Kelly Captures Two Husbands [The Men of Space Station One 11] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Kelly Captures Two Husbands [The Men of Space Station One 11] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 5

by Marla Monroe

  She hurried around cleaning up the lunch totes and flasks so they’d be ready for the next day then finished cooking their dinner. Tonight, it was Posh with a type of spaghetti meat sauce over it. She’d shredded it to look more like noodles. She hoped it would be good with them. It tasted good to her. She’d also made up several loaves of bread, and while she’d been out working, they’d risen. They’d have slices of buttered bread to go with it.

  Kelly couldn’t wait to see if they liked her meal. She needed to find out if there was anything they didn’t want. She still knew next to nothing about her husbands. It would take time, but she didn’t want to make a mistake while she learned about them.

  Once they’d all eaten, Kelly took care of the dishes, happy that they’d eaten every bite she’d cooked and promised that they’d loved it. She was thrilled to be doing so well the first full day of their married lives. All she had to do was continue like she was going and everything would be fine.

  * * * *

  “Agh, it’s hot and only mid-April.” Kelly wiped the sweat from her forehead before it could run down to burn her eyes.

  She’d planted the tomatoes and managed to water everything before it had gotten too hot to water, now she sat outside and looked at all she’d accomplished. It wouldn’t be long until everything came up, according to the guys. Things grew fast on Alpha. Once it started, they’d warned her she would be working sunup to sundown taking care of it. She’d be hard-pressed to cook full meals during that time. As soon as she’d pull a weed, a new one would pop up.

  I think they were exaggerating about that. They have a wicked sense of humor. I love it.

  She loved a lot of things about them. She still had to remind herself to be cheerful and smile. Sometimes it happened without her thinking about it and sometimes she had to pull one out of her belly so they didn’t think she was unhappy.

  The night before, they’d made sweet love to her and then questioned if she was happy because she’d gotten up and washed her face afterward. It hadn’t dawned on her that they would think she hadn’t liked taking one of them in her mouth. She’d done it the night before. That had required some cleanup. She promised that she was fine but her face was sticky and she wanted to wash it before going to sleep.

  I should have explained what I was doing before I jumped up and ran into the bathroom. I’d just been eager to get back in bed with them.

  Now she knew better. Marriage was a learning process, especially for her. Having only dated for a few months, Kelly wasn’t experienced in relationships and how they worked. The guys had promised that they were fine once she’d explained herself, but Kelly still worried that they were hurt. She hated not being sure.

  She’d make it up to them, somehow. For now, she needed a shower and a short nap. She hadn’t slept well after the misunderstanding. Add to that how tired she was from working out in the heat, and she was a little drained, as well.

  I just need an hour nap and I’ll be good to go.

  Two hours later, she woke up from an especially sexy dream involving her two new husbands and panicked that it was much later. She nearly fell over her shoes when she jumped up to check the time.

  Whew, it’s only three thirty. I’ve got plenty of time to cook. I think I’ll try a cake. We have eggs.

  Kelly wanted to ask the guys if they could get chickens so they’d have fresh eggs as well as fresh milk from a dairy cow. She could manage milking and gathering eggs. It would mean needing fewer trips to town if they got their own dairy cow and chickens.

  She started with the cake and put it in the oven while deciding on what to cook for dinner that night. The guys would be hot and tired so nothing heavy. She finally settled on potato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. That got her to wondering if she could make cheese or not. She decided not after reviewing her books and seeing how much it took. She’d get her cheese from town when they went. They had a much easier process.

  “Kelly?” The sound of Tyler’s voice had her running. It wasn’t quite time for them to be home. “Need some help here, darling.”

  She raced from the office where her books were to the kitchen to find Gabe limping to the kitchen table with the help of Tyler. There was blood on his leg and his jeans were torn up the side.

  “What happened?” she asked, kneeling at his feet.

  “Was trying to free up a tine from some weeds and lost my balance. Landed on the damn tine and cut my leg. It’s not bad.” Gabe winced when she pulled the jeans material away from the wound.

