Beautiful Mess

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Beautiful Mess Page 31

by Preston, Jennifer

  Bri looked down, realizing her dress was still half hanging off of her. She laughed, handing him his shirt, and reached around to zip up her dress.

  “It’s probably better this way, anyway.” Cole shrugged into his shirt, buttoning it. “The backseat of a car isn’t the classiest place for our first time,” he winked at her, causing Bri to blush as she realized just how close that came to happening. A pang of disappointment shot through her.

  “Yeah, but if you’re going to do it in a car, this would be the one to do it in,” she laughed back at him.

  “I’ll make sure to pass that on to Layla’s dad!”

  Having redressed, they climbed out of the car and headed back into the dance. As they entered the gym, Bri was immediately accosted by Layla.

  “I’m going to the ladies room. Come with me!” Layla grabbed Bri’s arm and pulled her away before she could even respond. Bri shot Cole an apologetic look before being forcefully removed from the gym. Instead of taking her to the restroom, though, Layla drug Bri down to the end of a dark, deserted hallway and cornered her.

  “Okay, girl, spill! Did you and Cole just...?” Layla pounced excitedly.

  “What? No!” Bri cheeks flamed red. “We just needed some fresh air,” she lied miserably.

  “Oh, come on! You borrow my keys, you two disappear, and you both walk in looking substantially disheveled. Something happened.” Layla crossed her arms and looked at Bri knowingly. “And if you won’t tell me what, I’ll just go ask Cole,” she raised her eyebrow in challenge.

  “Okay, okay,” Bri caved. “Yes, we went out to your car, but we just made out a little, that’s all.” She felt her cheeks flushing as she remembered exactly what had happened in the back seat. Layla noticed it, too.

  “That must have been one hell of a make out session.” She still looked skeptical.

  “Oh, it was,” Bri smiled slyly.

  “And you two didn’t...?”

  “In the backseat of a car? Really, Layla?” It was Bri’s turn to cross her arms and raise her eyebrows. As Layla continued to stare her down, Bri sighed and relented. “Okay, it got really heated and really intense. And, to be honest, it very easily could’ve happened. But, no, we did not have sex. Happy now?”

  Layla looked slightly disappointed. “How close are we talking here?”

  Bri rolled her eyes. “All the important clothing items were still in place, but the more... superfluous items weren’t. Not that my sex life is any of your business!”

  “Of course it is,” Layla scoffed. “I’m your best friend. That entitles me to any and all of the intimate details of your life. Besides, how can I live vicariously if I don’t ask?”

  “Wait, you and Devon haven’t...?” Bri was shocked.

  “No,” Layla looked away, uncomfortable. “I wanted to be sure of my feelings, and his, before taking that step.”

  Bri squeezed Layla’s arm reassuringly.

  “There’s nothing wrong with waiting until you’re ready. I mean, we’re only in high school. We have plenty of time.”

  “Yeah,” Layla smiled. “Plus, my dad promised me if I waited until I was married, he’d pay for my whole wedding. Whatever I want, no questions or restrictions, and he’d pay for my honeymoon. That kind of deal is hard to pass up. Especially when I’m planning on getting Chris Carrabba to sing at my wedding.”

  “I better be getting an invitation to that!” Bri laughed. “But, if you find you can’t wait any longer, the back seat of the Maserati is very roomy!” she teased, handing the keys back to Layla. Linking arms, the girls were still laughing as they walked back into the gym.

  The rest of the danced passed quickly. There was still an underlying thread of desire and tension between Bri and Cole, but they didn’t allow themselves to be alone again. Bri enjoyed being close to Cole in any way she could, and aside from the death glares she got from Serena, it was a perfect night.

  “I wish you didn’t have to go,” Cole whispered as they stood on his dark porch, saying goodnight. “I wish you could stay, that I never had to let you go.” He gazed right into her eyes, and Bri was moved by the honesty and emotion in his words.

  “I wish I could stay, too,” she smiled softly. At that moment, she wanted nothing more than to follow Cole inside, and never leave his side. She kissed him softly, almost sadly, wishing it could always be like this between them. That their relationship didn’t have to end, that they didn’t have to say goodbye. That nothing, not college or life, would ever come between them. But as she walked back to Layla’s waiting car, she knew that it couldn’t be. The inevitable was coming, no matter how much she wished otherwise. The only thing she could do was make sure she was ready. Because the end would come far sooner than she was prepared for.

