The Captive Bride (Scottish Highlander Romance)

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The Captive Bride (Scottish Highlander Romance) Page 40

by Kaley McCormick

  Lilly leaned closer to Greyson as he wrapped his arm around her waist and guided her to the bar area. The marble tile gave way to plush champagne carpet, and Lilly felt like all the eyes on the room were boring holes through her as she entered.

  In the front corner of the room sat another marble counter and all around the floor were scattered low red leather couches and chairs, most of them occupied by couples who seemed to know each other very well. There was no outright sexual activity happening, but it seemed to Lilly that many of the couples and trios were only a breath away from complete abandon.

  Greyson watched her face carefully, and was interested that not only did she not seem offended, but also she seemed either curious or amused by the whole spectacle.

  He ushered her to an unoccupied loveseat towards the back and beckoned to the waitress. The young blonde giggled as she took their order, and Lilly tried to ignore Greyson’s wandering eye as it explored the girl’s figure.

  She took a deep breath and tried to convince herself that that was what the club was all about, and in order to fit into Greyson’s life, she would have to fit in here. And while she had never been the jealous type in the past, she had never had so much to lose as she did now.

  After a few drinks, Greyson was surprised that Lilly was becoming openly affectionate with him. She had never been all that enthusiastic at home, but those encounters had always been more functional that pleasurable. He had told her he wanted a family, and she obliged him making the effort.

  Lilly’s hands roamed slowly over his thighs as he shifted in his seat to adjust himself. He looked down at her ruby lips and tasted the white wine on her tongue as he kissed her.

  They were interrupted by soft female voice just inches from their faces.

  “Greyson, have you given her the full tour yet?”

  He pulled away, startled, and smiled at the blonde woman crouching down in front of their loveseat. She appeared to be a few years older than Lilly but a few years younger than Greyson.

  “No, Victoria, I haven’t. Are you offering?”

  Lilly looked a little confused, but seemed to be open to wherever the night was headed.

  “That I am.”

  Instead of taking Greyson’s hand, she offered her hand to Lilly.

  Chapter Eight

  Greyson could no longer hide his excitement as he watched the two women walk hand in hand up the marble staircase. The blonde on the left was tall and lithe like a dancer, and he already knew she had deep blue eyes that could captivate nearly anyone in their gaze. She was one of his favorite playmates at the club. The dark-skinned woman on the right was shorter and curvy, and her swirling emerald eyes hid secrets that he could not wait to discover. The way their fingers entwined gave him ideas but he knew he had to take it slow for Lilly’s sake.

  Lilly felt the woman’s fingers grasping hers as she led her gently up the stairs and down the hallway. The upstairs level displayed the same extravagant luxury as the lobby area, but it looked even more like a hotel. It had rows of private rooms, some had the doors closed, some were open, and some were halfway cracked.

  Victoria noticed Lilly looking around, and whispered softly in her ear. “Do you know what the door means?”

  Lilly felt herself shiver at Victoria’s breath in her ear. “No. A door means something?”

  “Yes, open means you can join if you like, closed means it is a private session, and halfway open means you can watch if you want to.”

  “Ohhh…” The reality of the facility was slowing sinking in through Lilly’s wine-tinged mind. It sunk all the way in as she peeked into the cracked and open doors to see all sorts of pairings entwined naked on beds, couches, chairs, and floors. All of the rooms seemed to have their own style, which seemed nice.

  “Is this all new to you?” Victoria asked sweetly.

  “Yes, very new.”

  “You seem to be taking it well.”

  “I want to please Greyson. And if you haven’t noticed, he seems very, um, pleased at the moment.” Lilly grinned as they both snuck backwards glances towards him.

  He smiled politely if a little nervously. He wanted the two women to get along, but they almost seemed conspiratorial.

  Victoria stopped outside one particular door, and pulled a key from her cleavage.

  “You have your own room?” Lilly asked.

