Beautiful Mistake: 2 (Royal Pride)

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Beautiful Mistake: 2 (Royal Pride) Page 11

by Nancy Corrigan

  Claim her.

  The thought took hold. The rightness, undeniable. He needed to mark her womb, lay every damn claim to her body he could until he could finish binding their souls. He wasn’t about to lose the female who’d succeeded in picking up the pieces of his wayward mind and focusing them on her. He pulled back and stared into her soft brown eyes. Peace settled over him. The desperation faded. His breaths slowed, a different kind of hunger rising, one that made him want to worship this woman, his gift, forever.

  He brushed his thumb over her lower lip. “Please, sweetheart. Let me love you.”

  She turned her head away. “Back off. I do not fuck men who are already involved with someone else.”

  Her rebuttal didn’t make sense in his sex-starved brain. He picked apart each word and considered its meaning before finally stringing them back together. Then it clicked yet he couldn’t understand why she’d accuse him of cheating. He’d have to be in a relationship before he could sneak around.

  “I’m not involved with anyone.”

  “Then who’s Mira?”

  He laughed and sat back, relieved he could put her mind at ease. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through the photo album until he found the picture he wanted. He handed it to her. “That’s Semira but she likes being called Mira.”

  Her brows scrunched. She glanced from the photo to him. “Mira’s your twin?”

  “Yeah, she’s really pretty too. Don’t you think?”

  With the phone in hand, Lena studied the picture intently. “She’s beautiful.”

  She scrolled through a few more photos of them at Rafe’s mating celebration. “Your friends are all very tall.”

  He shrugged. “Shifters generally are unless they were starved before maturity.”

  She paused on a picture of him with the wolf sisters, Anne and Jill. The widows had become his lovers over the past month and their intimacy was obvious from the photo. Anne had her hands in his hair while she kissed him. Jill’s were down his pants. Shit. He’d forgotten Kade had taken the photo. They both enjoyed the wolves that night. He hadn’t deleted it because it reminded him of an extremely enjoyable encounter. Now he felt a sliver of guilt. He shouldn’t. He’d just met Lena. But, yeah, he felt dirty.


  Lena handed the phone back without saying another word. He wasn’t sure what to make of her dismissal. Although he scented her anger, she’d smelled agitated since Mira’s phone call earlier.

  He focused on Lena’s profile. No expression to judge her mood by, but a tic had developed along her jaw. He rubbed his.

  “Anne and Jill are just friends.”

  She folded her arms. “Okay.”

  “They don’t mean anything to me.” He grimaced at how cold that sounded. “I mean, they’re my friends. Well, technically they’re my lovers but the sex doesn’t mean anything.” And yeah, that made him sound like an asshole. “Shit, I mean…”

  Lena tilted her head and peered at him from under spiky lashes. “You don’t owe me an explanation, Devin. I don’t care who you fuck.”

  And why did that sound like a blow-off? “Anne and Jill are widows. They’re not ready to take another mate and like to have a little fun. But—”

  “Seriously, Devin, I don’t care. There’s nothing wrong with having a few fuck buddies.” She turned her head away and looked out the side window. “Can we just go? We’re wasting time.”

  While he didn’t want to drop this conversation when he didn’t think Lena understood him, she was right. Finding Molly and Gwen had to be their main priority. After that…well, he’d make sure she understood his intentions because his decision was made.

  He wasn’t giving up the key to maintaining his sanity. The sooner Lena was bonded to his soul, the better. Then she could never leave him.

  * * * * *

  Jealousy was an emotion Lena had never felt before—even when she’d been engaged. Still, she knew that’s what made her stomach churn. Wasn’t that ironic? She was jealous over a shifter—not a man—who’d nearly killed her and claimed to own her. Crazy or not, she hated thinking of Devin with another female.

  She stole another glance at him as he drove. He’d dyed his hair black and wore dark brown contacts. He’d said they were specially made for those individuals who needed a little extra camouflage. The getup did make him look human, only it accomplished that by hiding his fantasy-worthy traits. Maybe if she hadn’t seen his true nature, she wouldn’t be as bothered. The man was deliciously hot with or without the ugly disguise. It was just this way he looked…wrong. She didn’t know how else to put it.