  Chapter 25

  Monday morning, Cole had a huge smile for Bri as she arrived at her locker.

  “What’s got you in such a good mood this morning?” she asked, wishing she felt that vivacious. State was less than two weeks away and Belinda was working the team over to get ready. It was third period and Bri was already exhausted.

  “You,” Cole leaned in for a quick kiss.

  Bri’s body hummed. There was still a palpable tension between them, but they were both doing their best to ignore it.

  “So, have any plans for this Friday?” he asked as he pulled back.

  “Other than watching you cremate Santa Rosa? Nope, no plans at all. Why, have something in mind?”

  “Alex Thompson is having a party at his house after the game. I thought we could go.” He tried to sound casual, but by the way his eyes were dancing, Bri could tell he really wanted to go. Alex was the forward on the basketball team, and a good friend of Cole’s.

  “Umm,” she pretended to deliberate. “Okay!”

  “Great! I’ll stop by and pick you up after the game. Maybe we can get some dinner first.”

  “Sounds perfect!” she smiled, excited for their date. The warning bell rang. “I gotta run. See you later.” She gave him a quick peck and hurried off to class.

  Later that day, as she stepped out of her seventh period class to go meet Cole at her locker, Bri was accosted by Natalie.

  “Hey Bri, can I talk to you for a second?”

  Bri sighed. “What could you possibly want to talk to me about?”

  “I can’t tell you here,” Natalie glanced around and stepped closer. “But it’s really important.”


  “Just come on.” Natalie grabbed her arm and pulled her into the girl’s restroom.

  “Okay, what is it you need to talk to me about so badly?” Bri huffed. It took her a second to realize the bathroom was empty. Her stomach twisted. Something was wrong.

  “Actually, I’m the one who wants to talk to you,” a malicious voice sneered.

  Bri’s eyes were immediately drawn to Serena as she stepped out of one of the stalls, flanked by two of her cheerleader minions. Natalie moved to block the door.

  “Sorry about my little trick, but I didn’t think you’d come if you knew it was me who wanted to see you.” Serena’s falsely sweet voice steeled Bri’s spine, and she prepared herself for whatever it was Serena was up to.

  “You could’ve just asked me yourself, Serena.” Bri mimicked Serena’s tone. “You see, unlike most of the people around here, I’m not afraid of you.” She added a saccharine smile for effect.

  Serena’s eyes narrowed.

  “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. Now, the reason you’re here is because I feel there’s something I need to talk to you about Cole.”

  “Oh, really?” Bri crossed her arms and raised a brow skeptically.

  “Yes. I don’t know if you know this or not, but Cole has a certain... reputation around here. You see, before you got here, Cole dated a lot of girls. And by a lot, I mean a lot. And these relationships... well, let’s just say they were very physical.” She smirked as she waited for Bri’s response.

  Bri, of course, already knew about Cole’s
history, but she was beginning to see where Serena was going with this. Not wanting to give Serena any satisfaction, she shrugged, “So?”

  Serena’s eyes flared slightly. She turned her smirk into a feigned look of concern.

  “Well, you have to understand that a man as experienced as Cole, has certain expectations in that department. Expectations that you couldn’t possibly satisfy.”

  “Oh?” Bri’s face flushed and anger surged through her. “And why is that, exactly?”

  Serena laughed, taking a step closer. She put her hand on Bri’s arm, a look of pity crossing her face.

  “Because, Bri, it’s completely obvious that you have no experience, at all. You have a distinctly prudish vibe coming off you. And let’s face it, guys like Cole are only interested in one thing. If they aren’t getting it, they’ll go somewhere they can. So you see, you can’t possibly hold Cole’s attention for long.” Serena dropped her hand, a victorious look in her eyes.

  “And let me guess, you think you could hold Cole’s attention.”

