Everything's Better with Three (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Everything's Better with Three (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 13

by Marla Monroe

  She sipped the delicious coffee from the travel mug Craig had pushed into her hands as soon as she was dressed that morning. Billy fussed at her when she’d refused to get up at five, then growled at her when she still wasn’t up at six. By six fifteen, Craig had managed to get her out of a perfectly comfortable bed and dress her in the minimal of clothing required as far as they were concerned. At that hour of the morning, Kayley hadn’t really cared.

  Sitting in the truck as they pulled into the parking lot of the garage thirty minutes later to see several men leaning against their cars made her rethink that philosophy. Not only wasn’t she wearing panties, she wasn’t wearing a bra either. God, why wasn’t she a morning person?

  “You getting out, kitten?” Craig asked as he waited for her by the open door.

  “You go ahead and help those nice men. I’ll grab my computer and slip into the office.” She smiled sweetly at him.

  Billy walked up with a frown. “What’s the hold up?”

  “Kayley doesn’t want to come in with us.” Craig scratched his head.

  “What’s wrong? You aren’t safe out here. The office is safe.” Billy stared at her as if she’d lost her mind.

  “Go on in and take care of your customers. I’ll grab my things and follow you in.” She made a shooing motion with her hands and smiled sweetly at them.

  “Is this about you not wanting me to touch your crap again?” Billy’s eyes narrowed.

  “No! I just didn’t want to be in the way while you did paperwork or whatever with those men. I mean there can’t be that much room in the office. I don’t remember there being more than enough room to turn around in there.” Kayley was grasping at straws here. The office held a love seat and chair besides the desk. They knew that she knew that from her many trips to get her car fixed.

  “Kayley. What is really going on here?” Billy asked, crossing his arms.

  “I’ll go take care of Jeff and them while you two haggle this out,” Craig said.

  She watched her only supporter walk away. How was she supposed to reason with Billy without him? She had counted on Craig helping her out here.

  “Look, just help me down and hand me my computer. I’ll follow you inside in a minute.”

  By the look on his face, Billy wasn’t going to give on this. Kayley sighed and unbuckled her belt. Scooting across the seat, she dropped her hands on his shoulders as he swung her down from the ridiculously high truck. Really, why did men have to jack them up like that? She shouldered her purse and waited as he grabbed her computer bag. When she reached out to take it, he scowled at her and rested his free hand at the small of her back, guiding her toward the office door.

  To her relief, the men were all congregated around a dirty looking truck in the farthest bay, talking about something that elicited lots of manly laughter. If she were paranoid, Kayley would have thought they were talking about her not wearing a bra. Instead, she ignored them and walked into the comfortably cool office in front of Billy. The place was a mess. Not that it was nasty or anything, which you would expect when the men dealt with greasy engines all day. It was cluttered without any method to it. Papers littered the desk and hung haphazardly out of the filing cabinet. Several folders lay open on the loveseat with another one on the floor.

  “It looks like a tornado came through here. Where is your computer?” she asked, looking around.

  “We don’t have one. We just file everything and keep records by hand. We don’t have time to deal with a computer.” Billy shrugged, setting her bag on the free end of the loveseat. “Set up anywhere and make yourself at home. There’s beer and water in the fridge. We’ll break for lunch and run get something to eat around noonish.”

  He dropped a quick kiss to her lips, turned and walked out, leaving her with the uncontrollable need to organize. She looked around, deciding the best place to start was with the desk. She’d move on to the filing cabinet after that, then handle the loose files and papers around the room last. If she was lucky, she would be able to get to her work by this time next week. With a sigh, Kayley pulled out the chair in front of the desk and settled in to work.

  By the time lunchtime arrived, she had made quite a dent in the paperwork. There were four neat stacks on the desk ready to file, finish, question, or trash, depending on the guy’s answers. She checked the time on the clock over the door. It was five after twelve. Her stomach rumbled. Neither man had come in to see about her since Billy had ushered her in early that morning. To their defense though, there had been a steady stream of people in and out of the shop all morning.

