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Starmen Page 5

by Raven Willow-Wood

  "Find what you were looking for?” Vincent asked, almost pleasantly.

  Uttering a choked gasp, Jody released his cock as if she was stunned to discover it in her hands and shoved her hands behind her back guiltily. Blushing to the roots of her hair, she opened and closed her mouth several times, searching for something to say It dawned on her forcefully that he probably hadn't been asleep any of the time. He was way too alert to have just woken. Embarrassed beyond belief, Jody whirled to flee, but he caught her arm and dragged her onto his lap, capturing both her wrists in one hand—no real feat since she was too stunned by his actions to do anything but gape at him. His member was hard and hot on her ass, seeming almost to burn through her clothes. Impossibly, her face became a darker shade of red.

  "Fleeing the scene of the crime?” Vincent asked, a slow grin curling his lips.

  "Let me go. I'm going back to my room,” Jody snapped, still struggling to get out of his lap and only succeeding in exciting both of them more.

  "I'd advise you to stop moving,” Vincent growled, his gaze roaming over her hungrily, “unless, of course, you want me to finish what you started."

  Put that way, Jody wasn't at all sure she wanted him to finish, damn him! She stopped wiggling abruptly and looked away, his words making her heart flutter and her insides quiver despite her discomfort over the fact that he was right. She had started it. And just how pathetic did that make her seem? “You wouldn't dare,” she said stiffly, gritting her teeth when she realized the words sounded almost a challenge.

  Because it was a challenge, she realized in dismay. Embarrassed as she was that she'd molested him in his sleep, she was horny as hell and had been since he'd tormented her with that damned feather long enough to drive her up the wall and then just left her hanging.

  The thing was, though, she hadn't wanted to be in the position of supplicant, damn it. She'd wanted him to acknowledge that it had been just as stimulating and frustrating for him. She'd wanted him to just sweep her off her feet and consume her, leaving her guilt free to enjoy it.

  She closed her eyes and breathed deeply to steady herself. She had to stop thinking like that. She had to think rationally. This man wasn't a man. He was an alien. And he was her captor, even if he thought he'd rescued her. She wasn't on Earth anymore. As lovely as the fantasy was of playing sex goddess to this sex god, she didn't really know what she was dealing with.

  She was supposed to be trying to convince him to take her home, not to keep her!

  "What? You don't want to play now?” Vincent asked, his words a warm promise whispered in her ear, his breath sending lovely currents of electricity down to her now very tingly curled toes.

  Jody's mouth went dry as she felt the currents of heat blossoming between them. She didn't want him to know what kind of power he held over her.

  "I don't know what to do you with you, Jody from Earth,” he murmured, nuzzling a blazing path along her jaw from her ear to nibble coaxingly at her lips. “But I know what I want to do with you,” he finished, spearing his fingers through her hair to hold her still as he covered her mouth in a passionate kiss that set her on fire and demolished all rational thought.

  The hell with it, was her last coherent thought as he shifted her on his lap and mounted her on his shaft, driving into her weeping moistness almost with a sense of desperation.

  * * * *

  "Whew,” Miroc said as he at last finished repairing the control panel Jody had damaged.

  He looked tired, but Vincent doubted it had to do with the damned control panel he'd been screwing around with for damned near a week. He'd begun to suspect, in fact, that Miroc was sabotaging the control panel instead of repairing it—or more accurately, deliberately disabling one thing for each thing he fixed.

  It wasn't hard to figure out his motives. The sappy love-sick look that came over his face every time he looked at Berny told its own tale.

  Not that he had been able to keep his hands off of Jody.

  It might almost have been amusing the way they were waltzing around each other, each of them trying to bamboozle the other into thinking they weren't fucking the hell out of the two Earth women at every opportunity when they thought the other didn't have a clue of what was going on—except there was nothing amusing about the direness of their situation.

  "I think I had better check and see if Berny is alright,” he said almost casually as he headed down the corridor.

