BDSM for the First Time (3 Book Dark Fantasy Boxed Set Anthology) includes FREE BONUS STORY

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BDSM for the First Time (3 Book Dark Fantasy Boxed Set Anthology) includes FREE BONUS STORY Page 2

by Nicola Diaz

  I clicked my heels together and then tossed my hair behind my shoulder. I had let it grow pretty long over the summer and I liked to wear it down because I thought it gave me a sexier look. I gave Frankie a wink and then I sat down on the treasure chest which was situated by itself on the platform. Frankie adjusted the light a little and then he gave me the okay to start my stuff. I called one of the men up from the audience and asked him to sit by my side.

  Frankie usually had a lot of the same men in the Groove Room. Some of them were paid to help with the filming, and some of them just paid to come and watch. They liked to bring alcohol and weed most of the time, although Frankie didn’t have a license to sell anything inside the place. It was pretty much a back-alley operation that only a select crew knew anything about, and that was how Frankie liked to keep it.

  I patted the guy on the shoulder and then he stood up. Frankie had the camera rolling and he was nodding his head, encouraging me to start. I sat back and straddled the treasure chest. My legs were the perfect length to sit on that thing, and they wrapped around it perfectly to give me some balance while I started playing with my tits. I slid my hand under the black bodice and then the guy yanked it down. He gave me a hungry look and then he grabbed my tits and pulled them until I yelped. Then he laughed and let them go.

  I shook my head and tried not to feel embarrassed. I didn’t know that it was going to hurt so badly. Frankie shut off the camera and shook his head. “Little Flower Kelly, babe. You’re gonna get good at this, I can tell. But you gotta act like you’re enjoying it, from the get go,” he said. It was hard for me to imagine how I could enjoy this right away when it hurt like hell to have my titties yanked on, but I went along with the program. I reminded myself of how desperately I needed the money.

  The guy grabbed them again. He twisted the right nipple hard, and then let it go. I actually felt like that time it didn’t hurt as bad, and it even felt kind of good. He did the same with my left nipple. He twisted it and then let it go. Then he came around and stood in front of me. He took one nipple in his mouth and bit it, first tightly, and then hard. I threw my head back, enveloped in the intense sensation. He did the same with the other nipple.

  Frankie let the camera roll, and sat back on his chair. I started to feel a little more comfortable with the scene, and with the audience. My tits were throbbing with excruciating pain, but I put on a seductive smile and then waved the man over for more. Frankie flicked his ashes and took a swig of his beer. I could see that Katarina was off to the side, drinking a rum and coke and laughing with one of the men from the audience. The man came and stood before me, admiring my ripe, red nipples.

  “Give me some more of your torture,” I said, and looked directly at the camera. Frankie nodded his head aggressively. He liked where I was going with this, so I kept the energy going. “Give me another flick or a twist,” I said. “My titties like it,” I said and then scowled at him. He gave me a weird grin and then grabbed both of my tits at the same time. He twisted them roughly under his hands and I cringed at how painful it was. Still, there was an oddly sensual and enjoyable part of all of this, and I was beginning to think that I liked it.

  Just then I saw Frankie shut off the camera. “That’s good,” he said with a grin. “I got a lot that I can use on that roll,” he said. “Wonderful work Little flower Kelly,” he said. “Go take a break and meet us back here in the afternoon for the late shift,” he said. I was excited to hear that he wanted me to come back for the late shift because this often attracted a larger crowd, and I knew that some of the women got hefty tips on top of their hourly wages during this time.

  I got changed in the back room, which was basically a dingy broom closet. I pulled the string that turned on the light and then stripped down to my panties. My nipples were red as cherries and it was almost too painful to put my shirt on. However, all of the nipple play had gotten me really horny, and I felt like I needed to masturbate before getting dressed. I ran my fingers softly over my sore nipples. Then I pinched them a little bit to see what my pain level was. I winced and then let them go.

