The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 23 - 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books for Women

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The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 23 - 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books for Women Page 7

by Kim Wilkerson

  He came back up, with a freshly uncorked bottle and an additional glass for himself. She nodded in response to the implied question, and he poured her a fresh glass.

  They talked a bit more, but truth be told Lori didn't find herself learning that much more about this new side of Steve. Finally, she grudgingly decided to go with it, at least for the moment. But again, it could be the wine talking.

  "So you want to dress up as a girl?" she asked, looking over her tranny husband from over the rim of her almost empty wine glass.

  "Yeah, I like too anyway," he answered softly, "But not if I lose you as a result."

  "Another good point," she replied, "But at least let me humor you for a bit. Though for the record I am still not sure what I think about this."

  "OK," he said rather sheepishly, "But what do you mean by 'humor me'?"

  "Only that if you want to do this, then you should do it." She paused for a moment, "How far do you want to go with this? Are you wanting to pass as a woman in public? Obviously you want the clothes, the jewelry, and the makeup. What else?"

  "You lost me? What else is there? And does this mean you'd support this?"

  "Support is a strong word, at least for the moment," she answered, "But I am willing to help you explore it anyway. And there is quite a bit more, actually. Shaving, for starters. Your legs are hideous with all that hair. And speaking of hair, a wig would help too. You're lucky we are almost the same size so most of my things will fit you — more or less."


  "If you want to dress as a woman, much less pass for one," Lori continued, now feeling a sort of groove developing, "At least do it right."

  Steve agreed and with that Lori took control, as time went on thinking of it as a supreme makeover project. She helped him out of his — or her, actually — clothes, and led him into the bathroom stark naked. She helped him remove his makeup, showing him how to do so with just soap and water.

  "Now at least I have a blank canvas to work with," she said, checking him out in the full length mirror that was in their bathroom.

  "Now," she said, handing him a fresh Venus razor, "I need you to shave everything from your waist down. Also please do your tits, arms, and your armpits. You can use my EOS shave cream which will help. Later on we can find a more permanent solution to this body hair issue if you want. And loose the five o'clock shadow as well."

  She shut the door, leaving him to his own devices. She went back to the bed and sat, filling again her perpetually empty wine glass. Looking at her pumps, still lying on the carpet where she had dropped them in her shock, she found herself wondering how many times Steve had paraded around in them. If he'd been doing this since dirt was a baby he probably had slid his feet into them at least once.

  It was amazing that she'd never discovered this preference of his prior, though their rough similarity in size made it a bit easier for him as he hadn't had to buy anything new just for himself. It did explain his affinity for clothes shopping with her, as obviously he was shopping a bit for himself as well.

  She stewed for a few more minutes, continuing to sip her wine, before finally calming down a bit. She had some thoughts on where to take Steve on this little journey of his that he had surprised her with. She went into the closet, nominally to drop off her shoes. Stepping in, she found one of her favorite dresses, a sheer black satin cocktail dress, draped haphazardly over her shelves of shoes.

  Presuming that this was what Steve was about to put on when she'd interrupted him, she smiled wryly to herself. At least the boy had decent taste in his dresses, if that meant anything.

  She picked it up and draped it over her arm, taking with it a matching black lace bra and panty set and a pair of painfully high black patent leather heels, which were among her own personal favorites. Somehow she felt the open arch styling would look good on Steve.

  She took the entire outfit with her as she went into the bathroom, hoping to startle Steve. However, she was shocked to find him just finishing up with the shaving chores she had assigned him.

  She paused for a moment, taking her time and letting him know she was evaluating him.

  "Not a bad job for a newbie," she said, running her hands up his smooth legs, "Or perhaps, for a 'not so newbie?'"

  "Well, sort of a newbie," he replied, "I haven't shaved down since college."

  "Turn," she commanded, making a twisting gesture with her finger, "I want to see."

  He did as he was asked, just like a good girl would. She had to admit, he didn't look that bad, all things considered. And his athletic build gave him well defined calves, which would pop even more once she got him into some more appropriate shoes.

  "I like what you've done with that," she said, unable to stifle a giggle as she pointed as his bare cock. Without the usual wreath of coarse and curly black hair, it looked larger, but also cuter and less imposing than what she was used too.

  "That was very tricky, to say the least," Steve replied, without the slightest bit of shame. "But I got it done, in any case."

  "So now the fun begins," she said, cocking her head a bit sideways at him, as if questioning whether he wanted to move ahead.

  "Cool," he answered, if anything a bit too eagerly for her taste. But no matter.

  She reached into her vanity and took out a tube of strawberry scented lotion and squirted an ample amount into her hand. She knelt in front of him and, though his long but flaccid cock was within easy nipping distance, she kept her mind on the task at hand. Slowly she rubbed the lotion into Steve's legs, giving them a slight additional sheen.