  Separating themselves from the women had lasted all of one day cycle. They had carefully avoided discussing the situation when Jody had moved back into Vincent's room ... because she couldn't sleep with Berny, who was a bed hog.

  "You're getting faster at that,” Vincent remarked dryly.

  Miroc halted in his tracks and turned to give Vincent a look of purest innocence. “What?"

  Vincent gave him a look. “She's going to get the idea you can't hold your seed."

  Miroc glared at him, opened his mouth, and then closed it again. Vincent could see it was irritating the hell out of him that he couldn't defend himself without admitting what he'd been doing.

  Obviously, he was still laboring under the fantasy that he was, somehow, going to get away with it, though. “She might—if I was doing anything, which I'm not!” Miroc snapped finally and stalked away.

  Vincent stayed behind at the helm and checked the coordinates again, making sure everything would be okay. When he was certain Miroc had been gone long enough to be thoroughly caught up in ‘checking’ on Berny, he set the autopilot and headed to his own room.

  Jody, he discovered when he arrived, had just stepped out of the water portal, a skin for drying wrapped snuggly around her luscious curves. Delighted at his timing, he dove onto his sertese, waiting for the moment when Jody would have to remove the skin to put on her clothes.

  With a mixture of amusement and irritation, Jody ignored the excited way Vincent pounced onto the bed, waiting in obviously avid anticipation for the show he thought he was about to see. Picking up one of the outfits Vincent had beamed up from her bungalow on the island, she proceeded to pull the knit top on over the skin she was using to dry off with and then pulled her panties and shorts on under it.

  Thankfully, the beam could be used to bring up such things, which she'd thought at first it couldn't. It had turned out, though, that the problem wasn't with transporting such things. It was just that there was a slight danger that in reassembling the particulate, some of them could get mixed up. And since nobody wanted to take the chance of their clothes becoming a part of them, the beam was set only to pull one type of atoms at any one time. It could pull living organisms, or inanimate objects, but it wouldn't do both at the same time.

  When she'd finished, she turned around, whipping the skin out from under her shirt.

  Vincent stared at her, mouth agape, disappointment slowly creasing his handsome features.

  Jody laughed at his almost stupefied expression. “What?"

  "I can't believe you were not wearing anything, and now you are. I didn't get to see anything,” Vincent grumbled from the bed.

  Jody laughed. She plopped down on the sertese next to Vincent and laughed some more at the scowl that was starting to form on his handsome face.

  "This isn't funny. Why didn't I get to see anything?” Vincent asked, more than a little perturbed.

  "Because I didn't want you to see anything,” Jody replied, matter-o-factly, the smile on her face widening to a grin. “Just what did you have in mind, anyway?” Jody batted her lashes innocently at him.

  Vincent growled deep in his throat and lunged for Jody, but she was too quick. She rolled to the side of the bed he was leaping from, and, instead of Vincent landing on Jody, he landed on the floor. It was too much for Jody. She fell into a fit of laughter, tears streaming from her cheeks as she held her aching stomach.

  Vincent leapt from the floor and back onto the sertese, grabbing Jody by the arms and forcefully pinning her to the bed as she shrieked with surprise, a smile still on
her now damp face. “And just what the hell did you move for, woman?"

  Jody could only laugh harder in response.

  Having heard enough, Vincent silenced her with a passionate kiss, his hands moving from her arms to roam freely over her plentiful curves. He hardened at her soft gasp of pleasure when his hands cupped her breasts and kneaded them, teasing her nipples until they were hard, sensitive little knots pushing at her shirt. He bent his head to suckle her breasts through the shirt, but evidently he found that almost as frustrating as she did. Grabbing the offending material, he tugged at it sharply. She wasn't sure if his intent was to rip it off, or if he just hadn't gotten used to the fact that her clothing didn't come away as easily as his did, but she stopped him.

