Tragic Deception (Deception Series Book 1)

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Tragic Deception (Deception Series Book 1) Page 12

by Linda S. Prather

  The silence of the house began to grate on her nerves. What if they had killed Nicholas? Carissa would kill her—that was what. Damn them both anyway. If we’d put up the ransom when we originally planned, I would already have the money. “Emma?”

  She crossed the hallway and glanced inside the bedroom, steeling herself for the worst. Instead of the bloody body she expected, she found an empty room. “Where the hell is everybody?”

  Descending the steps slowly, she glanced around the foyer, straining to see down the hallway. The front door opened, and she fired, hitting the doorjamb two inches above Carissa’s head.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Carissa growled. “You almost killed me.”

  Sabrina lowered the gun. “I thought they’d come back.”

  “Thought who came back?” Carissa asked, shaking the wood chips out of her hair.

  Sabrina finished descending the steps quickly. “The mob. They came here early this morning, and I don’t know where Nicholas and Emma are.”

  Carissa’s face went white, and Sabrina backed up a step. “Nicholas is at the office, and what do you mean you don’t know where Emma is?”

  “They must have taken her, thinking she was me.”

  “Christ, Sabrina, you had one job, and you screwed it up. What did you do? Hide in a closet?”

  “Of course I hid in the closet. What else could I do?”

  Carissa sighed heavily. “Well, you shot at me. Why couldn’t you shoot at them?”

  Sabrina crossed to the library and poured a glass of Scotch. “It’s the mob, Carissa. I pay them, they leave me alone. I shoot one of them, they just send fifty more after me—and next time, they won’t be looking for money.”

  Carissa walked through the rooms on the bottom floor. “Are you sure they took her?”

  Sabrina shrugged. “She isn’t here. Maybe they’ll do the job for us.”

  “Maybe we can use that. We report her kidnapped and get Nicholas to put up another ransom for her today and transfer the money for the baby. We’ve got another minor problem.”

  “What kind of problem?” Sabrina asked.


  “Didn’t I tell you? He’s been wavering ever since the baby died, and Wanda is losing her hold over him.”

  “I’ll take care of Ted. Once he transfers that money, we don’t need him anymore. Clean up and call the police. I’m going back to the office to work on Nicholas.”

  “What am I supposed to tell them?”

  “God, do I have to do everything? You’ve got a bullet hole in the door. Tell them you woke up and saw two masked men carrying Emma out of the house. You fired a shot, but they got away.”

  “It’s daylight outside. That might have worked five hours ago, but it isn’t going to work now.”

  She ducked, but not in time, as Carissa picked up a brass candlestick and smashed it across her left temple. “Tell them you tripped, fell down the stairs, and hit your head. You passed out and just woke up.”

  Sabrina held her head as blood trickled through her fingers. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  Carissa laughed. “Yeah, I did. Mess up again, and next time, you won’t wake up.”

  Sabrina sat down on the bottom step, her head pounding. Too bad I missed… that stupid bitch thinks she’s so smart. If she’d fallen down the stairs five hours ago, she wouldn’t still have fresh blood on her. She would have to wait until her clothes dried before calling the police. Sabrina stood and stumbled toward the bathroom, drips of blood following her path. She wet a washcloth and pressed it to her temple. She needed to let Wanda know of the change of plans and check on the Ted problem.

  She climbed the steps to her bedroom and rummaged through the drawer until she found the burner phone she’d purchased the week before. She laughed as she dialed the number. Carissa was smart, but Sabrina was smarter. She’d stopped using her cell for anything but calls from Carissa. The bitch can’t monitor what she doesn’t know about.


  “Carissa just left. She said Ted’s becoming a problem and the money can’t be transferred until Monday. We had a deal, Wanda. What the hell is going on?”

  “Ted left early to go to the bank. I was sure he was making the transfer. Everything was fine this morning.”

  “You’d better not double-cross me, bitch.”

  “Honestly, Sabrina, you’re worrying about nothing. We’ll get the money, and then we’ll get rid of Carissa and Ted. You know I love you, sweetie. Think of all the fun we’re going to have together. It’s always been you, darling.”

