One Shameless Night: An Enemies To Lovers Stand Alone Single Dad Romance (The West Sisters Novel Book 2)

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One Shameless Night: An Enemies To Lovers Stand Alone Single Dad Romance (The West Sisters Novel Book 2) Page 23

by A. Hargrove

  “Everyone, I want to introduce to you our new guards we decided to hire.”

  “Guards?” Gabriele asked.

  “That's right. Ever since Piper was taken, I've been thinking about doing this and I've made the decision today. These men will be here and with us all the time to keep us safe. We will all be assigned someone when we travel too.” He pointed to each one and named them, but I was focused on Gabriele as his eyes widened. He was more curious about how cool they were than anything else. The questions rolled off his tongue, one after the other.

  “Do you have a gun? Can you fight? Are you strong, like on TV? Do you know how to kick like this?” And he demonstrated some rapid-fire moves that were hilarious but wouldn't injure a puppy. Bless them, the men were kind and patient, but I knew without a doubt they would execute their duties by their stern, no-nonsense appearance. Once Gabriele finished with his interrogation, Antonio took them to their quarters. Apparently they would be living here until we left. One would go back to the U.K. with me. I wondered how Emma would feel about that.

  “Piper, may I have a word?” Alessandro asked. We went to the living room and he told me that my bodyguard could live in the house with me, if I preferred that over living with Emma.

  “I don't know. What do you think?”

  “Either way, I want someone with you at all times. Emma will have to work, which leaves you alone. If you stay at the house, he can accompany you to classes, wait for you, and then drive you home. You'd never be alone.”

  As I digested this, I wondered about one thing. “Will he come with me to the U.S.?”

  “No, you won't need him then. He'll return here after your degree is complete.”

  “Will it be awkward having him around all the time?”

  “At first, I imagine so. But you'll get used to it. My suggestion is to go with it and if it's too uncomfortable, you can always move in with Emma and have him on stand-by.”

  “Sure. I'll do that.”

  He kissed me. “Thank you. My mind will be at ease knowing you're protected. Oh, and I meant to tell you that your MRIs came back. Everything looked good but the shoulder. The doctor recommended you see an orthopedist.”

  “Same news then.”

  “Yes, but good.”

  I didn't tell Alessandro that my mind was eased over having a bodyguard. No use worrying him more than he already was.

  Dinner that evening was spectacular. Christmas Eve was in two days, but it didn't affect what the nonne cooked for us. Even though they could afford help, they refused to let strangers into their home to provide meals for their family. Most of the afternoon was spent preparing our meals, and I felt a bit guilty about it. Alessandro reassured me that this was what they loved the most.

  “Feeding people is their thing. If you don't leave here a few pounds heavier than when you came, their mission was not a success.”

  “I'm positive they've already accomplished that task.”

  He slipped his hand under my ass and gave it a slight squeeze. “I love this. If it gets bigger, I'll be happier. Gives me more to grab onto.”

  “Stop,” I said, smacking his hand.

  After dinner and dessert, we settled into our chairs, when Alessandro stood. “I'd love to have everyone's attention, please. I am thrilled you are all here and we are together for the Christmas holidays. But there's something special I'd like to add to this occasion. This beautiful woman seated next to me has stolen my heart. It seems she is destined to keep it too. This afternoon, I asked her father for permission to marry her, and he gave it. So I'd love it if you would join the two of us in celebrating our engagement to become husband and wife.”

  I was shocked. He hadn't given me any warning nor did he tell me he'd spoken to Dad. My mouth turned up into the biggest, dorkiest grin and I must've looked ridiculous as he pulled me to my feet. Everyone clapped as his lips touched mine.

  “We wanted to be married here, at the vineyard, but since everything has changed, we've decided to get married in the U.S. We hope that pleases all of you.”

  Reynolds let out a huge WooHoo while everyone else lifted their glasses in a congratulatory toast. The only one who wasn't smiling was Sylvie. Her brows were creased as she frowned. This wasn't like her. I knew she wanted me to get counseling, but why was she grimacing?

  Then Gabriele popped the big question. “Papa, does this mean I'm going to America too?”

  “Of course you are.”

  “Then how will I see my mama?”

  Silence descended upon the room like a black cloud.

  Chapter Forty-Six


  Damn Chiara. She always had to ruin things. Now I had to explain to my son why he couldn't see his mother.

  “Gabriele, come here.” He walked over to me and I took his hand. We sat on the couch and I pulled him onto my lap. Sometimes he acted so grown up, and others he was my tiny boy, like now. “Sometimes we have to do things that others don't understand. That's what I'm doing now. I know it doesn't make sense to you, but it will one day. You and I are going to move to America because I'm opening a division of our wines there. I'm going to do it with Evan's help. We have to go together. I know you want to see your mama, but you can't until you're a grown-up and can make that decision on your own. This is very hard right now, but your mama isn't supposed to see you. She did some things that weren't nice. She had to go to jail because of them. That's why you are with me, but you know what? I'm so happy you are because I love you more than anything. I don't know how I'd live knowing you weren't with me. So we are going to America where you can teach those American boys how to play real football. And in three months, Piper will come too.”

