Malice Masterpieces 2

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Malice Masterpieces 2 Page 34

by K'Anne Meinel

  Kathy jumped off to tie the boat, something she had done many times at their own dock in California, she knew how to tie a knot that would come loose by just a quick pull with the wrist, Alice had taught her that a long time ago. She smiled at the memory of how patient Alice had been teaching her things, even this, this killing matter…

  “Are you okay babe?” Alice asked quietly as she watched her wife and wondered at what her thoughts were. Nathan Wolffe was not going to be a pleasant memory; the videos of them had been especially rough. Alice had been surprised when he re-surfaced after her first four kills. Taking the time on the island and back home again in Palos Verdes had given him some false hope that those related to Alex and his atrocities had escaped vengeance. He must have felt confident in his Florida home…and safe. Alice suspected he had hidden in one of his many other homes around the globe, not all owned by himself in his own name but through their perverted network. She was just grateful he had shown back up in Miami for their trip would be very fruitful if they got him. She had almost got him after she took care of the other four but he had disappeared, probably the word was out that anyone associated with Alex was disappearing as well.

  “I’m fine, nervous, but I’m okay,” Kathy whispered her reassurance.

  The backyard was fairly well lit with small lights lightening the paths. At any other time Alice would have enjoyed looking at the plants and admiring the garden, but not now, not tonight. They stayed to the shadows but Alice must have missed something as some silent alarm was triggered. The backyard soon had four burly men looking about. They both hid down behind some foliage in the shadows. It must have been an obvious hiding spot though as they were trapped.

  “Come out of there,” one of the men ordered.

  Alice had impressed on Kathy to say nothing. She would take care of anything that happened. She hadn’t anticipated being caught but she thought on her feet. She nodded to Kathy and signaled that she should go out there.

  Kathy didn’t want to go out there. The thought of being in Nathan Wolffe’s clutches scared the hell out of her. She didn’t know if these men were just his bodyguards or had been with him on his visits to Alex’s compound. Her mind was fuzzy where this was concerned. Her fear was beginning to choke her.

  “Well look what we have here,” he said as he grabbed her arm to haul her out from her hiding place. Kathy was jerked up and out of the bushes but not before a terror filled look was translated to Alice who pulled further back into the shadows to hide.

  Alice’s heart leapt into her throat knowing her wife was so scared. She kicked herself for putting her into this situation. She knew it had been a bad idea. Taking the Summerlings was child’s play. Nathan was a whole different kettle of fish.

  “What are you doing here?” an authoritative voice asked Kathy as he held her arm up painfully.

  She shook her head. Alice had said to say nothing. She could manage that. She was too scared to say anything anyway.

  “Hey, she will make a nice present for the boss dontcha think?” another of the men mentioned with a sneer as he looked her over and began to feel her up.

  Alice didn’t like the odds but that was her wife they were manhandling. She didn’t think twice as she attacked using her boots to hit the one who had touched her inappropriately smack in the chest. The surprise was absolute. She quickly palmed a couple of her belt stars and flung them at the other two, one hit square in the neck and eye of one of the men and he went down, the other flinched back in time to miss being impaled.

  “What the hell?” she heard the oaths as the one she had missed charged her and using a full body block took her down. She was no match for his larger size and girth. Her petite form was crushed under him, her breath knocked completely out of her.

  “Well what have you got there Kevin?” asked the one she had hit with her boots.

  Alice was gasping to get her breath back; she was feeling dizzy as he got up off her and the oxygen began to flow again.

  “Looks like a pair of pretty birds,” the one holding Kathy stated as his grip on her increased. He noticed they were both dressed in dark clothes and weren’t exactly out for a stroll.

  Kevin pulled Alice up by her arm; he should have grabbed both of her arms as his superior strength would have kept her immobile. The moment she had enough air in her lungs she used her own arm to pivot off of, wrenching it slightly she climbed his body, used it as a leverage to bounce off with her legs and hit the man holding Kathy in the head with her boots. He went down holding Kathy who went with him.

