Nikon: #16 (Luna Lodge)

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Nikon: #16 (Luna Lodge) Page 8

by Madison Stevens

  Her mouth dropped open. “Three?”

  She could feel him smirk on the back of her neck. “Okay, three and four,” he laughed. “You’re insatiable.”

  Leah nearly choked on her own tongue. “I think you’re talking about yourself,” she mumbled.

  Nikon pulled her more snugly into his embrace. “Damn right,” he whispered. “Now get some sleep.”

  Leah smiled as she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  They were leaving Luna Lodge for their new home.

  Well, the hybrids were leaving, and the military wouldn’t be far behind. The general consensus of the government was keeping an eye on the hybrids was more trouble than it was worth.

  Military monitoring had only resulted in the government looking like it was allied with shady organizations and dangerous, corrupt mercenaries. The final move was great news for the hybrids, not so great news for Nikon.

  Things had been going so well for Leah and him, he’d held off even talking about what they would do once the hybrids left Luna Lodge. Several times he tried to convince her to quit the teaching job, and each time she would ask what she was going to do otherwise.

  He hated the situation, but he didn’t know what to do.

  More than anything, Nikon wanted her to come with him but worried that he was being selfish. Away from the hybrids, she was free to live the life she wanted. What could he offer her with him?

  Even if they wouldn’t have the government breathing down their neck anymore, they still would have to be careful. The Horatius Group and the Phoenix Corps were still out there, waiting for their chance.

  Nikon ran a hand through his hair as he waited for Leah. Tonight was the night of the spring formal at her school, and despite everything else, he’d promised to go.

  It was surprising. Despite the warning from Tycho, everything had been fine over the past few weeks. No suspicious men had snooped around or gone after Leah. Maybe the mobilization of the military and hybrids had scared them off. It was hard to say.

  Leah stepped out into the front room. He stood motionless as he stared at her.

  The dark strapless hunter green velvet dress looked amazing on her. She’d gathered her hair on the top of her head. Little red ringlets bounced as she moved.

  “You look great,” Nikon said, and made his way to her.

  Leah blushed and did a little twirl. He smiled.

  “You don’t think it’s too much, right? These kids have so much money, and I don’t want to stand out like a sore thumb.”

  Nikon placed a soft kiss against her cheek and trailed down to her neck. “You look beautiful, and if anyone looks like a sore thumb, it’s going to be me.”

  Another blush spread across her face, and the hybrid let out a little growl. He didn’t want to share her with that damned school.

  “We could stay home,” he said, and pulled her forward until she could feel the erection already pulsing between them. “And have a little fun instead.”

  Her eyes went wide as she stared up at him. “Are you always horny?”

  Nikon snorted. “I am when you’re around,” he whispered.

  She grinned up at him. “Give me a couple dances, and you might just get lucky later.”

  Leah gently pushed away from him and straightened his bowtie and jacket.

  Nikon hated these sorts of getups. He’d been forced to wear one from time to time, and never liked how restricted they felt. How did old-school men fight in something like this? It seemed totally impractical.

  “You look pretty handsome as well,” Leah said softly. She traced her hands down his chest, and a low rumble ripped from him.

  “Keep that up, and I’ll have no choice but to flip you over the couch and take what I want.”

  She nibbled her lip as if she were actually considering the offer. His growl grew a little louder.

  Leah jumped away from him and picked up her black shawl to drape over her shoulders.

  “Let’s get going so we can get back,” she said, and grinned.

  * * *

  The ride in the car was pleasant enough. There were so many times he thought about telling her about the move but decided that he would wait until the night was over. No reason to ruin the mood with stress.

  Tonight Leah would decide just where she belonged, and he would honor whatever she chose.

  They pulled into the school parking lot. There were so many fancy cars parked there, and he wondered just how many outside people were going to be at this school dance.

  “That’s weird,” Leah said more to herself than anything.

  Nikon turned to look at her after they had parked the car. “What?”

  She nodded to a car just across from them. “That car,” she said. “It looks just like the one that I thought was following me.”

  His jaw and shoulders tensed. He stared hard at the car before looking back over to her.

  “Wait,” Nikon said. “A car followed you? Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

  Leah shrugged. “This was several weeks ago, and well, it didn’t really follow me. I thought it was, but it turned off, and it didn’t follow home. There are likely millions of cars like that, right? I’m sorry I brought it up. I didn’t mean to freak you out.”

  Nikon grunted his reply but glanced back over to the car. His eyes narrowed.

  There might be millions of black cars, but he doubted many of them used armored tires, something Leah wouldn’t even notice. This car was ready for battle, and although these kids might be rich, he doubted they traveled around in anything that needed that level of security.

  Maybe, just maybe, if Tycho hadn’t said anything, he wouldn’t have worried, but the coincidence was too great.

  Nikon stepped out of the car and made his way round to Leah’s side. He opened the door and helped her step outside.

  She brushed down the dress quickly. He took her hand to his mouth and kissed her cold fingers.

  “It’s going to be fine,” Nikon said. It didn’t matter who was there. As long as he was with her, she’d be safe.

