Two Wolves and a Dancer [Werewolf Castle 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Two Wolves and a Dancer [Werewolf Castle 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Cara Adams

  “We can go to food markets and pick up fresh fruit which will make a cheap midday meal and we can even have a picnic a time or two at the cathedral while we watch the entrance. I borrowed a couple pairs of lederhosen for you men to make you look like German tourists as well,” Tatiana said.

  “What? Shorts? I haven’t worn shorts since I was six years old.” Piotr stared at her.

  “We see Austrian and German men wearing them all the time at the castle though,” said Alex.

  “Plenty of other tourist men wear shorts as well,” added Tatiana.

  Piotr sighed. “It’s just as well we’re supposed to be acting out of character. Don’t ever expect me to wear them once we get home though.”

  “What about the motorcycle? Or a moped even, like the Alpha said,” asked Alex.

  “That’s right.” Piotr was thoughtful. A motorcycle would be a lot easier to park than a car and would help them get around the city more easily than public transportation. “Do either of you have a motorcycle driving license?”

  “I do, but it’s been a while since I’ve ridden one,” said Tatiana.

  “I do. I have a heavy vehicle license as well,” said Alex.

  “Why did you get those?” asked Tatiana.

  “The motorcycle license because I could get it younger than I could get one for a car. The heavy vehicle one because it seemed like fun to drive a big truck.”

  “And was it fun?” That was Tatiana again.

  Alex’s smile was evident in his voice. “Actually, yes it was. But right now it means I can hire a motorcycle when we get to Vienna and that gives us another method of getting around the town.”

  Piotr concentrated on his cell phone, locating several hotels that weren’t too expensive, and weren’t too far from the cathedral. One advertised itself as having off-street parking, the others didn’t say. Since they were planning to move hotels every few days they’d likely end up staying in all of them. “We’ll need to be really careful not to go directly from the cathedral to our hotel, to keep the address quiet. Once anyone discovers where we’re staying it’d be very easy for them to follow us and realize what we’re doing even if Tatiana wears that blonde wig,” he said.

  “I can see why the Alpha wants to stay out of it, though. The politics could get quite messy if two packs both determine their Alpha will become the Supreme Alpha of Europe,” said Alex.

  “I understand the idea of power and prestige, but isn’t it just a figurehead kind of thing? I mean, there’s no salary or anything attached to the job is there?” asked Tatiana.

  “No, it’s all about power. Every wolf swears allegiance to his—or her—Alpha, and then the Alphas swear allegiance to the Supreme. That means the Supreme Alpha of Europe makes decisions which affect every wolf in every pack in Europe. Now, a pack can remove its Alpha and then not be aligned to the Supreme anymore, but that would almost never happen. So, to become Supreme is the kind of ambition a lot of wolves have. The problem is, it’s not just about bossing people around. The Supreme really needs to have a superior understanding of politics and people management. Europe is made up of dozens and dozens of different people, groups, tribes, and language groups. Yes, we’re all wolves and therefore have a basic similarity of interests, but we’re also very, very different from region to region,” said Piotr.

  “Yeah. For example, Germans wear shorts,” teased Alex.

  Piotr laughed. He really was coming to enjoy the company and wit of this man with whom he hoped to create a family. Him and Alex and Tatiana. They would be a family. His family.

  * * * *

  To Alex, it seemed like time stood still on their road trip. Oh yes, sure they took turns at driving and navigating. They’d worked their way through towns, cities, and intersections, where they’d never been before and their understanding of the local language was far from perfect. Like most Europeans, Alex spoke German and English as well as his birth language, but most European countries had two, three, or even more official languages, and he didn’t even know what half of them were, let alone was he able to read them. Fortunately the picture of a gas pump was universal and he spoke fluent picture!

  The Alpha sending the three of them away together like this was either incredibly clever, or the luckiest thing to have happened to him ever. Alex suspected there wasn’t much the Alpha didn’t know about what was going on in Werewolf Castle. And Odette was a most suitable mate for him, being every bit as smart as him and just as devoted to the success and happiness of the pack.

