When You're With Me

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When You're With Me Page 12

by Wendi Zwaduk

  She stared up at him. This guy needed to be the bouncer. Just one look and she was ready to comply with his very command.

  “He’s such a charmer today.” The other man stepped forward. “I’m Corbin. You saw me on the drums. I hope we get to see more of you. Drew’s a good guy.” He nodded once and strolled away.

  Jude’s blood ran cold. “Drew? That’s the second time it’s slipped. I thought you said Drew was your first name and Ramon went in the middle?”

  Ramon’s eyes widened for a split second. “Yeah. Gramma Edna forgets sometimes. Ray’s honestly harmless and Corbin’s a flirt. They’ve probably had a couple to gear up to play. Don’t worry about them.”

  “Hey, my man!” Another man strode towards them. Jude pulled away from Ramon. Something felt off.

  “You must be Jude. Ramon’s told me all about you. I’m Ned.” Ned smiled and folded his hands. “I’ve known Ramon since we were both in diapers. He’s good people.”

  She shifted and fumbled with the hem of her shirt. Something about Ned spoke of authority, but damn…the anxiety wasn’t going away. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Ramon—Logan and Cass are backstage. I’m sure Cass would love to meet Jude.” He winked. “I’m here if you…you know, need something done.”

  Her throat ran dry. If he needed? Needed what done? “Ramon?”

  “I’ll explain later, but he’s trustworthy. He’s a judge.” Ramon nuzzled her neck. “I should take you to meet Cass and Logan. You’ll probably be fast friends as she begs for information to enhance her books.”

  Oh fuck. Her lunch reversed its course. An author, a famous actor and a judge. Great. Ramon had to be friends with a judge. Judges weren’t likely to befriend a stripper. And celebrities…they didn’t need scandal like her. Did Ned know about what she’d seen? Did he think she’d had a hand in it? God, she needed air. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  “He’ll protect you, just like I will.” Ramon stared deep into her eyes. “Promise. I keep my promises. No one knows.”

  Jude rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. “I can handle that.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Jarred by the odd tone of his voice, she opened her eyes and kissed his chin. “What did you say?”

  Ramon cocked his head. “I didn’t say anything.”

  Another hand touched her arm. “I did.”

  Before she could respond, Corey stood before her. Miranda clung to his shoulder. “We came to see Hillbilly Boots. Goldie likes their cover of Change Me.”

  Miranda released her grip on Corey and sidled up against Ramon. “You need to share your love.”

  “I’m good.” Ramon cuddled Jude closer. “Did you want something?”

  Corey nodded. “I wanted a dance with Judy. Miranda’s asked non-stop for one slow song to dance with you, Ramon. It’s only fair if we trade.”

  Jude shared a glance with Ramon. His brown eyes blazed. He didn’t seem pleased by the trade idea. She shrugged. “I suppose one dance won’t hurt.” She held up her index finger. “Just one.”

  Miranda shoved Jude aside and manoeuvred Ramon across the dance floor, out of view. Jude swallowed past the lump in her throat. A hint of jealousy clouded her vision and the thick musk of Corey’s cologne choked her. Maybe the dance wasn’t such a great idea.

  “You know he’s a cop, right?”

  Jude balled her fists on his shoulders. “He’s not.” Even if Ramon was, she didn’t care. She wanted far away from Corey but, damn it, she had to play up to him before she’d get an excuse to leave.

  “You’re blind. He’s too rigid and protecting.”

  She groaned. “Tiny wouldn’t hire a cop.” But a cop would know a judge. Damn.

  Corey cocked a brow. “Tiny’s playing with Ramon. He knows the truth and wants to see how long it’ll be before he fucks up. I doubt his name is even Ramon.”

  Her heart squeezed within her chest. Corey couldn’t be spouting the truth. Could he? Why would Tiny bring in a cop when he was the one crossing the line into illegal activities? She shook her head to dislodge the doubt forming. “He’s Ramon Decker. I know. I met his family. Now leave him alone.” Little things Ramon had said—the slips of his name, his knowledge of things he shouldn’t know about… It made sense for him to be an officer of the law.

  “You’re so naïve.”