  “She's not coming now?” His voice cracked when he asked.

  “She can't because she has to go back to England and finish school. But it won't take long.”

  “But I'll miss her.” His eyes bubbled with tears.

  “I'm pretty sure she'll miss you too.”

  His tiny arms flew around my neck as he cried. My heart cracked into pieces to hear him sob. I could handle a lot but not my son getting destroyed by a woman who was supposed to love him. Piper came over and patted his back.

  “Hey, squirt, what's going on?”

  “You're not coming,” he hiccupped the words out.

  “Coming where?”

  I explained and she said, “Get over here, you big goof.” She pulled him onto her lap, which made me leery because she was still bruised. Then she told him, “I'm coming, just a little later. And guess what? We can talk on the phone every day. Before you know it, I'll be there. And something else. I have nieces and nephews you can play with and they're lots of fun.”

  “They are?” He sniffed.

  “They sure are. There's Kinsley and she loves to dance. But I'm going to let you in on something. She's real bossy so be careful. Then there's Aaron and he likes to play soccer.”

  “It's football.”

  “Um, not over there. You'll have to convert.”

  “What does that mean?”

  I watched the two of them in fascination.

  “It means you'll have to start calling it soccer.”

  Gabriele crossed his arms and said, “No way. I'm not ever calling it that.”

  She tickled his ribs and asked, “Wanna bet?”

  “Is that when I have to pay you money?”

  “Yep. And if you bet me, you'll be emptying your piggy bank.”

  He cast a glance at me, and I knew what was coming.

  “Piggy banks are popular in America. I'll buy you one when we get there so you can start saving your money. But you'll have to pay her if you make that bet.”

  “But Papa, I can't call it soccer when it's football.”

  Piper and I chuckled. She ruffled his hair and said, “It'll be fine. After a while, you won't even notice. But then guess what. You can also learn baseball, basketball, and American football if you want.”

  “But I want you to be there to watch.�

  “I will. I promise. Three months is all the time I'll be away. Before you know it, I'll be back.”

  Taking Piper's hand in mine, I then told him, “And when she gets back, we're going to get married. Just like you wanted.”

  A huge grin appeared on his face for a second, right before he frowned. “Does that mean I have to wear church shoes?”

  Piper tilted her head and asked, “Don't you want to look nice for the pictures?”

  “Uh huh, but I don't like church shoes. They hurt my feet.”

  “Then we'll buy you some that don't,” I said.

  “Can they be football shoes?”

  “Afraid not, goofball.” Piper busted him on that one. “You're just trying to get new soccer cleats out of this deal, aren't you?”

  “Nope. Football cleats.” He grinned impishly. Things were better already.

  The nonne came in and it wasn't difficult to tell they'd been crying. I shook my head, making sure Gabriele didn't see. The last thing he needed was for them to make him sad.

  “We wanted you to know we are so happy for the three of you.”

  “Nonna, I'm going to America and will play football there.”

  They smiled and said, “We'll send you your favorite cookies.”

  “But you have to come and visit too.”

  “We will. And we'll come for the wedding too.”

  Gabriele jumped off Piper's lap and ran around the room. He spread his arms wide and pretended he was an airplane. “You can fly on the plane to see me every week.”

  “Every week might be a bit much, but maybe every other month,” I suggested.

  “Okay.” Then he flew out of the room.

  Chapter Forty-Seven


  The days in Italy flew by. Sylvie and I spent quality time together and she determined that I was suffering from PTSD, but it wasn’t as bad as she feared.

  “If nightmares and fear of being alone are the only residual effects you’re experiencing, then I’d say you escaped fairly well. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek counseling. I wish I had connections in Cambridge.”

  “No worries. My friend, Emma, will know of someone, I’m sure.”

  Alessandro had surprised me on New Year’s morning with an engagement ring. We slept together every night, and when I awoke, he slipped it on my finger and asked me to marry him. I cried, of course.

  “I had planned on asking you on Christmas, but then I decided I wanted to start this year out the right way—with you in my arms, asking for you to be my forever partner.”

  “This is the most wonderful thing. I love you more than anything, Alessandro.”

  “Piper, words are not enough for me to explain how you’ve given me a second chance at life.”

  We kissed, and it turned into all kinds of dirty things. Dirty, sexy things he did to me with his mouth and hands, that had my fingers clawing the sheets, his hair, and everything else within reach. I hated for the minutes to pass, because it only reminded me how precious they were. The next three months would be agony.

  The day came when everyone was set to leave. The nonne cried as we hugged and sent us to the airport with baskets filled with food. Piles of those delicious cookies I loved so much were loaded in mine. I knew what I’d be stuffing my face with on the flight back.

  At the airport, both jets sat side by side. Everyone but Antonio, my bodyguard, Tommaso, and me boarded Evan’s jet. The three of us walked up the steps to the jet with the Balotelli Vineyards on it. My heart was heavy as I stood and watched as the door to the other one closed, and it taxied to the runway.

  “Piper, we must close the door now,” Antonio said behind me.

  I went inside and took my seat. Soon we were airborne, bound for England. Only my heart was on a different jet, with another man.

