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by Todd Gordon

  882 Press Association, “Ecuador Restates Support for Julian Assange on Asylum Anniversary,” Guardian, August 16, 2013. Available online at: Accessed on September 7, 2013; Democracy Now, “Exclusive: Ecuador’s Foreign Minister on Snowden Asylum and Latin American Resistance to U.S. Spying,” Democracy Now, July 9, 2013. Available online at: Accessed on September 7, 2013.

  883 Concerns about his relations with Chávez come out, for instance, in M. Pasquel, “Chavez fifth visit to Ecuador,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, May 28, 2009, Access to Information, file A-2010-02391.

  884 I. Harris, “Ecuador’s Mineral Crossroads: Canada’s Commitment?” Focal Point, June 2008, p. 4.

  885 R. Dube, “Strong diplomatic presence benefits miners—IAMGOLD—Regional,” BN Americas, June 25, 2010. Available online at: Accessed on March 8, 2013.

  886 Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ecuador Country Strategy Process 2008–09.

  887 F. Ramírez Gallegos, “Fragmentación, reflujo y desconcierto: Movimientos sociales y cambio político en el Ecuador (2000–2010),” Observatorio Social de América Latina, 28, November 2010, pp. 28–32.

  888 Ibid., pp. 38–39.

  889 Personal interview, Quito, July 8, 2010.

  890 Ibid.

  891 Ibid.

  892 G. Solano, “U.S. Closes Military Post in Ecuador,” Washington Post, September 19, 2009.

  893 M. Unda, “Ecuador 2010: El año 4 de la Revolución Ciudadana,” Observatorio Social de América Latina, 29, May, 2011, pp. 138.

  894 For the most comprehensive critical reflections on the political economy of Correa’s period in office, see A. Acosta, ed., El correísmo al desnudo, Quito: Montecristi Vive, 2013; P. Ospina Peralta, “‘Estamos hacienda mejor las cosas con el mismo modelo antes que cambiarlo’: La revolución ciudadana en Ecuador (2007–2012),” in C. Arze, J. Gómez, P. Ospina, V. Álvarez, eds., Cambios y continuidades en los gobiernos progresistas de América Latina, La Paz: CEDLA, 2013, pp. 177–278.

  895 Ramírez Gallegos, “Fragmentación, reflujo y doconcierto,” p. 41.

  896 Unda, “Ecuador 2010,” p. 138.

  897 Raúl Zibechi, “Ecuador: The Construction of a New Model of Domination,” Upside Down World, August 5, 2011. Available online at: Accessed on January 1, 2016.

  898 Unda, “Ecuador 2010,” p. 138.

  899 Raúl Zibechi, “Bolivia and Ecuador: The State against the Indigenous People,” Americas Program, July 19, 2010.

  900 Personal interview, Quito, 5 July, 2010.

  901 P. Ospina Peralta, “La unidad de las izquierdas,” La Línea del Fuego, September 8, 2011.

  902 EIU, Ecuador: Country Report, London: Economist Intelligence Unit, September, 2011, p. 13.

  903 Personal interview, Quito, 10 August, 2011. ECUARUNARI is the acronym for “Ecuador Runacunapac Riccharimui,” a Kichwa phrase meaning “awakening of the Ecuadorian Indians.”

  904 J. Paul Rathbone, “Bolivia and Ecuador Feel Political Heat,” Financial Times, September 6, 2011. Available online at: Accessed on August 4, 2013.

  905 Associated Press, “Rafael Correa Re-Elected for Third Term as President of Ecuador,” Guardian, February 18, 2013. Available online at: Accessed on August 15, 2014; M. Becker, “Ecuador’s Rafael Correa Re-elected by a Wide Margin,” Upside Down World, February 18, 2013. Available online at: Accessed on August 15, 2014.

  906 See A. Acosta, Breve historia económica del Ecuador, segunda edición, novena impresión, Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional, 2006.

  907 M. Varela, “Las actividades extractivas en Ecuador,” Ecuador Debate, 79, April, 2010, pp. 130–131.

  908 W. Sacher and A. Acosta, La minería a gran escala en Ecuador: Análisis y datos estadísticos sobre la minería industrial en el Ecuador, Quito: Abya Yala, 2012, p. 13.