  Sabrina felt herself softening and pressed the washcloth to her temple, eliciting a whelp of pain.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Wanda asked, her voice tinged with concern.

  “Carissa hit me with a brass candlestick. Don’t worry about it; you just take care of Ted and make sure he makes that transfer.”

  “I can’t wait to hold you in my arms,” Wanda cooed. “You don’t know how I cringe inside every time he touches me.”

  “Do whatever you have to,” Sabrina growled, and hit the end button.

  ~ ~ ~

  Wanda tossed the phone in a drawer and lay back on the bed. Sabrina had no reason to complain—after all, she was the one who had suffered through Ted’s blundering lovemaking for the last two years. At least while she was pregnant, she’d gotten a reprieve. Then she’d paid dearly for it with hours of pain and a screaming baby she’d been forced to smile at and pretend she cared about. She ran her hands down her body. It hadn’t been a total waste. Her curves were more pronounced. She cupped her breasts and giggled. And her breasts were much fuller.

  A loud knock sounded on the front door, and she slipped on a robe and padded down the stairs. “Carissa, darling, come in.” She closed the door behind her. “What are you doing here?”

  Carissa threw her hands up in the air. “Nicholas is falling apart, Sabrina is a stupid bitch, and Ted is refusing to transfer the money until Monday. He wants to see the babies, and Margaret is asking for more money. They’re driving me crazy.”

  Wanda took Carissa’s hands, allowing the robe to fall open as she moved in close and rubbed against the other woman. “Ted won’t be home for hours.” She placed her hands on Carissa’s shoulders and squeezed gently. “You’re so tense, sweetie. Let’s go upstairs, and I’ll make you forget all your troubles.”


  Morgan stared at the first database Alexandra had set up for him. “I feel like we’re missing something, and it’s right in front of us.”

  “We should have another report coming in soon. At least Emma DuPont is safe.”

  “Can you print these reports out for me? I’m tired of looking at this screen.”

  “Sure.” Sams hooked up the printer and pressed Print. “We’ve gone over and over them. I don’t know what we could have missed.”

  Morgan laid the reports out, side by side. “Maybe not what, but who.” He studied the names of the physicians, hospitals, and nurses. There was no clear link between the births. “We know they have at least one person helping them. Maybe more. And I’m beginning to suspect the cases were connected all along and these weren’t just random kidnappings.”

  “Isn’t that what Alex said? Except for the Wilsons.”

  Morgan shook his head. “I think the Wilsons are connected, too.”

  “How?” Sams asked.

  “Mrs. Dinsmore said there were three or four followers of Carissa Anders. I think we need more background on Sophia Wilson and Wanda Martin.”

  “Alex also said Mrs. Wilson was barmy, which I think means crazy or lost, so I doubt she could be a major player. But Mrs. Dinsmore said Emma DuPont was involved in their antics. What if instead of being a victim, she’s part of this?”

  “I saw her video. She’s scared and grieving. If she’s part of it, she’s not a willing participant,” Morgan said.

  “She’s an alcoholic, Blake. Might also be a drug addict. Some of them will
do anything for a fix. Even sell their babies.”

  Blake knew Sams had a point, but it just didn’t feel right. He continued to stare at the reports, something niggling in the back of his mind. “The DuPonts reported their child missing at six a.m.”

  Sams shrugged. “Not really all that unusual. The baby could have been sleeping through the night. Some do.”

  “The Wilsons reported their baby missing at midnight. They were the first call. And the Martins called in at two a.m.”

  “Still not seeing where you’re going,” Sams said. “I’ve got three kids, and all three were different.”

  Morgan pulled out Alexandra’s notes. “Damn it, there it is. When Alexandra interviewed the Martins, the father said his wife fed the baby around two, and when he came down the next morning, the door was closed.”

  Sams frowned. “Now that doesn’t seem like the kind of thing a father would forget.”

  “It isn’t. He was trying to send a signal. One we all missed.”

