Legacy (Blackwater Pack Book 3)

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Legacy (Blackwater Pack Book 3) Page 33

by Hannah McBride

  “I can go grab him,” Larkin offered.

  I shook my head. “No. He’ll be here when he’s done.”

  As much as I wanted to rely on Remy, I also knew he also had the responsibility of an entire pack leaning on him. And, judging by the growing number of people coming tonight, that was an ever-increasing burden.

  “How did things go with your Mom and … Dad? Do we call him that?” Katy frowned.

  I shrugged, ignoring the little spark of warmth that lit up my heart whenever I thought of Nikolai and the word ‘Dad’ together.

  “It’s about what I expected,” I replied vaguely.


  It was worse than I expected. So much worse.

  But I didn’t have the time to sift through all the new emotions and feelings that conversation had dragged to the surface.

  Larkin’s eyes narrowed. “Skye, you can tell us anything.”

  I tried to smooth out the frown I felt tugging at my mouth. “No, really. It’s whatever.”

  “Whatever?” Katy repeated, arching a brow.

  I sighed and shook my head. “You guys don’t have to worry about it.”

  “You know who you’re talking to, right?” Katy folded her arms across her chest. “You’re our best friend. By definition, your business is our business.”

  “Okay,” I said, taking a deep breath. “My grandmother arranged to have my mom raped by the guy who spawned one of the kids who made my life hell so that it would break her bond to Nikolai. And then my uncle thought she should live that whore lifestyle she clearly wanted and started passing her around like a party favor to the pack and people who visited.”

  They both stared at me, stunned and horrified, for several moments.

  “Yeah, that’s worse than what I thought,” Larkin murmured after a second, biting her lower lip.

  Katy looked deeply disturbed, her jaw still hanging open. “Her mother did that?”

  I nodded mutely.

  “What a sweaty-ball licking cuntbag,” Katy hissed, looking as pissed off as I felt.

  I cracked a smile. “Yeah.”

  “You’re uncle is here, right?” Her brown eyes gleamed with sudden interest. “I say we tie him up and let your Mom and aunt go all apeshit on his ass. Literally.”

  “You and Nikolai need to curb your homicidal tendencies,” I muttered, still smiling. “Linden may still be valuable.”

  “Maybe as a piñata,” she retorted archly.

  Larkin snorted. “I’m with Katy. The guy’s an asshole, and we’ll all feel safer when he’s a dead asshole.”

  “But right now he’s still a potentially useful asshole,” I remarked, shaking my head. “He’s friends with Damien. And my uncle is slimy enough to sell him out and give up his secrets to save his own ass.”

  “Secrets like where Maren is,” Katy said grimly, flinching.

  I nodded reluctantly. “Yeah. Katy, I wish there was a way to get her back today.”

  “No, I get it,” Katy replied, forcing a tight smile. “But at least I know she isn’t … suffering. Or being hurt. Not like you or Bella or your mom, I mean.”

  “Shit,” I muttered. “Bella. I didn’t even think to tell her that her dad is here.”

  “You think she’ll want to see him?” Larkin asked incredulously.

  “I don’t know,” I replied honestly. Bella and I had left things in a pretty good place when I left for the Summit, but I also knew she struggled a lot with growing up a Daddy’s girl and then ultimately being cast aside like garbage when Cassian and his friends attacked her.

  Maybe she would want closure, or maybe she would rather never see him again. Either way, she deserved to know and get answers from him if that’s what she wanted.

  If she also wanted to walk right up and slap him across the face, I was good with that, too.

  “How’s your mom?” Larkin asked gently, changing the subject away from my uncle and imminent bloodshed.

  I shrugged helplessly. “Sort of a wreck and sort of relieved? She asked to talk to Nikolai alone for a few minutes.”

  “And how are you?” Leave it to Larkin to approach my mental well-being with the utmost grace and kindness.

  “Glad to be home,” I answered honestly.

  Her lips curled into a grin. “We missed you. So much.”

  “Yeah, can you retire from the whole being kidnapped thing? It’s really stressful on the rest of us,” Katy chimed in.

