Blood Flows Deep (Ryze #1)

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Blood Flows Deep (Ryze #1) Page 6

by N. Isabelle Blanco

  I couldn’t agree with Soleria more. It’s been three days and the cops aren’t searching for Ismini the way they should.

  Especially Detective Korzikova. Ismini ran away from her parents’ house a year ago while still being a minor, so that idiot is convinced that running away is Ismini’s favorite trend.

  She’s an officer. NYPD. I can’t break her face.

  But God, I want to.

  Soleria leans on the counter and covers her face with her hands. She’s shaking.

  So am I.

  For all we know, Ismini is dead, and we have no idea where she could possibly be. All we do know for sure is that she was acting weird for days before disappearing. As if there was something she wanted to tell us but couldn’t.

  Sol closed down the restaurant early because neither of us could focus enough to keep waiting on the customers. She sent the cooks and busboys home. That was two hours ago and we’ve been sitting here since, wondering what the hell are we going to do.

  “We’re going to have to search for her on our own somehow,” she mumbles from behind her hands.

  I nod, throat tight. The sense of loss is suffocating me. My mind keeps jumping between panic and flashbacks—the past and the present.

  Five years ago I lost everything. Three years before that I lost the most important person in my life: my brother.

  Now, I’ve lost Ismini, someone that I had come to consider as a sister.

  I’m going crazy. Can’t deal with this. Fear, rage, helplessness. Jumping to my feet, I start pacing back and forth, fighting back the urge to hyperventilate. “Where do we even start?” I ask Soleria. “The cops didn’t let us into her studio and said that nothing seemed to be out of place.”

  Sol stands, but she won’t meet my eyes. Probably because she’s fighting back tears. Just like I am. “I’m going to have to try a locator spell. I’ve never really had to do one but my grandma’s book has several of them.”

  She’s like a twenty-generation witch, or something like that. Not that I pay any mind to what she’s saying. I don’t believe in that type of shit. Never have. I’m not going to tell her that, though. If that’s what she has to hang onto to feel better, let her have at it.

  As for me? I have no idea what the fuck I’m going to do—wait. “We need to break into Ismini’s studio.”

  Sol turns sharply in my direction. “Why? Do you think the cops lied?”

  “Not necessarily, but they haven’t been in there as many times as we have. They have no idea if something is truly out of place or not.”

  Her eyes light up for the first time in days. “You’re right. All we have to do is get someone to buzz us in then somehow break the locks on the door.”

  “I’ve got a screwdriver.”

  “And I’ve got a hammer.”

  Just like that, we’ve decided to break the law. But fuck them. We wouldn’t have to if Detective Korzikova and her jackass partner weren’t slacking in their duty.

  “I’ll meet you in front of the building,” Sol says.

  I nod at her and grabs my things. A minute later, I’m exiting the restaurant, running through our crazy plan in my head. Head down, I step off the curb.

  That’s as far as I make it.

  Life has a way of throwing unexpected moments at you. Most of them, you never see coming. One moment, everything is okay, and the next moment bam. Nothing makes sense anymore.

  I haven’t looked up. I haven’t moved a single muscle. Mostly because I can’t move, but also because of everything I’m feeling.

  God help me, there’s so much feeling.





  Why am I feeling all of this? I’m avoiding raising my eyes. Whatever is causing this in me is right in front of me. I sense it as deeply as I’m experiencing everything else.

  “Look at me, girl.”

  My gasp sounds loud to my ears. Did somebody just speak into my mind? On instinct, I look up.

  Leaning against the building across the street is a giant of a man. He’s wearing a black leather jacket and dark jeans. His entire stance is nonchalant. Arrogant. From the way he has his foot braced on the wall behind him, to the way he has his hands in his pockets.

  But there’s nothing nonchalant about the way he’s staring at me. Dark blue eyes glare at me with a loathing I don’t understand.

  I don’t know him. Never seen him before. Dark red hair slicked back, a face so damn delicious I’d love to walk right up to him and lick him. No, I would have remembered seeing a man like that before. So why is he looking at me like I’ve done something to him?