  “Well, I have before,” Serena smiled smugly. “In fact, I can’t believe he’s hung around as long as he has. He has to know that you’re a lost cause. I mean, look at you. You’re short, frumpy, and hopelessly plain. You’re a total nobody. I honestly don’t know what he even sees in you.” She looked Bri up and down with disgust.

  Bri’s anger bubbled over into fury. She’d had enough of Serena and her stupid, petty games. It was time someone stood up to her, and Bri had been aching to do it. Letting her anger fuel her, she stepped right into Serena’s face. Or as close as she could get, seeing as how Serena had almost a foot on her. But Bri didn’t let that deter her.

  “I know what you’re trying to do Serena, and I don’t like it,” Bri said softly but dangerously. “First you try to scare Cole away from me, and since that didn’t work, you’re trying to scare me away from him. You are so obvious and unimaginative, it’s really quite pathetic.”

  Serena’s mask finally cracked, and her anger radiated off her.

  “You’re the one who’s pathetic. Chasing after Cole like some lost, love sick puppy. Forcibly attaching yourself to him. That is what’s really pathetic.” she hissed.

  “Oh, you and I both know that’s not what happened,” she smiled sweetly at Serena. “I didn’t pursue Cole, he pursued me. And we both know that you are the one who’s been chasing after Cole like a desperate little lap dog. Man, it must really kill you to know that you are practically throwing yourself at him, and Cole doesn’t even care.”

  Pure hate and fury flashed in Serena’s eyes. “I will destroy you,” she seethed.

  Not backing down at all, Bri returned Serena’s anger.

  “I’d like to see you try. The only thing you have to fight with is words, Serena. Unfortunately for you, I don’t care what you or anyone else thinks or says about me. I, at least, could kick your ass in a real fight.”

  “You? Yeah, right,” Serena scoffed.

  “Why don’t you ask Trey about that,” Bri raised her eyebrows. “I figure if I can knock him on his ass, you should be easy.”

  There was a flash of fear in Serena’s eyes. As if sensing their beloved leader was distressed, the two other cheerleaders stepped forward and flanked Serena in solidarity.

  Not intimidated in the least, Bri smiled dangerously. “Do yourself a favor, and get over yourself Serena. Cole doesn’t want you, now or ever. Move on with your life. And stay the hell out of mine!” She turned and stormed to the bathroom door Natalie was guarding. “Move!” she yelled, and her anger was so palpable that Natalie actually backed down for once.

  Bri fumed all the way to her locker. Cole was there waiting for her, looking anxious. Seeing him looking up and down the hall for her, made her heart melt. No matter what Serena said or did, Bri knew Cole cared for her, that she was more than just a conquest.

  Cole’s eyes finally found her in the crowd, and a relieved smile crossed his face. She practically ran to him, throwing herself into his arms. She had taken him a bit by surprise, but before he could say anything, she grabbed his face and pulled it down to hers. She needed to kiss away all of the awful things Serena had said. She needed to silence the insecurities and doubts that were creeping up inside her. But most of all, she just needed Cole. To feel the comfort and peace in his arms. Finally sated, if not satisfied, they were in a public hallway after all, she pulled back.

  Cole smiled down at her, a little bewildered, but happy. Something caught his attention behind her and his face darkened. Bri turned to see what he was looking at, though she was pretty sure she already knew.

  Serena stood a little way down the hall, flanked by her lackeys, glaring daggers at Bri’s back. She lifted her chin contemptuously, turned on her heel, and stormed away.

  “What happened?” Cole asked quietly.

  “I’ll tell you on the way home. Right now I just want to get out of here.”

  He nodded and they headed out to his truck. He was not happy when Bri told him about Serena’s little stunt. She didn’t tell him what Serena had said exactly, just the main idea. She did tell him how she’d stood up to Serena and basically threatened to kick her butt.

  “That’s my girl,” he smiled at her. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” Bri shrugged. “She just really pisses me off.”

  “She’ll get over it eventually. When her schemes and tricks don’t work, she’ll move on.”

  Cole sounded so sure, but Bri wasn’t convinced.

  “I hope you’re right.”

