Interlude (Rock Star Crush Book 2)

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Interlude (Rock Star Crush Book 2) Page 15

by Vicky Owen

  He grins and moves to kiss me, but I turn around before he can, facing my whole body away from him. He slides his arms around me, pulling me into him, and I feel that he’s still hard. It’s infuriating, to be so close and so far at the same time.

  ‘But teasing is half the fun,’ he says, his breath tickling my neck.

  Downstairs, the countdown to midnight starts. ‘We’re missing it,’ I say.

  Luc’s response is to kiss my neck. Which does all kinds of things to my body. This is really not fair.

  ‘I told my friends,’ I say, trying to throw him off. ‘About this arrangement.’

  ‘That’s fine,’ he says, moving my hair to expose more of my neck.

  I frown. Not the response I expected. ‘You don’t mind?’

  ‘I trust your judgement.’

  ‘Except when I’ve had a drink?’

  ‘Yes.’ Downstairs there’s a huge cheer as the clock strikes midnight.

  We’re both quiet for a moment. Neither of us acknowledging the new year.

  Or this new shift in our arrangement.

  Whatever this is.



  THE FAMILIAR BUZZING of my phone wakes me.

  Eyes closed, I try to shift my body, to reach the phone on the bedside table, but something stops me.

  Someone sweet-smelling and warm in my bed.

  I open my eyes slightly. Just enough to see, but not so much that the rays of the low winter sun streaming in through the window blind me.

  Someone with long dark hair and—I remember as my hand skims her hips—delicious curves.


  She’s facing away from me. My little spoon.

  My hand grazes some thin fabric. She’s still wearing her panties.

  And she’s still asleep. Not giving me sass for the first time ever.

  My phone buzzes again. I could just leave it. Just focus on the woman I’ve been trying to keep out of my mind and my bed.

  A third buzz. Fine. For fuck’s sake.

  I reach back behind me, careful not to disturb Lexi. It takes some scrambling, but I finally find the handset.

  I hold it up above my face.

  Messages from Hayley.

  Well, obviously.

  I sigh, opening them.

  So you kissed her. You’ve thrown away everything we had. And in front of everyone while I was there! You really are a fucking cunt.


  And another.

  Your loss.

  Lexi stirs next to me.

  And the third.

  I hope you and that fucking thing are happy.

  ‘What are you looking at?’ Lexi turns to face me and I quickly close the messages before she sees.

  ‘Nothing.’ I toss the phone back on the bedside table and turn to give her my full attention.

  She smiles, twisting her entire body around to face me, and I pull her into my arms.

  ‘You smell good,’ I say, kissing her. She kisses back. Sleepy kisses. Her hands move to my chest. Fuck, I love it when she touches me.

  I let my hands wander over her body, tracing the curve where her waist meets her hip. I finger the waistband of her panties. ‘Still wearing these?’

  She reaches down to my shorts. ‘Still wearing these?’ she mimics.

  I kiss her to shut down her sassing, and move my hand around to her perfect, round ass. She moans in response, into my kiss, as I firmly press my fingers into the flesh of her behind before slipping my hand under the fabric to feel her properly.

  ‘You know, I think you’ve waited long enough,’ I say between kisses.

  ‘Me?!’ she says, incredulous at my assumption.

  ‘OK, fine. We,’ I concede. Me.

  ‘So we’re actually going to have sex this time?’ she asks. Before I can respond, she’s pushing my shoulders back. Pushing me flat on the bed. And climbing on top of me.

  If I thought she looked amazing last night, well, it doesn’t even compare to how she looks now.

  She sits upright, then leans forward, her hands on my midsection. Her hair falls forward and her arms press her tits together.

  ‘Fuck,’ I mutter. I extend my arm, stroking her perfectly pink nipple with my thumb. She bites down on her lip as it hardens beneath my touch.

  Fuck, my cock is throbbing.

  And then she does something completely and utterly unfair.

  She starts grinding against my crotch.

  ‘Oh, fuck. Lexi.’

  ‘Yeah?’ she says, her breathing heavy but a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

  She fucking knows what she’s doing.