  I knew that my pussy was wet already, and I smiled as I slid a hand over my hairy bush. It felt good to rub myself, and it was exciting to be inside the closet by myself. I wondered if anyone else would see me, since I had the door cracked open a little. I could see Katrina off in the distance, still drinking and laughing with her little coterie on the platform.

  I had no idea where Frankie was, nor did I care at that particular moment. I slid a finger into my wet pussy and let out a sigh. It felt so good to feel my wetness, and I realized that it had been a while since I had touched myself. I watched Katrina down on the end of the platform, and felt a little adventurous, so I kicked the door open wider. Frankie appeared next to Katrina, smoking and drinking away. I watched them all and slid another finger inside myself.

  Frankie must have noticed the open door, because he turned in my direction. I backed up against the closet wall and fingered myself harder, until I could feel my climax coming. Frankie stopped what he was doing and watched me. I let out a moan and banged my fist against the wall as my orgasm came, hard and fierce. Then I slid on my shorts and tank top, grabbed my bag, and headed out the door.

  I called Melissa as soon as I got in. “Girl, this is some wild business,” I said, recounting my BDSM day over at the Groove Room. My nipples were still sore and tender, so I took off my tank-top and decided to just go topless inside my apartment for the rest of the day. It felt liberating and comfortable to do so. Melissa waited at the end of the line to hear more.

  “Really? What did that guy have you do today?’ she asked. I had told her all about Frankie, and she said that he sounded like a comic book character. She also told me that if I ever got too uncomfortable, or if I ever felt like he was stepping over his boundaries, then I needed to let her know right away. It was assuring to know that I had at least one good friend who I could count on if I needed it.

  “Well, he didn’t want anything too crazy today,” I said. “But you know what, Melissa? I can handle this. I need the cash, so there probably isn’t too much that I wouldn’t do, anyway,” I said with a shrug. I walked into my bathroom and rubbed a little cream on my nipples which seemed to ease the pain a little. After we got off the phone I made myself something to eat and then took a nap. I wanted to be rested for my big afternoon on the late shift.

  By the time three o’clock rolled around, I was ready for more action. I picked out a new outfit- a red bodice with matching red heels and tights, and shoved it all into my bag. I stepped outside and felt the warm sunshine on my face. I wondered how long a typical late shift lasted, but decided that it didn’t matter. I would stay as long as I could and try to make as much money as possible.

  When I got to the Groove Room, the lights were off and it appeared that nobody was inside. I knocked on the door and Frankie answered, a cigarette dangling out the side of his mouth, as usual. “That was quite a little show you put on for us before you left,” he aid, in reference to my masturbation earlier. I smiled. He ushered me in and closed the door tightly behind him. I wandered into the broom closet and got changed.

  “Okay, Little Flower Kelly. I want you to get over on the left because that’s where I’ll be shooting from the rest of the day,” he directed me. “And I want you to think about how you’ll entice your audience this time,” he said with a serious look on his face. “So far, you’re doing a good job, but I want to see more of your fire and desire,” he said with a chuckle. I knew what he was getting at, and I also knew that I could do whatever he wanted.

  I stood off to the side and had a look at how crowded it was. There were at least twice as many people inside as there had been in the morning. Most of the crowd was male, although I did see a few females, with what looked to be their partners, in the crowd, as well. I took a deep breath and started with a little dance. This was always a sure way to get everyone’s attention. Frankie cranked up some sexy music, and I started to gyr
ate in front of everyone until I got a few nods of acknowledgment.

  After I had gotten everyone into the dance, I looked around and saw that a tall man wearing a black t-shirt had come up beside me. He was obviously one of Frankie’s guys, and he’d be in the filming. He looked at me with a mischievous grin and then started to rub my shoulders. I continued dancing and watching the expressions of the people in the audience. So far, they looked captivated. Frankie later told me that the man’s name was Chet.