  Antonio did a turnaround flight and didn’t stay. I hugged him hard, and he promised to visit as soon as he could. A car picked us up at the airport and drove us home. Tommaso carried my bags inside, only after he checked to ensure everything was okay.

  I occupied Alessandro’s room and felt his presence everywhere, which made me miss him even more. After I unpacked, I called Emma and told her she had to come over. When she saw Tommaso, she wouldn’t stop eye-fucking the poor man. She barraged him with police-type questions, and when she was satisfied, she flopped on the couch and asked for some wine.

  “You knew I’d bring some of the best back, didn’t you?”

  “Of course, love. By the way, the trip agreed with you. You look fabulous.”

  “I have definitely improved. I have to see the doctor next week about my wrist, and everything else is good. The only thing left to deal with is my shoulder. No one can decide if I need surgery or not, so I’m waiting until I get back to the states. Have you heard anything on the trial?”

  Tommaso sat with us silently.

  “I’m hearing March.”

  “I hope it’s not around my exam time.”

  “Buggar. That would be your luck, wouldn’t it?”

  I had been flashing my hand around, hoping she’d notice the ring, but the fool hadn’t paid it a bit of attention. She was solely focused on the hunk of muscle sitting across from her.

  “Since you’re blind as a bat, I may as well tell you. Alessandro and I are going to be married.”

  “What? Bloody hell! You got engaged?”

  “Yes, you idiot. I’ve been trying to show off my ring but you haven’t paid attention. Some detective you are.”

  “I’m not a detective yet.”

  “I can see why.”

  She hopped up and ran over to check out my hand. “Well, by the by, would you look at that. It’s brilliant. I mean, he didn’t spare a quid on you, did he?”

  “Not that I can tell. I was totally surprised because we never spoke about rings, or diamonds, or anything.”

  “You certainly hit the diamond jackpot here. How much?”

  “For fuck’s sake, Emma. I didn’t ask him how much it cost.”

  “No! I meant how big is the stone.”

  “Oh.” I cackled. “I have no idea. Big.”

  “I’ll say. It’s a huge fucker.”

  I held out my hand and tilted it one way, then another. It was huge. A rock. “I think it’s as big as my sister’s but I don’t even know how big hers is. I never asked.” I shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. He could’ve given me a chip and I’d have been thrilled.”

  “Someone is crazy in love.” Emma chortled. “I’ll tell you this much. The man was a raving maniac when we couldn’t find you. I knew he was in love with you then.”

  “He said as much. He’s moving to the states.”


  “Yes!” I explained what was going on with the business venture and his crazy ex.

  Emma waved a hand. “Eh, that woman can’t leave the country, so he doesn’t have to worry.”

  We chatted until dinner time and then ordered carry-out. Tommaso went to pick it up. After he left, Emma asked, “Does he ever speak? Can he speak?”

  “Not much and yes, he can.”

  “He sure does raise the temperature in here, but the man needs to loosen up a bit.”

  “Maybe you should tell him that.”

  “Maybe I will.”

  Tommaso returned with our dinner and Emma jumped right in, letting him know he needed to open up some and talk. He stared at her and she asked, “What?”

  “I’m not here for chit chat. I’m here to execute my duty.”

  That was it. Or so I thought.

  “Yeah, but just think how much more fun it would be if you were to jump into this conversation.”

  “I’m paid to be eyes, ears, and protection. If I get distracted, someone could get hurt, namely my client.”

  Emma looked at me and said, “He makes a good point.”

  We ate, Emma chatting the entire time, with Tommaso sitting in silence.

  That night, I was sleeping when my phone rang.
  “Hey,” I mumbled, still asleep.



  “Yes, we’re here. I wanted to let you know.”

  “Great. How was the flight?”

  “The flight went well. We just got to Evan and Sylvie’s.”

  “Okay. I was asleep, so I’m a bit out of it.”

  “I’ll let you go back to sleep then. It’s late here, so that’s what we’re going to do.”

  “I miss you already.”

  “Same here.”

  Our conversation was interrupted by Gabriele who wanted to speak to me.

  “Piper, there’s snow here.”

  I’d forgotten about his snow obsession.

  “There is? You’ll have to make your Papa help you build a snowman then.”

  “He says we will tomorrow.”

  “Good. Don’t freeze over there.”

  “I won’t. I love you.”

  “I love you too. And I’ll see you soon, squirt.”

  His father came back on the line, promising to call the next day, which was already here for me. After the call, I had trouble falling back asleep. All I thought of was how much I missed the warmth of Alessandro next to me and how long it would be before I’d be next to him again.

  A month later, on Valentine’s Day, I woke up in tears. I dreamed that Gabriele decided to live with Chiara. It had been so real, my heart thrummed a beat that wouldn’t stop. In a panic, I called Alessandro, but he didn’t answer. The next six hours was brutal as I waited for six o’clock New York time to roll around. I called Evan because I knew he was an early riser.

  “Pipe, what’s up?”

  “Is Gabriele okay?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “I just had the worst dream ever and tried to call Alessandro, but he didn’t answer. I waited forever to call because I didn’t want to wake you. It’s been a shit day so far.”


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