  Leah nodded, and they made their way toward the door. An older balding man waited there, greeting the guests as they came inside.

  “Leah,” the short, fat man said. “I didn’t realize you’d be bringing a guest.”

  Nikon watched the man who nervously watched him. Something he’d gotten used to from living in the city. Apparently people were somewhat disturbed by his size at times, and the man was short even for a normal human.

  “Pleasure to meet you,” Nikon said, reaching out a hand. “Name’s Nick.”

  Leah glanced over at him. They hadn’t talked about him using a fake name, but it came naturally.

  The man shook his hand with a weak and clammy grip. “I’m Headmaster Williams,” he said, and nodded inside. “Step right in.”

  The made their way up a few stairs but stopped when the headmaster called out to Leah. “I look forward to your answer later about our offer.”

  Leah glanced over at Nikon before nodding. A knot formed in his stomach. So, they did want her fulltime at the school.

  They made their way inside, and Nikon watched the people in the room. About half smelled of new money, acting like everything they touched turned to gold while the other half were busy turning their noses up at the new money.

  It was going to be an interesting party. He was fairly certain several of the teens were already drunk.

  “Why are there so many adults at this thing?” Nikon asked. “I thought dances were a teen thing.”

  Leah shrugged. “When I was talking with Matt about it, he said it’s a chance for these teens to mingle with new adults. To make connections and all that.”

  Nikon frowned.


  He’d heard her mention the other teacher on more than one occasion, and each time it pissed him off. Who the hell was this guy?

  Somehow Nikon had managed to pick her up every day after school and come to two games with
out ever running into the illustrious Matt. He was starting to wonder if the guy just didn’t want to meet the boyfriend of Leah. Chickenshit.

  Nikon stilled.

  Boyfriend. That was the first time he’d thought of himself that way. It was a dangerous thought. Something he could more than get used to, especially since she was now his Vestal, even if she was meant for his twin originally.

  “Let’s dance,” Nikon said gruffly.

  Leah glanced over to the table with punch. “It’s almost my time to take over,” she said, and worried her bottom lip. She turned toward Nikon and blushed. “But one dance couldn’t hurt.”

  The music was soft and slow, which was his luck considering he really didn’t know what the hell he was doing on the dance floor. Nikon didn’t really know what had come over him. All he knew was that he wanted her in his arms, pressed against his body.

  “This is nice,” she sighed.

  Nikon grunted. “What if it didn’t have to end?”

  Shit. This was not the right place. He knew it, but the words came out anyway.

  Leah leaned back and stared up at him. “What do you mean?”

  Nikon sighed. “I’ve been looking for a way to tell you, but we’re leaving. My... family that is.”

  “I already know that.”

  “You don’t understand. They’re packing up this weekend, and we’re heading out.”

  Her eyes widened. “When were you going to tell me?”

  Nikon shook his head and pulled her close to his body again. “I’m not leaving,” he said softly. “They are. For good. They’re keeping things locked down. If I’m not going to join them, then I’m not going to be told where they are going.”

  She looked up at him again and frowned. “You won’t know where they are if you don’t go?”

  Nikon shrugged. “It’s to keep everyone safe.”

  Leah stopped dancing. “You have to go,” she said quickly.

  Nikon pulled her back against him. “My place is wherever you are.”

  “Ms. Perkins,” the headmaster called. “I believe it’s your turn at the refreshments.”

  Leah nodded and glanced up to Nikon. “You can mingle.”

  Nikon nodded to the table. “I’ve got a quick call to make,” he said with a wink. “Then I’ll help you with your thirsty people.”

  Leah smiled at him as he made his way outside the door and into the hall. Nikon glanced around before ducking down a dark hall and into a classroom. He pulled out his phone and dialed.

  He’d not wanted to worry Leah, but the armored car had never totally left his thoughts. It was time to do his job and protect his woman.

  “Cato,” he said into the line. “I need you to run a plate for me.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Leah stood at the table pouring drinks absently. More than once someone had said something to her, and she hadn’t even remotely heard them. If the point of being at the party was to make a name for herself and connections with her fellow staff, she wasn’t really doing that great a job.

  It was hard to focus on much of anything when Nikon had dropped a bomb like that on her. All this time she’d wanted to go with her friends, and there he was, willing to sacrifice it all to be with her.

  She had avoided asking about the nature of their relationship. They obviously were more than friends now, but she couldn’t be sure, especially with the whole Vestal reality. It still seemed too new to ask those sorts of things, despite how long they had been practically living together.

  That said, Leah knew how she felt. Nikon was what made her feel at home, and without him, she would be hollow inside. Nothing was going to change that in her mind.

  In fact, the last few weeks had been leading up to tonight. She’d wanted to finish up strong in the two-week trial, but she knew she didn’t belong at the school.

  Leah looked around at the opulence that surrounded her. This wasn’t where she belonged. She missed the hybrid boys and longed for the days of their small school house. She wanted to be with the people she called family, and she wanted Nikon to have that as well.

