Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2)

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Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2) Page 14

by S. K. Logsdon

Jesus he looks like shit, his face is all red, he’s got sweat dripping down his forehead and cheeks and a scratch on his arm.

  “You didn’t do it. Johnathan did by allowing her to come and to move back in with him. What did he expect he could put a ring on her finger and she’d not want to come and be at his concerts? That sounds a little stupid doesn’t it? What fiancé wouldn’t stand by her man?”

  Surprisingly I’m not mad about it at all. Maybe I was too engrossed talking with D that I ignored the yelling on the stage and the booing crowd. D was a good distraction plus I got to get his side of things, sort of. He’s not as bad as I thought and he came to protect me which is saying a lot. When he could have jumped into the thick of things. But since he’s known I’m pregnant he’s kind of been more protective of me in a way. Still a perv, but now I know he’s never going to try and have sex with me. Which I guess is a good thing considering I wouldn’t want that. But it’s nice because I don’t have to worry about him forcing it. He’s got my back. Which still shocks the hell out of me. But I’ll take what I can get.

  “I know it’s his fault but she wasn’t supposed to show up at all. He asked her not to come until LA.”

  “I thought he said Bakersfield?”

  “Originally yes, but after yesterday he wanted to square it all away when she came to LA. Apparently though she was already here last night and was going to surprise him.”

  “So he wanted her to wait so she could move in with him and they could get married? And she’d never have to meet me or know I’m having his kids? That I never existed in her eyes? Oh that makes it so much better Stacy. How can he go from being all happy that I want him and having his babies to this? He needs serious help. I thought rehab could do it. But this is beyond that. WAY beyond.” I cock an attitude, hand on hip, rolling my eyes. The whole shebang.

  “I don’t know what he had planned and I didn’t know about her and him talking again. I didn’t tell you about her because I didn’t think it relevant. They broke up a month before you came here and they were no longer talking. I thought about telling you about the other manger but I didn’t. We had no idea if she was going to come back.”

  “Ok… but what about the ‘I’ve seen him like this with women before. He dates them a few weeks and sends them on their way?’” I spit his words right back at him. The same words he’s used to explaine to me a few times before. “They dated for eight months Stace. That’s not a few weeks.” I want to smack him right now. Of all the people to lie and not tell me the truth. He’s the one it hurts from the most. I’ve known him the longest.

  “What they had wasn’t normal. He would do the lovey thing with her a while. Then they’d break up. Then they’d fuck a while. Get back together. Then do it all over again. It was a constant back and forth. She loved him but then he’d tell her he didn’t want to be with her in a commitment. She’d get mad and leave thinking he’d chase her. But he didn’t. Then she’d come back he’d take her back and they’d do it all over again. Then finally she said enough was enough. She wanted to get married and start a family. She’s twenty six and he said no. Then her mom died. He’s been sending her money to keep her afloat and boarding their dog Molly that she picked out. He doesn’t even want the damn dog. That’s why you’ve never heard him talk about her. That’s why I never said anything. It’s wasn’t serious for him. For her it was. He drove her nuts all the time. And she’s Price’s sister. That’s probably why he doesn’t talk to you.” He explains.

  Just because it wasn’t serious for him doesn’t mean I didn’t need to know about it. Men don’t understand that apparently. Women are detailed creatures and we want to know it all. The ins and outs and in-betweens. Apparently you need to beat it into their brains for them to comprehend it. I realize Stacy is a male and more gay than straight. But he is still just a male. Who doesn’t get women, even if he is partially one some of the time. I love him a lot. And he’s the best guy ever. But Jesus how hard it is to be honest? I didn’t know he was bi or gay or whatever. I never knew about Kyle or drug rehab. It’s like I never knew him at all. Then he hides the Johnathan and Ashley thing. I’m confused. My life comes at bits and pieces and never full honesty. I think the only one who hasn’t lied to me is Deacon. Only because he’s too straightforward to care. Well him and Claire. But she has no reason to lie either. She’s almost as forward as Deacon. They’d make good friends come to think of it, except he’d probably annoy the shit out of her because of his mouth and sexual innuendos.

