Beautiful Mistake: 2 (Royal Pride)

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Beautiful Mistake: 2 (Royal Pride) Page 26

by Nancy Corrigan

  He glanced from his empty hand to her face and frowned. “Problem?”

  She tugged the edges of her jacket together suddenly feeling chilled without Devin’s hot body touching hers. The man gave off enough heat to justify the simple t-shirt he wore. “No. I have to use the bathroom.” He took her hand back and led her to the lavatory. She glared at him. “You are not going in with me.”

  “’Course not. I’ll wait right here while you…you know, take care of things.”

  “Afraid I’ll run again?”

  He ran one finger over the hickey on her neck. The touch reached deep inside her womb and her heart. She swallowed hard and struggled to regain control of the situation.

  “Maybe, but mostly, I want to be close in case you need me. I won’t take any chances with your life.”

  She shook her head, more confused than ever. “It’s the bathroom, Devin. I think I’ll be okay for five minutes.”

  “Probably, but,” his gaze flicked to her shoulder, “I’d feel better staying close.”

  Dammit! She really hated the stupid bite mark for what it meant to Devin. He might as well tattoo ‘owed by Devin Moore’ on her forehead.

  This wasn’t the time to have that talk about the expectations for their relationship but she couldn’t let this go. The man had a way of pissing her off. “Oh, I forgot. I’m yours. Heaven forbid your property would get a splinter when you’re not around!”

  He scowled. “You’re not my property.”

  Her brow rose. “Aren’t I?”

  More of that neck rubbing brought an annoyed growl to her lips. “Well, technically, you are. Females don’t have rights in the shifter world, but that’s not why I want to be close to you.”

  She rolled her eyes. Of course. How could she have been so silly? Pets didn’t have rights. Why would their supposed ‘cherished’ women or their freaking beloved humans?

  “Seriously, Devin? Females don’t have any rights?”

  He shrugged and gave her another one of his lopsided grins. Did he know how damn sexy he looked when he smiled? It was hard to stay annoyed with him when he looked at her with that sheepish grin.

  “Only what their mates or fathers give them.”

  She glared at him. He tipped her chin up and pressed his lips to hers.

  “Don’t be annoyed with me. I can’t change shifter culture. It is what it is,” he murmured against her mouth.

  “You do not…”

  She never got the chance to finish her statement. He kissed her and she opened for him, allowing him to take her mouth in the deep, invasive exploration he favored. She relaxed in his arms and welcomed his domineering kiss, hating herself for it but unable to stop it.

  He pulled back and cradled her face, big palms covering her cheeks. “I only want you safe, baby. You’re important to me. I don’t think I can live without you.”

  His confession made the butterflies in her belly take flight. She licked her lips, savoring his flavor, and nodded. He released her and she slipped inside the small stall.

  After taking care of business, she reached for the door handle. The crayon lying on the counter stopped her. Molly loved the color blue. She snatched it, turned for the door once more and froze. Written on the back was one word that sent dread to her gut.


  She yanked the door open and fell into Devin’s waiting arms. He smiled at her then blanched. She couldn’t hide her panic.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She tugged him into the stall and had to crawl up on the counter so they’d fit.

  His grin returned. “Do you need your male already? It hasn’t been that long since I’ve been inside you. But okay.” He shrugged and reached for his zipper. “We can have a quickie before Dante gets here.”

  She stared at him wide-eyed then shook her head to clear it of the lusty thoughts invading her mind. “No, you crazy, sex-starved man. Look.” She pointed behind him.

  He twisted his torso, an excellent display of his flexibility, and cursed. He lifted her into his arms and kicked behind him. The door splintered. The other men turned, muscles coiled, at their dramatic appearance. Vader’s eyes bled amber and claws tipped his fingers. He’d been edgy ever since they’d stepped off the plane but each shifter focused on them now looked ready to turn furry at a moment’s notice.

  “Gwen and Molly have been spotted by hyenas,” Devin announced.

  Kade lifted his lips in a snarl. “I’ll go wake up the owner and get us a Jeep to follow them. Call Dante and tell him we’re on the move.”