  Alex loved his job, loved the mountains, loved his pack, and was fast coming to believe he loved Tatiana as well. This week or two weeks, whatever it turned out to be, was like a vacation for them. Oh sure they had a cathedral to visit every day, but sitting watching the entrance of a cathedral was hardly as demanding as managing a team of customer service operatives, at least one of whom was likely to be unwell any day. And possibly another one or two would be hungover, angry, upset, disappointed, or simply not wanting to work in a job that required them to always, always, always, smile and be polite to the castle’s guests.

  To him, it was one of the best jobs in the world, as most tourists were excited and happy to be visiting. Yeah, sure, there was always the one who found the weather too hot or too cold, the castle too big or too small, or something else to complain about, but mostly they were a joy to work with. Even more important was the fact the castle being a tourist attraction meant they could all continue to live there year-round, to stay in their centuries-old community home, and still earn a living that enabled them to enjoy modern life such as Internet, cell phones, cars, and even vacations.

  Now, all he needed to think about were the coming nights. The three of them alone, naked, and in bed together. Would Tatiana allow them to double fuck her? He couldn’t imagine anything better than being inside her adorable body at the same time as Piotr. And Piotr? Would he lead them through some BDSM scenes? Alex longed to be spanked until he couldn’t sit down. Until his ass was sore and bruised. Until he orgasmed from the intense pleasure-pain of it. That would be almost as good as fucking Tatiana.

  * * * *

  Piotr had packed some of his favorite toys in a sports bag and placed them in the trunk of the car. He didn’t know if he’d get the opportunity to use them while in Vienna but he did have a couple ball gags, which were the first things he packed, along with some handcuffs, rope, a whip, his favorite flogger, a butt plug, and the list went on. The sports bag was well filled by the time he zipped it up.

  The hotel he’d chosen for their first night was a smaller one close by the autobahn. He hoped that meant there would be a lot of travelers using it for just one or two night’s rest before continuing their journey. Therefore he booked them in for two nights only, and tucked the car away in the basement parking lot. Their room was on the third floor and there was no elevator, just stairs to walk up.

  “It’s just like at home,” said Alex, grabbing a couple of the bags from the trunk and heading for the stairwell. Once they’d unloaded the car, they walked to the nearest bus stop, only a block away. Alex got off at a different stop from him and Tatiana, as he was going to hire a motorcycle, at one of the few companies that were open twenty-four hours a day. Tatiana did something to her hair, and instead of her braid hanging down her back, almost to her butt, suddenly it was just touching her shoulders. Piotr had no idea what she’d done, but he knew for a fact she didn’t have scissors in her hand, so the hair was still there, hidden somewhere.

  They got off at the stop before the cathedral and wandered along the sidewalk, then through the square around it. It was at the exact center of Vienna and a very popular tourist destination, with an endless stream of people coming and going. St. Stephen’s Cathedral was one of the tallest cathedrals in Europe, and also the home of many wonderful architectural features, so arts, architecture, and history students were also regular visitors.

  Piotr was only interested in it as a place where he needed to find a way they could watch su
rreptitiously. At first he was really worried. The vast majority of people seemed to be walking purposefully either through the square on their way somewhere else, or in and out of the cathedral. He’d mentally pictured spacious lawns with people lying and sitting on them, lots of benches for older people to relax on, and people generally just sitting in the sunshine. It wasn’t like that at all. Yes, there were some benches, and also tables and chairs from outdoor cafes. There was even some grass but to him they were tiny pockets of land, more a strip of green than a recreation area. But then he remembered it was quite late in the evening and people were focused on getting home. Likely it was different in the middle of the day. Tourists now would be thinking of tomorrow’s activities, rather than taking their time in the heart of Vienna. Not that more grass would miraculously appear at noon of course.