  “It’s bad enough, man. We can’t afford an infection.” Tyler had disappeared under the kitchen sink to return with a first aid box.

  “Thanks.” Kelly pulled out a folded cloth and poured hydrogen peroxide over the wound and patted the cut with the cloth.

  “Should have let you know that the first aid kit was there before now, Kelly. I’ll show you where the other stuff is tonight.”

  “There’s more?” She continued cleaning up around the wound.

  “Yeah, I need to explain the radio system. We have radios we can take out into the field. We’ve never needed them since we’re always together, but now you could call us if you needed us and we forgot all about them.” Tyler grabbed another cloth and brought it back to her. “Looks like it needs stitches. We’ll have to load him up and take him to the doctor at first light in the morning.”

  “Do you have any antibiotics here for emergencies?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Enough for one round. Why?” Gabe asked with a grunt.

  “I can sew up the wound, but he needs antibiotics. If it starts to look like it’s infected, we can take him then.” She rummaged through the kit and came up with a suture kit as well as sterile bandages.

  “I’m game,” Gabe said.

  “Are you sure?” Tyler asked. “It looks pretty nasty to me.”

  “It’s up to you guys. I’ve cleaned it out and the edges are going to be a bit screwy, but I can do it.”

  “I’d rather not have to go to town if we can avoid it, Tyler. What do you say?”

  “What do you need?” Tyler asked.

  “Grab a bowl of hot water. I want to do one last cleanse then I’ll need you to help hold his leg still. There’s something in here called Paralytic. Are you familiar with it?” Kelly held up the bottle.

  “Yes. It’s native here and all you do is squirt some on the area you’re going to sew up and it stops the pain. It also means he can’t use his leg for about twenty-four hours.” Tyler walked back with a bowl of steaming hot water.

  “Well, I don’t guess I’ll be using my leg anyway. Not until it heals up enough we don’t have to worry about infection.” Gabe growled when Kelly pressed the hot cloth against his wound. “Fuck that hurts!”

  “Sorry. I’ll use the Paralytic then finish with the hot water.” She drew some up in a syringe then squirted it all around the wound and the edges where she’d be sewing the skin together.

  Once she’d tested the wound for feeling, Kelly had Tyler grab a large towel and set it under Gabe’s leg so she could pour the hot water over the wound. He still felt some of it, but not nearly as much. Then she took out the needle and nylon thread to sew up his calf. The ragged edges were tricky, but she felt sure she’d done as good a job as anyone could have outside of a surgeon. It was one of the things she’d been good at when they’d been taught on the space ship on the way over. Her days of cross stitch with her granny had paid off.

  “Looks really good,” Tyler told her.

  “Thanks. He needs that antibiotic and I’ll dip up the soup. He needs something in his stomach for the medicine to work and not cause a belly ache.”

  “Don’t feel much like eating, babe.” Gabe shook his head.

  “You have to eat something for the medication. Just a few bites. Cheese toast or soup?” she asked.

  “Soup is fine.” Gabe repositioned himself in the chair so that Tyler could lift his leg onto another one.

  Kelly prayed he didn’t end up with an
infection. She didn’t know anything about what the germs were like on Alpha and if there were an abundance of them in the rich red soil they’d been working in. Time would tell. She was sure it would be red and slightly inflamed the next day, but surely it wouldn’t be too bad.

  She watched Gabe eat then helped settle him in his recliner while she and Tyler ate. Worry had her checking his temperature every few hours until they helped Gabe up the stairs to bed. If he got an infection, they’d have to go to town to see the doctor. She prayed he wouldn’t, but wasn’t about to let him suffer if the oral antibiotics didn’t work.

  “He can’t get his stitches wet so I’ll bathe him off before we go to bed.” Kelly didn’t think it would hurt for him to miss a shower the first night. They could rig something up to cover his wound next time.

  “I can bathe myself with my leg on the side of the tub.” Gabe’s quiet bite of anger worried Kelly.

  “I didn’t mean that you couldn’t, I just thought I’d help.” She tried not to take it personally. He was probably feeling bad even if his leg didn’t hurt from the medication she’d put on it.