  I put both hands loosely on her hips, in my mind to reduce the movement. To stop her from teasing me. But instead I just let her carry on, feeling the rhythm of her thrusts in my hands as well as against my cock.

  She leans back slightly, her breasts pointing outward now as she lets her head fall back.

  I hook a finger into her panties. ‘Maybe we should get these off?’ I say, trying to concentrate. Trying to disengage slightly. I’m usually the one in control.

  ‘Hmm? Why would we do that?’ I can hear the self-satisfied smile in her voice. Then she looks down at me, more serious. ‘Can’t you feel how wet I am?’

  And as soon as she says it, I do. I reach between us with two fingers, and feel the dampness between her thighs. Fuck that’s hot. ‘You’ve soaked through your panties.’

  She nods, biting her lip slightly. ‘Your fault.’

  I need her. Now.

  Holding her body, I pull her down and underneath me in one swift movement. She squeals in delight as I kiss her neck, working my way down.


  All the way down.

  Until I can feel her heat, and smell how sweet she is.

  I need to taste her.

  Looking up at her, I tug down gently on her panties, sliding them off her legs. She looks back, smiling, biting the fingers on one hand and absent-mindedly fondling her tits with the other.

  ‘Luc!’ she gasps as I kiss her inner thighs. Then again, softer this time.

  I work my way slowly towards her cunt, wanting to savour every moment. Every taste. I loop one arm around her thigh and reach up to tease her nipple with my other hand. She runs her fingers into my hair.

  And tightens her thighs around my head.


  There’s nothing but her scent and her taste. The pushing of her hips against my mouth. Her breathing. I could stay here all day.

  I finally move to her perfect, wet lips, and she gasps as my tongue makes contact with her, her breath becoming jagged for a moment.

  Slowly, I tease her with my mouth, causing small moans to escape her, and she grips my hair harder.

  I know she wants me inside her. I can tell by the way she pushes against me. I could give in and use my fingers while giving her head.

  But I want to make her wait for my cock.

  And I know I can make her come with just my mouth.

  Moments later she confirms it. Her body jerking, arching. Uncontrollable moans and fractured breaths.

  I keep going, not stopping until I know for sure that she’s done. Until she can say my name again.


  And even then it’s hard. She tastes so fucking good.

  I sit up and look down at her. Her eyes look back, a beautiful sleepy post-orgasm mess.

  ‘I’m going to fuck you now.’

  She nods.

  I stand, finally removing my shorts. Her gaze moves to my cock, hard and throbbing. Fuck, why did I wait this long? Why did I even think I could resist her indefinitely?

  I grab a condom and roll it on before getting back on the bed. Back on top of her.

  ‘Yeah?’ I ask, barely above a whisper.

  More nodding. She reaches down between us, looking up at me with those big round eyes as her hand finds me and guides me into her.

  As I enter her, she whimpers. She’s tight around me.
  I take her hands, positioning them over her head. Holding them down.

  ‘Alexis,’ I say in a low growl.

  Her moans get louder. Her legs wrap around me.



  She pushes back against me as I thrust into her.

  ‘Good girl,’ I whisper into her neck. And it’s too much for her. She loses control, coming again, harder this time, tightening rhythmically around my cock.

  Making me come too. Hard and fast.





  PLEASE DON’T BE late, please don’t be late.

  I hurry through town in the direction of uni. Through crowds of morning commuters and against a hard headwind.

  First January exam and I’m already running late.

  Why did I even take this stupid module? Stupid fish and stupid thyroid and stupid metamorphosis.

  The huge clock in the middle of town comes into view.

  Eight forty-five.

  Exam starts in fifteen minutes.

  Crap crap crap.

  My feet move faster, hurrying me along to City Hall. At least I think that’s the exam venue.

  I hope.

  I desperately want to pull out my diary to check, but I haven’t got time. If it’s not there, I won’t make it anywhere else on time anyway.

  If I pass this thing it’ll be a miracle. Not that I’ve really got any excuse to fail. Luc practically insisted we not see each other so I don’t get distracted during my study leave.