  “You can justify it all you want Stace. Whatever gets you through the night. Just like Johnathan, he justifies choosing her because he didn’t know how I feel, so he got a backup. You didn’t tell me about being with Kyle, or rehab or Ashley. I’m sure you have reasons for all that too. I don’t lie to you Stacy. I’m honest with everything. The only thing I’ve held back was my womanly issue and my pregnancy with the twins to Johnathan. The rest is true. I’ve held your hand and helped you with work. I’ve tried to be a good friend. I’ve tried to be there for him to the point I think I might go insane. I’ve had enough. And when I mean enough. I don’t mean I’ll be fine tomorrow. I mean enough-enough. I can’t take the lies anymore. Or the stress it’s not good for me or for the babies.” I rub my tummy. “It’s over. All of it. You and me, and me and Johnathan. The band. All of it.” I state calmly, the band playing loud behind me.

  I’m fed up. Not sure when I decided it all but it clicked and I’m going to go with it. I love Stacy but I can’t do this shit anymore. I shouldn’t have started to work for Stricken in the first place. Stacy will just have to deal with it on his own.

  “You can’t stop being my friend.” He blurts his tone fluffed with melancholy.

  “I will love you forever. But yes I can.”

  “Where are you going to live?” his expression lost and alone. Join the club.

  “Wherever I want. I’ll be out by the beginning of next week.” I reveal and I turn around and walk away and he lets me go. I don’t even look at the stage; it’s too painful of a good-bye to make.

  I walk down the metal stairs and James is waiting for me at the bottom.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Hey James. Can you take me back to the hotel? Or have they pulled your duty already?”

  “Ms. Emily Bronwyn even if you quit, I’m still your bodyguard. Johnathan made that clear yesterday evening when I spoke with him. You’re still my job.” He smiles reassuringly.

  He walks and I follow him. “Why? Aren’t you going to be Ashley’s now?”

  Looking straight ahead still walking he says “Ma’am if Johnathan wanted her to have a bodyguard he would. And if he told me to do it, I’d quit. You’re my family I’m not trading teams for no amount of money.”

  I catch up and wrap my arms around him from behind, hugging him tightly. My breasts pressed against his back.

  “Thank you James. You’re all I’ve got left now. Except Claire. And you’ll probably be guarding me outside of a cardboard box on Venice beach. I’m moving out of Stacy’s first thing Monday.”

  He turns around when I let him go. “You move out of Stacy’s fine. But you’re not living in a cardboard box. If you have no other place to go, move in with me. I live alone. Except for Fred my clown fish and his little buddies. And I have a spare room that I already have a bed in and a treadmill. Plus it’ll be easier than driving to protect you if we just live under the same roof. Plus I have a car and can drive you to and from your doctor’s appointments and if you go on bed rest I can help with that too. Not to forget you already know all my deepest secrets.” He winks and I hug him again. Damn he smells good. Like cedar and mints. Yum!

  “I don’t mind that you drink out of milk jugs or eat the peanut butter out of the jar. As long as you save some for me.” I tease, kissing his black t-shirt covered chest. I love my big teddy tear.

  He kisses my head. “I’ll even feed it to you with my fingers if you want.” He laughs.

  “Gross James. I’ll feed myself
thank you.” I pinch his side playfully, getting a little bit of fat.

  We go outside and I feel a little better about it all. I pull out my cell and text Claire on the way back to the hotel with my new roomy.

  Me- Luv that pussy pic. Totally making me wet over here thinkin bout u. Change of plans. Comin home 2morrow & then movin in w/ James. Done w/Johnathan & Stacy. Looks like I got u & James now. If u’ll still have me after all this drama. Hope ur havin a sextacular week. Xoxoxo.

  Her- That pussy is all yours lover. I hope you dream all about it. I know I’ll be dreaming about yours and that hot ass. Teasing me with that sexy pic you naughty minx I’m going to have to punish you when I see you next. Of course you still got me. I’m the fish and I’m not going anywhere until you throw me back, babe. If you don’t want to live with another man you’re welcome to stay at my beach house. I don’t live there all the time. But I’d love knowing I have a pussy to come home to fuck and lick all day long.

  Hot damn her texts are dripping of sex. I am seriously getting wet over here. I’ve never sexted before, but wow. I love this. It’s taking my mind off the Johnathan bullshit. She’s so good at that. And other naughty things.