  Tyler sighed. “He didn’t mean it, Kelly. He’s just pissed that he got hurt.”

  “Don’t tell me what I do and don’t mean, Tyler. I can bathe myself.”

  “Fine. I’ll run the bath for you and put everything in reach. If you need help, you can call out for it.” Kelly fell back on her familiar ways and ignored him.

  She made sure the water wasn’t too hot then set out a bath cloth, towel, and soap. Then she helped him remove his jeans since he’d already managed to pull off his shirt, boots, and socks. As soon as he was naked, she let him use her as a crutch to hop his way into the bathroom. Getting him in and out of the tub was going to be tricky, but she could let the water out of the tub and he could use his bad leg a little bit to help stand up. If worse came to worst, she decided that Tyler could help.

  “I’ll call when I’m finished,” Gabe said.

  “I’ll be in the bedroom getting ready for bed. Tyler will be in the shower if you need anything before then.” Kelly figured he could ask his friend for help if he needed it. She was a little put out that he’d snapped at her.

  Deep down she knew it was the situation and not her, but she didn’t quite feel comfortable with their marriage and relationship yet. To have him jump on her so soon after they’d pledged as a family unit hurt. She would need to get past it as it wasn’t all his fault. He was uncomfortable, and as a man, pissed that he’d gotten hurt. Kelly would need to remember that in the future.

  Maybe she hadn’t paid enough attention during the interaction parts of the instructions on the ship and of course, it had been several years ago that she’d had them. She would go back to her books and study them when she had a break tomorrow. She’d have to check the garden and water it tomorrow. There might even be weeds to pull, considering how fast things grew. She’d find time to read over the marriage and relationship chapters in the books.

  “Kelly?” Tyler walked out of the bathroom and closed the door behind him. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I know he’s just lashing out. I’ll adjust.”

  “You shouldn’t have to adjust. He’ll apologize once he feels better. He still shouldn’t have snapped at you. You were only trying to help.” Tyler pulled her into his arms.

  The feel of his nude body next to hers stimulated her pussy to grow moist. It wasn’t the time for becoming aroused, but she couldn’t help it. She hugged Tyler back then drew back.

  “Thanks. I’ll be fine. This is all new and then he got hurt. We’ve all got a lot of adjusting to do. Don’t worry about me, Tyler.”

  “Don’t take crap off of him, Kelly.”

  “He’s hurt.”

  “He’s human and he lashed out. Don’t let him do it again.”

  “I won’t.” Kelly sighed.

  “I’m finished.” Gabe’s voice broke into their conversation.

  “Do you want me to help you or Tyler,” she asked just outside the door.

  There was a moment of silence then Gabe spoke up again. This time his voice sounded a little less sharp.

  “You, if you don’t mind. I think we can manage it.”

  Kelly opened the door, plastering a smile on her face. “I’ll let the water out so you can lower your leg to help.”

  She waited while the tub drained then handed Gabe a towel to dry his hands and upper body so neither of them would slip. Then she let him use her on one side and the soap dish on the other to push up. His good leg did most of the work, but he leaned heavily on her, as well. Once he was standing again, Kelly helped him dry off then hop into the bedroom.

  “I’m sorry, Kelly. I didn’t mean to snap at you, but I was so pissed that I’d gotten hurt and was having to have help that I jumped on you. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Gabe. If you do it again, I’ll know it’s probably an infection, and you need to go to the doctor.” She smiled at him then crawled into bed so that he could climb in next to her.

  “That’s a sly way of warning me to be on my best behavior.”

  “You’ve got it.”

  Chapter Six

  The second day proved to find Gabe’s leg swollen and inflamed. The oral antibiotics weren’t working. Tyler insisted that they go to town.

  “Let’s give it one more day, Tyler. We’re falling behind on the crops,” Gabe argued with both him and Kelly.

  “I’m with Tyler. I don’t like the looks of it. I think you need IV antibiotics and maybe even opening it back up to let it drain. One day isn’t going to make a difference in the crops or the garden.” Kelly worried he would end up with a blood infection if they waited.