  I rocked my hips from side to side and then Chet put his hands around my waist. He looked into my eyes and guided me to a small, black chair that was made of wood. I sat on it and straddled my legs as the audience watched with anticipation. Then I guided his hands over my breasts and to the top of my bodice. He unzipped the back and started to play with my breasts. I liked how it felt, but I knew that the pain was coming.

  I guided his fingers over my nipples and he gave them a tight squeeze. Then he pinched one, first hard, and then even harder. I closed my eyes as he did the same to the other nipple. He pinched it and then twisted it, stopping abruptly with a smile. His hands moved down my stomach and I felt goose bumps all over my skin. He ran his rough hands over my stomach, then down the top of my thighs, all the way down my calves.

  I pushed his hand onto my crotch so that he would play with my pussy, and in a matter of seconds, he was fingering me, exploring my wetness, in front of the audience. I realized that I was getting more and more comfortable in front of larger audiences. I liked to see their faces when I cried out in ecstatic pain, and I wondered what they were thinking when they watched me. Had they ever experienced anything like this, themselves?

  I could feel Chet starting to get more turned on by the way that my pussy felt on his fingers, so I slipped out of the bodice, revealing my nakedness to the crowd. A few men let out hollers and Frankie chuckled to himself. He knew that this would be sure to get them all going. I did a little dance for Chet, all the while with him admiring my tight ass, my cherry red tits, and my big hairy bush. He slapped my ass a few times from behind and then got in front of me once more.

  Just then another man came out onto the runway with a small purple bag. He looked at me with a curious grin in his eyes, and handed the bag to Chet. I could only imagine what was inside of it, and I closed my eyes with fear. I knew that the BDSM shoots could get pretty intense quickly, and that I needed to be ready for whatever happened next.

  Chet reached in and pulled out two metal clamps. I shuddered for a second, knowing that they would soon be placed on my nipples. He looked at me, smacked my ass again, and then grabbed me by the waist. I liked how he was forceful and strong, and I wanted to feel the full effect of the play he was engaging us in. I tossed my head back and let my hair fall loosely behind me. Then I pulled his hands up onto my breasts.

  He took one nipple in between his fingers and rolled it back and forth. Then he squeezed it. “You ready for this?” he asked with a smile. I nodded, telling myself that whether I was ready or not, I was going to feel something that I had never felt before. With that, he took one of my tits and clamped the metal down on it. I let out a yell. Then he grabbed my other tit and squeezed it into the other clamp. Once again, I yelled. But before I could register the pain, he started rubbing my clitoris, back and forth, back and forth. It felt so good that I almost forgot about the clamps on my tits.

  Then the pain settled through my body again, and I wanted to scream. But Chet slid three fingers inside my hole and finger fucked me until I screamed out, rocking on his body as a violent orgasm erupted between my thighs. It was so intense, I could barely move after I came. The crowd was smiling, and a few of the men nodded their heads with silent acceptance. When I looked up Frankie was nodding his head, smoking his cigarette and taking a swig of his drink.

  “Well that was one heck of a show there Little Flower Kelly,” he said and then shook his head. “You got some moves,” he said with affirmation. Then he cut the camera and sat down. A large group of men had congregated near the side of the runway, and they were trying to get Katrina’s attention. She ignored them and finally told Frankie that if they didn’t shut up she was going to leave for the night. Frankie told them all to put socks in their mouths and to leave the ladies alone or else he’d kick them out.

  “Hey Katrina,” he yelled over. “Why don’t you come on over here a second? You and Kelly can take a break. Go get a drink or something while I get this camera loaded up for the rest of the night,” he said. I thought it was the perfect suggestion. For one, I was extremely thirsty, and for another, I wanted a few minutes to process everything that had happened out there. My tits were so sore I thought they might not hold up for another performance, but I knew that if I could make it through the rest of the night, my lined pockets would be worth the pain.

