Muse in Lingerie_Lingerie 1

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Muse in Lingerie_Lingerie 1 Page 10

by Penelope Sky

  I took the attention with grace, hiding my true irritation. I was passionate about my work but not about my popularity. People asked me the dumbest questions, like where I derived my inspiration from.

  Fucking, obviously.

  My crew escorted me through the crowd along the entryway and finally inside the old opera theater. Wealthy men and women stood on top of the meeting ground of the biggest human trafficking organization in the world.

  And they had no idea.

  If I ever got caught, my reputation would be destroyed. People would question how I treated my models and how I ran my business. Every time I told myself I was going to walk away from the situation, I got sucked right back in.

  I moved to the row that was reserved for me. My trusted advisers were already waiting for me, ready to flank me on both sides so people would have a difficult time reaching me. But instead of taking a seat, I showed myself backstage.

  Nearly naked women were everywhere, putting the final touches on their hair and makeup and slipping tall heels onto their feet. Some grabbed my arm as they passed and hugged me to calm their nerves.

  I returned the affection, but only so I wouldn’t be an asshole.

  I made my way back until I found One.

  Her hair and makeup were done, and now she stood in front of the mirror in the gorgeous piece of lingerie that had been customized just for her. The diamonds sparkled, and only a woman as beautiful as she could rock such an expensive piece of clothing. I adjusted the fabric so it fit her measurements perfectly, and it looked so good it was difficult not to stare.

  I came up behind her, entranced by the queen right before me. My hands slid into my pockets to make sure I wouldn’t grab her.

  Her eyes met mine in the mirror. Blue and brilliant, they added a splash of color to her outfit. Her brown hair was in lustrous waves, and her eye shadow had a small sparkle that matched the diamonds she wore.

  Fucking perfect.

  I stood behind her, my head nearly a foot higher than hers, even when she wore those sky-high heels. “You seem nervous.”

  “I’m about to model in front of a theater full of people. Yeah…I’m a little nervous.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “Easier said than done,” she said with a faint chuckle.

  My hands gripped her shoulders, and I pressed my mouth to her ear. “From the moment I saw you…I knew. You’re the most beautiful, most fascinating woman to walk across this stage. I wouldn’t put you out there if I didn’t think you could do it. I’m risking my neck by putting you in the finale. I wouldn’t do that unless I was absolutely sure.” I felt her pulse quicken underneath my fingertips, felt her breathing increase at my touch. Her body lit on fire the same way mine did. I could feel the connection strengthen between us, feel the attraction spark in the air.

  I kissed her shoulder, directly beside the strap that held the baby doll over her body. I didn’t give a damn if anyone saw me adore this woman with sexy caresses. Instantly, she breathed deeply, just as affected by my touch as I was by hers. My lips returned to her ear. “Trust me.”

  * * *

  Once the show began, the attention was finally off of me. I was tired of shaking hands, of listening to people make conversation with me about their opinions of my work. People wanted to take photos with me, to post them on social media to make their lives seem more exciting than they really were.

  The lights went down, the music started, and then the girls came out.

  Right on cue, beautiful women paraded around the stage without faltering on their ridiculous heels. Some were so tall, they looked more like ballerina shoes. They each sported something different I had created. Some of the girls practiced wearing a different piece of lingerie, and I’d had to switch it out for my new creations. I could have waited until the next show before I premiered them.

  But I was a very impatient man.

  The energy from the crowd soaked directly into my skin. I could hear their whispered excitement, see the way people took photos with their phones. Every woman on that stage was breathtaking, and they made my lingerie even more beautiful.

  Anastasia did a decent job. She had a very small part in the show, lingering in the back and away from the focal point. But she was still a pretty girl. I gave her something more conservative to wear, but it was the only one-piece in the show.

  The next acts emerged, all highlighting a different theme for the show. Lingerie had many distinct purposes, and they were rolled out in unique scenes. Different colors were used, sometimes blood red and orange. Others were more neutral, like black and white. Then we got into the brilliant colors, like blue, green, and teal.

  There was a loud round of applause for every act.

  Nicole made notes beside me. “I can tell everyone is impressed.”

  I heard what she said, but I cared more about what was coming next.

  The props on the stage changed, and an ethereal glow was cast by the lighting. The music became slower, more royal. The other models disappeared, leaving the entire stage to a single woman—to a single queen.

  Smoke billowed across the stage, the music increased in pace, and out of the fog emerged the sexiest woman on the planet. Strutting like she owned the opera theater and everyone inside it, her heels hit the floor with purposeful strides. Her hips shook perfectly, her posture was elegant, and she eyed the audience like she had every right to be there.

  I couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across my face.

  She stopped at the first mark and posed. She flipped her hair and extended her leg. Then she pivoted the other direction, showing off her endless curves in the sparkling material. Her eyes were blue, but they burned as if they were on fire. That sass I first met in the audience was unleashed.

  She walked forward again.