  Swallowing, I finally meet his stare.

  Pain slams into my head, and the sensation invades my mind. I stumble back, trying to make sense of what’s happening. Suddenly, memories start playing uncontrollably. I see my entire life, every hidden memory. All my damn secrets.

  My missing mother and brother.

  The burn of the cut on my hand.

  A river of blood surrounding me.

  My stepfather dead feet from me, his lifeless eyes accusing me even in death. Holding me responsible for what I had done.

  For taking his life.

  I’m forced to relive everything and the motherfucker across the street is watching. He’s inside my mind, I know he is, there’s no mistaking his presence within me. The violation is so deep that it enrages me. How dare that man—no, that thing do this to me?

  Stumbling backwards, I struggle to think of a way to break this connection. I need to run far, far away from that thing. It’s not just about the mental invasion; it’s the gut feeling yelling at me. A warning that’s louder than the adrenaline pumping in my veins.

  Get away from him.

  If I don’t, my life will never be the same again.

  I turn to flee.

  The next second, air rushes painfully by me, and a loud, piercing, whistling sound blocks out all noise. I open my mouth to scream—

  Everything slams to a halt.

  Including me.

  Nausea rolls up my throat and the world around me spins. My feet are unsteady on the concrete. I can barely see but the tall form next to me is unmistakable.

  “Girl . . .”

  His voice is even sexier outside of my head.

  I practically throw myself away from him, disoriented, and end up having to catch myself against a brick wall.

  A brick wall?

  Blinking, I look around me. We’re in an alley? No, that’s impossible, I was just out on the street.

  It was him. He somehow moved me in here that fast.

  My mind revolts.

  “You’re confused. Please, allow me.”

  “No!” I swat at the air in a vain attempt to warn him to stay away. I’m so scared of the conclusions my mind is coming to that I can’t bring myself to look at him.

  He stops next to me and I hear him inhale sharply. “Fuck. I’ve never smelled anything like you. You’re delicious.”

  My entire body throbs at that. What the fuck is wrong with you, you idiot? This thing obviously wants to eat you and you’re getting horny about it? Lord help me, yes I am. That monster, alien, or whatever it is, is hungry for me and my pussy is throbbing over it.

  He steps closer.

  I move farther away.

  “I can help you understand,” he says.

  “Just shut the hell up!” Your voice is making it worse. My scent might be the most delicious thing he’s ever smelled, but his voice has got to be the hottest thing this side of the planet.

  “You have to be the most stubborn human I’ve ever met.”

  Human. That settles it. Alien.

  “I came to take you to your friend.”

  My friend? Oh my God, Ismini. “What did you do with her?” I finally turn to glare at him.

  He’s even more beautiful up close, and now I can see that his burgundy hair isn’t slicked back. He has it in a ponytail. I look him over, wonderi
ng just how long his hair is and how it would feel as I pull his hair back and kiss him right on those thick, sexy lips. Focus, you asshole!

  “I didn’t do anything to her, but I know where she is.” Slowly, he steps closer, and this time I manage to hold my ground. “If you would give me but a second, I can help you understand everything.”

  Help me understand? I look into his dark blue eyes, curious.

  That pain hits my frontal lobe again, almost doubling me over. Information rushes through my mind, so fast I can’t keep up, but somehow I’m assimilating it.


  A watcher.

  Ismini offered up as a sacrifice by another being.

  The Fates.

  An ancient war.


  And he’s one of them. He’s a . . .

  “God, yes.” He nods and right before my eyes I see his own change from dark blue, to dark blue and gray, a mixture so unnerving that I whimper under my breath. “The God of Tranquility to be exact.”

  Shaking my head, I rush backwards away from him.

  He sighs and rolls those freaky eyes upwards. “Fine. Let’s do this your way.”

  What the hell is he talking about?




  I throw back the covers and rush out of the room. Vedlyl calls after me. I ignore him and run down the huge, elegant hallway. It’s ethereal, something out of a temple, but I don’t stop to look around, and run past a huge entryway flanked by two identical statues on either side.