  909 Ibid., p. 14.

  910 Ibid., p. 16.

  911 Personal Interview, Quito, July 8, 2010.

  912 X.S. Warnaars, “Why be Poor when We can be Rich? Constructing Responsible Mining in El Pangui, Ecuador,” Resources Policy, 37, 2012, p. 227.

  913 On the history of the Shuar’s confrontations with oil multinationals see S. Sawyer, Crude Chronicles: Indigenous Politics, Multinational Oil, and Neoliberalism in Ecuador, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2004.

  914 Warnaars, “Why Be Poor when We can Be Rich?” p. 227.

  915 Ibid., p. 227.

  916 K. Sunquist, “Canadian Mining Interests in Ecuador,” Ottawa: Foreign Affairs and International Trade, January 24, 2007, Access to Information, file A-2009-0078.

  917 A. Bebbington, D. Humphreys Bebbington, J. Bury, J. Lingan, J. Pablo Muñoz, and M. Scurrah, “Mining and Social Movements: Struggles Over Livelihood and Rural Territorial Development in the Andes,” World Development, 36, 12, 2008, p. 2894.

  918 Ibid., p. 2898.

  919 Ibid., p. 2899.

  920 G. David Kuecker, “Fighting for the Forests: Grassroots Resistance to Mining in Northern Ecuador,” Latin American Perspectives, 34, 2, 2007, p. 104.

  921 Ibid., p. 104.

  922 Ibid., p. 105.

  923 Personal Interview, Quito, July 8, 2010.

  924 Personal Interview, Quito, July 7, 2010. All subsequent quotations of Chicaiza are drawn from this interview.

  925 See Business and Human Rights Resource Centre, May 7, 2010. Available online at: Accessed on May 13, 2010; for coverage of the dynamics of the initial lawsuit, see J. Moore, “Canadian Mining Firm Financed Violence in Ecuador: Lawsuit,” The Tyee, March 3, 2009. Available online at: Accessed on March 4, 2009.

  926 S. Latorre and A. Santillana, “Capitalismo estatal o convergencia popular,” Íconos, 34, 2009, pp. 14–17.

  927 Canadian Embassy Quito, Situation Report, Quito: Canadian Embassy, specific date unknown, 2010, Access to Information, file A-2010-02389. It is not just mining companies that have had difficulties, as RIM representatives visited the country in early 2010 to push for the elimination of a newly-imposed 35 percent tariff on cell phone imports. U.S. Embassy, “Ecuador Rebuffs International Companies on Balance of Payments Safeguards,” Wikileaks, February 2, 2010. Available online at: Accessed on January 10, 2012.

  928 The last three quotes are from C. Lapointe, “RE: Ecuador Mining Update,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, February 13, 2007, Access to Information, file A-2010-01187, and Sunquist, “Canadian Mining Interests in Ecuador.” Our focus is largely on mining, which clearly dominates the embassy’s strategic considerations during this period. But the embassy also organized a seminar for the hydroelectric industry that included Ecuador’s Minister of Electricity and the opportunity for Canadian companies to sponsor the event and get their logo on invitations. Author unknown, “Reunión con Embajador—Seminario Hidroeléctrico,” Quito: Ecaudorian-Canadian Chamber of Commerce, August 6, 2008; and R. Kuffner, “Re: hidro seminar,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, September 2, 2008, both Access to Information, file A-2010-01186. Sponsoring embassy events would not appear to be uncommon, as companies from the mining and oil and gas sectors and Quiport paid for the daytime Canada Day party at the ambassador’s home as well as the evening piano concert he hosted. A. S
hisko, “Canada Day,” Quito: Canadian Embasy, June 13, 2010, Access to Information, file A-2010-01196.

  929 Author unknown, “Re: Responsabilidad Social y Mineria—CERES y Embajada de Canada,” Quito: Kinross Gold, February 13, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2010-01198.

  930 B. Tink, “RE: Ecuador Mining Update,” Ottawa: Foreign Affairs and International Trade, February 13, 2007, Access to Information, file A-2010-01187.

  931 M. Pasquel, “Ecuadorian Constitution Draft,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, November 6, 2007, Access to Information, file A-2008-00052.

  932 Escopusa Noticias, “Asambleista Monica Chuji Denuncia Excesivo ‘Lobbying’ De Mineras Extranjeras,” Quito: Escopus Noticisas, February 5, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2010-01186.

