Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2)

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Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2) Page 20

by S. K. Logsdon

  He eyes me wide when I suck my finger into my mouth eating his leftovers. What? I’m just being nice. And I love the taste.

  “Do you want a bite?” he eyes the sandwich he’s yet to put together and then dunks his fingers into the peanut butter again. He reaches up and goes to stick it in his mouth.

  That’s what I want! I don’t want to dirty my hands and the naughty part of me says eat off his fingers. And that greedy part is just about to win out. Shame on me! Naughty, naughty Em.

  I grab his hand just before the scoop of peanut butter hits his full lips. I pull his hand down, tilt my head forward and suck his fingers into my mouth. He groans. Oh shit, I shouldn’t be teasing him like this. Now I feel like a bitch. I moan at the peanut buttery goodness in my mouth and close my eyes savoring its beautiful flavors sliding over my tongue. Sucking it all off of his fingers. It tastes better than from a spoon. His skin gives it a better flavor. I don’t know how, but it does. Maybe that’s why he eats if from the jar. I can’t look at him. I’ll feel too guilty. Fuck! I’m bad! I should apologize. Damnit! I have to. This would to be different if it was anyone else but sweet James. God, could I be any worse of a person? I suck his finger in again to clean it off all the way and pull his them out gently. My mouth makes a popping noise from suction that vibrates between the walls. That made it worse.

  I open my eyes and he’s staring right at me his mouth part open, his eyes smoky and wide.

  “I’m so sorry James I shouldn’t have done that. Please forgive me.” I say sadly and pout my lips swallowing the rest of the peanut butter flavor down. Damn that protein hit the spot.


  He shakes his head and closes his mouth. “Huh?”

  “I said I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that. Can you please forgive me?” I talk slowly. I think I might have given this poor shy guy a heart attack. Great now I feel even worse.

  “Oh, no, no, Em that’s okay. Don’t apologize. It was just a big shock, is all. I promise I didn’t mind.” He looks down at his hand and dunks it back into the peanut butter for himself. Without washing them off.

  “Ok, I just feel really bad. Oh and I’m not taking my cell tonight. I’m avoiding you know who. So you ignore him too if you can. Call me on Claire’s phone if you need me. I promise to be safe and I’ll call if I won’t be back tonight. Okay?”

  “Sounds great Em, I hope you have a good night. And when I checked my cell this afternoon he’s already blown up my phone fifteen calls and umpteen texts.” He says and steps closer, reaches around me with his clean hand pressing it against my lower back, leans in and gently kisses my forehead. “Please be safe.”

  “I will. Goodnight James.” I smile and run out the door to see my date.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Claire and I just got out of the car in front of our date location. She’s taking me to a spa. This one was supposed to have been closed by now but she apparently does their ad campaigns so they are going to keep it open for just us. How awesome is that? I guess that’s what you’ll run into when you are the girlfriend one of the biggest ad agency CEO’s in the country. She is one hell of a sexy thirty eight-year-old. She could easily pass for twenty seven or eight, on most days of the week.

  “Hello and would you please come in?” A mature woman wearing a pantsuit greets us, opening the front door for us to enter. Claire places her hand sweetly upon the small of my back and escorts me into the spa.

  We walk inside and stand in the lobby, this place is fabulous. Total spa swank with stark white, mint greens and glossy black colors encompassing this modern yet classy space.

  “Ms. Kennedy how good it is to see you again.” The woman who greeted us into the building says, offering her hand to Claire and they do a quick shake.

  “This is my beautiful and pregnant girlfriend Emily” Claire introduces us.

  She extends her hand. “Hello Emily. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I’m Lori.”

  “Hi Lori.” I take her hand, it’s warm and welcoming with a delicate touch.

  “Would you like to look at the spa menu? Or would you like to do with your scheduled treatments?” Lori asks speaking to Claire.

  “The normal ones are fine Lori. Could you please show us to the lockers so we may disrobe?” Claire says with her beautiful angelic finesse.

  We follow Lori to the back and through a beautiful set of white double doors and there is a female’s locker room. This place is elegant. We go inside and Lori tells us to come out and sit on the sofa when we are finished.