  Statues that turn their heads to watch me pass.

  As soon as I clear the entryway, I spot my best friend standing in the midst of four gods.

  And I hadn’t been mistaken—Evesse’s face is a furious red, her thick black hair a mess of waves around her head. She glances all around, her brown eyes searching the large hall until they land on me.

  The relief on her face is palpable and her gaze softens. I swallow back the lump in my throat.

  “Ismini. Thank fuck.” She runs toward me. I meet her halfway and fight back a sob when she throws her arms around me.

  “Oh my God, you’re okay.”

  I’m not okay, but I can’t tell Evesse that. If I do, everyone else will hear, and I saw Dyletri among the others when I ran in.

  “Look at me.” Evesse pulls back and cups my face.

  At five feet five inches, she’s an inch taller than me, but I still have to lift my chin to meet my friend’s watery eyes. The sight almost makes me break down. Evesse never cries. She’s never even come close to doing so. Ever. Not in the time I’ve known her, at least.

  I smile at her in an effort to hide how wretched I am. “I’m so glad they brought you here.”

  “Me, too. Well, they could’ve sent someone else to get me, that’s for sure. That fucker over there . . .” Evesse points angrily at a tall male behind her.

  His hair is almost burgundy, and it reminds of Soleria’s hair. He’s scowling, and something hot swirls in his gray and blue eyes. Eyes that are frozen on Evesse, who seems oblivious to how hard he’s eye-fucking her.

  “He invaded my god damned brain and almost gave me an aneurysm shoving all that info in there. Scared the fuck out of me.”

  “I tried speaking to you before, human. You are the one who ignored me,” he says, clearly furious.

  Another unbelievably gorgeous, brown-haired god with eerie gold eyes whistles through his teeth. “Whoa, Zen. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this.”

  “Shut it, Cyake,” the one called Zen snaps back.

  Zen? As in the Zeniel who Nylicia told me about? The God of Tranquility? He looks anything but tranquil at the moment.

  Then again, Evesse tends to have that effect on people.

  Or beings, as the case may be.

  Evesse growls, eyes blazing as she stares Zen down. “He tied me up. He fucking tied. Me. Up! Me! And not in the good way, either. Not that I’d let him, anyway, but still. Fucking asshole. Who do you think you are?”

  She’s angry, but there’s something in her eyes. Something that resembles the heat in Zeniel’s.

  A muscle in his jaw jumps violently. “You weren’t listening to common sense. And I’m the God of Tranquility, human. Who are you?”

  “Evesse fucking Salazar. And don’t you forget it!”

  “Okay . . .” Another tall, fine specimen of a man steps forward. His midnight blue, chin-length hair and black-rimmed white eyes are striking as he flashes a cocky smile. “Can’t believe I’m saying this, but calm down, Zen, before you pop a vein.”

  “I could pop it for him,” Evesse offers oh-so-helpfully. She raises a hand with eagerness.

  Zen lets out another furious growl before being led away by the brown-haired one named Cyake.

  “I really like those two.”

  I hear that soft voice behind me and turn just in time to see the two statues on either side of the entryway shrink in size, the stone they are made of shifting to flesh.

  “Human women with spunk. Such a rare thing.”

  The statues jump off the pedestals they were standing on, becoming two nearly identical women. Obviously twins, there’s only one noticeable difference between them—one has black hair and the other blonde. Even their footsteps are in sync as they walk toward us.

  Wearing tight leather pants and metallic corset-like tops, the goddesses seem ready for battle. Their eyes are gray, but not in the same way as a human’s. Like small orbs of electricity, the irises spark with small bursts of energy that became more and more intriguing as the goddesses approach.

  Their voices merge beautifully as one as they greet me. “We’re known as the Exivisi Genelhi; The Duality Twins, if you will. It’s very nice to meet you. We are the essence of the word mercenary—and if you fuck with one, you get the boot of the other. All the way up the ass.” And they smile brightly as they say it.