  She backed away from him. Her mouth went dry. Her tongue tasted bitter and ten sizes too large for her mouth. “Why? Because I won’t sleep with you? Because I’m not just blindly following what you said? That’s not naïve. God, I lost my friend—your ex-girlfriend—and I’m afraid I’ll be next. I’m trying to be cautious.”

  “Cautious, my ass.” Corey folded his arms. “I know you slept with him. It’s written all over your face and the tapes… Yeah, I see the tapes. You love him and it’s unreciprocated. I’ll tell you right now that he’s not interested in you for anything more than sex. Care to prove me wrong?”

  “It’s complicated.” Jude set her jaw. “Why did you watch? Are you jealous?”

  “Complicated, my ass. You know damn well my job is surveillance.” Corey grabbed her arms and his fingers bit into her flesh. The muscles ached under the pressure of his touch. “Why won’t you believe me?”

  “Because you’re hurting me.” She held as still as possible, hoping he’d release his grip. “What do you want from me?”

  “Unload his worthless ass and go to Tiny. Astra fucked up and joined the wrong side. Don’t be like her. Let Ramon have the woman he wants.” He nodded across the dance floor to where Miranda danced with Ramon. She held him in a tight embrace. His eyes were closed. Did he like her kisses? Did he want Miranda?

  “I don’t buy it.” Jude’s stomach churned. She pushed her concerns down deep. First chance she got to run, she’d bolt. “Just let me go.”

  Corey yanked hard on her chin, refocusing her attention. “Why should I let you go? Because he’s sweet to you? Because he’s a gentleman? He’s an asshole. When you’re in class, he’s fucking around with Miranda. I’d never do that to you. I care about you.” He patted her cheek, but the action felt more like a series of slaps. “Why can’t you listen to me?”

  “Because you’re still hurting me!”

  “Let her go.” The bass voice came from behind Corey. When she looked up, her mouth slid open a fraction of an inch. Ray, the man who embodied strength and muscle, clenched his jaw.

  She gasped. “Oh!”

  Corey smirked. “It’s about time you realised how important I am.”

  “Important enough to get the fuck out!” Ray slapped his hands down on Corey’s shoulders, making the younger man jump. “I don’t want your kind of trouble here.”

  Corey waved his fingers, dismissing the larger man. “Piss off, dude. Get your own lady.”

  Ray fisted Corey’s shirt. He turned and sheltered Jude from Corey’s wrath. “The lady said you hurt her. Get out of this dance hall before I have to call the law.”

  “Let…let me get my date.”

  Ray shoved Corey in the direction of the door. “She’s outside.”

  Corey tripped, his arms flying forward and his composure slipping. When he stood erect, his lips curled in a sneer. “Alone? Never leave a woman defenceless.”

  “She’ll manage.”


  “You’d know.” Ray nodded to Jude and elbowed Corey to the exit.

  Jude toyed with the strings on her blouse, unsure where to go. She didn’t see Ramon or any of his friends. Apprehension and anxiety curled into a tight ball in the pit of her stomach. Being in the middle of the crowd scared her more than Corey’s assault.

  “Need me?”

  She knew that voice. Jude turned and stared at her saviour. Ned. “Thank God. Where’s Ramon?”

  A crooked smile curled the corner of his mouth and a shock of dark hair slipped over his brow. “Over there, looking for you. I’ll help you get over to him.” He touched her arm. “Trust him.”r />
  She paused and placed her hand on his chest. “Why? What’s going on that I should know? I don’t like being the last to find out what’s going to impact me.”

  Ned pinched his fingers and streaked them across his lips like he was closing a zipper.

  “Whatever you say.” She patted his forearm. “Just another person who seems to know what’s best for me without bothering to tell me what the hell’s going on. Fine. I’ll find him on my own.” With that, she crossed through the throng of people to where Ramon and Ray stood. “Let’s go home.”

  “Jude?” Ramon threaded his fingers with hers. “What, babe?”

  Ned came to a halt beside her. “Damage control.”

  The colour drained from Ramon’s face. So he knew something he wasn’t telling? Great. Jude released his hand and stared at the floor. Damn. She wasn’t even sure how to get home. No way in hell she’d ask Corey.