  She could tell as she worked the lotion into his increasingly soft skin that she was finding herself slightly aroused as a result. Feeling the lotion undulate between her skin and his was a definite turn-on. As recently as yesterday she would never have imagined that he would even permit this, much less enjoy it, which he seemed to be.

  She'd never explored lesbianism, but perhaps this was the best of both worlds had she ever had that desire, which she wasn't that sure she did. But this could potentially give her the soft touch of a woman coupled with the nice feel of her husband's generous cock. As much as she enjoyed the latter the former may be worth the trade.

  Feeling a bit smarmy suddenly, she lotioned his chest as well, comforted and excited by the knowledge that his nipples perked up ever so slightly as she did so. As good as his legs may potentially be, she thought to herself, she still had him beat hands down when it came to their respective busts. And for the record, she would fight him any day on her legs as well.

  "OK," she said, wiping what little was left of the lotion into her own hands, "Now you can actually put some clothes on. I brought these for you, if you feel up to it." She placed the outfit she'd brought from the closet on the bathroom counter for him. "I assume you do know how to put these on at this point?"

  "Yes, Lori," he answered, looking a bit sullen for the first time since being discovered. Without any further ado, he slipped on the proffered set of bra and panties. He made to put on the dress as well but Lori stopped him.

  "You have no idea how to wear a bra, love," she scolded lovingly, "You need to fill it out."

  "I have some falsies," he said, turning a bit red in the face with this admission, "I think I left them in the closet."

  "Let me get them then," she replied, turning to go. Man, this was more involved than she would have ever imagined. The fact that he had falsies confirmed that this wasn't a first time experiment for him. He had definitely done this before and liked it enough to actually order these things.

  Luckily she found them without too much trouble. She was glad to see that he had relatively normal expectations and his falsies seemed to be the equivalent of a "B" cup. If they had been monstrous "D" falsies it might have been an entirely different matter. Hefting them in her hands, they seemed to be roughly of the appropriate weight, which somehow gave her a pleasant feeling as well.

  Suddenly she caught herself. What in the world was going on? Her husba
nd was in the bathroom, completely shaved down and in bra and panties. She was fondling his fake tits. Why exactly weren't alarm bells going off?

  Shaking off her momentary malaise, she went into the bathroom with her husband's falsies. He was admiring himself in the mirror and she had to admit that without the hair and a bit of fresh lotion that he looked quite a bit better, though still a long way from what anyone would call beautiful.

  "Here you go," she said, tossing the falsies his way. After he had inserted them into his bra she helped adjust them to help them sit a bit better on his otherwise flat chest. "Now, let's make you up and see what we can do with this mug of yours."

  She started with some heavy foundation, which served to minimize the dark shade his skin took on from his facial hair, though she had to say that he was just about as smooth as a man could be. After a few minutes what had seemed initially like a relatively hopeless task started to take on a bit better prognosis. The beginnings of what could be potentially termed a feminine glow began to appear. Lori was encouraged.

  By the time she was finished, Steve looked almost presentable. His lips were a pale and delicate pink and Lori had worked a miracle in making his eyes absolutely pop from beneath a pleasing blend of eye shadow complimented by an ample dosage of mascara.

  "You actually would look pretty cute, if only we had a wig for you," Lori said, admiring her work. "Come look at yourself in the full length mirror by the bed."

  She took his hand and led him to the mirror, letting him get a good look at himself now that he was properly done up in his new guise. She stepped back and tried to take it all in as well. She had to admit, especially from the waist down, he was a pretty hot woman. She felt a growing heaviness in her own breasts and a spreading warmth deep inside of herself. It seemed like it should be wrong, but yet it felt strangely right.

  "You like?" she asked in a tone that crossed a question with a command, getting a slow nod from him in response. "So this is what you want? What you've been trying to achieve?"

  He nodded again, and she though she heard a muttered thanks as well.

  She stepped closer to him and slapped his ass, reveling in his firm flesh as she saw his skirt sway ever so slightly from the impact. That inner warmth was getting hotter, she realized. She realized also that she had perhaps been subconsciously attempting to muzzle it. With a flourish she ripped off the muzzle and let things fly.

  She let her hand rest on his hip, though even in the dress he had no real figure in that sense. Keeping her hand firmly in place, she turned to place herself between him and the mirror.

  "Somehow," she said, pausing to contemplate what she was to say next, "Somehow, I am okay with this. As long as you aren't trying to tell me you are gay, I'm okay with it. Don't ask me why, because I surely don't know the answer to that one. But I have one rule."

  "What is that?" he asked, almost in a whisper, though she could tell that he was at least momentarily relieved by her response.

  She cracked a wry smile, then said, "You may not look better in heels than I do. Ever."

  He smiled a bit at that, somehow realizing that she wasn't planning on leaving him as a result of this.