  A sea of cameras bathed her in their light, photographers fighting to capture the better picture. People would argue that they only cared about the luxurious piece of lingerie she was showcasing, but I knew that wasn’t the case.

  They only cared about her.

  She posed again, flipping her hair once more and regarding the audience with her cool demeanor. Then she turned around and strutted back toward the back of the stage as the music played. The rest of the girls came out to end the show.

  My eyes went to her ass.

  Instead of wearing a thong like I had planned, she wore bikini panties that covered most of her ass. But it didn’t take away the gorgeous appearance, the perkiness of her cheeks. It was the most beautiful ass to grace the stage that night.

  Possibly the most beautiful ass in the world.

  The rest of the girls came forward and made their final poses for the cameras. Silver confetti felt from the sky as they wrapped their arms around each other and smiled and giggled. The music changed again, and One returned, the girls parting the way to give her a special place.

  That’s when everyone stood and applauded.

  A standing ovation.

  I stayed in my seat, my fingertips partially covering the smile I couldn’t wipe away. Pride overcame me, pride for the woman that owned that stage without an ounce of experience. She was a natural, the most fascinating woman ever to be in my lineup.

  And she was all mine.

  * * *

  The after party was held at my villa in Verona. I had acres of land, a three-story villa with a fountain out front, and walls covered with deep ivy. The valet took care of the cars, and people streamed inside my mansion and explored the grounds in the rear. I had an enormous patio that overlooked the hillsides. It was flooded with olive trees, flowers, and a perfectly manicured lawn.

  The girls attended in the same lingerie they wore during the show. They were queens at my party, advertising that extended long after the curtain was dropped. They mingled with my guests, executives from fashion magazines.

  But there was one queen everyone was particularly interested in.

  One captured the hearts of everyone at the fashion show. She was the
center of their focus, surrounded by a group at nearly all times. Whenever she moved across the property, she was immediately followed.

  I hadn’t prepared her for this.

  I moved through the crowd that surrounded her and wrapped my arm around her waist. The second I touched her, she moved closer into my side, sticking to me like she didn’t want us to get separated again. “Excuse me, we need a moment.” My hand stayed at her backside as I guided her away. She did a great job plastering a smile on her face and being the center of attention for the last few hours, but she couldn’t keep up the act indefinitely. I took her into my office on the second floor, a place no one went unless they were one of the maids.

  The second the door was shut, she rolled her head back and sighed. “Damn…”

  Her movements were incredibly erotic. She rolled her head like she had a kink in her neck. There was nothing I wanted more than to press my big hands against her shoulders and caress her.

  I moved into her and gripped her hips underneath the shimmering top. My forehead immediately went to hers, and I held the star of my show like she was all mine. I looked down into her face and watched her breathing slowly return to normal. She felt the same comfort I did, felt the same ease wash over her. When I kissed her, it made her heart pound erratically. When I held her softly, all the stress in her life seemed to fade away.

  So I kept holding her that way, kept adoring her that way. “You were amazing.”

  “Thank you…your pep talk helped me out.”

  My hand brushed through her hair, and I pulled the strands away from her face gently. “You’re a queen. You just needed to be reminded by your king.” My fingers touched her cheek, feeling the softness. She was soft like a rose petal, but not fragile like a flower. I grazed my fingers down her neck, feeling her gentle heartbeat. “And as your king, it’s my job to remind you just how flawless you are—like the diamonds you’re wearing now.”

  She tilted her head up to look at me, her red lipstick contrasting against her fair face. Her eyes lit up on their own, reflecting the light in the room. Her eyes sparkled just like the diamonds that adorned her body.

  My mouth ached to explore hers. I wondered how her kiss would feel, how her breath would flow all the way down into my lungs. I wanted to feel her plump lips quiver against me as I thrust into her. I wanted her body to sink deep into the mattress as I overpowered her with my size. I wanted that tongue against mine. I wanted her moans to erupt directly into my throat.

  But I reminded myself that was something I never did.

  I never kissed anyone.

  I slid one hand across her lower back and dug the other into her hair. I pulled her tighter against me, sensing the chemistry pop in the air between us. My mouth wasn’t on hers, but I felt the same adrenaline I experienced from a lover’s kiss. It seemed like I was fucking her now, fully clothed.

  She must have felt the same way because her pulse quickened more with every passing second. “All the attention…I wasn’t expecting it.”

  “I’m not surprised.” The only model who had been bombarded like this was Lacey, but no one seemed to care about her anymore. Now they were obsessed with this woman, the woman who had become my muse.

  “Can I take a break for thirty minutes? Just sit here in silence for a little bit?”

  I wanted to take her to my bedroom and give her all the silence she wanted—while being naked and sweaty. My thoughts kept turning to erotic scenes where I was buried deep inside her. I never mixed business with pleasure because it complicated the situation. But now business and pleasure were one and the same.

  Because no one turned me on the way she did.

  “Yes. I’ll have someone bring you some water and something to eat.”

  “Thank you. I’m starving.”