  “Why don’t we head home? Looks like I’ve got some…kissing up to do.” Ramon brushed his knuckles down her cheek. “Please?”

  “As long as we’re not here, I’ll be fine.”

  * * * *

  Ramon gritted his teeth. From the moment they’d left the club and headed to the farmhouse, she’d kept quiet. He yearned to grill her, to find out what the hell they’d let slip. Sure, he trusted Ned, Ray and Corbin. The guys were like his brothers. But then Corey had had to show up. And fucking Miranda. They knew something, but what had they told Jude?

  Instead of coming right out and asking her, Ramon stared at the blank television screen. He had to say something.

  Jude strolled into the bedroom, hair damp from her shower. Her skin glowed with tiny droplets of water on her shoulders. “Do you always watch television without it turned on?” She tugged the towel from her hair and plopped down onto the edge of the bed. “They make these things called remotes. They turn the thing on and even change the channels without you having to move an inch. You should try it.”

  “What would I do without you, smarty pants?”

  “End up with a statuesque blonde, living in the ‘burbs and making lots of kids. You’d slave at the club at night while she spends your money on diapers, formula and sex toys.”

  He followed her logic right up to the sex toys. “Really? And why would we need the toys?”

  “Low stamina.”

  Ramon jerked up from his seat and crossed around the bed. It wasn’t the comment per se that irritated him. She gave him fits regularly. He knew his performance in bed wasn’t an issue either. What pissed the hell out of him was her flippancy. She didn’t want to talk about the chasm between them any more than he did. Well, tough shit. He took both her hands in his. She crooked one brow but didn’t say anything.

  “I should spank your ass for being difficult.”

  “I’d like it.”

  “I know.” He pinned her hips between his thighs. “Which is why I won’t, but I want to talk to you. What did Corey say?”

  She closed her eyes. “He mentioned you might be a cop.”

  “Do you believe him?”

  “I don’t know.” She opened her eyes. “I… Some of it makes sense. You seem to know everything and everyone. You can’t stand it if you’re not in control. If you’re not watching me, you’re not happy.”

  “And that makes me a cop?”

  “No. Nosy maybe…observant and cautious.”

  “There’s something else going on here. Tell me.”

  “I feel safe with you, like I can tell you anything, but I’m scared it’s coming back to bite me in the ass. Corey… He’s Tiny’s right-hand man. If he thinks something is hinky, he’ll…”

  “Turn us in?” Ramon slid off the bed and stood before her. Corey would have to be the chink in the armour. Fine. “He can’t touch you. I won’t let him.”

  She nodded and stared off to the side as she snatched her sleep shirt from the end of the bed. “I just wanted a normal life. I don’t want to keep taking my clothes off for men, skirting illegal shit and putting myself in danger.” She yanked the cotton shirt over her head and stuck her arms through the sleeves. When she stood, she removed the towel. “I want a stable life with a guy who cares about me in a little house where I’m safe and cherished.”

  Ramon took the towel from her hands and tossed it onto the armchair. “Let’s rest. It’s been a long night.”

  Shoulders slumped, Jude climbed into bed. She kept her back to him and snuggled under the sheets.

  He tore his shirt up over his head and shucked his jeans. The look on her face before she turned away from him ripped his heart into shreds. He eased down beside her. “Come here, please?”

  She didn’t jump when he asked. Instead, she made him wait. Jude’s eyes shimmered in the low light.

  “What if I could make some of your dreams come true?”


  He wrapped her in his arms. “If you could decorate the farmhouse any way you wanted, how would you?”

  “This isn’t your house.”

  “Gramma lives with me, but she signed it over to me about five years ago. So, decorate for me. What would our room look like?”

  Jude curled against him, nice and tight. She twined her leg with his. “Blue walls.”

  “Yeah? Navy or pale?”

  “Dark with white trim. I’d put a mirror over the headboard and make sure the furniture matched.”

  “You don’t like my early bachelor look?”

  She giggled and her breath fanned over his chest. “I’ve always wanted a sleigh bed, lace curtains and a view of the sunset.”

