her loving wife and her three concerned children who were all watching her in alarm. She was in a tropical paradise, far from the prison and tortures she had survived. There was a nice breeze out here on the boat whipping her hair back. Breathing deeply, in through her nose, out through her mouth, she controlled the nausea that threatened and kept her panic at bay. She nodded as she quipped, “Just a little motion sickness.” But she
fooled only the children. She looked at the spear gun remembering that the FBI agents had said many if not all of the killings were with a knife like object.

  Alice’s eyes narrowed wondering what had happened to Kathy to cause her to pale like that. She had never been one to suffer motion sickness.

  Kathy looked at Alice as though she was seeing her for the first time, silently Alice looked straight back at her wife, there was something there, a knowing, a realization that had never been there before.

  ~The End~ K’Anne ;-P


  Book 10

  While stories about male murderers abound, one in six serial killers is female. Since their methods are usually quieter — poisoning and smothering are most popular — female killers have longer careers, wreaking havoc for an average of eight to eleven years as opposed to the two or three that men get away with. This is only for KNOWN and FOUND OUT killers, women especially can go undetected indefinitely as they are erroneously thought of as the ‘weaker’ sex and not thought of at first in a murder investigation.

  Kathy stared at Alice with knowing, horror-filled eyes. She remembered what the FBI had finally told her of the murder scene, the number of bodies, what had been done to those bodies. They believed several people had committed the crime, possibly in revenge for one of the women, or perhaps what Alex had put them through. They didn’t have any leads to go on, merely speculation.

  The horror she remembered at hearing what had been done to those victims and the satisfaction at the same time, the guilt, she relived that all in an instant as she looked at Alice’s amazingly cat-like eyes and remembered seeing them through the window of her cell. She had been there, Kathy knew it, instinctively. Alice’s eyes were too distinctive, and Kathy had loved them and her for too long not to recognize them. All the little niggling that had gone on in the back of her consciousness began to make sense in that moment of realization.

  Alice stared back wondering what Kathy was thinking, what had caused her to go so white. She went to touch her but Kathy pulled away, almost violently. Alice pulled back in confusion. Staring at her wife for a moment she went to pull up the anchor and head back in. The kids protested but she explained that Kathy was feeling ill and they needed to take care of her.

  All the fears of betrayal came back to haunt Kathy. The one person, the one person in the world she had absolutely trusted, had she lied to her? Had she betrayed her?

  “It was you wasn’t it?” Kathy hissed her accusation when they were finally alone. She had thought over conversations over the years. She remembered Alice’s ‘resources’ and wondered at them. She tried to remember more but the fog in her brain from her own horrible experience wasn’t quite clear, wasn’t quite over. Had she moved from one horror to another? But this was Alice! This was the love of her life, she trusted her! She had children with her! She had a home with her! She had loved her and waited for her! She held out hope, she wanted Alice to lie to her if it was her, she wanted answers and yet she feared them.

  “What was me?” Alice asked specifically but she was astute enough to realize what Kathy was asking. She had seen the knowing look in her wife’s eyes.

  “It was you up at the compound, I saw you in the window of my cubicle!” she said with absolute conviction. Alice’s eyes were just too distinctive. “Why didn’t you get me out of there? Why did you leave me?” she cried her anguish. “Did you do that to those men? Who helped you? Who was with you?” She imagined teams of people helping her petite wife to kill those men and wondering how they had all pulled it off. Her ‘resources’ took on all new meaning as she realized what this meant.

  Alice wasn’t sure she should tell her, at the same time she didn’t want to lie. Would the horror of finding out who Alice was, what she was, would that end their relationship? She looked at Kathy a long moment evaluating her options. She knew she could trust Kathy but could she trust her after she told her the truth? Should she lie to her for her own good?

  “It was you, wasn’t it?” Kathy asked again in a horrified whisper her hand going to her mouth as she remembered what she had been told and what she had learned. The little she had seen when she had been taken from there didn’t prepare her for the mental images of what she had been allowed to know. Someone or several someone’s had horribly mutilated the bodies, they had killed all the guards, all the men and a couple of women who had been there victimizing the women, enjoying their bodies, teaching them, using them. Alex ‘The Flybird’ Johansen, her supposed Master, had been tortured, when she heard that she had been glad, very happy to hear that and then felt guilty for being glad.