  “I can’t believe you brought me to a spa.” I say in awe. The locker room is even high-class. Tall white wooden lockers, a marble bench, cream marble floors, mint green walls and gentle can lighting above our heads. Green plants sit in all the spare spaces and lush fabric adorns the iron loveseat sitting under a giant mirror as we came in.

  “Babe I want to pamper my woman. That’s my job. I have lots in store for us. You’ll love it and I hope to bring you back many more times throughout your pregnancy.”

  I lean over after removing my clothes. I’m naked except my red boy shorts. I kiss her on the cheek.

  She turns to me after stepping out of her work pants and panties. Her pussy is cleanly shaven and perfect.

  “Come here you.” She opens up her arms with a warm smile.

  I almost jump into her awaiting arms and hug her hard wrapping my arms around her neck. Her hands automatically go to my big butt. She’s so soft and silky smooth. I love when our breasts are pressed together it’s so sexy. She pulls me back and grabs my face into her hands.

  “I missed you my beautiful woman.” She says and leans in and plants a supple wet kiss on my lips. Oh, my heart does a little jump. And my clit jerks for attention.

  “I missed you too” I whisper when she removers her wonderful lips from mine. She has this ability to make me feel so special.

  “Here.” She kneels and loops her index fingers into the top of my panties.

  “What are you doing?” I’m confused.

  “I’m getting my girlfriend naked. So we can have some spa treatments done together.”

  I cover my panties with my hands cupping my privates so she can’t remove them.

  “I didn’t think I needed to be naked.” I whisper embarrassed.

  I don’t want to be nude in front of other people. Her, Johnathan, Stacy, my mom, the doctor and James, fine. But no one else.

  “Babe. I’m naked and you’re going to be naked with me.” She pleads gently I think she realizes this is uncomfortable for me.

  I release my hands and let her little by little tug down my panties, like it’s a special moment for us. Well it kind of is. Another special moment, they’re all special.

  I step out of them. I’m nervous and naked in front of her. I feel exposed in such an open space. She tosses my panties into the locker and stays kneeling looking up at my face.

  “Babe I’m missed all of you I’d like to get a little taste for just a moment so the parts I’ve also missed can get reacquainted with me. I’ve kissed your beautiful lips now I’d like to say hello to the rest. Is that okay?” her voice is that soft lovely angelic tone that I don’t think I could say no to even if I tried. God, she’s so beautiful. Her hair’s down, flowing over her perfect shoulders and her eyes are twinkling a bright blue in the can lights illuminating the locker room.

  I nod.

  I step forward and she places her face against my pussy. She sticks out her tongue and I can feel it gently slide between my clef. My legs are closed.

  “Open up your legs babe or sit down if you’d like.” She gestures to the bench next to us.

  I open my legs and she slides closer, her chin tucking up under me and she laps it with a hard needy tongue. I moan and my knees shake. I let out a long hard breath and swallow hard. My pussy missed that tongue so much. I didn’t realize how much until now. Wow!

  “I missed you pussy.” She says quietly and licks it again sucking my clit a l
ittle. My juices are flowing. For her and only her. Damn she’s so hot!

  “Turn around baby.” She says to me and I listen. I know what’s about to happen.

  Placing both hands on either cheek she spreads me wide open for her. I whimper knowing what’s about to happen. Oh yes, this is what I want. Claire places her face between my butt cheeks and plunges her tongue at my hole like she’s French kissing it with force and greed. I moan loud throwing my head back, it echoes in the room.

  “Oh Anna how I’ve missed you.” She groans and laps my ass more, tonguing it like she hasn’t touched it in a year.

  “Claire if you keep it up Anna is going to need to come.” I croak out, my mouth dry.

  Talking about my ass using its new name isn’t as silly as I thought when she first named it. It’s fucking hot! Is what it is. My Anna is just for my Claire. Hell yes!

  “Has my Anna missed me?” she asks it, kissing it gently. I relax my trembling sexed up body and push out offering myself. “Oh yes my Anna has.” She purrs and shoves her tongue into me hard. I nearly collapse at the intense pleasure. Holy shit! I’m so hot for her. My core wants to come right now. This might be a long night if I don’t get what my burning pussy and ass needs. Fuck. I need Claire!