  The next day, Bri immediately felt the ramifications of her showdown with Serena. None of the girls on the dance team, except Layla, would even look at her, let alone talk to her. The rest of her day at school was even worse. No longer content to whisper behind her back, girls, and some guys, were slinging random vicious insults at her as she moved through the halls. Those who couldn’t think of anything nasty to say just glared at her. It didn’t bother Bri too badly, she had endured this kind of behavior before. What did make her angry was that it had trickled down to Cole now, too.

  Cole had always been surrounded by people. He was constantly nodded greetings everywhere he went. But today was different. Not even the girls, who were usually fawning all over him, said anything or approached him. Even the guys he considered friends, barely glanced at him. Though he tried to brush it off, Bri could tell it bothered him.

  By Friday, Cole had had enough. He plopped down next to her at lunch and scowled around at the cafeteria. She wished she could do something to make things better for him. Well, there was one thing she could do.

  “You know,” she said quietly to him, “if we broke up, I’m sure things would go back to normal for you.”

  He looked at her, but didn’t say anything.

  “Serena doesn’t hate you. It’s me she’s trying to punish. If we aren’t together any more, she’ll call off the hounds. You can go back to having friends and being popular.”

  Cole stared hard at her. “And you think that’s what I care about? Being popular?” he asked, incredulous.

  “No! But I can tell this is hard on you, that it upsets you. I just feel bad I brought Serena’s wrath down on you,” she finished glumly.

  “Bri,” he sighed, exasperated. “We knew she would do this. We knew it was coming. Why do you want to give her exactly what she wants? Why are you willing to let her win?”

  “I’m not! I just... I wasn’t sure if you’d changed your mind, decided this wasn’t worth it anymore. I just wanted to give you an out if you wanted one.”

  “Ambria, look at me,” Cole demanded. When she refused to meet his eyes, he cupped her cheeks, forcing her gaze up. “Good. Now, I want you to listen very carefully to what I’m about to say, because I refuse to have this conversation again. I do not want an out. Nothing Serena could ever do would make me not want to be with you. I don’t care about being popular, or how many “fake” friends I have. I care about you. I’m not upset for me. I’m upset because
they all are treating you this way. I’m angry that everyone follows Serena so easily, without stopping to think for themselves. But never, ever, have I wanted an out. I want you. You are the most important thing to me. Nothing else matters, as long as we have each other. Okay?”

  Bri nodded, tears flooding her eyes. She refused to cry at school, but Cole’s words had touched her. She leaned in and kissed him gently.

  Pulling back, he smiled at her. “Good. Now are we still on for tonight?”

  “The party?” Bri was a little apprehensive. “You still want to go?”

  “Hell yeah, I want to go!” he smiled. “I want to show all these suckers that they can’t scare us away. Plus, I want to show off my girl, so wear something super-hot!”

  Bri laughed, feeling much better. Cole was right. It didn’t matter what happened, as long as they were together. She was determined not to let anyone spoil her new found good mood.

  It worked until she got to Cole’s game. Layla, Jess, and Maddie had come with her, and even though it was an away game, Bri was shocked by the lack of Tigers fans in the stands. The games, both home and away, had been packed for the past few weeks, and now the visitor’s section was almost empty. Anger surged through Bri at Serena and her vindictiveness, ruining this night for Cole and the team. Luckily, there weren’t any college scouts here tonight, but still, she knew it had to hurt Cole. She scanned the cheerleaders, unsurprised to find Serena and her most loyal followers absent. What she wouldn’t give to be able to take a swing at that girl right now.

  Unfortunately for the home team, the lack of fans had no effect on Cole’s greatness, and the Tigers ended up winning by twenty-five points. After receiving her victory kiss, and making plans to meet up with Layla and Devon at the party, Bri rushed home to change.

  Opting for something “super-hot”, Bri picked out a deep red, lace trimmed tank under a black leather jacket, with a pair of dark jeggings and red and black strappy heels. Why bother trying to blend in, right? She curled her hair and put on some smoky eye shadow and liner. She had just finished putting on her jewelry when Cole rang the doorbell. He looked like he had opted for “super-hot” as well, in a fitted dark blue button down with the sleeves rolled up, and a pair of dark jeans that highlighted his butt. His eyes looked a deep blue, thanks to his shirt, and Bri felt her pulse pick up.


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