  Like I need him right in front of me to be distracted by him.


  I round a corner and City Hall comes into view. Just a small crossing and an underpass and I’m there. As I hurry towards the road, I plead with the gods to keep it clear.

  The gods aren’t listening.

  A taxi and three buses come into view, and I’m stuck. Damn it.


  I turn around at the sound of my name, but I don’t have to look to know who it is.


  She hurries to catch up.

  Sam’s never late for an exam.

  I don’t even know if she has an exam.

  ‘Did you have a nice Christmas?’ she smiles, drawing level.

  Did Cerys ever actually speak to her?

  ‘I…uh, yeah, it was OK. How about you?’

  Sam shrugs. ‘It was fine.’

  We stand for a moment, neither of us knowing what to say. Both ignoring the obvious.

  Sam speaks first. ‘You’ve got your aquatic biology exam today, right?’

  I nod. ‘Yeah.’ I hesitate for a second. ‘Have you got an exam?’

  Sam shakes her head. ‘Just going to to library to do some revision.’

  ‘At this time in the morning?’

  ‘Well…’ She looks down. Then back up. ‘I’m really sorry about the way I reacted. It was stupid. It’s your life. And you’re not a fool, I just—’

  ‘I know,’ I interrupt. ‘I’m sorry too. I should have just told you. The truth, I mean.’

  ‘Cerys already has.’

  Oh crap. I suddenly realise that the “purely platonic” thing I told Cerys isn’t entirely true any more.

  Sam sees my expression. ‘Yes, and that. Her and Mylo told me all about him kissing you in front of everyone.’

  Just the memory of it makes me hot and uncomfortable, like she can read my thoughts.

  Sam laughs as I squirm. ‘Lexi, it’s fine. I’m not judging you. You don’t have to explain. I was just being weird and over-involved before.’

  I nod, looking down.

  ‘Just, you know, don’t get hurt. That’s all I care about.’

  I keep nodding.


  ‘I’m listening.’ I look back at her. ‘Thanks Sam.’

  ‘It’s OK,’ she smiles. Then she looks past me, towards City Hall. ‘You better go, or you’ll be late.’

  ‘Oh crap!’ I turn around and check the road, rushing across. Once I’m on the other side, I turn. ‘You want to come over the flat for games on Saturday? I think Cerys and Jake will be there.’

  Sam nods. ‘Maybe.’

  ‘OK.’ I turn and dash toward the exam hall.

  ‘And good luck!’ she calls out behind me.

  ‘Thank you!’


  It’s not until I open the door and see her standing in front of me that I really believe Sam is coming for games.

  She holds up a canvas bag. ‘I brought Exploding Kittens and vodka.’

  ‘Nice!’ I hold the door open so she can enter. ‘Jake—or Cerys, I forget which—is already pouring drinks.’

  Sam nods. ‘Cool.’

  ‘And, uh, Luc’s here.’ I frown, not sure how that’ll go down. ‘I didn’t know he was coming until he turned up with Jake.’

  Sam peers around the corner, towards the kitchen. ‘Well, I guess he really is your boyfriend now,’ she teases.

  ‘Not sure about that,’ I reply, letting the door close.

  ‘Oh please!’ Sam takes a deep breath and walks down the hallway. I follow.

  Jake’s voice comes into focus as we approach. ‘I’m not the fucking miserable one.’

  ‘I can believe it,’ Cerys is saying in response as we enter the kitchen. She laughs. ‘It’s OK. I still love you.’ She reaches up to pat his head, but she’s far too short. Jake playfully grabs her and tickles her.

  Luc looks at me as I enter. And at Sam.

  Right. They’ve never met.

  ‘Uh, guys. This is Sam. Sam—Luc, Jake.’ I point to the guys needlessly. She already knows who they are. But pleasantries and all that.

  Luc narrows his eyes for a second. And then: ‘Oh! Hey. Lexi mentioned you a while back.’

  Sam looks at me cautiously. ‘She did?’

  I frown.

  ‘She was kind of drunk,’ Luc says.

  I struggle to remember. ‘New Year’s Eve?’