  Me- I’d luv to suck ur pussy. It’s so hot & soft & I luv fuckin it w/my fingers. I’m gonna move in w/James bc I don’t want u 2 feel obligated to cum home 2 me. Even tho I’d luv u 2 fuck & lick me all day.

  Her- Oh babe. I’m wet thinking about you. You can suck my pussy anytime you want. It’s all yours. Can I see you this weekend after you get back? My finger is missing your ass. It wants to fuck you so hard and make you come. I think it might cry if it doesn’t get to fuck your tight hole, babe.

  Me- Oh no! I wouldn’t want 2 make it cry. I guess it can cum n c me. As long as that hot pussy of urs lets me taste it finally. I dn’t want to let my tongue feel left out.

  Her- That poor tongue. I will have to make it all better with my juices. They have magical healing powers. And my finger will be most happy to be buried deep in you. Maybe I can bring another friend to the party?

  Me- Oh really. What friend might that b?

  I’m sopping wet between my legs. My ass and my pussy are begging me right now to be fucked. I’m so horny. I won’t be able to go another hour without using B.O.B. This woman is crazy sexy. I can’t believe I don’t screw her everyday she’s that hot. Beautiful and smart and dominate. What a catch.

  Her- She’s pink and straps around my body. I think she’d love to fuck your pussy as my sad lonely finger is in your ass. Would you like that babe? Do you want me to fuck your pussy with my friend? As I fuck your ass with my finger?

  Me- Yes. I think I might like ur friend. She sounds hot & I luv pink. Ur welcome to use her on me ne time n that finger better go in my ass. I’ll be sad w/out it. I’m at the hotel. I’m going 2 go use B.O.B 2 take care of this raging female boner in my panties n call it a nite. XOXOXO.

  Her- K. lover. Miss you. And when you use B.O.B make sure you’re picturing me. And maybe use one of your fingers rubbing your hot clit too. I’ll be doing the same. XOXOXO. Night sexy minx.

  James opens my door and I have to adjust myself so I make sure none of my pooling juices run down my legs. I’m that wet already. I ride up to my room with James he hugs me sweetly and bids me a goodnight. What a sweet man!

  Chapter Seventeen

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  What the hell is that sound?

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  Son of a bitch someone is at my door. I turn over and move the clock. Holy cow it’s almost five a.m.

  I sit up and rub my eyes. More banging. Jesus calm down already.

  I wrap a robe around my naked body. After the sexting with hot Claire B.O.B and I shagged three times with me sitting on the side of the tub in the bathroom and I rubbed my clit like Claire asked. Then I took a hot shower to cleanse the night away and went to sleep naked as a jaybird in high thread count sheets, watching Nick-at-night.

  I pad my way across the floor to the door. I pull it open and fucking shit! This is ridiculous. Seriously!

  “Oh! Shit! I’m sorry Emily.” Ashley says her hairs a mess, makeup smeared, she’s wearing one of Johnathan’s T-shirts and her own green PJ pants and she looks like she has just been fucked a good couple of times. Son of a bitch! I don’t want to see this.

  “What you want? It’s five in the damn morning woman.” I scold quietly. Rubbing sleep out of my eyes and yawn.

  “I’m sorry I thought Stacy was in this room. That’s what Johnathan said before he went to bed.”

  “Do I look like Stacy? This was going to be his room but we did a swap. Now out with it woman.” I bark my hand on my hip. I’m not happy about being woken up at five. Especially when it’s Johnathan’s cutie fiancé, looking all fucked and shit.

  “I just woke up because Johnathan’s in the middle of one of his bad nightmares. It’s terrible. I can’t get him up and Stacy’s usually the one who deals with this. So I need Stacy, do you know where he is?” she’s definitely flustered, scared and desperate.

  “I’ll do it. Let me into your guy’s room.”

  I shouldn’t be this nice. But I gotta keep telling myself. She’s not the problem. She’s not the problem. Johnathan is. He’s the problem. He’s the asshole. Not Ashley. It’s hard, but damn. I gotta help her she sounds so lost.

  “You know how to deal with his violent nightmares?” she sounds amazed.

  “Yes. Now let’s go before it gets worse.” I wave her to let me in.