  “Hell! Fine. Let’s go before it gets any later in the morning. Maybe we can make it back before dark if we go now.” Gabe’s disgust was easy to pick up on.

  He’d had a poor disposition ever since he’d woken up the morning before. Kelly had waited on him all day and was exhausted from the effort. Nothing made him feel any better and the pain in his leg only seemed to get worse instead of better. He required a doctor’s care.

  They loaded up with Kelly remembering the list of things they needed should she have time to shop. Tyler drove with Gabe lying down in the back so he’d be comfortable and be able to keep his leg elevated. He hissed or cursed every time the buggy bumped or lurched to one side. Kelly winced with him, knowing the motion of the buggy didn’t help his pain level. Despite being a hovercraft, it still reacted to large rocks or holes a lot like one of the cars from Earth.

  “How much longer?” Gabe asked for the second time.

  “Another hour and we’ll be there. I’m trying to avoid as much of the rough patches as I can, but we don’t exactly have paved roads out here.” Tyler turned and looked at his friend.

  “No kidding. I’m okay. I can handle another hour of torture.”

  Kelly had had enough. “Stop it, Gabe. You’re being unfair.”

  “You’re not the one back here bumping around with a hole in your leg.”

  “No, but neither are you the one trying to get you to the doctor to see about that hole and having to listen to how much pain you’re in. Cool it.”

  Gabe didn’t say anything else the rest of the trip. He did grunt a few times, but didn’t curse or groan even once more. Kelly was afraid she’d been too harsh, but Tyler was doing the best he could.

  “We’re here.” A little over an hour later he stopped outside the office of the two doctors they had in Space Station One.

  “Great. Help me up, and I’ll hop on in.”

  “No need. We’ll get a wheelchair. You might not be able to hop up the steps.” Tyler jumped out of the buggy and disappeared inside the building only to return with a glide chair and the nurse, Scott.

  “Hey, Gabe. Good to see you guys again but I hate it’s under these circumstances. Let’s get you inside.” Scott helped him onto the glide chair then carried him in to the office. “Tyler said you cut your leg on
a tine that had a lot of dirt on it.”

  “Yeah, Kelly cleaned it out really well and sewed it up, but I guess it’s worse.” Gabe leaned back as Scott settled him on the stretcher in the exam room.

  “We should have brought him on to town, but it was almost night time and it needed tending.” Kelly hated that she sounded like she was defending herself. She shouldn’t have insisted that she could tend it. Gabe might not be in so much pain.

  “I’m surprised the oral antibiotic you were taking didn’t help. It looks clean and the edges are pink, not red or purulent. We’ll let the doc have a look.” Scott covered the wound back up then walked out of the room after disposing of his gloves.

  “See, Kelly. He thinks you did a good job, too.” Gabe squeezed her hand.

  “I think we should have come on in. I shouldn’t have touched it.”

  “Nonsense. You did a great job. We’ll see what the doctor has to say.” Tyler wrapped an arm around her.

  The door opened again and Scott walked back in, followed by Doc Jeff. He looked about thirty but in actuality, he had to be nearly fifty. Kelly couldn’t get over how little everyone aged on Alpha.

  “Let’s see what we have here.” Doc Jeff removed the bandage and pressed on the wound. To his credit, Gabe only winced when he did. “It’s infected but not from the dirt or anything you could’ve gotten out of it.”

  Doc Jeff frowned and grabbed a scalpel. “There’s a type of bacteria that grows in the soil that makes it as rich as it is. Normally, just cleaning it out would be enough, but I think that since what he fell on was older dirt that had been exposed to the air, the bacteria had already started to die and that is where the problem came in.” He used the scalpel to cut one of the sutures loose. Scott pulled it free.

  “The dying bacteria found a new host and started repairing itself in Gabe’s leg. This is an infection from the rejuvenation of the bacteria. It needs to breathe. Sewing it up was the best thing to stop the bleeding, but then it needed air to finish its process before being cleaned out again.” Doc and Scott finished removing the sutures. “Nice sewing job.”


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