  Kathy had been watching Alice and was amazed at the moves. Everything she had been teaching her in the basement in the Valley made sense now as she saw Alice in motion. She attempted to roll away from her captor but he had held on for all he was worth and she managed to bruise her arm instead of escape.

  Alice wrenched her arm out of Kevin’s grasp as she turned to attack him. His surprise was absolute as he hadn’t expected the trouble she had caused from so small a woman. She had a knife in his neck before she blacked out from the blow to her head from the man she had hit with her boots originally.

  “Did you kill her?” asked the one holding Kathy as he got up hauling Kathy with him.

  “No, but I should for what’s she done!” he said angrily as he looked at the two men she had downed. They could both see that their companions were dead. One from a set of knives, one in his eye and one in the neck, the other from a knife across his neck.

  “She doesn’t mess around does she?” the one asked in awe. These had been two strong men and she had downed them. Granted the element of surprise was in her favor but two of them!

  “Let’s take them into Wolffe and see what he wants to do with the trespassers!” He lifted Alice effortlessly and Kathy was relieved to see it because it meant she wasn’t dead.

  “You look familiar?” Nathan Wolffe asked Kathy by way of introduction after his men explained what had happened out on the grounds. He had looked at the unconscious Alice thoughtfully before turning his attention to Kathy.

  Kathy didn’t say a word, remembering what Alice had said to her, remembering too what this man had done to her, taking perverse pleasure in hurting her.

  Nathan examined her pretty face trying to remember where he knew her from and failing. “So, how do I know you?”

  Kathy glared her hate and animosity towards the man. He had obviously had so many women that he didn’t remember her. There was so much she wanted to say to him but seeing Alice unconscious in the chair kept her remembering Alice’s caution for silence. Without Alice backing her up though she didn’t feel as confident as she had before they had been caught.

  “So, why don’t you tell me why my men found you on the grounds?” he asked as he turned her face into the lamp light. When she didn’t answer he asked, “Pretty thing aren’t you.”

  Something about this voice, the insidious nature of it made Kathy’s skin crawl. His hand touching her face made her want to do things, her hands clenched unconsciously as her thoughts began to race.

  Nathan began to pace, her not answering was of no consequence. Two dead men though, that was a problem. He didn’t believe his other men’s tale that it was because of the blonde. There had to be more here. Why were these women on the grounds and what had been their plans? It wasn’t like he hadn’t had women sneak into his house before; he had some pretty wild parties in the past. But why were these dressed in black and why had they fought his men?

  “So which agency did you train with?”

  Alice grinned and shrugged, “No agency, self-trained.”

  The man looked at her disbelievingly, certain she was deceiving him. His eyes narrowed as he asked, “How is THAT possible, no one gets this good alone.”

  Her grin turned into a genuine smile at the compliment. She shrugged again. “I did,” she said quietly.

  He glanced at her in time to see that she had somehow untied herself and her hand came up so swiftly he wasn’t quick enough to avoid the cru
nching of the cartilage as she busted his nose. He reeled backwards from the pain and the surprise attack. Alice went with him as he fell down pushing the heel of her hand into his face and his nose cartilage into his brain. He was dead as he hit the floor.

  She rolled off of him in time to see the larger man swiping downward with a piece of glass from a broken vase that had fallen with her attack on the first man. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it, the man grunted in surprise at her grip as she caused it to cut into the webbing between his thumb and forefinger. Blood began to spurt from the cut. He tried to loosen his hold on the piece of glass but Alice squeezed harder and used her other hand to uppercut against his own nose and break it. She didn’t punch as hard or continue its path into his brain but she did knock him out. When he was laid out on the floor she quickly tied him up and found duct tape to solidify the ties that bound his considerable girth to the chair as well as silence him.