  “All of the members do. It comes with the membership. That way you can have it designed and decorated however you like.”

  “Oh, I see. So this one is yours. What about Greyson? Does he have one?”

  “Yes,” she laughed, “but he rarely uses it. He prefers to visit other rooms.”

  “Oh.” The reality of what she was saying hit Lilly.

  Victoria lay her arm around Lilly’s shoulders protectively, “Please don’t worry. One of the only things that are not allowed here is jealousy. He seems quite taken with you and while I have special feelings for him, they are not like that. I hope you can understand.

  Lilly answered earnestly, “I am trying.”

  Victoria swung the door open to reveal a room that did not look like any of the others that Lilly had passed. The others were set up very much like regular hotel bedrooms. Victoria’s was set up like a living room.

  She winked at Lilly, “Anyone can have sex in the bedroom. I prefer other rooms of the house.”

  Lilly walked in slowly with Greyson behind her. She gasped softly when she felt his hands on her waist and his warm breath on her neck.

  “Are you okay so far?” he whispered.

  “Yes, I think so. She seems very nice.”

  “I’m glad you think so. She’s a dear friend.”

  With Greyson pressed up behind her, Lilly could no longer ignore the erection straining at the fly of his handmade grey suit. She pushed backwards against him, eliciting a low rumble from his throat as his hands roamed over her hips and thighs. Victoria smiled at both of them, and approached Lilly cautiously. She did not want to scare the younger woman, but she was just as entranced by her unassuming beauty and the island lilt in her voice as Greyson was.

  As Victoria pressed her lips to Lilly’s, Lilly closed her eyes and felt the two bodies surrounding hers. Victoria against her front felt soft and inviting, Greyson behind her felt urgent and needing. She liked the feel of each, and more importantly, she liked the feel of both.

  Greyson watched as Lilly responded to Victoria’s kiss and felt his cock twitch as Lilly returned the kiss. His hands slid around her waist and over her hips. He pushed forward ever so slightly, until Lilly found herself moving between the other two towards a large couch against the wall. Victoria sat down, pulling Lilly with her until Lilly was straddling Victoria’s lap. The slit in her dress allowed the skirt to ride up her leg until her panties were nearly exposed.

  Lilly felt the couch sink as Greyson sat down beside the two women. Victoria’s hand felt silky soft as it ghosted against her leg and she let out a small sigh as she wrapped her arms around Victoria’s neck and kissed her deeper. Victoria’s nimble fingers slid the spaghetti straps off Lilly’s shoulders and let the dress slide down, revealing her large rounded breasts and creamy coffee-colored skin.

  As Victoria’s tongue teased her nipples into taut peaks, her hands worked the dress the rest of the way down her body until it was pooled on the floor at their feet. Lilly was amazed at how different a woman’s touch was than a man’s. She had wondered in the past, but never thought it would be that different. It was soft and silky and urging instead of bristly and rough and demanding. She felt like Victoria was asking her body questions instead of telling it what to do.

  Victoria’s delicate fingers slipped inside Lilly’s black silk panties, and Lilly gasped as she felt the fingers invade her body. Victoria knew exactly what she was doing, and found places inside Lilly that she did not know she had. Within moments, she was gasping and moaning against Victoria’s neck as she soaked the nudging fingers with her orgasm. She collapsed forward against Victoria’s bod
y and tried to catch her breath.

  Greyson ran his fingertips over her exposed back, sending ripples and goosebumps down her skin. She could hear the two of them kissing and gyrated her hips against Victoria’s lap in a halfhearted effort to participate.

  Still in her daze, Lilly felt both of them shifting around on the couch until she was sandwiched in between them, lying on top of Victoria and Greyson was behind her. She heard Victoria moan and felt her arch up against her and felt Greyson’s body shift behind her. She realized that she was between them as Greyson entered Victoria. The writhing blonde woman kissed Lilly passionately, letting her tongue mimic the motions of Greyson’s thick cock inside her. She felt both bodies tense around her and then with one final thrust, Greyson grunted and released his pent up need inside Victoria’s willing body as she dug her nails into Lilly’s back with her own release. The three of them lay there panting, letting the scent of their sex fill the air of the room until it seemed to seep into every inch of their skin.