  He buried his nose in her hair, breathing deeply of her essence. A sleigh bed had definite possibilities. Lace wasn’t his style, but making her happy seemed to suit him at every turn. “Would you live here with me?”

  “I’d go anywhere with you,” she murmured. Her body sagged against his as she drifted to sleep. Her hand fell slack on his chest.

  Ramon closed his eyes. She might not be awake to hear his grand confession, but he couldn’t hold back any longer. “My name is Drew. I’m a cop, I’m in love with you…and I’m about to lose you.”

  Instead of the weight lifting from his shoulders, it settled down heavier than before. Tears burned behind his eyelids. He wasn’t sure who would hear his prayer, so long as someone cared. Just don’t let me fuck it up when she walks.

  Chapter Nine

  Ramon stared at the streak of sunlight arched across the ceiling. In the twenty years he’d lived in the farmhouse, he could’ve sworn he’d never seen the light arc in such a fashion. Looking at it almost made him want to draw again. Being with Jude nudged him towards going back to his hobby. When was the last time he’d put pencil to paper?

  He grinned. The last time he’d indulged in drawing had been the quick sketch he’d made of her at the police station during the initial briefing. Had it been a sign? Perhaps.

  Jude sighed next to him and pressed her ass into his hip. The action both infuriated and intoxicated him. Too many nights of sleeping alone made him long for the fullness of the bed, while the gentle nudging reminded him of all he cared about when he held her in his arms. A feeling he could easily lose if she found out his truths. A crazy thought popped into his head. They had all afternoon and all the privacy in the world at the farmhouse. If he wanted more than a fleeting memory…

  “You’re thinking really hard.” Jude giggled, her back to him. “About what?”

  “How can you tell?”

  She flopped over onto his stomach, pressing her chin into his sternum. “Green smoke filling the room. When you think, green smoke comes out your ears.”

  He hitched her sleep shirt up over her hips and palmed her ass. “Tell me what I’m thinking about, if you’re so slick.”

  “I am slick.” She wriggled, capturing his erection between her damp thighs. “From the tent pole, I’d say you’re thinking about sex.”

  “Possibly later, but not yet. I have a question. You pose for your classes, right?”

  She folded her hands under her chin. “You saw me, so that’s a yes.”

  Duh. He laughed to cover his embarrassment. He’d walked in on her being pawed by the frat boy and the moment still rubbed him raw. He shook off the useless frustration. “Will you pose for me? I’ll let you work on your project when we’re done.”

  Jude rose up to a sitting position and whipped her sleep shirt up over her head. “I’d love to. I know you’ll respect me when it’s over.”

  He’d always respect her. “Wear my dress shirt.”

  Her eyes flickered with mischief and interest. “I didn’t think you wore formal clothes.”

  He nodded to the closet. “Grab one of the pinstripe ones and leave it unbuttoned. I want a hint of mystery mixed with innocence and sexuality.”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “You don’t demand much, do you?” Jude removed a shirt from the hanger and draped it across her shoulders. Her eyes closed as she ran her fingers down the line of buttons. “So soft.”

  Ramon stood and crossed the room. Seeing her in the dark fabric, wrapped up in the real Drew, pushed his emotions farther into uncharted territory. He’d loved before, but never as much as he cared for her.

  “Here.” Ramon arranged her beside the French door. “Okay?”

  Jude nodded. Ramon grabbed the sketchbook and a pencil. He visually caressed her body, memorising every curve and plane. Each line, each mark, brought him closer to her and closer to admitting the truth. Once the operation ended, he’d have to make a choice—if he followed his heart, he’d have her forever. If he followed the rules of the job, he’d be alone for the rest of his life. The corners of his eyes burned as he finished the sketch. Letting her go would certainly be the death of him. He forced a smile to his face. “Come here.” He smoothed his hand over the page. “Do you like?”

  Jude plopped down next to him. She clasped her hands in front of her mouth as if she needed to pray or hide her own smile. “I love it. You should get a degree. You have serious talent.”

  He shrugged. “No patience. I’d rather doodle.”

  She dropped onto the bed next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. “If that’s a doodle, I’d be willing to bet a concentrated effort would knock my socks off.”


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