  Ordering the lights dimmed, she shoved at him until he moved away, and then got up and tugged her shirt off over her head and peeled her shorts and panties off. She lay on top of him then, feeling the hard plane of his warm chest on the palms of her hands in the dark. She found a pebbly nipple and lingered over it for a moment, rubbing it back and forth between her fingers. Vincent tensed slightly at the sensation. His body's reaction encouraged her, and Jody bent her head to take his nipple into her mouth. Vincent gasped harshly in surprise. Puzzled, Jody lifted her head and finally sat up on him, peering down at him in the dimness. “What's the matter?"

  "What did you just do?” Vincent asked, nervously touching his nipple.

  Jody chuckled. “The same thing you did to me. Why? Don't you like it?"

  He seemed to debate the matter. “It felt good, but ... the women on our world don't do anything like that. They are receptacles of pleasure. I have never been touched by a woman like that before. It just ... feels strange—in a good way,” he added hastily when he saw that she was looking more than a little offended.

  Jody wasn't sure she believed him, but then he'd been thoroughly bowled over when she'd been the aggressor that first time. She wouldn't have had the nerve, of course, if she hadn't been under the influence, and her memories of it were dim at best, but she realized that that was probably the reason he'd looked at her thereafter with a mixture of uneasiness and hunger. He'd liked it, but he'd found it thoroughly unnerving.

  The women from his world sure had it made. But it would get boring letting someone else do all the work all the time. “Well,” she said decisively, “where I come from both parties do everything.” She pushed him back onto the sertese and bent to his nipple again and began to suckle it as he writhed slightly beneath her.

  His hands settled on her shoulders, gripped them tightly, almost more as if he was being tortured than pleasured as Jody lavished both of his male nipples with attention and then began to move lower.

  She left butterfly kisses everywhere and tasted his skin thoroughly with her tongue, bathing him like a cat. She lapped at his navel, and he involuntarily arched his back, thrusting his member against her full naked breasts.

  He groaned, his member now very hard and pulsing with his need, jerking upward with each slight touch as her body grazed his as if it had a life of its own. His movements were getting wilder, and they only served to spur Jody to further daring.

  She was emboldened with the power she had over him, delighted to bring him something new and wonderful.

  Jody ventured lower and lower still till she came across her prize, and what a prize it was. His member was hot and throbbing and ready for her touch. She touched it tentatively at first, experimenting with how it reacted to her touch. It bobbed and throbbed harder. She smiled bigger when she noticed a tiny drop of semen on the head of his cock. She licked her lips with anticipation and then opened her mouth over it, sucking at the head of his cock.

  He went rigid, uttered a near mindless growl that was part torment part painful pleasure, grinding his teeth. Sweat popped from his pores from his efforts to hold still. His reaction found an echo in Jody's body. Feeling fevered with need, Jody sucked on his member like it was the best cream popsicle she had ever had, flicking her tongue back and forth over the head as she did. More of his sweet juices came trickling out, and Jody lapped at them slowly, softly, enjoying the pleasurable torture she was inflicting on Vincent. Seeing that he could hardly take more, she thrust his whole member into her mouth, cupping his balls gently with her right hand.

  Vincent moaned and writhed at her ministrations, no longer able to remain still. “Please, Jody,” he grunted the plea out as if it was forced from him. “I need you now."

  A thrill went through Jody, her own need swarming over her skin like fire ants. Releasing his cock, she sat up, positioned herself over his member and took him fully into herself, the warm, thick, hard flesh filling her with so much ecstasy it was almost unbearable. She rode him hard and fast, and he matched her beat, sitting up in the sertese to cup her ass and pump her harder onto his member. Finally, Jody screamed her release, Vincent echoing her climax.

  They fell back onto the bed, hot and sated, their breathing ragged. Jody laid her head on Vincent's chest, their bodies still joined. She could feel him pulsating within her and reveled in the feeling. His heart beat fast against his chest, and she fell asleep listening to its comforting sound.