  She went to kiss him, expecting him to be at relatively one height, but caught herself in realizing that in heels he was that much taller still than she was. Finally he stooped slightly and, coupled with her standing on the balls of her feet, she was able to give him a proper kiss.

  He seemed scared, which was odd for him with his usually assertive personality. "It is okay, Steve. Really," she said, kissing him again, letting her lips linger on his a bit longer than usual. He still didn't take the bait. It was almost as if her new wardrobe created a new personality in him as well.

  But she couldn't help but see and feel the growing bulge of his cock in his skirt. It was a rather unique sight to say the least.

  She pulled him in close to her, letting her hand keep his body against hers. Without thinking she let out a little moan as she exhaled, finding herself increasingly aroused by the touch of his cock through the thin fabric of their two dresses.

  If she had harbored any doubts about his sexuality, they were dispelled now. If anything, his cock was harder than she had ever felt it, and she found that she wanted to feel it fill her from the inside out.

  She turned him while they kissed and she slowly backed up, pulling him with her, until she felt the edge of their bed against the back of her leg. Their lips lost their grip on one another as she sat down on the mattress, then reached up under her skirt to pull off her panties, which she tossed harmlessly on the floor beside them.

  She playfully squeezed the pointed tent, chiding him, "What's my little girl got in her panties? I want to see, but you need to take off that silly dress first."

  She wanted to laugh but she didn't as she watched her husband take off the dress. She, like any woman, could easily tell that he didn't take off the dress like any woman would, as he pulled it off rather forcibly like a man would a t-shirt. Not ladylike, but it was endearing none the less.

  "You look good," she said, and she meant it. Even though he was now only in bra, panties, and heels, he presented an erotic vision of a perfect blend of masculine machismo with hints of feminine sensuality.

  With him standing erect — no pun intended — directly in front of her, she wanted his cock fully exposed for the world, which for all intents and purposes was really just her at this point, to see.

  While her hands adeptly unsnapped the clasp at the front of her bosom, she hooked the tip of her heel inside Steve's now rather tight panties, and pulled them down to his knees, when he stepped out of them. She slipped the straps off of her shoulders and shimmied out of them, leaving her bra pinned underneath her while her gorgeous breasts took in the scenery.

  With her legs spread widely, Steve knelt on the floor in front of her and began to run his fingers softly up and down her legs, teasing her as they came tantalizingly close to her sex. He knew this was one of her favorite things and that this would arouse her further. As he continued to caress her, he began to smother her legs in light butterfly kisses. These always turned her on, but today was somehow different.

  “What,” she heaved between increasingly short breaths, “Exactly are you doing. God, that feels good.” Then she realized what the difference was. Because of the lip gloss, Steve’s lips were, even as lightly as he was doing it, leaving her skin each time with a slight smack.

  The feeling it gave her was erotic beyond compare and she reached down to touch her own sex, finding it sodden with desire. She slid a finger quickly inside, flicking her clit lightly, then added a second finger to keep the first one company.

  “Taste me,” she said, taking her moist fingers and guiding them to his mouth. He took them readily and she felt her arousal strengthen still more as he took her wrist and sucked the remains of her desire from them.

  He smiled deliciously at her and in a way that only he could. It was a way which drove her just the slightest bit crazy most days, but today it took her almost to the breaking point. As much as she usually pushed for more foreplay and more sensuality, today she just found herself burning with an unbridled need for him. She wanted to ride him like a horse; to feel his cock in her. To come all over it as they fucked.

  He returned to his butterfly kisses, but now they had somehow a greater intensity as they moved slowly up towards where her legs joined. She pulled one leg up on the bed and rolled the ankle slightly, which served to give him ample space. She felt his tongue on her there, teasingly close but not quite on her clit.

  She undulated under him, writhing with passion, as Steve tortured her with his tongue, though he gave mind to share plenty of light kisses for her sweet spot as well. Then she felt his fingers on her lips, which spread easily to admit his tongue.

  The feel of his tongue on her sex sent electric shivers up and down her spine, and in a few seconds she found her fingers tousling his hair while he devoured her. His tongue delighted her with the trick
s and works of wonder it could perform on her.

  She whispered his name as his tongue found her clit and ran circles around it. This coupled with the devilishly good feel of his fingers caressing her in almost the same spot. It was enough to drive a woman over the edge, which is in fact exactly what happened.

  “Oh, fuck,” Lori moaned, “I am coming so hard.” She shook as her climax, which had arrived very quickly from almost nowhere, rattled her to her core. She trembled as Steve’s tongue continued the flurry of movement on her and she felt another climax rock her.

  “What the fuck,” she whispered as she arched her back and thrust her proud nipples skyward, “Exactly are you doing to me? I’ve never come like that before. You dress up any time you like if that’s the payoff for me.”


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