  She pounds Anna with her tongue. Moaning as she does. I know she missed my ass. I didn’t realize how much. She has a serious ass fetish. It’s like a heroin addiction for her. But legal.

  “Ms. Kennedy are you ready?” Lori asks walking in on us having a private moment and catching it all with her own two eyes. My stomach jumps into my throat and my heart nearly bursts scared out of my chest. “Oh!” she nearly yells and covers her eyes, turning away. “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to walk in. I’m so sorry.” Lori apologizes. I can see her face is red underneath her hand.

  Claire’s yet to move I don’t think this has even fazed her. My hands are covering my pussy and my breasts. But brave Claire is still knelt behind me her hands still gripping my ass. But she stopped tonguing me.

  “Lori its fine. I’m sorry we took so long. I just haven’t seen my girlfriend in a few days and I needed to get reacquainted with her beautiful body. We will be out with you in two minutes just let us gets some robes on and we shall join you.” Claire says as smooth and as cool as a cucumber. I couldn’t speak if I wanted to. I am in complete shock. I was just caught getting my ass lapped by my lesbian girlfriend in a spa locker room. Holy shit! I should have known better. But with Claire my sexual blinders are on and all I can think about is her hot as hell touch.

  Lori leaves and I remove my hands covering my private parts.

  Claire giggles. “I guess that will be giving her something to think about for the next few weeks.”

  She grabs my ass cheeks and spreads them further apart.

  “Claire we need to go see Lori. No more Anna for now.” I scold.

  “But baby. I just wanna kiss her a few more times. Then we can get dressed and get on with our evening.” She pouts in that perfect damn voice.

  I exhale giving in. “Fine. Only thirty seconds.”

  “Thank you babe.” She sounds elated and dives back in. Damn her tongue is hot and needy tonight. She kisses and sucks and fucks Anna with her tongue. I’m going to come easy tonight when she decides to stop teasing me.

  “Okay Claire Anna needs a break unless you’re going to make her come.” I scold moving away, she grabs me and holds me still. As she kisses it one more time and lets me go.

  She stands and her lips are swollen and red from working her favorite part of my body. It feels so needy right now I wish we had more time. But I can’t make Lori wait all night so Claire can have her way with me. If that was the case we’d stay in the locker room all night long.

  I throw on my robe and Claire pouts pulling hers on too.

  “Stop that pouting little missy. We’re going to enjoy this together. You’re the one who planned this date.” I smack her ass. She yips a little.

  “I know but I miss her already.” She whines.

  “Oh stop, this love affair with my ass is making me jealous.” I tease with a naughty smile.

  “Baby I can’t help I love her.” She smiles at me with a wink.

  Damnit Claire you love my asshole! Why? This is so weird. I love it but it’s weird and kinky as fuck. I wonder if every woman she’s ever been with she’s been this close with their asses. I might ask her that tonight. That would be a good topic to talk about among a lot of others.

  We join Lori and she looks a little better than she did when she walked in on us. We follow her into our first room. We disrobe next to each other and lay on massage tables. The table is too hard for me to lie flat on, I don’t want to hurt the twins so I lay on my side. Claire’s getting a deep tissue massage and I’m getting the maternity. Both of our masseuses are women. I wonder if Claire gets turned on when other women touch her during a massage? Maybe? I don’t but she’s awfully sexual not to.

  “So I have something funny to tell you.” She says her body being kneaded. I wish I was the one kneading it. We wouldn’t get far. But in the end it would be hot as hell and we’d be panting and twitching from our toe curling orgasms. Shit! I’m wet just thinking about that. Stop it, Em.

  “Yeah? What’s that?” I’m getting my back rubbed and wow this woman sure has some good hands. I need to get a massage more often. Maybe Stacy if we become friends again will do this for me, or James? But after tonight probably not James I just went and screwed all that up with my stupid brain. I’m an idiot.

  “At noon today I got the most ridiculous bouquets of roses delivered to my work.”

  “What!?” I ask louder than I should have.

  “Yep, from your boyfriend. The card said thanks for treating my baby like she deserves and freeing her inhibitions.” She chuckles.