  Xander, the other canine shifter who resembled Vader, pulled out his phone.

  She watched Kade jog toward the cabin on the far side of the lot. Helplessness choked her. So did guilt. If she hadn’t run from Devin, they might’ve gotten here before Gwen walked into a shifter’s path.

  Xander slipped his cell back into his pocket. “Dante said he’ll head up from the south. Hopefully, he’ll stumble across them.”

  She glanced at the man who’d barely said a word to her since he’d arrived with Kade and Devin at Vader’s place. “Molly’s scent is masked. How will he find them?”

  Xander glanced at Vader who turned away and studied the woods around them. “Gwen’s been marked. Dante will be able to pick up on it.”

  “Marked?” She looked to Vader for confirmation.

  Vader peered over her shoulder. He stared at her for a long moment before he shrugged. The longing in his eyes broke her heart. “I was drunk one night at your parent’s house. Gwen found me after I’d crashed through a window. She cut her finger on a piece of glass. I licked it. No big deal. Doesn’t mean anything. It’s nearly gone and with it, my obligation to her.”

  That’s why he’d hovered protectively over her sister and wanted to fuck them both. His claim drew him to Gwen, the same as Devin’s did to her. Lena groaned, everything clicking into place. Lena’d always thought Vader’s fascination with her sister was because Vader had really wanted Gwen but ended up with her first.

  He glanced from her shoulder to her eyes. “I never acted on it.”

  She glared at him, wanted to scream at the stupid man for being such a jerk because in the face of all his devoted attentions she was pretty sure her little sister had developed a crush on him. Lena squelched the desire. Her rant would have to wait. “Do you think the hyenas will hurt them?”

  Xander stepped up next to them and gave her shoulder a small squeeze. She tensed, waiting for Devin to throw a fit since he flipped out whenever Kade or Vader got to close to her. It didn’t happen. The man at her back remained silent.

  “Molly, they’ll likely sell. Gwen,” he paused and raised his gaze to Devin’s. “Gwen knows too much.”

  “They’ll kill her?” Lena asked.

  Xander shook his head. “Doubt it. Shifters aren’t the only victims of trafficking. If they can make money off of her, they will.”

  “They’ll sell her?” A slight incline of his head was her answer. She took a deep breath. Her stepdad didn’t just work on shifter cases. She knew what happened to women who fell into trafficking rings. “As a sex slave?”

  This time she got a half-shrug in response.

  Devin ran his hands over her arms. “If your sister is anything like you, she’ll survive no matter what happens.”

  The tears burning her eyes overflowed. She tipped her head back to meet Devin’s concerned gaze. “Gwen’s a virgin.”

  He closed his eyes. No words of encouragement, no promises that it would be all right. She was both glad he didn’t feed her any lines and saddened too. Right now, she’d grasp onto any lie. The truth hurt. So did knowing it was her fault because she hadn’t trusted Devin.

  Finally, he opened his eyes, focused on her and fed her the strength she needed. “We’ll take care of her, sweetheart. There are witches who can weave spells that’ll dim the horrors of whatever she experiences. Humans are lucky that way.”

  She nodded because she didn’t know what else to do. “Yeah, okay
, Gwen’s tough. She’ll survive.” She had to push the fear away. Compartmentalize. She wouldn’t survive without breaking down if she didn’t. She shifted her attention to Xander and Vader who avoided looking at her. Both men suddenly found interest in the gravel parking lot. “Well, what are we doing just standing here? Let’s go find them.”

  Devin grasped her chin and gently turned her head until she was staring into his face. “We’re waiting for Kade to get us a couple of Jeeps. The minivan we rented won’t get us very far on those back roads.”

  She poked at his chest. “He’s taking too long. Shift into one of your kitties and go get my sisters!”

  “Odds are they already have Gwen and Molly. We’ll hunt the hyenas down but I want you safe first. There is no way I’m going to leave you alone and unprotected.”

  Instead of arguing—he had that stubborn look on his face—she shoved his hands away and focused on the two wolf shifters. “Then you two go.”