  I want to laugh at their little introduction, but I have a feeling they’re not kidding.

  The blonde steps forward. “I’m Lizzisi, Goddess of Light. And this is my sister, Sillizi, Goddess of Darkness.” She motions to the dark-haired one.

  Sillizi smiles at me then unexpectedly cups my cheek, gazing into my eyes. I know damn well what she’s doing and almost pull away, but Sillizi gives me a look that stops me.

  “Stupid asshole,” she grumbles, throwing a glare at Dyletri.

  I feel a surge of power shoot from Sillizi’s hand into my skin. Her voice whispers through my mind. “I won’t tell anyone. I promise.”

  A gasp leaves me when I realize what Sillizi just did for me. The walls rising around my thoughts are almost visible in my mind’s eye.

  “There.” Sillizi smiles and steps back. “He won’t be able to read your thoughts anymore. None of us will, unless you allow it.”

  I have no words to thank her for this. “Thank you.”

  “I wasn’t fucking imagining it? They can read our minds on top of shoving shit in there!” My best friend’s eyes are wide and horrified.

  “When they stare into our eyes, yeah . . .”

  Evesse’s features tighten, and she looks close to having an aneurysm. An inhuman sound vibrates from her clenched lips right before she explodes.

  “You motherfucker! I knew you were mind-raping me. I’ll fucking kill you!” Evesse darts forward, heading straight for Zeniel.

  Mid-step, he stops near the entrance and glares at Eve over his shoulder. It’s almost as if he’s mentally daring her to come closer.

  “Eve, whoa!” I grab her just in time and hold her back.

  She fights me like a hellcat while the twins laugh. Zeniel, however, appears to be about two seconds from either meeting Evesse halfway across the room, or storming off all together.

  Instead, he glares at Dyletri. “You had to send me after her, huh? Didn’t you know she was fucking insane before you sent me?”

  Eve struggles in my grip. “Asshole!”

  The golden-eyed Cyake throws
his head back and laughs. “Seriously, Zen. I’ve never seen you this bad—”

  “Shut up, Cy!”

  Lizzisi’s still laughing as she walks around Evesse and I. She stops in front of a sputtering-with-rage Eve and winks at her. “I promise you, later on during sparring practice, I’ll catch him right where it hurts for you.”

  Evesse seems to calm down a bit after she hears that.

  “Fuck you, Liz.” Zeniel growls under his breath before storming off. His long ponytail swings across his back with each furious step.

  “Here, allow me,” Lizzisi says. As she works her “magic” on Evesse, I slowly let my friend go, fully expecting her to storm off after Zeniel again.

  When she doesn’t, I breathe a sigh of relief and move back.

  My gaze lands on Dyletri. He’s silent, standing far away from all of us, his hands in his pockets and every line of his body tense. The fire locked away inside me threatens to consume me.

  I want to look away but can’t. Something about his facial expression and his body language seems off. He appears pale as well.

  I consider asking what’s wrong, but the flames inside me stop me from doing so. If I take one step in his direction, I’ll end up doing something ridiculously stupid.

  Something I’ll regret.

  Something that has to do with licking him all over and climbing on top of him and . . .

  You insane girl, calm down!

  Evesse’s voice makes me jump. “So, is it true? You’re being sacrificed by that asshole?”

  I can’t hold in my exasperation at that. “Will everyone stop calling him an asshole?” The room seems to freeze at that. Feeling at least six pairs of eyes on me, I blush. Damn it, why couldn’t I just keep my freaking mouth shut?

  Evesse points at me. “You’re not being sacrificed for anyone. You got that?”

  I sigh and roll my eyes. “Yes, I am. It’s something I learned to accept a long time before I met you, Evesse. So, please, just leave it alone.”

  Evesse’s stubborn expression tells me this is nowhere near over. But it’s obvious she’s going to drop it for now, and for that, I’m grateful.

  “Okay. Just tell me there’s a bed around here. I haven’t slept well for days. On top of that, my brain is melted from too many forceful invasions, and we all know why. And someone keep that red-haired asshole far, far away from—”


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