  I rolled my eyes. “Sure. I’ll make sure to stop being kidnapped. For you.”

  “Thanks, girl,” Katy said, ignoring my sarcasm.

  Chuckling, I leaned against the wall. “So, Remy wouldn’t tell me exactly what I need to do today. Anything special with all these people coming here to join us?”

  Katy snorted. “More like swear fealty or some other medieval bullshit.”

  “You don’t approve?” I blinked, surprised.

  “Oh, no,” she said quickly, “I absolutely approve. We need all the help we can get to stop Norwood and everyone who thinks and acts like them. Starting with your piece of shit uncle. If these people joining us will help stamp them out, then I’m one hundred percent on board. It’s just likely going to be a lot of posturing and pageantry. These guys are old school.”

  “Which means?” My brow knitted together in confusion.

  “Which means you’ll basically stand at Remy’s side like a pretty little trophy while the men handle the business end of things,” she finished wryly.

  “That sounds positively demeaning.”

  I whirled at the new voice, stunned to see Nikolai had approached silently and was watching us intently.

  “Um,” I stammered, looking from my friends back to him. “This is Katy and Larkin.”

  Nikolai stepped into the dining room with a smile. “Skye speaks highly of both of you.”

  “And we think the world of her,” Katy said sharply. “So try not to take her from us again, okay?”

  “I didn’t take her at all,” Nikolai replied, almost amused.

  Katy’s smile turned glacial. “You sent your heir to do it. Same thing.”

  “I think what Katy means,” Larkin started, stepping forward and keeping her tone soft and peaceful, “is thank you for protecting Skye and bringing her back home.”

  Nikolai inclined his head towards her. “You must be Larkin. The peacemaker, I believe is how my daughter referred to you.”

  And there went that happy little spark of warmth seeping into my heart at being called his daughter.

  He turned to Katy. “Which would make you Katy. The most ferociously loyal person my daughter has ever met.”

  Even Katy preened at that, the ice melting from her features.

  “I appreciate you both for what you’ve done for Skye.” His sharp gaze turned to me. “But you are my daughter. You should never be viewed as a simple trophy at your mate’s side.”

  There was no missing the slight disgust he tacked onto the word mate.

  My back stiffened, my wolf immediately offended that he would insinuate anything bad about Remy.

  “She’s not my trophy,” Remy said, speaking before I could. He glared at Nikolai as he and Rhodes entered the room. He came and stood at my side, his hand settling on the small of my back.

  “No, she isn’t,” Nikolai agreed, eyeing Remy curiously.

  Rhodes moved in, standing in front of Larkin, instincts driving him to protect her.

  “This is Rhodes,” I said, nodding to my friend. “He’s Remy’s beta. One of my best friends.”

  “Charmed,” Nikolai greeted coolly.

  “I’ll just bet you are,” Rhodes muttered darkly.

  “Is there something you needed, Nikolai?” Remy asked, folding his arms across his chest.

  I tried to ignore the way the soft cotton of his shirt pulled tight around the muscles in his arms and back.

  Tried, and failed.

  A single night wasn’t enough for me. Maybe a lifetime with those arms wrapped around me would
start to satiate the intense need I had for him.

  “Yes, I wanted to let you know I plan on joining your festivities tonight.” He smiled at Remy, his gray eyes holding a secret that made me suspicious.

  Remy scoffed under his breath. “You want to join us? Why? I mean, I get that you’re here for Skye. You’ve brought people for Skye. I appreciate that, I do. But what’s happening tonight is Alphas and representatives giving up their packs to join us.”

  A small smile toyed on Nikolai’s lips. “I’m well aware of that, Alpha.”

  I cleared my throat. “We’re going to have a pack run after Remy meets with the pack representatives. You’re welcome to bring the Narodnaya pack to that.”

  “Wonderful,” Nikolai beamed, “I shall join that as well.”

  “You don’t have to be there before,” I said slowly.

  “And yet I shall be,” my father returned, his eyes narrowing ever-so-slightly.