  ‘Not that time.’

  Oh. The first time. Still can’t remember, but I’ll take his word for it.

  ‘Cool. What are you drinking?’ Jake asks, opening the cupboard and getting another glass out.

  Sam pulls the litre bottle of vodka out of her bag, plus several cartons of juice. ‘Screwdrivers?’

  Cerys scrunches her nose and Jake laughs at her disgust.

  Several minutes later, we each have the drink of our choice.

  ‘So what game shall we start with?’ Cerys asks as we take our seats. With only enough room for four, Jake pulls her onto his lap.

  ‘How about that sushi game you mentioned before?’ Jake says.

  Cerys looks horrified for a second, then relaxes. ‘Oh. Ohhh.’ She smiles. ‘OK.’ She gets up to fetch it.

  Jake frowns, clearly clueless.

  Under the table, Luc’s hand finds mine.

  We haven’t had a chance to speak since we parted on New Year’s Day. He entwines his fingers with mine, and I desperately want to ask him where we are now. I hate the not knowing. It’s the worst part. But I’m also scared of the answer.

  Sam was right last month. Of course I’m too attached.

  Too late now, though.

  ‘Here it is!’ Cerys bounces back into the room with the box, various sushi foodstuffs illustrated on them. She sits on Jake’s lap again, and a small smile spreads slowly across her face as she starts shuffling the cards. ‘So, miserable? Is that because of me?’

  Sam takes the box and gets the board and tokens out.

  ‘What? Fuck off!’ Jake sulks. ‘I’m not miserable!’

  Cerys and Luc laugh. He grips my hand tighter.

  I really hate not knowing.

  Jake turns his attention to Luc. ‘You’re the silent antisocial one. No press. Avoiding the fans.’

  Luc nods and shrugs. ‘Fair.’

  Jake narrows his eyes as his attempt to get a rise out of Luc fails.

  Then he l
ooks at me.

  No, don’t bring me into this. I’m not in the band.

  ‘Until you,’ Jake says, simply.

  And now all eyes are on me.

  What does that even mean?

  Luc’s grip softens slightly. Almost imperceptibly. But he doesn’t let go.

  Jake looks between us, between me and Luc. His brow furrows slightly. Luc looks back at him, calmly. But something feels different.

  ‘You never once held Hayley’s hand when you were with us,’ Jake says, his eyes boring into Luc. ‘Not even under the table.’

  The bottom of my stomach seems to drop. Sam and Cerys look at the corner of the table between me and Luc, leaning down to get a better view of what’s underneath.

  I expect Luc to drop my hand in response. But he doesn’t. Instead he keeps looking at Jake, never breaking eye contact.

  Cerys, still holding the deck of cards, sits upright again and looks at Jake. ‘How did you know that?!’

  I feel like I’m doing something very wrong.

  Jake shrugs. ‘I just know Luc. Usually he’s drumming his hands on the table.’ He looks at me. ‘He’s different with you.’

  Luc rolls his eyes and sighs. ‘No I’m not. I’m still me.’

  ‘You’re less agitated.’

  ‘And what’s wrong with that?’

  ‘Nothing,’ Jake says, holding up his hands. ‘Just interesting that Lexi seems more like your real girlfriend than your ex did.’

  The silence that follows is uncomfortable.

  They’re all expecting Luc to say something.

  Finally, bristling, he does. ‘Can we just play?’

  But he doesn’t let go of my hand.

  FIVE HOURS LATER, Sam leaves with Jake and Cerys, Jake insisting that he drop her off on their way to his place to make sure she’s home safe.

  After the brief awkwardness, we all settled into a few games and a few drinks and everything went fine. Everyone had fun. And nothing was mentioned of Luc’s behaviour again.

  But as the front door closes behind the three leaving, and I stand in the dark hallway, I have no idea what’s going to happen.

  I wander back to the kitchen.

  ‘That was fun,’ Luc grins, pulling me into his arms. He lowers his voice. ‘I’ve been wanting to do this all night.’ He plays with a tendril of my hair and leans in to kiss me.


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