  Both stared at her with distressed, amber wolf eyes. Neither moved.

  She waved her hand at them. “Shift, dammit!”

  Vader stepped forward, arms crossed and legs spread. Seeing it made her anxiety worse. Why weren’t they acting? Every minute that passed was another one that her sisters might be suffering.

  “We’re staying together, Lena. End of story. None of us will risk your life. You’re too vulnerable right now.”

  “What do you mean? The fever is gone and my stomach is healed.” She lifted her shirt to expose the thin white lines. “I’m fine.”

  Kade stepped next to them, blocking Vader from view. He stared long and hard at Devin. Murder flashed in the other man’s golden eyes. “He means you’re in limbo. Between worlds, Lena. Until Devin gives you his cats, your life must be guarded at all costs, even at the expense of your sisters.”

  She glanced at Devin. “Is that true?” A slight nod was his response. She grabbed his biceps and shook him. “Well then, give me your damn cats so we can go save my sisters!”

  He rubbed at his neck. She growled at the nervous gesture. What was wrong with him?

  His gaze flicked to hers then away. “Now is not a good time to talk about this.”

  And why did that sound like the beginning of a breakup speech? She blinked back a fresh wave of tears. Geez, they hadn’t even lasted a few weeks. She pushed away from him and cleared her throat of the lump there. “Fine. Whatever. Let’s just go.”

  Devin spun her in his arms. “I’m not saying I won’t give them to you. Just that this isn’t the time or place to discuss it.”

  Bitterness welled. She sneered at the arrogant man who only thought of himself, not her sisters and certainly not the woman he claimed he couldn’t live without. Didn’t he care that her heart was breaking over her sisters’ situation? And his brushoff? Yeah, that hurt. Because no matter how many doubts she had about their relationship, once she made the choice to give theirs a chance, she couldn’t stop the stupid dreams of love and happiness from surfacing.

  She straightened her spine. No way would she let this man rip her heart out like Rick had. Or Vader. Damn shifters were all the same. She was better off with her own kind. At least she knew what to expect from human men. “I understand, Devin. But let me make this perfectly clear. I asked once. I won’t again.”

  “You don’t need to ask me. When I’m ready, I’ll give them to you.”

  All her anger, resentment and self-doubt rushed up. She wanted to hurt him for making her believe that maybe, just maybe, they could have that fairy-tale love affair she’d always dreamed about. Truth was—she was a mistake, no more than an obligation to him. Like Gwen was to Vader.

  Devin would never love her. He’d only made her his beloved human so she wouldn’t die.

  “When you’re ready, I might not want them,” she spat.

  He frowned and the confused look only made her angrier. She pressed her palms to his chest and stood on her tiptoes. He tilted his head so they were face-to-face. “Will I just be ordered to accept them considering I have no rights in your damn world?”

  “No.” He returned her glare. “You’ll accept them willingly.”

  Ignoring her distress over his upset glower, she leaned closer, waited until he bent his head so his fresh breath washed over her. “And what happens to the women who don’t bow down to their males? Will you force them on me? Beat me? Torture me maybe until I accept them?”

  He jumped back as if he’d been burned. Fangs filled his mouth. “Never! I will never force you!”

  The haunted look she saw reflected in his eyes made her heart skip a beat. She opened her mouth to ask what had happened to put it there but forced herself to turn away. “Good. Then let’s go. I want my sisters found and if those hyenas hurt or raped Gwen, I’m going to cut their goddamn dicks off and shove them down their throats.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Not only was Gwen wet and cold but her stomach kept rumbling. She dug through her backpack, sighed and pulled out their last candy bar. “Here. Eat this. We’ll rest for a few minutes then follow the stream.”

  Molly took the chocolate, broke a piece off and handed it back. Gwen smiled. “No, sweetie. You eat it. I can do without the extra calories. I’ve been meaning to go on a diet anyway. I might as well start now.”

  Her sister—by love if not blood—tilted her head and glanced over her body then frowned. She took the candy and ate it. Gwen’s smile widened. Molly might not have spoken but she was interacting more and more. That had to be a good sign, right?