  “Johnathan before the fight yesterday told me he was going to send you roses. I thought it was a joke or I would have warned you. He likes that we’re together because you open me up to new things. I think this way he doesn’t push and feel guilty for doing so. Maybe you two should talk and figure out a schedule on who pushes me to do what. That way you both get what you want.” I laugh teasing.

  “I already have all that I want. I don’t want to talk with him about my woman. When I don’t like thinking about sharing you with him.” She states.

  “I thought you liked how we have things?” I ask confused. This is new, news. If she doesn’t like this anymore than maybe we should stop. I don’t want her in a position where she’s uncomfortable, that’s not how she should ever feel.

  “Oh babe, I do. But if I could have more I would. I thought you understood that.” She treads lightly.

  “No. I thought you wanted me for sex and that we we’re friends. I love having you in my life Claire. But if you want more I can’t stay with you and hurt you like that. That’s not fair. I can’t be like Johnathan.” I say firmly. God, this night is not going how I wanted it to go.

  “We are friends and I do want you for sex babe. But if I could have you all to myself coming home to you every night just so I could cuddle with you on the couch and make you come screaming my name before bed every night. I would.” She speaks delicately with meaning. That voice makes everything sound so beautiful even if it’s hard to hear.

  “Are you okay if you never get that? Am I going to hurt you? I don’t want to hurt you ever, Claire. I am a bitch and hurt Johnathan a lot because he treats me badly. But you don’t and I wouldn’t know what I would do if I ever hurt you.”

  My heart aches. I don’t want to hurt this woman. But I can’t be with her forever. Even if I wanted to. It’s not meant that way. Even if I think I might be loving her more than just a friend I can’t love her love her. Ah! Shit I don’t know what I want. This is ridiculous and I keep making my own life more complicated and I have no one else to blame but myself.

  “Emily. Listen to me. Calm down. I told you from the get go that I would be fine with the sex if that is all I can ever have. I wi
ll take that. I understand. I can’t expect a straight woman or a woman who was straight to want to marry and be with a lesbian. I never expected to care for you like I do Emily. That wasn’t the plan. But life happens. I’m just taking what I can have from you and enjoying it while it lasts. Nothing is forever.” She explains as my masseuse rubs my hands.

  “Ok but Claire I don’t want to hurt you. And I didn’t expect to care for you like I do either.”

  We finish up our massages and we are taken into another room to a massage chair with foot tubs. To get pedicures and manicures. I am so loving this!

  “So what kind of roses do you get today?” I ask looking over at my beautiful girlfriend her body appears to be relaxed. Those were awesome massages.

  “He sent six dozen in two different bouquets one was pink and orange and the other was a deep purple, almost black. They were very beautiful.”

  “He buys you flowers and he allows a woman to touch his ding-a-ling as a gift to me. Wow that sounds pretty uneven don’t cha think?”

  She scoffs a laugh. “He did what?”

  “He sent you flowers and last night, and I got woken up by James in his PJ pants, mind you. The first time I’ve seen my bodyguard that I’ve had for how long? Over two months, without a shirt. I nearly had a heart attack.”

  “James is a good-looking man. Is he that handsome with his shirt off?” she asks interested. See I love this girl talk. Even being a lesbian she can do the guy ogling thing. How great is that?

  “Oh god yes.” I choke on my spit. “And get this, he’s forty three.”

  “Are you serious?” she asks surprised.

  “As a heart attack. So anyhow, he wakes me and tells me that Johnathan has been calling both of us all night and texting. The texts I have are from some woman who stole Johnathan’s cell and took pics of her tits covered in semen. And a pic of him with his arm around her in only his boxers. Her top was off and her hand was cupping his manhood. Plus there were a bunch of dirty texts talking about her kissing this tattoo he has by his cock and how he licked her pussy. Yadda-Yadda-Yadda. Anyways, so my phone rings when James and I are cuddling in bed together going through my phone. He answers it and puts it on speaker. It’s assbag of course. He plays the whole stolen thing and blames it all on Deacon. Says he got drunk last night with the band and four women playing strip shot poker and passed out half naked. Swears nothing happened but I’m supposed to believe him and call D to confirm the theory.”


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