  Twice Craig had caught her eye and waved to her. Once she’d slipped out of the office and carried two bottles of water to them. They both voiced their appreciation, wanting to pull her into their arms and show her, but she drew the line at receiving affection from grease monkeys when she couldn’t take a shower directly afterwards. Billy pouted. Craig just smiled.

  Kayley stood up and stretched her arms above her head. Craig stuck his head in the office about that time and groaned.

  “Kitten, you’re killing me. Look at that belly peeking out below your shirt. Makes me think about licking and nibbling it.” He stepped into the office. “Ready to go eat? Billy is washing up. I already have. See? Clean hands. Can I kiss you now?”

  She couldn’t help it. She burst out laughing and nodded. He wrapped his big hands around her upper arms and drew her toward him. He’d taken off the button up shirt they wore over their T-shirts so as not to get them too dirty. Now she allowed him to wrap his arms around her. It wasn’t lost on her that he rubbed his chest against her breasts, rasping her nipples as he did.

  His kiss was addictive, shooting pleasurable tingles to all the right places. Too bad they didn’t have a bedroom there at the shop. It could come in handy at times like this. Then Billy walked in and pulled her from Craig’s arms. He buried his nose in her neck before nipping her there and capturing her mouth with his. She moaned at the fresh wave of pleasure that had her fingers tingling. She grabbed his hair and pulled him deeper into the kiss. This was why they needed a bed there.

  “Oh shit!” Craig’s exclamation had Billy pulling back.

  “What?” he demanded.

  “She moved our shit.” Craig sat down heavily in the chair and ran his hands over his close-cropped hair. “We’ll never find it now.”

  “What?” Billy walked around Kayley to stand behind Billy.

  Total silence filled the room until it was deafening. The weight of it was smothering. She took a step toward them. Billy turned around, his face a mask of controlled anger. She took a step back again.

  “Why did you move things? Did we step in and move things around in your office? What on earth gave you the idea that you could just walk in and rearrange our office?” he asked.

  Kayley opened her mouth to explain, but he held up a hand and shook his head.

  “I think it’s better if you don’t say anything to me right now. I’m going to get us something to eat and bring it back. Don’t touch a damn thing while I’m gone.” Billy turned on his heel and slammed out of the office.

  A few seconds later, she heard the truck tear out of the parking lot. The way he’d acted, the way both of them were acting pissed her off. Yeah, maybe she should have asked before she’d messed with their stuff, but it wasn’t like there was any rhyme or reason to the mess. All she’d done was put things in order so that they made sense.

  “Craig,” she began.

  “Kayley. I don’t think you need to say anything right now. I’m not sure how we’ll ever get this straightened out. We have to be able to pay our bills and order parts we’re low on. If we don’t know who’s paid and who hasn’t, how are we going to ask anyone for their payment?” Craig rubbed his face and rested his elbows on his knees.

  “Craig, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. It’s all sorted out so you don’t have to try and figure it out. Look.” She picked up a stack of bills to show him.

  Craig grabbed for t
hem as if his life depended on securing them in his grasp. Kayley just moved away from him and growled, giving him her best don’t fuck with me look.

  “Kay, honey. Put those down before you drop them.”

  “I’m not a child, Craig! I’m not going to drop them. I deal with thousands of dollars worth of equipment every day. I think I can handle a stack of freaking papers. Listen to me.” She pointed to the top piece of paper. “This is a bill for electricity for the shop. The date it is due is circled in red along with the amount. The reason it is on top is because it is getting close to being due. The next one is for a doohickey that cost over fifty bucks. It’s due the next day, so it needs to be paid, too. I’ve also circled the date it is due and the amount if you pay by the due date.”

  She sat that stack down and picked up another stack. “These are all invoices where you’ve completed work for someone and they’ve paid in full. These need to be filed.” The next stack was smaller. “These are all completed jobs that you haven’t been paid for according to your ledger, such as it is. The open invoices that you either haven’t finished the work yet, or you haven’t bothered to sign off on it as completed, are all on clipboards stacked there.” She pointed to a stack of five clipboards hanging on nails next to the door.

