Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1)

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Lost Girl (Soul Bound Book 1) Page 6

by E. M Jefferson

  “Knock it off, Sophie.” Ty growled out sounding between a wolf and a bear. It was deep and menacing.

  “Who’s the new girl? She looks like she’s about to run a mile” Sophie says turning her cold gaze on to me.

  “Belle. It's very funny of you to assume that I will run. You don’t even know me, yet you think you know what my actions will be” I tilt my head as I looked at her. She is superhot in an if you prefer skinny girl type of way.

  “We will see how long you last” with that she flicked her hair over her shoulder before strutting off.

  “She seemed very nice and welcoming” I said sarcastically not letting her parting words ruin my mood.

  “Yes, if you like a woman with a cold heart and black soul” Alex’s says, making me snort a laugh as the description was spot on.

  “Ignore her, Alex has history with her and Dante from a bad business deal. Come drink up and let's enjoy the night” He smiled at the end of his words, replacing his charming smile with a cheeky wink.

  There was something so calming and trusting about the big shifter that I couldn't help but enjoy his company. “Ok, one more drink then I’m ready to dance but….. I will warn you I have two left feet”

  He grinned. “Then it will give me an excuse to pick you up if you fall” he wiggles his brows, making me laugh.

  Alex went to the bar to get another drink as he became more nervous the longer, we were here. It was a good thing that we weren’t humans as it took us a lot longer to feel the effects of alcohol as there was something about our metabolism that burned through it.

  The sound of live music could be heard from downstairs where the tempo changed to a more upbeat rhythm which infected my body.

  “Come Ty, lets dance” Grabbing his hands we signalled to Alex that we were going to dance. Dragging him along I manged to walk without tripping up which was a huge bonus.

  Together we danced, surrounded by other bodies and people who swayed their hips with a dance partner. I felt alive and free for the first time in a long time. Whether the drinks were magical or something in the air. I didn’t care how silly I looked as I was on cloud nine, letting myself loose. Ty kept his body pressed to mine as we jumped up and down following the movement of the crowd.

  The night couldn’t get any better as time flied as we had been dancing all night while Alex had sulked away. I felt bad leaving him on his own, so I stayed on the dance floor for a few more songs before deciding to keep him company. Plus, my feet began to ache. “I’m taking a break” I shout to Ty. I could feel the sweat down my back and my feet throbbing from the uncomfortable shoes.

  “Ok, I’ll be over soon” Ty said were his eyes had landed on another women who had caught his attention. With a knowing grin I left him to approach her while I made my way back.

  “Did you have fun?”

  “Yes, I really enjoyed it and Ty seems really nice” I say on breath. Taking the drink Alex offered I down it in one. Thirsty from all the dancing I did.

  “Yeah, that is Ty for you. The biggest flirt around” Alex rolled his eyes as Ty was dancing with more than one woman.

  “I though that was you who holds that title” I said nudging him.

  Before Alex could reply a deadly silence filled out around us, where everyone stopped, looking towards the doors that just opened. “Shit!” Alex hissed under his breath.

  Women and men around turned towards the person who walked through the door, but I couldn’t see who it was. Some peoples jaws where open in shock while some women had fainted.

  Just what in the ever-loving fuck is going on.

  “Alex?” I said looking at him as his body went rigid as a large man began to walk towards us, parting through the crowd like a king.

  Then I saw him break through the crowd, golden eyes that held the secrets of the world stared straight at me. Familiar eyes that I have seen before, seen in my dreams. But that’s impossible as his eyes held no recognition. No. They were cold, cruel and soulless. I watched as they slowly turned to pitch black where just a ring of gold stayed within his iris.

  There was something different about him compared to all the other Fae in here. He excluded power, expecting those around him to serve him, bow down to him. Being incredibly tall, wearing a tuxedo like no other. The expensive suit fitted his muscular body perfectly, one that made his muscle bulge even more when he tensed his fist. There was something dangerous about his aura that warned me not to fall for him, to be cautious around him.

  Watching him stalk towards me, he never took his eyes from mine, he looked like a predator looking for his next prey. My heart started to beat faster as he walked in our direction. It became exotic, out of control. I though my heart would explode out of my chest.

  With more grace than I through, he kept striding towards me, making my already frantic heart accelerate even more as he got closer. I was drawn toward him in an unnatural way, something that felt familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. almost like we had meet before, but from where?

  If he isn’t my golden eye Beast than who was he that could have my heart racing, not from fear but from anticipation. “Whatever you do, do not. I mean do not piss him off Belle” Alex mumbled breaking whatever spell was caste over me. I swear I could have heard a growl as I took my eyes from him, but that’s impossible as he never moved his lips.