  “Why do you dye your hair?”

  He scrunched his brows, the confused look utterly adorable on his tough guy face.

  “Because it makes me look human. I don’t like being stared at. It agitates my cats.”

  She considered his explanation. It made sense…for his eyes. They were different. Beautiful, but different. His hair though? “Lots of people have funky hair. I doubt yours would get more than a second glance.”

  He grinned, the lift to his lips revealing fangs. “Do you like my hair?”

  She shrugged and glanced away. Not quickly enough. Heat flushed her cheeks at Devin’s warm chuckle.

  “Don’t worry. It’s the wash-out kind and even if it wasn’t, shifting from cat to human would negate it. I’ll always return to the body I was born with. We don’t scar either.”

  She wished she could say the same. At least she’d survived Devin’s accidental blow. Back in those woods, she’d thought she was dying. Actually, she was pretty sure she’d seen that notorious white light calling her home. As soon as she’d tried to reach for it, Devin’s voice had filled her head—well, his bellowed order not to leave him. Geez, even then she’d been unable to deny him. Not that she could complain. Breathing was one of her favorite pastimes.

  Dammit, she had a lot to thank him for—saving her from those other shifters, healing her wounds…giving her amazing orgasms.

  The man and her response to him confused her. She knew not to get involved with shifters. Her experiences with first Rick and then Vader had proven what a dangerous idea it was to get involved with their kind. Both men—well, wolf shifters—had used and controlled her. Different men, different reasons. In the end, it came down to one thing—she’d been a means to an end for them.

  Rick had wanted a promotion.

  Vader had wanted Gwen.

  Now, Devin wanted Molly.

  Dammit, why didn’t anyone want her?

  Hoping to distract herself from thinking about Devin and why he’d touched her, she latched on to his earlier comment and hopefully, a safer topic. “How many cats do you have? Molly says she only has a lion.”

  “Three—a lion, jaguar and tiger. I’m considered a royal as I have the gods’ blood in my veins.”

  While Rick only housed a gray wolf, Vader had three—a gray, red and an artic. Only, he’d never used the term ‘royal’. He’d explained that having multiple animals made them immortal and meant they were direct descendants of the gods. Whereas the single-shifters, like Rick, were mortal. He’d never taken his explanation further, nor had she asked. The less she talked to that particular man, the better.

  “A royal? What…so you’re a prince?”

  “The single-shifters think so.” He lifted one side of his mouth and gave her a heated look. Her toes curled. “I never gave it much thought until I met you. Now, I’m glad to have the privileges that come with the title.”

  “What privileges?”

  He reached over and caressed her thigh. “Our healing abilities for one. I took it for granted. Without it, I would’ve lost you back in those woods.”

  She replayed his words and frowned. Sure, he’d licked her wounds…the following day. She figured that along with the drink he’d given her had helped. Had he done the same after the attack? “How did your healing ability help me?”

  He pulled into her driveway and turned off the car. Gaze locked onto h
er shoulder, he cleared his throat and mumbled, “I shared my essence and blood with you.”

  He opened the car door and got out without saying another word. She watched him walk up the driveway, too stunned by his revelation to follow. The jumbled pieces of the last day and a half finally clicked. She covered her mouth to muffle the gasp. It wasn’t hot chocolate Devin had given to her. It was his blood. She’d drunk from him, savored the rich liquid and hungered for it still.

  She closed her eyes and allowed the memory of being held against Devin’s chest to resurface. She’d clutched his wrist to her mouth, groaning as his blood slid down her throat. He’d whispered wicked things to her and the one promise he’d made repeatedly as he licked her wounds made her heart race.

  You’re mine, Lena. Mine. Never letting you go.

  Five years ago, she would’ve loved for a man as tempting as Devin to make such a heated declaration. A few heartbreaks later, she knew better. Men lied, cheated and used. And this one? Well, he was just as bad. All she had to do was remember that god-awful picture of him with Anne and Jill. Yeah, she wasn’t falling for his romantic, fated crap. He could drop his bullshit lines on someone else. She was no longer the naïve woman who fell for them.