  933 Author unknown, “Mining and Community Development Social April 26,” Quito, April 20, 2007, Access to Information, file A-2010-01191.

  934 D. Clarke, “Community Development—Mining as a Tool for Development,” 2007, Access to Information, file A-2010-01187. Clarke heads Clarke Educational Services which, in consultant speak, “specializes in developing partnerships amongst diverse stakeholder groups within the resource extraction industry.” Clarke Educational Services and Wayne Dunn & Associates, “Ecuador Mining [title redacted]: Building Strategic Plan and Proposal,” Quito: Ecuador, February 2, 2007, Access to Information, file A-2010-01191

  935 J. Moore and T. Velásquez, “Sovereignty Negotiated: Anti-Mining Movements, the State and Multinational Mining Companies under Correa’s ‘21st Century Socialism’,” in A. Bebbington, ed., Social Conflict, Economic Development and Extractive Industry: Evidence from South America, London: Routledge, 2012, p. 118.

  936 Ibid., p. 112.

  937 Sacher and Acosta, La minería a gran escala en Ecuador, p. 18.

  938 Ibid., p. 18.

  939 Moore and Velásquez, “Sovereignty Negotiated,” p. 119.

  940 Sacher and Actosta, La minería a gran escala en Ecuador, p. 20.

  941 C. Lapointe, “Canadian Mining Interests at Serious Risk of Being Wiped-out for at Least Six Months in Ecuador,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, April 17, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2009-0078.

  942 C. Lapointe, “Re: From Quito,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, April 17, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2010-01194.

  943 Quoted in Moore and Velásquez, “Sovereignty negotiated,” p. 119.

  944 Moore and Velásquez, “Sovereignty negotiated,” p. 119.

  945 Ibid.

  946 Ibid.

  947 M. Hawkes, “Strategic Planning Session for Upcoming Meeting with Vice-Minister of International Commerce, Eduardo Egas,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, March 27, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2010-01186.

  948 Y. Obiri-Yeboah, “Memorandum for Decision,” Ottawa: Foreign Affairs and International Trade, April 25, 2008; R. Valdez, “Report Second Coordination Meeting for Ecuadorian-Canadian interests,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, April 29, 2008; M. Hawkes, “Canada-Ecuador FIPA Consultations,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, June 5, 2008. All documents are from Access to Information, file A-2009-00778

  949 C. Lapointe, “Messages brought to Correa today by Ambassador Lapointe,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, June 24, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2010-01194; Author unknown, “Re: Ricardo,” Quito: EcuaCorriente, April 28, 2009, Access to Information, file A-2010-01186. In fact, the possibility of using investor-dispute mechanism in the FIPA was discussed on a number of occasions by the embassy and companies, with input from Ottawa. It seems as though this option was shelved as it became clear that Correa was, in the end, more than willing to negotiate with the Canadians. R. Kuffner, “Canada’s FIPA with Ecuador Really Matters,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, November 12, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2009-0078.

  950 Author unknown, “Talking points for Canadian mining industry meeting with President Correa,” Quito: Aurelian Resources, April 24, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2010-01198.

  951 Moore and Velásquez, “Sovereignty negotiated,” p. 120; Ecuadorian official quoted in J. Spicer and A. Soto, “Ecuador reassures miners,” Globe and Mail, April 26, 2008, p. B3.

  952 Author unknown, “Update on the Situation in Ecuador, “Embassy in Quito: specific date uknown, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2008-00052.

  953 Author unknown, “Canadian Mining Companies in Ecuador: discussion points with Government of Canada,” Quito: Aurelian Resources, August 5, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2010-01198.

  954 Canadian Embassy Quito, Situation Report, Quito: Canadian Embassy, specific date unknown, 2010.

  955 Sunquist, “Canadian Mining Interests in Ecuador.”

  956 C. Lapointe, “Official visit to Ecuador of Canada’s Minister of International Trade,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, August 1, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2010-01194. The first quote is from Foreign Affairs and International Trade, “Minister Fortier to Visit Mexico, Panama and Ecuador,” Ottawa: Foreign Affairs and International Trade, August 11, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2010-01186. The second is from R. Kuffner, “Visit to Ecuador by the Minister of International Trade,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, August 25, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2009-00778.

  957 Author uknown, “Roundtable with Canadian/Ecuadorian Investors,” location and specific date unknown, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2010-01186.