  She blew out a frustrated breath. She wished she was as strong as Lena. If her big sister were here, she’d know exactly what to say to snap Molly out of her mood. Lena was good at everything. She never second-guessed herself and always knew exactly how to act to catch a guy’s eye.

  Gwen on the other hand? She fumbled with everything, most of all her love life. Yeah, she had a boyfriend. Only, he was more a friend than anything. They dated. That was as far as their relationship went. Movies. Dinner. Neither of them felt that spark of desire. They both used the other and for them it worked.

  John needed a girlfriend so his parents would get off his back about getting married and she wanted to make a sexy wolf notice her, not that it worked. Vader had absolutely no interest in her. He only had eyes for Lena. It was way beyond time she accepted it.

  Gwen turned her attention to the most important person in her life. “You ready?”

  Molly didn’t answer but she rose and offered her hand. Gwen took it. They walked for several minutes before a chilling cry rent the air. The hairs on her arms stood up. Gwen froze while Molly dug nails into her arm. Many people thought hyenas were scavengers. The spotted one she’d killed, however, was actually a pack hunter that preyed on defenseless animals. Unfortunately, she and Molly fit that description.

  She’d gotten lucky with the last one. She wouldn’t count on it happening again, especially when a second animal answered the chilling call, followed by another and another.

  Adrenaline heated her body, staving off the chill that had left her limbs heavy. She dug out the handgun, placed it at her feet and hefted the sawed-off shotgun she’d been lugging around. She motioned for Molly to get behind her then knelt and peered into the darkness. Every lesson Vader had ever given her came rushing back. Would it be enough?

  Her hope for a miraculous getaway fizzled when four sets of glowing eyes broke the tree line ahead of them. The animals snarled. Their white teeth gleamed in the light from the full moon. Her chest squeezed.

  The two outer hyenas swept out in a crawling lope. They blended into the shadows. Only those freakish eyes showed their location.

  Her heart pounded and sweat slickened her grip on the handle. She waited for them to get closer then fired the shotgun at the one to her right. The kickback knocked her on her ass. Her ears rang from the crack. She aimed at the animal on her left. It leapt and she fired. A yelp met her efforts.

  There was no time to celebrate. A third hyena rammed into h
er and bit her wrist. Pain swept up her arm. The animal whipped its head back and forth. She screamed. The gun fell from limp fingers. Agony choked her. Her vision blurred. She wanted to curl into a ball and hide from the fire racing through her limb. She couldn’t. She had to save Molly.

  “Shift, Molly! Run!”

  Gwen couldn’t take her eyes away from the animal gnawing on her to see if her sister complied. She searched with her free hand in the wet leaves for a rock, branch, anything to use against the hyena. Her fingers connected with metal. She gripped it and slammed the snout clamped over her wrist with the butt of the handgun. The hyena released her and snarled, a mouthful of bloody teeth inches from her face.

  She lifted the gun and pulled the trigger. Hot blood sprayed over her face, blinding her. She shoved the dead weight off and rolled away. She swiped at her eyes and blinked the moonlit world into focus. A naked older man with rotted teeth peered down at her. He plucked the gun out of her hand and pressed a booted foot to her chest.

  “Aren’t you a wicked girl? You’re lucky I hated those fuckers or I’d kill you for offing my cousins.”

  He hefted her up, one hand holding her wrists. She shrieked. Her knees gave out. He let her collapse. With her arms held above her, blood running down their length, he reached forward and squeezed her breast hard with his other hand. She cringed and his grin widened. Gwen twisted, yanked her arms, desperate to get away. No luck. He tightened his grip. Her vision wavered and all she could manage was a small cry.

  A demented glint brightened his eyes. “That hurt?”

  She glared at him through the sheen making his face blurry. He dug sharpened nails into her abused arm. She whimpered, hated the sound of weakness, but couldn’t stop it.

  “Good, little human. Get used to it. You got a whole lot more coming.” The shifter laughed, the chilling sound icing the blood in her veins.


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