  Remy’s eyes hardened. “So, you want to give up your pack?”

  Nikolai paused. “Correct me if I’m mistaken, but you plan to give the packs back to an Alpha of their choosing once the Norwood threat was eliminated. Are you no longer saying that?”

  “I have zero desire to be Alpha to an entire country or continent,” Remy said flatly. “When this is over, I’m giving these packs back their independence. Us standing together, united, is just to stop Norwood and those who think like they do. I’m not much better than Damien if I plan to keep all these people under my control, am I?”

  “Then there you have it,” Nikolai said brightly. “Giving you my pack for a few weeks under the promise it will be returned to me is hardly a sacrifice really.”

  Remy turned and gave me a look. He schooled his features well, but I could see the same surprise I felt mirrored in his gaze.

  “What’s the catch?” I demanded sharply.

  Nikolai looked at me. “Call it a hunch, little wolf. I think it’s the smartest play.”

  “And all the other packs that you mentioned who are sending people here to support us? What then? Are they going to join us?” I lifted an eyebrow in challenge, calling his bluff.

  “If I say so, then yes,” he replied evenly, not missing a beat and not breaking my gaze.

  “And if we lose?” Remy asked.

  “Are you planning to lose?” Nikolai chuckled and cocked his head to the side.

  “Of course not,” Remy retorted. “But I’m not egotistical enough to think this war is something we can win easily.”

  “Then you’re already leagues ahead of Damien,” Nikolai commented. The smile on his face melted and he stepped forward. “The question isn’t whether or not I’m comfortable putting my pack in your hands, but if I’m comfortable placing my daughter’s life in them.”

  Remy’s arm dropped to his sides and he edged forward, not backing down. “That’s not your call, though, is it? It’s Skye’s.”

  Nikolai’s lips twisted into a dark smile. “I don’t know if you’re worthy of my daughter.”

  I sucked in a sharp breath, more than ready to tell him off, but Remy simply shook his head and chuckled.

  “I can assure you that I'm not,” he said evenly. “But she’s mine and I’m hers, so you’ll have to deal with it.”

  Respect glittered in Nikolai’s gaze. “Very well, Alpha. Tell me the time and place for tonight. I will have my people there as witnesses to our union.”

  I moved forward, sliding my hand into Remy’s.

  “The packs arrive in two hours. We’ll start then,” he said firmly.

  “Very well,” Nikolai agreed. “I’ll see you both tonight.”

  He gave me one last smile and turned to walk away.

  “I don’t like him,” Rhodes announced when Nikolai was barely out of earshot. He was still glaring at the open doorway Nikolai had departed as Larkin burrowed under his arm and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “Do you think he meant what he said? About joining us?” Katy asked quietly.

  I frowned. “I think so. But I also think there’s something else he isn’t telling us.”

  I was sick as hell of being kept in the dark.

  “Maybe I should go talk to him,” I muttered.

  “Nope,” Katy said suddenly. “We have two hours to get you ready before everyone arrives.”

  I groaned. “I thought I wasn’t a trophy.”

  “Not to us,” she confirmed. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t knock these new guys dead when they get one look at you. They’ll be a drooling mess when they see you, gorgeous.”

  Remy growled softly. “Why the fuck would I want them looking at her?”

  Katy rolled her eyes, clearly not impressed with her brother’s show of possessiveness. “Because it’s about optics, big brother. You and Skye are, well, were the youngest bonded pair we knew about.”

  Katy sniffed and tossed a glare at Larkin and Rhodes. “Until you two went and showed them up.”

  Larkin shrugged but ducked her head into Rhodes’s chest.

  Katy waved a dismissive hand and turned back to Remy. “You two need to look every inch the power couple.”

  “You should really cancel her subscription to Us Weekly,” Rhodes cracked, snorting. He shook his hair out of his eyes.

  “Keep it up and I’ll have Dante and Ryder hold you down for a haircut to make sure Remy’s beta looks the part, too.” Katy gave him a tight smile.