  “Yes,” Alice said simply and stood there waiting to see what Kathy would do. How she would react to the news that her wife had taken the lives of many men in revenge for what they had done to her?

  Kathy stared at her, having her admit that she had been there; that Kathy’s imagination hadn’t run away on her was almost anticlimactic. She felt as though her body deflated at the confirmation of her accusations.

  Alice reached out a hand to her but withdrew it when Kathy pulled away. Sighing, she tried to explain, “I had to have deniability. How could I explain what I was doing there? How could I explain how I knew you were there?”

  Kathy stared at her in horror but understood what she as saying. As that sunk in she realized how glad she was that all of those men were dead, they had deserved it for treating her and the others as nothing more than a piece of meat, a toy, a plaything to be trotted out at their convenience or even breeding machines. Her eyes began to change as Alice watched her, waiting for her to say something, make an accusation, ask a question, anything. The silence stretched unbearably between them, and then, “But why?”

  Alice looked surprised at the question, of anything that Kathy could have asked her all she asked was why? Thinking quickly she answered, “I didn’t want their version of events, their lies, anything to be told. They used you and the others and were willing to do it again to others…” Her voice petered away as Kathy’s eyes widened suddenly in remembrance.

  “Kit…” she breathed.

  Alice nodded.

  “But how did you find out?” she asked in a pleading tone, she needed to know, she was still absorbing the fact that her wife had killed those men, perhaps she had misunderstood, maybe her ‘resources’ had killed them and Alice had merely orchestrated it, paid for hired assassins. She was grasping at straws, not her loving wife, not this petite blonde, no one would believe that Alice Weaver was a killer, she certainly didn’t.

  “Dr. Dan,” she said adding nothing and still feeling the tension. She wanted, she needed Kathy to ask the right questions. She would not ‘volunteer’ anything that Kathy didn’t want to know.

  “How did you find out from him?” she asked forgetting their previous conversation.

  “I bugged his house and then when he was on a trip I went through his things. I found a reference to you and what he was planning for Kit. It was all faxed to Alex.” She shook her head at the stupidity of having left concrete proof but perhaps they needed bragging rights or something. They should have destroyed the faxes.

  Kathy was astonished. First that Alice would do all that, had the knowledge for it, but that she had been set up by these men.

  “I’m grateful for that though,” Alice said quietly.

  Kathy looked puzzled at that declaration until Alice continued.

  “That was the first reference to you, my first clue that you were alive.”

  Kathy calmed herself a bit at this unintentional sign of affection.

  “Bonnie brought you to the attention of Dan and Alex, I believe she was somehow involved with Eli Watson,” Alice finished.

  Kathy was furious; her best friend had set her up to be used by these men? What had they planned for her daughter? “Eli Watson?” He was in prison. “How do you know this?”

  “I didn’t tell you everything I found before because you were still assimilating things.” Alice was beginning
to worry if she was perhaps being too honest.

  Kathy’s eyes narrowed. Was the fact that Alice hadn’t told her everything a betrayal? Had she lied to her? Something told her though that Alice was being truthful right now. “Do you know where she is now?”

  Alice nodded and shrugged at the same time, “I have a lead on both Bonnie and Dr. Dan, I think they may be hiding in Florida. With everything that went on at the compound and to Alex and his men there are a lot of people hiding out who were involved.”

  “How do you know the others were involved?” Kathy asked suddenly feeling slightly frightened. It was one thing for Alice to have read her diary, she had offered that freely but what else she knew was alarming.

  Alice hesitated only a moment gauging Kathy’s reactions to the information she had already gotten. “I saw the videos and Alex kept very detailed records.”

  Kathy wilted, “You saw…” She sat suddenly on the bed her legs losing their ability to hold her up. Oh god this was worse than she had thought as she rubbed her forehead with her hand.

  Alice wanted to comfort her wife but thought better of it for the moment. “Yes, I saw your videos as well as the ones of the other women. Alex and his men got what they deserved.” She mentioned the four men that had died since then as well.

  Kathy’s head whipped up at their names. “You tracked them down? They are dead?”


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