  He and Tatiana walked all around the area, quite slowly, and up and down the main shopping street, before taking the subway home. The nearest train station to their hotel was about three blocks away from it, not too far to walk.

  He was grateful for the way Tatiana chattered about all the buildings they passed just like a real tourist. Well, he supposed she was a tourist. None of them had ever been to Vienna before and it was exciting to see a capital city for the first time.

  Back in their room he assembled the coffeepot. All they’d drunk so far today had been the bottled water from the castle, and he really needed to change up his diet. “Is there any food left?” he asked, realizing it was long past the time he would normally have eaten.

  Tatiana shook her head. “You and Alex ate the last oranges while I was driving.”

  “Sorry. If I was a nicer person I would have offered you a few slices.”

  “That’s all right. If I’d been hungry then I might have asked you to share. But I am hungry now. When Alex gets back we can go look for somewhere to eat.”

  “There’s an Imbiss stand right beside the entrance to the subway. I saw it as we came back here. I wouldn’t mind a nice spicy debreziner and a cheesy kasekrainer.”

  “You’re making me more hungry, but I think one sausage will be enough for me. A frankfurter with ketchup and mustard would be nice.”

  Piotr was hungry enough for all three types of sausage, or even an American hotdog, but what he was really hungry for was Tatiana. Tatiana naked and handcuffed to the large bed in the center of the room, her ass pink from a caning and her cunt weeping with honey for his dick.

  He’d just made the coffee when Alex returned and they talked for a few minutes about their various expeditions.

  “I’m starving. I’d really like a nice big bowl of Werewolf Stew about now,” said Alex.

  “With real werewolf meat in it?” teased Tatiana.

  “I’m hungry enough to eat a whole werewolf,” he replied.

  “Let’s go get a couple sausages each instead.” Piotr waved to the door and they headed out. And then we’ll come back here and fuck.

  * * * *

  Around these two men, Tatiana’s libido always seemed to be on overdrive. Even eating sausages with them was foreplay, although she had to confess to deliberately licking her frankfurter as if it were a cock, watching Piotr’s eyes nearly bug out of his head.

  As soon as they returned to their room Alex unzipped his jeans and pulled his cock free. It was huge and hard and evidence he’d found their time together arousing as well.

  Piotr grabbed a sports bag from the pile of luggage dropped in a corner of the room. “It’s time to play a game. I have ball gags for you both so when you want to scream with release we won’t get thrown out of the hotel.”

  “Good idea. I need an orgasm or two,” said Alex.

  “It means you won’t be able to call a safe word, though. I suggest you raise a foot and wave it around. Waggle it just enough to catch my attention if you want the action to ease back a little, or slow down. But if you want to stop, kick your foot right up in the air. Do you understand, Tatiana? How much do you know of safe words?” asked Piotr.

  “I have a very small amount of personal experience, but my cousins are wolves, you know, so I’ve heard plenty of talk and there’s always Google. It’s quite educational.”

  “Oh, I can guarantee you’ll find this a lot better than Googling. Why don’t you get undressed and climb up on the bed.”

  That seemed reasonable to her. After all, Alex was half undressed already and she’d had plenty of time to look at them last night. Tonight she was ready to progress to more explicit adult games. In some ways the long road trip today had been almost as if they’d stepped out of time. There were just the three of them in their little enclosed world. They were free to say whatever they thought. They talked for a while, really talked, and had gotten to know each other better, at a deeper level. They’d stared out the car windows at scenery and towns as they’d passed them by, and they’d shared times of deep companionable silence.

  Of course it was more than twelve hours since they’d climbed into the car this morning and they’d spent more time together today than many families did in a week. Well, awake and not staring at the television anyway.