  Chapter Nine

  After Victoria let Greyson and Lilly use the attached bathroom to dress and tidy themselves, she kissed them both goodbye. She meant it when she said she hoped to see them soon.

  On the way home, Greyson was nervous at Lilly’s silence. He did not want to push her but he had to know what she thought of the club and the experience and Victoria.

  “Well? I’m afraid to ask, but what did you think?”

  Lilly smoothed out imaginary wrinkles in her silk dress and pondered her words very carefully.

  “It was an interesting experience.”

  “Interesting how? I mean, that’s rather vague.”

  She laughed, “The big man finally gets nervous, hmm?”

  He chuckled in return, “Yeah, I suppose so. I don’t want to scare you off. Victoria is special to me and so is the club. But I want to build a life with you. The ring was not just for show. So we have to work this out between us.”

  Lilly stared out the window as the scenery flew by in a blur.

  “I’m afraid I liked it.”

  “Why are you afraid?”

  “I’m worried that I liked it too much. That I liked her too much.”

  “Ah. Well, she is a special woman. Just like you.”

  “Greyson, I would never make you choose. But in fact, I’m not sure I can. I really liked her.”

  “Oh. Liked her.”


  “Hmm. I guess I wasn’t expecting that. I more expected you to run into the alley and disappear.”

  Her burst of laughter surprised him. “Run away? I’m not the type.”

  “I know, but that was, well, a whole new experience for almost anyone.”

  “Can we see her again?”

  “But of course. I think she would really like that too.”

  “Does it always have to be at the club?”

  “Well, that’s up to us. Sometimes people meet outside of the club if all parties are interested. It’s just that the club provides a certain measure of separation and understanding. Outside the club, there are no rules.”

  “None at all?”

  “Only the ones we set.”

  “Can you get in touch with her?”

  “Phone numbers are rarely exchanged, but yes, I have hers.”

  “Can we have her over for dinner next week? I mean, I want to talk to you about something first, but can you invite her?”

  “Certainly. And we can talk about whatever you want, whenever you want to.”

  “Not while you’re driving.”

  He laughed, “Fair enough. Tomorrow?”

  “How about when we get home?”

  “Oh, that urgent, hmm? Of course.”

  They drove the rest of the miles in a comfortable but slightly nervous silence. Once they got home, Greyson escorted her politely out to the back porch and wrapped his suit jacket around her shoulders to ward off the coolness of the desert night.

  “Greyson?” she asked hesitantly.

  He sat down in one of the chairs and pulled her onto his lap. This time, she sunk in against his chest and rested her head on his shoulder comfortably.

  “What is it?” he replied softly.

  “Can she be a part of our family?”

  “What? What do you mean?”

  “Well… we’re not traditional, you and me. So can she be part of our non-traditional family?”


  “Yes. I think I could like having another woman in the house and I really liked her.”

  “I think I could be convinced, and I actually think she could be as well. Ms. March might be a different story, but I will deal with that.”

  Lilly laughed boisterously, “You think she hates us now. Just wait! I’d love to see the look on her face when you tell her.”

  Greyson laughed and wrapped his arms around her to hold her close.

  “Lilly?” he whispered, “I think we’re going to work out just fine.”

  Much to Lilly’s surprise, Victoria readily accepted their offer. Ms. March ended up tendering her resignation but they would find another housekeeper who was more amenable to their lifestyle. Victoria was thrilled with her ring, it almost matched Lilly’s but instead of emeralds it had sapphires to match her eyes.

  Greyson realized that he had had feelings for Victoria for a long time, but had been so gun shy about commitment with someone who knew who he was, that he had overlooked any possibilities.