  “You look deep in thought.”

  She nearly jumped out of her skin when Matt came to stand next to her.

  Leah smiled at the man. “I’m sorry.” Her cheeks heated. “I was.”

  He nodded and handed a woman a glass. The middle-aged woman smiled appreciatively at him then sneered at Leah. She nearly laughed. If only that bitch could see the man she’d really walked in with.

  “Did it have something to do with your date?” Matt said.

  Leah glanced over at Matt and gave a small nod.

  He sighed. “I thought that might be the case,” he said. “I hope it wasn’t anything important that called him away.”

  Leah frowned. “You saw Nik—” She stopped herself just in time. “Nick?”

  Matt nodded. “He was on the phone and seemed angry. I thought you two must have had some sort of argument.”

  Leah couldn’t stop the frown that filled her face.

  Had he misunderstood? He’d said he needed to make a call. Maybe he was telling them to move on without him. She couldn’t let that happen.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, quickly picking up her evening bag. “Do you think you could take over? I need to find the headmaster right away.”

  Matt frowned a little but nodded. “Sure, but I think he’s retired to his office for a bit. Probably with a glass or two of brandy.”

  Leah nodded quickly. She’d let the headmaster know that she wouldn’t be taking the job and then go to find Nikon before he did something he might regret.

  “Thanks!” she called out to Matt before quickly making her way to the door.

  * * *

  Nikon paced the floor of the classroom. This was taking far too long. He didn’t like the idea of leaving Leah like that, but she was safe in a room full of witnesses. That was one comfort he had in being at the event.

  “It’s not Petrov,” Cato said when he came back on the line. “It’s issued to the Phoenix Corps.”

  A knot formed in his stomach. The mercenaries had nearly taken out Servius, and the hybrids had tangled with the group on an island near Indonesia. The mercenaries had been working closely with Russia to capture hybrids for some dark purpose.

  It was hard for the Luna hybrids to be certain if the Corps was working for the Horatius Group or another organization doing similar dirty work. Either way meant trouble for his people.

  “I’m getting Leah and heading your way,” he said.

  He clicked off the phone and didn’t bother to wait for a reply. Above all else, he needed to get her the hell out of there.

  Despite his concern these past few weeks, he hadn’t seen the necessity of carrying a gun and found himself at a disadvantage he didn’t normally have.

  Not to mention the school full of children that these mercenaries would happily use as cover. When he’d thought it was gangsters, he’d not worried as much. Criminals tended to be sloppy when it came to actually fighting and risk averse about the police.

  Mercenaries, though, were well-drilled and could perform breach and clear snatch operations in mere minutes.

  He needed to find Leah and get the hell out of there.

  Nikon quietly made his way out of the classroom and back to the dimly lit dance hall.

  More people had made their way to the dance floor now, and an annoying shiny mirrored ball hung from the ceiling, reflecting lights on the floor as it spun.

  Everything in him wanted to take out the stupid contacts he was wearing and search for Leah with his superior hybrid vision unhindered.

  Hard as he looked, she wasn’t there. His heart started to hammer in his chest.

  Nikon stopped over near the table. A tall, thin woman was working the drinks now.

  “I’m looking for my girlfriend,” he said. “Her name is Leah. She was working here before.”

  The woman smiled sweetly at first then her face puckered at the mention of a girlfri

  “You sure she’s your girlfriend? I just saw her leaving with Matt trailing behind. That man goes after anything with a pair of tits.” She rolled her eyes.

  The way her face scrunched up when she said it only showed him that Matt had not, in fact, gone after her.

  “Which way?”

  The woman pointed to the door on the side. Nikon nodded and made his way into the darkened hall. Not caring who saw now, he pulled out his contacts and scanned the area.

  No sign of her. He would just have to make his way around until her scent grew strong enough.

  Nikon took in a deep breath and frowned at a familiar but unexpected scent. Hybrid, but not his.

  Maybe Cato had a man in the area he sent over to help. Nikon found a door leading outside and opened it a crack. In the darkness, he spotted a massive form standing just feet away.

  “You?” Nikon said.

  Tycho stepped forward. “I thought I told you to get your woman out of here.”

  Nikon frowned. “We ran into some complications.”

  Tycho sighed. “Grab her now, and let’s go. Things are about to get serious. Heard from a guy they were moving in. Figured your woman might be who they were talking about.”

  Nikon tightened his grip on the door. Like hell he was letting that happen.

  “She’s gone missing,” he said tightly. “You take the other side. I got this side.”

  Tycho nodded. “Okay, let’s do this.”

  “And hey,” Nikon called out to the large hybrid. “I thought saving people wasn’t your thing.”

  Tycho snorted loudly. “I’m not saving people,” he said. “I’m saving my people.”

  Nikon nodded. It would seem the hybrid still had some loyalty buried under all that resentment after all.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Leah made her way down the dark hall. Her heels echoed throughout the empty space as she hurried to see the headmaster. For once, she cursed the expansive campus and how far away the headmaster had placed himself from the party. Although given the choice, she likely would have done the same.


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