  I was tall for a woman being five ft seven where it’s rare for any man to make me feel small. But this man did. As he got closer, I had to look up at him. Good God, he was huge, built with muscle that had muscle on top of them, he was solid and tall. My eyes met his as he came to a stop in front of me. With our gaze locking onto each other’s, I could drown in his black eyes, ones that held the galaxy in them. I know I should look away, but I couldn’t. He held me completely enthralled like I had been enchanted.

  While mine held wonder his held annoyance as his gaze roamed over me before frowning. “Alex”

  “Dante” He snarled.

  Holy shit!

  This was Dante, the one they both warned me about, the one who makes people disappear. Holy mother of all, he was handsome and built like a man who had fought through the ages. But it was his eyes that I wanted to explore, eyes that held a very old soul which has seen the cruelness of the world that no one should see.

  “Dante, old friend good to see you” Ty said with open arms while he looked between Alex and him. Something tells me that there is really bad blood between these twos.

  “I could say the same, except from the company you keep” His eyes indicate Alex as he had completely ignored me. But that was fine as I got a chance to study his wide back and tight ass.

  “Dante please don’t, just leave it in the past” Ty begs while a cold look that could cut any man down, glances at him. His head drops down in submission where a whimper could be heard. Who is this guy that could make a shifter drop his head, he was only a Fae? That shouldn’t be possible. Shifters only drop their head towards their own kin or those higher in rank and power. Yet, Ty dropped his.

  “Silence yourself before I cut that tongue out of your mouth” Dante sneers at Ty.

  “Still throwing your weight around I see, nothing much has changed about you” Alex says, long gone is the fear instead replaced by hate.

  He throws his head back and lets out a laugh that is a cross between a bark and a growl. What is this a pissing dick competition? “Says the outcast that is shunned from our society and yet you wonder into my club and disrespect me. Tell me young one, does your court know about this friendship?” He sneers the word friendship as if it’s a dirty concept, forbidden even.

  His intimidating, scary even but his ruining our night. “No, considering I don’t belong to any court. But you! How dare you come to our table and ruin our night. Mr!” I didn’t realise that I had gotten up and poked him in the chest on the end of my speech.

  I realised the mistake I had made, but it was too late to do anything about it. I though I could hear Alex mumbling something, but I cou
ldn’t hear it. Ty’s eyes held fear inside them, fear for me and what is about to come. Time seemed to stand still as Dante turn his head towards me, like slow motion. I watched as he tilted his head down where his eyes first appeared to light up with respect before they darkened towards black. Swirling like a star dying out, they held me immobilised. The side of his lips tilted up at the corners where just the hint of a fang could be seen.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat as fear held me, was it a mistake to taunt this man?

  His lips spread into a Cheshire cat grin, before I knew what was happening, he had spun me around and pulled me into his embrace where my back was flushed against his chest. I don’t know if I shivered in anticipation or fear.

  Long fingers drummed down my throat where they stopped at the base before they wrapped around my neck. He could have hurt me, but he didn’t. Almost like a lovers hold where he was showing me he was in charge, just enough pressure to make me aware he had me in a vulnerable position, one where he could cut off my air supply. But he didn’t.

  Instead he controlled my head, making me look up at him as he smiled like the devil. I couldn’t swallow the lump in my throat from fear of him knowing what he was doing to me. Leaning down towards me, I through he was about to kiss me, like he could hear my throughs, his smile got incredible wide where I could see both of his fangs.

  “Do you really want to play with the beast little girl? for I could destroy you” His voice whispers along my skin, infecting my mind. There was something so unnerving about him with the way he could command my body.

  “Do you not speak for I asked you a question?” He only seemed more amusement at the effect he had one me

  Shit! Think Belle. “Err…..Beast?” If I could move then I would have face palmed myself for how stupid I sounded.

  “Dante, leave her alone. Your problem is with me, don’t take it out on the girl” Alex warns him, but even I could hear the fear.

  “Till next time” He whispers for my ears only. Soft warm lips press against my cheek, so light that it must have been my imagine. I think?

  Dante left without another word leaving us watching him as he walked away. I didn’t want him to leave instead I wanted him to stay.

  “At least he didn’t break anything” Ty says.

  “No, but he has his eyes set on something else” Alex says cryptically while two pairs of eyes look at me.

  Instead of asking them what they meant, I had gone and brough us all a round of drinks which the barman told me they were on the house. This only confused me further as he wouldn’t take any money from me. not looking a gifted horse in the mouth, I returned back to the table where they were arguing. But as soon as I approached, they had both stopped talking.

  The rest of the night went by quickly without any more trouble from Dante or any incidents. We stayed laughing and dancing on the dance floor until my feet began to hurt too much. We called it a night were Alex had driven us back to his apartment, but the whole time I was at the club. I felt eyes watching me, studying my every move. Whenever I tried to find the person watching me, I couldn’t.