  I cupped her face and stared at her mouth, seeing the small teeth behind those plump lips. I wanted to smear her lipstick across her mouth with my passionate kiss. My restraint wasn’t as strong as I wanted it to be. I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

  But I kissed her on the forehead instead.

  Then I finally walked out, not turning back to look at her again. I was afraid if I looked at her for a second longer, I might fuck her right on that desk—a place I’d never taken a woman before.

  * * *

  Carter waited for me to finish speaking with Demetri Opal before he moved in with a glass of scotch in his hand. “You killed it tonight.”

  Beside him was Vanessa, dressed in a black ball gown that matched her dark hair. Her moss-colored eyes complemented her olive skin. A diamond necklace hung around her neck, and she carried herself with class. She stared at me with a mixture of anger and pride. “I’m still pissed at you…but I wouldn’t miss this for anything.” She leaned into me and kissed me on the cheek. “Congratulations.”

  Vanessa had looked up to me since we were young. Her approval meant a lot to me—even though I never told her. My sister possessed the same natural beauty as my mother, but she possessed my father’s hardness at the same time. She wasn’t like the average woman. She was so much stronger than most women I met. That made me admire her, which made me even more protective. The only man I would ever approve of for her would have to be a king or president, something worthy of her.

  Now would be the right time to apologize to her, but I couldn’t do it.

  I would never apologize for protecting her.

  “I’m glad you’re here.” My eyes noticed One in the background, being adored by a group of men that insisted on taking pictures with her. Every time a man placed his arm around her waist or flattered her figure, it set my teeth on edge. Now that group was gawking all over her.

  Carter followed my gaze. “Your girl is making headlines. People are obsessing over her.”

  That should have made me feel proud, but it didn’t. The woman I valued as my complete inspiration was being enjoyed by everyone who had eyes. Men were snapping pictures of her to enjoy later, and they were fantasizing about the woman who fueled all my fantasies.

  I didn’t like it.

  “She’s gorgeous,” Vanessa said. “Where did you find her?”

  My eyes remained on One, staring at her backside as she continued to uphold perfect posture and carry on a conversation at the same time. “She auditioned last month.”

  “Where has she modeled before?” my sister asked.

  “She’s a rookie,” I said. “Never set foot on a runway.”

  “For having no experience, she’s pretty damn perfect.” Carter followed my gaze and stared at her too.

  That pissed me off. I’d expected her to be the highlight of the show, but now that everyone was falling all over her, I felt my rage swell. I didn’t want a single pair of eyes on her. I wanted her all to myself.

  My muse.

  Vanessa spotted Nicole and walked over to her to have a few words.

  I felt bad for ignoring my sister, but I wasn’t thinking clearly. Right now, a jealous bear had taken root inside my chest.


  I turned my eyes back to Carter. “What?”

  “I got that information you asked for.” He held up a white envelope.

  All the answers to my questions would finally be revealed. I wanted to know what this woman was running from. I wanted to know her name. I wanted to know everything about her—for better or worse.

  Instead of waiting until I had some privacy, I snatched the envelope and ripped it open.

  Then I read every single word.



  I didn’t realize this was going to be such a highly publicized event.

  And I didn’t anticipate I would be the focus of it all.

  People were fascinated with me, talking to me and constantly snapping my picture. The lingerie I was wearing that night had sold out in the first hour after the show. My image was plastered all over social media.

  I went from being a nobody to a somebody overnight.

  This was bad.
/>   In my attempt to survive, I had made the worst mistake of my life.

  Now I was terrified Knuckles would find me.

  I might get lucky because Knuckles didn’t seem like the kind of man who paid attention to the fashion sphere of the world. And I might also get lucky because I looked vastly different when my hair and makeup were done. Since it didn’t make sense for me to live such a public life, he might assume it was just a doppelganger. And it wasn’t like my name had been released.

  But that didn’t stop me from being paranoid.

  And terrified.

  Maybe I should run while I still had the chance.

  * * *

  I went to the studio on Monday with my heart filled with dread.

  I’d become an important component of Barsetti Lingerie. My appearance had caused a serious boon to his line of products. Because of me, his brand was reaching new heights. Conway handled me in a different way from how he handled the other models. He seemed to be gentle with me, even sweet.

  Maybe he was like that with everyone.

  But I felt terrible for what I was about to do to him.

  He was an asshole sometimes, but he had a heart underneath that hard shell. He gave me money when he didn’t have to, and he even offered to get me a phone. He told me I was beautiful when I felt most hideous.

  And he’d offered to help me several times.

  I wasn’t sure if I could trust him, especially since my entire body went haywire anytime I was near him. When his lips brushed against my skin, I melted into a puddle right at his feet. No man had ever made me feel so many things with such a simple touch.

  I knew he would be livid with me, especially since I couldn’t offer him a real explanation.

  I walked into his studio, but I wasn’t sure if he would be there. He’d had a successful show, and orders for his new designs were piling up. If I could speak Italian, I could understand what they were saying about him in the news. So it didn’t make sense for him to be back in the studio.


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