  She opened her eyes and found Devin kneeling by the open window, his arms folded on the frame and an aroused, drowsy look on his face.

  “Are you disgusted now?”

  She got lost in those breathtaking eyes. Blinking cleared the haze of lust. “I should be.”

  He reached through the window and traced her lower lip. “But you’re not?”

  She shook her head. “Why did you do it?”

  He opened the car door and took her hands, rubbing soothing circles into her palms. “I told you, because if I didn’t, you would’ve died. I pierced organs.” He rubbed his neck. “And then you got an infection. You scared me. It was touch and go last night.”

  Her throat tightened. She yanked her hand free and shoved it in the pocket of her track pants. “Because if I died, you wouldn’t know how to find Molly.”

  His eyes narrowed. “That’s not the only reason.”

  Not the only reason. Wow, she didn’t know one simple statement could cut her heart so deeply. Here she thought the only one that could was ‘I’m not marrying you for love’ or maybe ‘I want to keep both of you’.

  She took a deep breath and slapped a metaphysical bandage over the old wounds Devin had reopened. Why was she letting this bother her? She’d suspected the truth behind his actions. Getting the verbal confirmation shouldn’t upset her. She was being ungrateful.

  She glanced heavenward and sighed. “Thank you for saving my life, Devin.”

  There, that was civil but Devin scowled.

  “Don’t thank me, Lena. It was my fault you were dying to begin with.”

  She blinked at him. Any softer emotions she’d begun to feel for this man fizzled with that statement. He’d saved her life, comforted and cared for her because he felt guilty on top of wanting to use her to find Molly. Great. First a pity orgasm and now this. Her damn low self-esteem couldn’t take it.

  She felt the familiar rage heat her blood. It slithered over her like a warm, welcoming cloak. She wanted to wrap it around her fragile, broken heart, but she couldn’t, not yet. Devin and his pride might be the best thing to happen to Molly. She needed to be around other felines. Lena and her family had tried to fill the role, but Molly didn’t always listen to them, especially when it came to her lioness. Maybe another feline could convince her of the hard facts.

  She blew out a frustrated breath and shoved him. “Move, cat.”

  He allowed her to step out of the car only to shackle her wrist before she took more than two steps. His gentle grasp could’ve been an iron cuff. Both meant the same thing. No escape.

  “I’m sorry you were hurt. I…I got a little confused. I wouldn’t have hurt you if—”

  She patted his arm. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up. You already apologized and you did save my life. Right?” When he only looked at her with that adorable, confused glower, she shook her head and pulled him toward the porch. “Seriously, it’s fine. I’m alive. That’s all that matters.”

  He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say more. Another scowl scrunched his nose instead. He yanked the keys from her hand and unlocked the door.

  With his lips parted, he inhaled deeply then snarled. The chilling sound made the tiny hairs on her arms stand up. The living clamp on her wrist tugged her inside. The door slammed, the lock clicking with a snap.

  He backed her into the spot between the hall table and the bookshelf next to it. “Several human males have been in your home recently. Stay here while I investigate.”

  She opened her mouth to tell him not to worry but didn’t get the chance. Long strides took him across the room. She swallowed the words and watched him jog up the stairs, thoroughly enjoying the way his butt looked in the jeans he wore.

  She shook her head to clear it of the image.

  Focus. He doesn’t really want you, Lena. He wants to find Molly and assuage himself of guilt. That’s it. Nobody wants you, not for real.

  The cold truth brought her back to reality. She ignored the ache in her chest and walked across the room, drawn by the blinking light on her answering machine. Devin’s heavy footsteps echoed along with his curse. She ignored him and reached for the play button.

  “Hey, sis, it’s me. Uhmm, I know you told me not to call here. It’s just that Molly noticed another one of those…men close by. He was asking the dock workers about us so I decided it’d be best to move, not wait until tomorrow.” Gwen’s exhaled breath sounded shaky. “So, we’re leaving now. I’ll text you later today, let you know the deets. Praying you’re safe. Love you.”