  Leaving me to wonder, just who had taken an interest in me?

  Chapter Six

  Midnight Walk

  I woke up suddenly when I heard voices around me where I had to swallow down a scream. I had done it again! I must have been walking in my sleep as I was no longer in my bed but instead, I was in the ally way at the club.

  What was the name again?

  Savage Beast. I was in a very dark alley dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top. One of the reasons why I started sleeping with clothes on as when my wandering feet decided to go for a walk. It didn’t matter if I had clothes on or not, they would still take me somewhere. After waking up naked a few times, I learned to wear clothes to bed.

  As I was dressed in skimpy clothes, I could feel the nights chill freezing me to my core. Wrapping my arms around myself, I didn’t know what to do. Do I go into the club and see if they would let me use a phone? Providing they was still open or do I walk back? Neither option screamed at me as the night is when vampires and other creatures came out to play. While inside there was a chance of running into Dante.

  What do I do?

  Knowing I needed to move as standing outside freezing wasn’t a good option either. With no other choice I decided to try the club and see if I could use a phone. Proving the bouncers would let me in. It was a long shot but worth it as Joey did say if I need him then holla him. Maybe not for this reason but oh well. Maybe I would get lucky and they would even call Ty down for me. That would be great at least then I wouldn’t have to go in, as he could take me home.

  With new determination pumping inside of me, I made my way towards the main road where I could see it was empty. My hope for the place still being open started to diminish when I watched as the last of the party people left. Picking up my pace I ran towards the door before the person behind it could close the door fully. Leaving me locked out in the cold.

  “WERE CLOSED” Oh great it was the grumpy one. Dex.

  “Wait! Dex, it’s me Belle, I’m a friend of Ty’s and soon I will-“ I never got to finish as he had pulled the door open where I had fallen into him.

  “What are you doing here Belle? the club is closing” He looks tired.

  “I was. I mean” I didn’t know how to say it without sounding like a weirdo.

  “Come in and tell my why you have next to nothing on?” He says, waiting until I’ve come in before locking the door behind me, with one raised eyebrow he waits for me to explain.

  “Well you see, I have this little problem. Where I”

  “Come now it can’t be that bad” He teases while I struggled to finish my sentence.

  “I sleepwalk sometimes, and I found myself in the ally way” I whisper, embarrassed over this problem I have. It’s not like I mean to do it. But somehow, I would find myself in the weirdest places like the one time I woke up inside a zoo. How I managed to get in and into the encloser I don’t know. But on the upside, it was one filled with butterflies and it was nice and warm.

  I expected to hear laughter from him as most people would. Instead his eyes soften as he takes in my shaking form. I must have been outside longer then I though as I could no longer feel my fingers. Taking pity on me he took off his jacket and passed it to me where I wrap myself in it.

  Ahh. That is better, nice and warm.

  Grateful for having the coat I gave him a small smile while I zip it up. His jacket is like a dress on me where it almost reaches my ankles, but I don’t care as it keeps my body hidden and warm. “Thank you”

  “Your welcome, now come with me and I will take you to Ty” I soon found out that Dex was a man of few words as he rarely spoke. He remained quiet as we made our way to the top floor.

  My eyes stayed down as people kept looking at me like I was walking towards my execution. I might not be a loud person with high self-esteem or confidence as I was very shy and withdrawn. But that was because I am still trying to find myself, find who I am. I know once I discover the past, I won’t be such as coward.

  But I didn’t want to draw more attention to myself and my predicament.

  “TY” Dex shouts out.

  “What do you want Dex?” I couldn’t see him as I was currently using Dex as a shield.

  Instead of replying Dex steps to the side letting my body come into view. At first Ty’s face is a picture of annoyance until it changes to surprise then worry. With quick strides I soon find myself wrapped in his arms.

  “What happened Belle, are you ok?” He says.

  “Is there somewhere we could talk without people listening in?” I ask him. Knowing I don’t want to have an audience.

  “Sure” Taking my hand he leads me through the doors at the back.

  Doors I wouldn’t have seen as they were hidden behind a soft piece of fabric. Through here it led into a long corridor with multiple doors on either side of us. I couldn’t tell if anyone was in them a
s there wasn’t any sound making me think they might have been soundproofed. At least it works both ways I hope.

  Looking around the corridor it was well lit compared to the club where torches sat upon the wall flickering with open flames. It was very different as this section was painted in a pale blue with grey flooring.

  Before I could ask Ty about what this floor was, he had pulled me into the elevator where he pressed a button. With the doors closing I watched as the second top floor button had lit up in orange.

  “Where are we going?” I asked him.

  “My apartment is on the second highest floor; it will be safe there to talk”

  “How comes you live here? Does it make it easier for work? Or is it more hassle then It’s worth?” I can’t help but ask him anything to prevent him from asking about me.


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