  She untied her hair from its braid and shook it free. Having hair as long as hers was a mixed blessing. On the positive side there were so many different ways she could arrange it, which likely would be quite helpful while she was here in Vienna. Having it down made her face look a different shape than it did from having it pulled back into a tight bun, for example, and it looked different again in an updo. That made her appear taller and leaner. But on the negative side her hair was a damn nuisance to keep untangled and it took forever to dry after a shower unless there was a hairdryer available, which this hotel didn’t seem to provide. At least, being summer, she wouldn’t catch a cold walking around with wet hair.

  Tatiana stopped her mental procrastination, dropped the rest of her clothing onto a chair tucked into the corner of the room, and sat on the bed. Alex was already lying flat on his back, his cock standing up like a flagpole. His chest was even more delicious in this light than it had been by moonlight. He had a small amount of light brown hair on his chest, and a thick nest of brown curls, a shade darker than the hair on his head, surrounding his cock. His genital hair was shorter, coarser, and curlier, too.

  Piotr was wearing only a pair of silky green boxers as he leaned over the bed and placed a ball gag in Alex’s mouth. Alex’s eyes were sparkling so she knew he didn’t mind. She’d never tried a ball gag before, but had seen plenty on BDSM sites and wasn’t concerned about having one in her mouth. She certainly didn’t want to embarrass herself by screaming wildly at a critical moment and having someone kick the bedroom door down, thinking to rescue her.

  She’d heard that ball gags didn’t taste nice, but when Piotr pushed the red ball into her mouth it basically had no taste at all. Maybe a hint of silicon, but certainly not a nasty taste. She wondered if it was a more expensive model, or if it was just a matter of personal preference. Anyway, she didn’t mind it, so it was no problem.

  “Now turn over onto your front,” ordered Piotr. And it was an order. His voice had become more demanding, and his tone more clipped. So it seemed the scene had begun. Obediently she rolled over, resting her head on her crossed arms. A palm smacked her ass. “Stretch your arms out above your head.”

  Huh. Well you didn’t say that at the start.

  Hardly had she changed position when there was a click. She lifted her head to find fluffy pink handcuffs on her wrists. They looked cute. Well, kinky but cute. She could get used to these. She looked to her right to see Alex. His handcuffs were the boring, regulation sort. Aha, so she was the spoiled princess. Or perhaps it was just that Piotr hadn’t ever spanked her before and didn’t want her to damage her wrists on the metal.

  But no, that couldn’t be right, either. She was certain the two men hadn’t already played BDSM games together. But Alex was involved in the scene, even if only occasionally, so he’d know how to behave with the various pieces of equipment.
/>   Tatiana snuggled down into the mattress, eagerly waiting for what would happen next. It seemed to take quite a while and nothing had happened at all. She managed a few quick glances over her shoulder but couldn’t see Piotr. Then she understood that this was all part of the game. She was supposed to be thinking these thoughts, wondering what would be next.

  The first crack of the whip on her ass caught her off guard and it fucking hurt. The second one did too, but by the third stroke endorphins were racing through her body, her ass was heating fast, and her nipples were tight little points against the sheet. It did hurt, that was the truth, but it was an exciting kind of hurt. The type of pain that made her want more. When Piotr stopped whipping her she wanted to yell at him not to stop. But then she heard the whip crack on Alex’s ass and knew he would have been waiting so much longer than her, wanting what she was experiencing. And now she knew what it felt like, too, and could guess how he was enjoying his ass heating and his cock growing longer. Well, she supposed his cock would be growing. Her cunt was certainly full of cream. She was hot and wet and more than ready to fuck.

  She wanted them both though. She had to hope that was Piotr’s plan because the two of them together was the only real way they could truly be a union of three people.

  Then finally Piotr’s fingers were on her ass, smoothing over her hot skin and teasing her rosette. She pushed her butt up into his hand, wanting him to drive that finger into her dark channel and open her for his cock. She’d actually had anal sex once. She’d just gotten over the burn as her boyfriend had entered her, and was starting to enjoy herself, when he’d come. He was invariably selfish like that. Once he came the party was always over. They’d split up quite quickly which was just as well because she was getting tired of finishing herself off after she’d gone home.


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