  “When was that message left?”

  She glanced toward the stairs and found Devin standing there with her pillow clutched in his hand and a murderous glare on his face. Frowning, she answered his question. “Couple of hours ago.”

  His grip tightened on the pillow, feathers fluttering to the floor. “Where’s the cell she’s supposed to text?”

  Lena hurried across the room, dug the phone out of her desk drawer. Her heart sank. No text.

  “Call her.”

  His commanding tone struck a nerve but not enough to argue. She dialed, no answer. She didn’t bother leaving a voicemail. Gwen never remembered her PIN to access it. Lena sent a quick text that went unanswered.

  Devin snatched the cell out of her hand and slid it into his back pocket. “I’ll hold this until she responds.”

  She fisted her hands. “Don’t even think about leaving me behind. Gwen won’t hand Molly over to you without my approval. You still need me.”

  “Damn right I do, woman.”

  The guttural words slammed into her. She took a step back and studied his narrowed eyes and tightly drawn mouth. Limbs taut, he vibrated with barely restrained anger.

  “What’s your problem?”

  He threw the mutilated pillow on the floor by her feet. “Who’s been in your bed?”

  She glanced from the loose feathers to the furious shifter. “Excuse me?”

  “Who has been sharing your bed, Lena? Tell me. Now.”

  Disappointment slammed into her. Devin was just like Rick and Vader. Pull an orgasm from her and he thought it gave him the right to control her life. She returned his scowl and cursed her laziness for not changing the pillowcase with the sheets. She crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s none of your goddamn business.”

  The door opened before he could respond. She groaned when she saw who stood there with a bottle of wine and a bag from his restaurant. Great. Just her luck. Mark, her ‘on-again, off-again’ Italian chef lover, looked from Devin to her and back again.

  “Hey, Lena. I thought we had a lunch date?” Mark grinned, his gaze slowly perusing Devin’s body. “Are we doing a threesome today?”

  Fangs filled Devin’s mouth, the tips showing. His chest rumbled with a soun
d somewhere between a snarl, cough and growl. Not a noise any human would make. Her throat tightened. She pressed her hands to his chest and glared at him, warning him without words to rein in his cats. He slid his gaze to her and blinked. Not exactly a confirmation he was in charge. She took it anyway and peeked over her shoulder.

  She forced a smile. “Is it Thursday already? I forgot you were coming over.”

  “Who’s your friend, baby?” Devin growled in a barely recognizable voice.

  Not good. Neither was the heat seeping into her palms. She knew enough about shifters to know what the rise in body temperature meant—his inner animals were close. And the subtle vibrations along his skin warned her he barely kept them from taking over his body.

  She squeezed his arms, waited until he looked at her. “Are you okay?”

  Instead of answering her, he tucked her into his side and asked Mark, “Who the hell are you?”

  Mark put the lunch he’d brought on the hall table. He folded his arms and widened his stance. “Mark. Who are you?”

  Devin slid his hand around her waist and tugged her closer. A move that screamed, mine. His hand settled over her ass. He massaged her butt cheeks gently.

  “Devin, Lena’s boyfriend.”

  She gasped. Mark laughed.

  “That’s rich. Lena likes variety in her life. She wouldn’t settle down for you no matter how good the sex is.” Mark shook his head. “Sorry man but Lena isn’t girlfriend material. She’s a ‘friend with benefits’ kind of girl.”

  Devin tipped her head back with a hand wrapped in her hair. He leaned over her so only his hold on her body stopped her from falling backward. “Is that true, sweetheart? Do you have a lot of lovers?”

  Lying would defuse the situation but his attitude annoyed her. He was one to talk considering he had Anne and Jill, his own set of fuck buddies. He had no right to judge her.

  She took a deep breath, prepared for his criticism and declared, “Yeah, I do.”

  He grinned as if that was the answer he’d wanted.

  “Well, you see, that’s going to be a problem, lover. I don’t share.”


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