  Vincent lay awake for awhile after Jody had fallen asleep, marveling at the wonder that was this beautiful woman, this stranger from another world—his woman. He didn't acknowledge how much he wanted to stay with her so much as he became aware of the sense of doom that descended upon him at the thought of leaving her. His chest tightened, seemed to choke him. The depth of his feelings, the speed with which they'd overtaken him, the power of them, scared the hell out of him.

  He wrapped his arms around her tighter, and she smiled sweetly in her sleep. The sight made his heart hurt a little more. He wanted this woman for his own, needed this woman. It would be far more risky to take her back to his home world than he'd at first imagined, he realized. Before, he'd only been concerned about his own hide.

  Now, he still was, but in a different way entirely. He wasn't worried about imprisonment for his crimes so much as he was worried about losing her.

  There seemed no alternative, though. He would have to present himself and take his punishment. It was the only way he would be allowed the chance to make her his, his only chance to try to convince the council that their joining would be a far better solution than simply returning her to her own world.. He only hoped that he could convince them. It would not be an easy task. They were technologically advanced, but at heart his planet was still ruled by so many archaic customs! He fell asleep holding Jody tightly, his dreams filled with troublesome thoughts.

  Chapter Four

  Jody woke up to a hand massaging her ass. She smiled and lifted her head off of Vincent's chest, discovering that he was feeling her up in his sleep. He was so handsome, she thought dreamily, feeling her chest tighten as she studied him

  The only thing better, or at least as pleasurable to her, was the fact that he couldn't even keep his hands off of her in his sleep.

  Sighing, reluctantly giving up the notion of waking him to her caresses, she eased off of him and sneaked into the water portal, trying to get freshened up and clothed before he woke up.

  When Jody finished washing, she grabbed the skin to dry off with, sneaking a peak around the portal to see if Vincent was still sleeping.

  Convinced he was still deep in dreamland, she stepped out, the skin wrapped securely around her body, and walked over to her quickly diminishing pile of clothes by the bed. With her back to him, she chose a shirt and shorts, the towel still on in case Vincent woke up while she was getting dressed.

  Vincent quietly reached up from the bed and snatched the towel away as Jody was bent over trying to get some shorts on. She screamed in dismay, trying desperately to cover everything up. Vincent laughed and dragged her naked still slightly damp body onto his lap.

  "Are you trying to hide that delicious body from me again, woman?” Vincent grinned his pleasure at having foiled her plan to get dressed without him seeing anythin
g. He pressed her nakedness against his hard body as she struggled to get free.

  "Stop. Stop it. I have to get dressed, you ass,” Jody said irritably.

  "Why? You don't need clothes around me,” Vincent said as he eyed her curves suggestively.

  Jody managed to free herself from his embrace and grabbed up some clothes quickly and raced out of the room. By the time Vincent jumped off the sertese and made it into the control room, she was dressed. She smiled triumphantly at him.

  Vincent stood glaring at her, completely naked, his hands at his hips, his face a deepening scowl. “By Methusala's teeth, woman. You are a frustrating creature."

  He stomped off to his room to retrieve his loincloth and came back with it on, disappointment evident in his demeanor. Jody could only smile at his almost childish behavior. He was like the kid that had gotten his candy taken away from him.

  Jody tried to keep the laughter out of her voice, “I'm going to get Berny and get something to eat, wanna come along?"

  "Thank you but no. I have some things that need my attention in here,” Vincent said a little grumpily.

  Jody's smile lit up her face as she walked over to him and threw her arms around him. She hugged him tightly and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before she left to get something to eat. “You are so much fun."

  Vincent smiled a half smile as she turned and walked away, watching her ass as it swayed seductively. With a deep sigh of begrudged satisfaction, he decided it was time to get to work and sat at the helm and checked the ship's settings. It was time they headed home.


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