  Craig picked up the stack of invoices they hadn’t been paid for yet. There were quite a few. His brow furrowed as he looked through them.

  “It’s a total of close to four thousand dollars, Craig. You shouldn’t have that much on account for the size of your business,” she said, crossing her arms. “Shall I go on?”

  He just sat there looking through the invoices, then carefully set them down back where he’d gotten them and picked up the bills and scowled as he flipped through the stack.

  “If you’ll let me set up a computer system for you, this won’t be an issue in the future. You can print out a report every morning to see where you stand on all of this at a glance. No little pieces of paper or sticky notes that only get lost in the shuffle. It will even give you a list of parts you’ve used out of your inventory that need to be reordered.”

  Craig leaned back in the chair with a thoughtful expression on his face. Kayley could almost see the wheels turning as he worked something out in his head. She might not have convinced him to invest in a computer, but she had definitely gotten herself out of hot water—she hoped.

  Finally, he looked up with a smile. Her heart relaxed slightly at the sight. Maybe it would be okay after all. Craig would go to bat for her with Billy, and together, they could convince the stubborn man that she hadn’t done any harm.

  “Just because all of this looks good and might make things easier in the long run doesn’t mean you’re off the hook for meddling where you had no business without asking first.” Craig stood up and stalked toward her. “It’s going to take some doing to get Billy calmed down over this. Not only are you going to have to make peace with him, but I’m going to have to keep him from strangling you while you do it. That means I need some compensation.”

  Kayley looked around, but she had nowhere to go. He was between her and the door, advancing on her one step at a time. Her back hit the wall next to the file cabinet. He had her cornered. The soft whimper that escaped her made his smile broader.

  “Do you want some help with Billy, kitten? Hmm?” he asked as he very slowly unbuttoned his jeans.

  The sight of him unzipping his pants and freeing his long, hard cock took her breath. She licked her lips, anticipating what he’d taste like. He fisted the base of the shaft and stroked himself several times until a drop of pre-cum beaded at the slip. She breathed in, savoring the musky scent of him.

  “What do you say, kitten?” he asked, his voice low and husky.

  “Please, Craig.”

  “Please what, Kay? What do you want from me?” he asked.

  “I want to suck your dick. Please.” She looked up at him from beneath her lashes. making sure to run her tongue around her mouth.

  He settled his hand on her shoulder while he continued to lightly stroke his cock. “Suck it deep, Kayley. Make me come.” Then he pushed her to her knees, grabbing a handful of her wild hair.

  Kayley moaned as she ran her face up and down the smooth, hot shaft, with its roped veins and cum soaked cap. She gave it a long, wet lick. God, he tasted good, all salty and tangy on her tongue.

  “Fuck, Kay. Stop playing and take me in your mouth.” Craig’s guttural demand tightened her pussy.

  She sucked hard on just the mushroom shaped head, running her tongue beneath to tease the sensitive spot underneath. His sharp intake of breath egged her on. Kayley let her teeth rub the tiniest bit around the crown, then she sucked him down until the spongy head bumped the back of her throat. She groaned around him, knowing the feel of her throat vibrating against his dick would get to him.

  “Oh, hell yeah. Just like that.” Craig’s voice grew hoarser as he tugged on her hair.

  Kayley backed off of him, leaving a wet trail of her saliva on the ruddy stalk, then, looking up, she stared into his heavy-lidded eyes and took him deep once again. This time when his cock touched the back of her throat, she relaxed her jaw, took him a little deeper, and swallowed around him.

  “Oh, fuck! Do it again, Kay. Your mouth is killing me.” He groaned deeper in his throat.

  His jeans were in her way. Kayley pushed at them impatiently until she was able to reach his heavy scrotum. With one hand, she squeezed the base of his cock while she cupped his balls with her other one. As she tightened her grip in a pulsing rhythm around the root, Kayley gently squeezed, then rolled his balls around in their sac. He started lifting to his toes when she squeezed his dick, the pleasure building with each new sensation she gave him.