  The arrangements worked out very well indeed. Within the first year, Greyson had remodeled the entire second floor of the house. He designed it with two master suites and a private room in between. He used the private room on his “nights off” and for the closet space. And each woman had her own master suite decorated to her personal taste.

  Since Greyson still had a business and a ranch to run, the two women developed quite the intimate friendship and managed to keep each other smiling and entertained in his absences.

  One evening, in between business trips, Greyson took up his favorite chair on the back porch and let Daisy crawl up into his lap for long-awaited love.

  “You know Daisy, you’re still my first love.” He grinned down at the loving face in front of him.

  Lilly and Victoria laughed from behind him, “Oh really? Is that so? We may have something to change your mind.”

  Daisy gave them a glare but did not leave his lap.

  “Change my mind? What on earth did the two of you have in mind?”

  “Do you remember that evening a few months ago, before you left to spend the month in New York?” Lilly teased him playfully.

  He grinned and felt his groin tighten with the memory. “Yes, very well. Why?”

  “Well, you gave us a souvenir before you left.” Victoria chimed in with the taunting.

  “A souvenir? Before I left?” Greyson was completely confused by the two women in his life, and Daisy was no help in sorting out their little inside joke.

  “How would you feel about being a father?”

  Greyson’s deep brown eyes widened. “Seriously? I’m going to be a dad? Which one?”

  His cocoa queen and his blonde bombshell looked at each other, and broke into gales of giggles.

  “Both of us.”


  The Cowboy Billionaire’s Mail Order Bride

  Chapter one

  “I know that this is a terrible time for you, Emma but I think you’re doing the right thing. Getting on that boat and getting some distance is exactly what you need to find a little closure. There are too many memories here. You can’t blame yourself, it wasn’t your fault. It could’ve happened to anyone.” My mother Edith was going to miss me, but I felt like this was my only option. There was no other way. I was used to a certain style of living and I wasn’t going to find it by staying here.

  My world had crumbled down around me and it had happened, so suddenly that it was almost like a bad dream.

  I woke to the sound of coughing and I saw that my husband Jasper was now
on the floor gasping for air. The flames were billowing all around and I could barely see anything through the acrid smoke that was now burning my lungs. I had a choice to make and if I had to do it all over again, I would have.

  I left my husband, hoping that I would get back in time to save him, but my main concern was my little daughter Laura. I found the door hot, scorching and burning my fingers, but I did not let that deter me. I pulled it open with the whoosh of the flame throwing me back at least 5 feet. I landed heavily, but I scrambled to my feet and moved cautiously with my head down. I grabbed a shirt near the door and placed it over my mouth.

  “Emma, you have to know that you did everything you could. Nobody blames you. If you blame yourself, then you have to learn to forgive. You might not think that you can and you might not think that you deserve it, but you do.”

  I had on my nightshirt and I stumbled over the end of it a couple of times, but I managed to stay on my feet. I was losing consciousness, but I could see my final destination ahead. Her door was slightly ajar and I felt this sort of calm come over me like I had never felt before.

  “This is the right time to get away. I’m not sure if I agree with what you’re doing, but this is not my decision. You’ve been through a traumatic time and you have to do what you need to do to heal. Your father would’ve been here, but you know how he is with goodbyes. He knows that you won’t be back for some time and I guess he feels like you’re abandoning the family. I’m sorry that you had to go through this, but I think that you’ll come out of it stronger than ever.” She was my rock during this time, but even her love and my father’s caring arms could not take away the pain that I was feeling.

  I got into my daughter’s room and I knew immediately upon seeing her on the bed that she was gone. I tried to reach for her, but the flames were too high and then my only hope vanished, as the entire ceiling came down. I was barely able to move away from the carnage. I thought that this was god’s way of punishing me for not being, as religious as I should’ve been. I’d stepped away from the catholic lifestyle and maybe I did get caught up in material things.


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