  Alice found herself impatient for answers. The man took forever to rouse from the blow to his head. Perhaps the amount of blood he had lost had affected his revival but she wasn’t happy with the length of time it took for him to awaken. She didn’t waste the time but frisked both men, no identification, no surprise there, but one, the larger of the two Samoans, had a matchbox with real wooden matches in it, from a bar in Honolulu. Her patience was wearing real thin when the man finally started to show signs of waking up.

  As his mind began to clear from the fog she had induced his eyes opened wide at the reversal of their positions. He glanced around and confirmed that the other man was dead on the floor. He looked back at her wondering what she had in mind.

  “Where is the woman that I came here with?” she asked him as she ripped the duct tape from his face.

  He shook his head, not just to avoid answering her but to clear the fog from his mind, the ripping of the tape helped clear most of it.

  Alice was not patient anymore and slapped him across the face and of course across his broken nose causing him an incredible amount of pain.

  The pain cleared the rest of the fogginess immediately.

  “Where. Is. The woman. That I came here with?” she enunciated slowly. When he was slow to answer though she raised her hand again and informed him, “I could do this all night but you are delaying the search for her so if you want to live you will answer me.”

  He looked into her eyes to see if she was serious, this diminutive blonde couldn’t possibly…then her remembered his friend dead on the floor and the two out in the back yard. The eyes were amazingly…dead, almost feline in appearance. Something was wrong with the light though, they were yellow. He never doubted her word though as her hand came up in his peripheral vision. “He took her upstairs, he said he knew she belonged to him or something,” he offered up.

  “Belonged to him?” she questioned waiting, her hand still raised.

  “He said he recognized her or something…” he gave her as he glanced at the elevated hand.

  Alice mentally cursed at bringing Kathy to this man’s house. She had known it was a BAD idea but Kathy had said she needed it. Alice had hoped that it would expunge whatever guilt or whatnot she was feeling. She glanced down at the man and hearing a noise upstairs she cocked her head to listen. She could tell Kathy must be objecting to something, she would recognize those tones anywhere, too many times had she heard her call the children. There was something else though… Looking down at the man she saw some sort of self-satisfaction in his eyes. “Who else is here?” she asked him.

  He saw his first chance at getting the upper hand as he began to grin. He never saw the heel of her hand as it came down and finished smashing his nose into his cranium. Alice tempered her blow though so that he wouldn’t die right away, if they got him to a hospital immediately he would be okay but she had no plans on letting them take anyone away when she was finished, and she wanted him to suffer a little.

  As the door opened she was hidden in the shadows and slipped out as the two men walked into the room with their guns drawn. She nearly ran into two others who were in the hallway but slithered into the shadows and waited as they began checking other rooms. She ran up the stairs towards the sounds of her wife protesting.

  “Who the hell do you think you are you little worm?” she heard Kathy yelling, genuine anger, none of the subservience she had seen in the videos. Good! Stay angry, they wouldn’t beat her this time if Alice had anything to say about it!

  “Now is that any way to talk to your lord and master?” he nearly whispered in an insidious voice full of meaning.

  “You are not my lord and master, you don’t own me,” Kathy argued with him.

  “Oh, but I do,” he said cryptically as he touched her face and she jerked away. Grasping it firmly he looked down into her defiant face. “You came to me, Kathy wasn’t it?”

  Kathy was losing her fight; it was difficult knowing they were doing things to Alice downstairs. She had seen them yank her up and begin to tie her up before she was hauled away up here. She had heard no noised from downstairs and had no idea what they had done to her. She could well imagine though as Nathan had told his men they could ‘have the blonde.’ She would be once again their prisoner and Alice too, all for what? Revenge? The fears began to creep into her mind once again.