  “So that was your first clamping?” Katrina asked me once we were alone outside the broom closet. I had gotten a drink from one of Frankie’s boys and was sipping on it while changing into a new outfit. Katrina was sipping on her own drink and she, too, was getting changed. I smiled.

  “Yes, that was a first for me,” I said. “It was kind of weird,” I said, with a laugh.

  “Oh just wait,” she said. “You’ll get into even deeper stuff this next round,” she said. “The pinching and pulling, even the clamps are pretty amateur,” she said with a laugh. “You’re in for a real treat later,” she said, and took another sip of her drink. I wondered what she could possibly be referring to, and tried to remember what I had read in the books, but nothing came to mind.

  “Great. I just love surprises,” I said sarcastically. Katrina laughed and we finished getting dressed. Then I stepped outside in the back alley for a quick smoke. I had never been much of a cigarette smoker before, but it seemed like the best way to spend the time when we were just waiting for the next round, or when we were drinking as much as we did.

  “You girls ready?” asked Frankie. I nodded and looked at Katrina. She just smiled and slinked away toward the other side of the runway. The place was jam packed now. I knew that Frankie was expecting a big crowd, especially this close to the weekend, but it amazed me that so many people knew of the Groove Room just by word of mouth.

  As soon as we got out on the runway platform, I got nervous. There were so many unknown faces peering up at me, and it was dark and quiet. It felt like I was inside the depths of a secret chamber, or some kind of dark dungeon that nobody else knew about. I walked slowly onto the main stage and looked out to see Frankie and his camera. He gave me the signal that he was ready for the film to go, so I stood back and waited for Chet to reappear.

  When Chet came out, he smiled and approached me with confidence. He kissed me on the cheek, and then ran his hands across my stomach. Frankie cranked up the music. This time he had picked out something tribal sounding, and I liked the way that it seemed to match my mood. I danced in front of Chet and then he pulled me by the waist like he’d done before. I was wearing a red lace lingerie top with a pair of tall, red boots. I also had on a tiny thong, but it was so small it looked like I wasn’t wearing any panties.

  “Wait until you try this,” Chet whispered into my ear and I took a deep breath. He stood back and instead of reaching into that secret purple bag again, he walked forward and took a candle from the audience. I wondered if all of this had been planned, but it didn’t matter. At this point I was just going with the flow. He took the candle and walked over to the other side of the stage, and someone handed him a brass candlestick. Then he placed the candle into the candlestick, and walked in front of me.

  “Could you light my fire?’ he asked and handed me the un-lit candle on the stick. I looked at him, and then smiled.

  “I would love to light your fire,” I said with a seductive smile. Just then, someone from the audience threw a lighter onto the stage. I bent down and picked it up, then lit the candle and held it in front of Chet. He took it from me and carefully placed it on the small wooden bench that Frankie had sat be
fore us when we weren’t watching. I stood and waited. Then Chet motioned for me to stand in front of the burning candle. I could see the wax dripping down the sides and then it clicked. I knew what was coming next.

  Before I could say anything out loud, Chet motioned for me to lie on the blanket that was at his feet. I did as he asked, and then noticed that he had poured the candle wax onto a thin piece of tapered wood that looked like a bamboo skewer. He knelt down and let the hot wax drip onto my nipple. As the hot liquid fell onto my skin, I screamed out. The audience watched with eagerness.

  Chet knelt close to me and then dripped the hot wax onto my other nipple and I screamed after that, as well. Then he got close to me and started to rub my stomach. The wax was hardened and he pinched my nipples until the hard encasements fall off. Then he reached for the burning candle, with its hot, dripping wax, and did the same thing all

  over again.

  Chet knew that this was only part of what Frankie wanted for his video. He got down on his knees and told me that there was more coming, and to be ready. I closed my eyes and wondered what would happen next. Then, as my red nipples throbbed from the torture of the pinching, the pulling, the twisting, and the hot wax, I felt him insert an object into my vagina that seemed large and somewhat enjoyable.


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