  “Maybe Alex wrote it down wrong. Surely, other police have interviewed him. What about the FBI?” Sams asked. “If the man was scared of something he could simply have told someone.”

  Morgan shook his head. “Not if he doesn’t know whom to trust. Think about it. He works at the bank below DuPont’s law office. They’re going to need someone at the bank to make that transfer.”

  “So you think they took his baby to make him work with them?”

  Morgan stared down at the notes. “I don’t know, and I wish I did. As you said, he could have just made a mistake on the timing. Alex said neither of them were upset about the baby. They could be in on it.”

  Sams’s cell phone rang, and he picked it up. “Hello?”

  “Dad, turn on the TV. DuPont just put up another ransom for his wife, and he’s blaming the special investigations unit.”

  Sams dropped the phone without bothering to say goodbye and grabbed the remote from his desk. “Things just got worse. DuPont just put up a ransom for the return of his wife, and he’s blaming the special investigations unit for her kidnapping.”

  ~ ~ ~

  “I’m hungry. I hope Nobby fixed something for lunch,” Alex said as Crimshaw pulled into the drive and parked.

  “Heard he’s a pretty good cook. Let’s go see.”

  The house was suspiciously quiet. “Do you think they’re all asleep?” Alex asked.

  Crimshaw shook his head. “I hear a TV in the background.”

  Gabriella walked out of the living room. “Oh, you’re back.”

  “Is something wrong?” Alex asked.

  “You might want to see this. Our kidnapping plan sort of backfired.”

  “What do you mean ‘backfired’? Is she safe or not?” Crimshaw asked.

  “Oh, she’s safe, but DuPont just gave a press conference and offered a five-million-dollar ransom for the return of his wife and baby. And he mentioned the NYPD and special investigations unit, slamming them for his wife’s kidnapping. He hasn’t mentioned your name yet, Alex, but he could.”

  Alex pulled out a chair and sat. “They think the mob got her, and as soon as that ransom is paid, they’ll kill the baby or babies. He’s using this to try and get me off the case and discredit the chief.”

  Gabriella’s cell phone rang. “It’s dad. Let me put you on speaker, Dad. Okay, go ahead.”

  “Is Alex back yet?” Morgan asked.

  “I’m here, Morgan. Everybody is here.”

  “Good. Here’s the plan. They’ll have to wait for another call from the would-be kidnappers. They also need someone inside the bank to make the transfer. Do we have any idea who that might be, Tamara?”

  “I’ll find out.”

  “If we can find a way to stall DuPont from making the transfer until Monday, it will give us forty-eight hours.”

  “To do what?” Alex asked. “We struck out with Dinsmore. She knows there were others, but she couldn’t remember who they were. We still don’t have a clue who has the babies, and after DuPont’s speech, I’m probably going to be recalled and the suspension turned into a firing.”

  “We don’t have time to worry about that right now. If you find those babies, all that will go away. You need to call Mrs. Dinsmore back and ask her about Sophia Wilson and Wanda Martin. Maybe the names will bring back a memory. There has to be at least one other, so maybe she’ll remember that, too. You’ve got Emma DuPont, don’t you?”

  Alex sat up straighter, following where he was going.

  Nobby placed a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t get too excited. She’s sleeping off one hell of a hangover or some drug they gave her, and may not wake up for hours. Could even be days.”

  “Make some coffee. We’ll wake her up.”

  “Slow down a minute; there’s more,” Morgan said. “Go back to the Martins and get Ted away from his wife. Either he knows something and he tried to send a message that we all missed, or he’s part of it.”

  “What message?” Alex asked.

  “He told you his wife fed the baby around two and when he came down the next morning, the door was closed. The report says they reported the baby missing at two.”

  “How did I miss that?” Alex asked, bowing her head.

  “Don’t beat yourself up, Alexandra. You probably weren’t looking at the report when you talked to him.”

  Alex stood. “So what do you think his part in this is?”