  “No,” Larkin said firmly, speaking up.

  Katy’s jaw dropped. “I was just—”

  “I said no,” Larkin repeated, her eyes narrowing into a glare.

  I stifled a giggle and looked away. Remy was biting his lower lip to keep from laughing.

  “See? Larkin says no,” Rhodes drawled, kissing the top of her head and tucking his hand into one of the back pockets of her jeans.

  “Whatever,” Katy grumbled, throwing her hands up before turning to me. “Skye, this isn’t about you just looking shiny and pretty. You two are everything Blackwater stands for. You represent us.”

  “And I can’t represent the pack in jeans and t-shirt?” I pressed my lips together, trying not to grimace. “I mean, I even showered today and everything.”

  I did shower. With Remy.

  Part of my brain liquified at the memory of him pressing me against the shower tiles, the water making everything slippery and wet and—

  “Yeah, that’s exactly what I mean.” Katy gave me a sour look. “Honey, I’m recommending you not go stand in front of a group of men looking like you spent the night in O-Town. Seriously, did you two even sleep?”

  I gulped and looked away. “Okay, fine. You win.”

  Katy winked at me. “I usually do.”




  The word slipped past my lips before I could censor my brain, which was currently short circuiting at the broad planes and slopes of muscle on muscle covering Remy’s back.

  Remy glanced over his shoulder at me, grinning as he started to pull on a black button up, the crescent moon and star tattoo on his shoulder rippling as his arm moved.

  “Don’t cover up on my account,” I said lamely, coming into his room and not-so-discreetly closing the door before I leaned against it. I intentionally pinned my hands between my back and the wood to keep from peeling the shirt off his body.

  He shook his head with a laugh. “If I didn’t think Katy would come in here and interrupt, I would absolutely have no problem taking my clothes off. And yours.” His gaze swept my body, heating. “Except for those heels.”

  I glanced down at the open-toed black heels Katy had told me to wear. They did make my legs look several inches longer, and I didn’t hate the effect, especially when she paired it with simple jet black leggings and a green lacy top with a wide scooped neckline. It left my claiming mark bare and visible for everyone to see.

  Leaving his shirt unbuttoned, Remy crossed the room to me, his expression turned almost feral as he pinned me against the doo
r. His arms came up on either side of my head, caging me in.

  I inhaled his pine and fresh laundry scent until my head spun.

  His head dipped and he pressed a kiss to the exposed claiming mark. He hissed out a breath when my nails scratched down the grooves of his washboard abs.

  His kiss turned into a bite, the sharp flash of pain swirling with pleasure that had me pressing my thighs together to relieve the sudden ache throbbing between them.

  Immediately, Remy was gone and twisting away from me.

  The unexpected rush of air between us chilled my flesh.

  “Come back,” I practically whined, not sure if it was me or my wolf that wanted him back. Probably both.

  “No way,” he said shakily, buttoning his shirt.

  I frowned, pouting. “You’re no fun.”

  He unzipped his black pants to tuck his shirt inside, but it was basically a Pavlovian response for my nerves to start firing at the sound of him unzipping anything.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he growled softly, turning away to finish closing his pants before rolling up the sleeves to expose veiny forearms, thickly corded with muscles.

  Even his forearms were sexy and mind-numbingly distracting.

  I slammed my eyes closed and dropped my head against the wooden door with a thunk before I could start actively salivating.

  “You good over there?”

  I could hear the smirk in his tone. He loved knowing he was turning me on.

  But if he kept this up, I would be meeting a field full of new pack members with the scent of my arousal lingering like cheap perfume around me.

  Talk about awkward.

  “Just wonderful,” I gritted, flashing him a tight smile.

  With a snort, he sat on his bed and started pulling on his shoes. When he was finished, he stood up and faced me, his brows drawn together.

  “What?” I asked, immediately straightening my shoulders.

  “We didn’t really have a chance to talk about earlier,” he said softly. “What happened with your parents.”

  I swallowed around the lump in my throat. “I’ll tell you everything later. But I can’t relive that right now, Rem.”


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