  Nathan began to contemplate what he would do to this recalcitrant woman. It was bothersome having to train her again but he remembered she had been a good fuck when he visited Alex. He narrowed his eyes wondering how she had found him. Not even the F.B.I. had found out he had been there. He had left the country for a while but no warrant or even inquiry had come for him. He thought he was safe except some of his ‘friends’ had disappeared. With the disappearance of Harry though and the horrible death of Bonnie, he shuddered at what had happened at the clinic, he had brought in some body guards. That two of them were dead already spoke to him and told him that there was more than appeared before him in these bitches. He had dismissed Alice as too small to have been the killer and wondered at Kathy. She had been very submissive when under Alex’s control. Was she actually a killer in disguise? He had cut off her clothes already and she lay on the bed spread eagled and awaiting him. He was already hard and wondered if she was worth spilling his valuable seed. He didn’t breed indiscriminately as some of these others had. Kathy however, that touch of defiance, intrigued him. “Oh but you are owned by me, let’s just say I ‘inherited’ you from Alex.”

  Kathy gathered up what moisture was left in her mouth to spit at him, hoping that he would get angry enough to kill her. She would rather die than go through the horrible deprivations he had in store for her. She knew what some of them would be as she remembered back to his previous visits. Sure enough he reached down and pinched her nipple painfully between his finger and thumb. She gasped at the pain. “Can’t you get it up unless you hurt a woman?” she taunted despite the pain. His hand closed over the breast and bruised it in his grip. Kathy gritted her teeth.

  “Now now my pet, you really shouldn’t anger me,” he warned as he wiped the spittle from his face.

  “Or what, you will rape her again?” a new voice was heard.

  Nathan turned to see Alice only briefly as a roundhouse kick hit him in the jaw and he flew away from the bed and Kathy.

  “Sorry I’m late babe,” Alice said as she glanced at Kathy’s naked body.

  Kathy was never so relieved to see anyone. She had known that Nathan intended to use her again and again, probably painfully. She had almost resigned herself to the rape of her person. Her worry though had been about Alice. Here she was looking the worse for wear but an avenging angel never looked so good as she kicked Nathan again.

  Nathan was prepared for her the third time though and grabbed her foot pulling it up and she landed on her back where he kicked her quickly in the ribs causing her to lose her breath not only from the fall but from his blow. As he was wearing slippers the blows weren’t hard enough to do the damage he intended.

  In fact Alice would be sur
prised if he hadn’t hurt his foot more than her ribs although they hurt plenty from the kick. She twisted and rolled to get her foot out of his hand and bringing down her leg she wiped his legs out from under him and aimed a kick at his face jerking his head backwards. He reached behind his back and palmed a gun but Alice kicked it out of his hand before he had a chance to bring it to bear. Quickly she aimed kicks at his face knowing that speed was necessary to combat his superior strength. She would have thought she got lucky but his hand got a hold of her hair and pulled her head into his own forehead to daze her. She rolled painfully way losing hair in the process as she put distance between them.

  Kathy watched amazed as her wife seemed so lightening quick. She worked hard at her bonds; she realized the one on her right hand was slightly loose. She worked at it until it came apart and quickly rolled over on the bed to free her other hand and then worked rapidly on her feet restraints.

  Nathan liked nothing better than a good fight, but with a woman? It had been a long time since one had defied him. He was so sexually aroused right now he thought his appendage would break off it was iron stiff. His men must not have exaggerated, she was worthy of his sperm and he wanted Alice, once he subdued her. Training a bitch with spirit such as this would be a challenge and imagine the whelps he would sire off of her? He made the mistake of underestimating her though as she continued to beat the hell out of him. When her blows became what he considered serious, including one dangerously close to his manhood he began to try to choke her into submission. Her feeble attempts to break his grip only thrilled him further; his member throbbed in anticipation of taking her even if it was when she was half conscious. He would fuck her until she bled to teach her who was master, he would whip her backside and enjoy her again, he would….

  The shot rang out in the bedroom and Nathan slumped over Alice who gasped in relief at the release of her neck. Rolling she got out from under him and stared incredulously at her wife who stood there magnificently naked, her hair all in disarray, and holding a gun out in front of her. Alice got to her feet and saw the clump of her own hair that Nathan had pulled out of her scalp; she gathered it up and hastily pushed it into a pocket.


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