  “He works for the bank. Either they took his baby to coerce him into working with the transfer, or he’s been part of it all along. They were smart enough not to make it a money drop. Probably have an offshore account set up for the money to go into,” Morgan said. “I’ll bet when Tamara checks, she’ll find he’s the one supposed to make the transfer.”

  “We’ll head over there now.” Alex’s head was spinning, and she felt like throwing her cell away. The chief had to be furious, and if Patterson got hold of this, he would destroy her.

  “You eat anything yet?” Nobby asked.

  “We’ll get something on the way or when we come back,” Alex said.

  “The hell you will. We’re all tired, hungry, and not thinking straight. Ain’t nobody going nowhere until everybody has calmed down and had something to eat.”

  “Matt’s right, Alexandra. You’ve got some time. Don’t rush it. Sit down and map out your plan and your questions. Call Mrs. Dinsmore. Reefer, turn on the earbuds, and we’ll stay in contact that way. And be careful. If Anders gets wind of what’s going on, there’s no telling what she’ll do,” Morgan said.

  Gabriella ended the call. “Why don’t you guys start working on a plan, and I’ll help Nobby cook?”


  “Would you like a cup of coffee, darling?”

  Ted glanced up at his wife. She was smiling at him, giving him that sweet, sexy smile that used to make his blood race and his heart pound. She hadn’t asked about the transfer, but he knew why. He’d watched the tapes earlier while she was cooking and thought he was bathing. She’d already received that news from the horse’s mouth. “That would be great, love.”

  She rushed to make a fresh pot, humming his favorite song. “Carissa called and told me Nicholas was holding off on the transfer until Monday. Seems poor Emma is missing, but that’s good news, really. He’s upped the reward to five million, and they’re just waiting on a call from the kidnappers.” She turned and smiled at him. “Five million, sweetheart. We’ll be set for life.”

  His gaze strayed to her neck, and he smiled back at her. “Did she tell you I wanted to see the babies?”

  She pulled a knife from the drawer and started slicing the cake she’d baked earlier. “Um-hmm. I told her I did, too, and she said since we had to wait until Monday, she’d take us there tomorrow afternoon.” She placed the slice of cake on a plate, poured a cup of coffee, and brought it to him. His stomach churned as she brushed her breast against him and whispered, “After you finish that, we’ll have a real dessert.”

  A shiver slipped
down his spine as he anticipated the night ahead of them. He’d dreamed of nothing else for the last three days. “I thought we’d drive out to the cabin tonight. Maybe if we got away for a little while, we could work things out.” The hand gently massaging his neck stilled, and he glanced up at her. “We were always happy there.”

  “Of course, darling, but do you think we should really leave now? I mean, what if that detective comes back and finds us gone? And there’s no cell service out there.” Her lips pulled into a pout.

  He stood, pulled her hard against his body, and kissed her hair. “It’s Friday night, and she’s probably out on a date or down for the weekend. We’ll be back early tomorrow evening.”

  Wanda squirmed in his arms, and he moved his hands up her body, gliding them gently over her shoulders to the nape of her neck. He knew what she was really thinking. How could she plan his murder on Monday if she couldn’t reach Carissa or Sabrina?

  “It’s been a tough week, honey.” He massaged her neck and leaned in to run his tongue just beneath her ear. He swallowed the bile that rose in his throat as he wondered if his tongue was following the same path Carissa’s had taken earlier. The tape he’d watched had sickened him, as had their plans for all of them. Years of living with her had taught him how to act, and he could play his part for just a few more hours. Poor enamored Ted. Poor pussy-whipped Ted. “I want you now, but what I truly want is to watch you walk naked on the sand in the moonlight.” He kissed her shoulder and listened to her fake moan. “We’ll take a blanket and make love under the stars.”

  “Umm,” she whispered snuggling in closer. “Why go all that way when we have the backyard? I want you right now.”

  He sighed and pulled away from her. “Never mind.”

  She grabbed for him frantically. “Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry. Of course we can go to the cabin. Let me just pack a quick bag.”

  He lifted her in his arms and carried her toward the door. “Let’s just go now. We won’t need a change of clothes for what I have in mind.”

  ~ ~ ~


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