  958 Kuffner, “Visit to Ecuador by the Minister of International Trade.”

  959 R. Kuffner, “GLD Visit to Ecuador,” Quito: Canadian Embasy, December 30, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2009-0078.

  960 R. Kuffner, “RE: NUNA,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, October 24, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2010-01186.

  961 “Whole-of-government” refers to integrating different parts of the state apparatus together for a common foreign policy goal. It has been touted by the Conservatives under Stephen Harper, and the language was used in Afghanistan (along with the “three Ds”: defense, diplomacy and develoment).

  962 The first two quotes are from R. Kuffner, “Request for Meeting,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, November 24, 2008, the third is from Kuffner, “Meetings with NRCan and DFAIT in Ottawa,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, November 25, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2010-01186.

  963 The discussion is in emails exchanged in early October of 2008, though almost the entire discussion is redacted. Access to Information, file A-2010-01186.

  964 J. Moore, personal communication, July 25, 2011. Quote is from R. Valdez, “Follow up meeting with group of Canadian mining companies,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, April 25, 2008, Access to Information, file A-2009-0078.

  965 Valdez, “Follow up meeting with group of Canadian mining companies.”

  966 Ibid.

  967 R. Kuffner, “Promising Days and Sleepless Nights for Canadian Mining Companies in Ecuador,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, October 9, 2008; R. Kuffner, “Ecuador Mining Update,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, November 27, 2009. Both documents are from Access to Information, file A-2009-0078. The possible disjuncture between Correa and the Minister of Mines and Petroleum is discussed in embassy reports. One report mentions it in the context of James Lambert’s visit in December 2008, when he raised the matter with the presidential advisor on mining, who acknowledged that the Ministry “does not seem to fully understand the President’s (positive) intentions…and that this is something that the President’s office will need to clarify.” It seems, as we noted, that there were greater reservations in the Ministry than the President’s office regarding how investor-friendly the new law should be, and the Canadians were frustrated with the “mixed signals,” which likely contributed to the “ambiguity” we have discussed. R. Kuffner, “GLD Visit to Ecuador.”

  968 J. Moore, “Canada Throws Ecuador into Reverse,” The Tyee, July 11, 2008. Available online at: Accessed on July 12, 2008.

  969 Moore and V
elásquez, “Sovereignty Negotiated,” p. 125.

  970 Sacher and Acosta, La minería a gran escala en Ecuador, p. 21.

  971 Ibid., p. 22.

  972 R. Kuffner, “Ecuadorian Mining Law Approved by Congress, Few Steps Remain,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, January 21, 2009, Access to Information, file A-2009-0078. President of the Chamber of Mines quoted in this document as well.

  973 Quoted in Moore and Velásquez, “Sovereignty negotiated,” p. 127.

  974 National Post, “Canadian miners can restart in Ecuador,” National Post, March 18, 2009, p. FP6; “Cornerstone Reports Significant Progress on Ecuador Permits,” May 17, 2010. Available online at: Accessed on May 26, 2010.

  975 Kuffner, “Pull-Aside With Ecuador Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño at the OAS General Assembly,” (Quito: Canadian Embassy, August 24, 2009) Access to Information, file A-2010-02402. It is clear that there are also personal relations between embassy staff, including the ambassador, and mining executives and their families. After an IAMGOLD executive organized a visit to company’s mine sites in Quimsacocha and San Gerardo in early 2010, the ambassador wrote to thank him for the trip, to express his pleasure for the executive and his wife having attended an Olympic launch party hosted by the ambassador and to remind him—though such a reminder was likely unnecessary—“Please do not hesitate to let me know if the Embassy or I can be of assistance with some strategic and timely interventions and messaging with Ecuadorian government or local officials.” A. Shisko, “Visit to Quimsacocha,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, February 18, 2010, Access to Information, file A-2010-01192. See also endnote 997 about the Canada Day piano concert hosted by the ambassador at his house in which various executives attended.

  976 Author unknown, “Preliminary results of Presidential and General Elections,” Quito: Canadian Embassy, April 27, 2009, Access to Information, file A-2010-02391.

  977 S. Sereda, “Information Template for Meeting with President Correa of the Republic of Ecuador,” Ottawa: Foreign Affairs and International Trade, February 12, 2009, Access to Information, file A-2010-01185.


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