  I follow her into her bedroom. She stands to the side and Johnathan’s in his boxers flailing around, mumbling darkly, his legs kicking hard at his dad. I assume because that’s what he was doing the last time I helped. His face looks pained and he’s covered in sweat. And he’s got a boner this time. Ashley’s got herself frozen hard against the wall.

  I turn to her. “Did he hit you or has he when he’s like this?” I ask calmly. She’s so freaked out and almost shaking. Jesus I’m more of a woman than that.

  She shakes her head. “No, but he never let me sleep with him much. And if he did and he’d have one I’d wake up before it got too bad. When the bed goes crazy it’s hard not to wake up. This is the worst one I’ve ever seen though.” She whines

  “Ok well if he accidently hits me in the stomach or in the back call 911, okay? I’m pregnant and I don’t want him to hurt my babies.” I rub my tummy.

  I’m not telling her they’re his, that’s his job. Not mine. But I can’t be stupid about this either.

  “You’re going to wake him even if you’re pregnant? I should go find Stacy.” She sounds worried and even whinier if that’s possible.

  “I’ve done this before when I’ve been pregnant. I can wake him up. Just chill out. Will ya?” I say calmly and soothingly. “You don’t have to watch.”

  She nods but she stays where she is.

  I climb onto the bed. He’s thrashing erratically. His legs are going more than his hands this time. Shaking his head back and forth he’s screaming under his breath. I can’t hear what he’s saying. I get to the top of the bed, the safest place and I put a pillow in front of my baby bump.

  “Has he said anything that you can make out? So I can talk him down while I try to wake him?” I whisper softly.

  “Yes, something about no don’t take her away from me. I love her. Not my babies. You bastard you killed them. She’s all I have. And some other crazy stuff. It’s jumbled and doesn’t make much sense.”

  It makes sense to me he must be talking about my babies. But we’ll see when he wakes up. He’s not on drugs this time. Maybe he’ll remember them and want to talk about it.

  I get closer and he throws his arm out and hits me in the side of my bicep. I flinch. It’s not too painful but it’s red.

  “Are you okay?” she asks freaking out.

  “I’m fine. Just be quiet please and let me get him up.” I whisper frustrated. She’s a wimp.

  I edge closer and he kicks a lot and mumbles. I reach out my han
d and touch his forehead. Ok here goes nothing. I put my hand out to block any violence.

  “Johnathan it’s me. It’s Emily. Short Stack. I’m here. I’m right here. Everything is going to be okay.” I whisper and rub his forehead. I need to make this calmer than the last time because the last time he freaked out, jumped out of bed and hyperventilated.

  “The dreams aren’t real Johnathan nobody killed the babies. Nobody killed them. They’re okay. Everything is going to be alright.” I rub his head again. He’s not made any progress. His nightmare is the same, kicking and thrashing just not the hitting.

  I move my hand down to his chest. Oh man he feels good. I haven’t touched this beautiful man in so long. My heart pounds in my chest and leaps out and smashes into him. I love him so much it literally hurts. I touch the place over his heart it’s hard and sexy as hell. He’s covered in tattoos and gorgeous even in the middle of a nightmare. I rub his heart with my hand with gentle strokes.

  “Johnathan it’s okay. The pain will go away. It’s okay. I’m here I won’t let anything happen to you. Just take a big deep breath and come back to me. Come out of the dream you beautiful man. It’s going to be okay. No one’s going to hurt you or the babies. You’ll be alright.” I coax gently rubbing his chest. Hell yes its working because his legs stopped kicking.

  “Only a little bit more Johnathan. I’m here. Emily… Short Stack’s here. I’m here. The babies are okay. You’re going to be alright. No one is going to hurt you. I’ll protect you. Wake up please. Wake up.” I rub again.

  His body jerks a few times and his eyes flicker open and shut over and over.

  I keep rubbing even though I know he’s going to wake up any minute. He’s so beautiful I can’t stop touching him. I love this man. This big pain in the ass man that I hate but yet I still love.

  “It’s okay, take a deep breath and open your eyes.”

  He listens and drawls in a long breath.

  “You’re waking him.” Ashley says surprised, still clinging to the wall. I think she’s still scared.


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