by Don Cook
After the blue light-orb encased the Churchill (which had a length and rear-width equaling three Earthly naval supercarriers), the orb glowed for a millisecond until —
The very same blue light-field orb instantly appeared, and then within one nanosecond was replaced by the Churchill.
Helmsman Level-1 Lieutenant Yorq-Ensk, a man of 32 with a maturity of someone twice his age, turned to face Khraa/Astra.
“Ship is now at Oort cloud departure point, Captain” Oriental-resembling Ensk said in his manly yet geekish voice. “Ship is ready for warp-jump.”
“I presume there’s a reason for doing it this way?” Mike asked.
“You presume rightly, Mike” Khraa/Astra said. “We do our warp-jumps this way and not directly from the Moonbase because it is required by Amkerian astrophysical safety laws — and to avoid your planet’s ever-prying surveillance systems from detecting our movements.”
“Yes, Khraavie” Mike said appreciatively. “I can see why.”
Khraa/Astra turned to her Helms-being and ordered, “Lord Ensk, set the stardrive on standby to our planet of first assignment. Ensign Hickman, activate the ship’s all-points intercom.”
“Yes, Captain” Helmsman Level-1 Lieutenant Yorq-Ensk said in his geekish yet manly voice.
“Yes, Captain” Hickman said.
Ensk, happy to serve under Khraa/Astra, whom he and countless other scientists and space explorers regarded as a living legend, waved his right hand over his console and set the ship’s stardrive on standby.
“Ship’s all-points intercom is ready, Captain” Hickman said.
“Warp-jump at standby” Ensk said.
“Thank you, Ensign and Helms-being” Khraa/Astra said to Hickman and Ensk respectively, before she confidently addressed her entire crew over the intercom, “Attention all hands, this is the Captain. Warp-jump in five, four, three, two, one.”
The USS Winston Churchill quickly enveloped itself within its own blue light-orb stardrive field, rapidly shrank into a thin blue-light straw — and dashed outward into the vast interstellar black beyond!
Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.
The Apostle Paul
Ephesians 6:13
I wholeheartedly wish to acknowledge and thanks to the following persons and websites for the following reasons in the preparation of The Invader Candidate:
To the websites I had utilized in my research for The Invader Candidate:
Chron (
DealExtreme (
Desiring God (
eSword (
Fanshawe College, London, Ontario, Canada (
Futurescopes (
Google Maps
Roadside America (
Got Questions? (
Read the New Living Translation Free Online (
Wikipedia (
Winnebago website (
YouTube (
To the people who worked in the creation of the PBS documentary American Experience: Chicago 1968 (PBS; Chana Gazit, producer; airdate: 13 November 1995), which served as the basis for my research in the writing of the Minnesota political convention mentioned in this novel. This documentary can be accessed online at YouTube in the following four parts:
Part 1: (
Part 2: (
Part 3: (
Part 4: (
To any and all reporters (both living and deceased) from all the television networks and other media outlets who braved the firestorm that was the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago in order to cover it.
To Dan Rather, in particular, whose own harrowing experience with political convention security aided me in the writing of “Rick Perry’s” comparable experience with in this novel, I wish to extend my thanks for standing in the gap for us all during your CBS days back in 1968 as a dedicated journalist in the highest tradition of your demanding profession at great personal risk.
To Lisa Haven (the inspiration for this novel’s “Astra Ruth Downey”), Gray Franchi of Next News, Alex Jones of and all the other media “truthers” out there, I thank you most heartily for journalistically taking up the cause of liberty that today’s establishment-controlled “mainstream” fourth estate has woefully/willfully forsaken.
To the people at (and their division CreateSpace) and DigiWriting for their assistance in the publication and promotion of this book.
To my mother and father and various other friends and loved ones who were there for me all throughout my writing of The Invader Candidate.
To all the aforementioned for your inspiration and (where applicable) help and encouragement, I just want to express from the depths of my heart, mind and soul my most sincere thanks.
And finally, I wish to fully give very special acknowledgements and thanks to The Lord God Almighty, “the Alpha and Omega” (or, as Khraa-Veh’s people would say, “the Alph and Omeck”) for His help with this novel. For without you, Lord, I can do nothing.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.
The Apostle John
Revelation 22:21
Don Edward Cook is a Canadian who strongly identifies with American patriotism. He admires America’s unique ideals of life and liberty, as well as its devotion to God. Although The Invader Candidate is an idea he’s fostered since his teens, Cook was inspired by the 2016 US presidential election to finally give life to his vision in this novel, which was very much mostly a “do-it-yourself” effort.
Cook got his start later in life, having attended Fanshawe College in his forties, studying general arts and sciences, broadcasting-television, and advanced filmmaking. His capstone sci-fi short film The Last Atlantean (2009) is listed on IMDb and achieved a MOVIEmeter rank in the top 2 percent of over four million films. Cook currently resides in London, Ontario.