  The bumpy texture of the skin around his balls was perfect for stimulation. She raked her nails lightly over them as she swallowed him down once more. It broke something loose inside of him. Craig dug his nails into her scalp and began to fuck her mouth with quick pumps of his hips. It was all she could do to keep up with him. Letting go of his cock, she held on to his thighs, enjoying how the muscles in them bunched.

  “Hell, fuck, dammit. Too good.” Craig’s voice had deepened to the point it was more growl than words.

  The sound had her pussy twitching even as her cunt leaked her juices down the inside of her thighs. When Craig came with a shout, filling her throat and mouth with his cum, she squeezed his ass cheeks to keep her balance. Before he’d pulled from her mouth, the office door slammed open.

  “What the fuck?” Billy stormed in with a scowl on his face, his hands full of brown paper bags holding something that smelled delicious. “Just because she sucked you off doesn’t mean she’s forgiven, Craig.”

  Kayley smiled, looking up at the other man as he carefully stuffed his flaccid penis back into his jeans and zipped them up. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and let him help her to her feet.

  Billy dropped the bags on the couch and turned to glare at them. Craig opened the office door, indicating that the bathroom was just down the hall. Once she’d walked out, Billy slammed the door closed behind her.

  When she entered the bathroom, it was nothing like she’d pictured it in her mind. There was no greasy soap scum caking the sink, nor was there dried pee on the toilet seat. In fact, the room was pretty darn clean. It didn’t even smell like cheap cleaning products that always left a scent of pine.

  Kayley quickly rinsed her mouth and washed her face and hands. Then she ran a wet paper towel over her inner thighs to remove the traces of her excitement from earlier. After washing her hands again, she sighed and stared at herself in the mirror. Her hair was a mess. Even finger combing it didn’t do a lot of good. Once she’d straightened her clothes, there wasn’t much more she could do to postpone returning to the office.

  She couldn’t help but wonder what was going on in there while she was gone. Were they fighting about the blowjob she’d given Craig, or was he showing Billy what she’d shown him? Standin
g around in the bathroom wasn’t helping matters. She owed them both an apology. Billy had been right. She’d had no business nosing around in theirs. She should have asked them if she could help before she’d taken it on herself to organize them.

  Really, it was no different than when she’d blown a gasket over Billy touching her computers earlier. She should have known better, but she’d seen a problem and fixed it. It was something she did, and it had never occurred to her that they might not want her touching their stuff. All that was left was to eat crow and tell them how sorry she was. It didn’t make the taste any better, but then she should have known that since she tended to have that particular dish often.

  The office door was still closed, and no noise from the inside could be heard. With the shades down over the window, she couldn’t see what was going on. The quietness worried her. Kayley drew in a deep breath and, as she let it out, she opened the door. Billy sat in the chair in front of the desk with a sheath of papers in his hand. Craig sat on the edge of the desk looking at the other man. When she walked in, both men turned and stared at her with blank expressions on their faces.

  The silence in the room was deafening. It choked her with the implications tied to it. Billy turned back to the desk and carefully set the papers in his hand on the desk, making sure to keep them neatly lined up. Then he stood up and turned back to her. She jerked her gaze to Craig, but he didn’t give anything away, just sat there watching her.

  “I’m really sorry for messing with your things, guys. I know it was wrong. I should have asked if it was okay before I touched anything. I saw a problem and I fixed it, but it wasn’t my problem to fix. I really am sorry.” She drew in a deep breath. “It wasn’t any different than when I got upset at you, Billy, for fooling with my computers. I just didn’t see it at the time. Will you forgive me?”

  She rolled her lips inside her mouth and bit down to hold them there. Billy still wasn’t saying anything, but he took another deliberate step toward her. When he took another one, she stepped back. With each step he advanced, she retreated until she was pressed against the closed door.


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