Personal Guardians: Book 2 in the Personal Demons Series

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Personal Guardians: Book 2 in the Personal Demons Series Page 24

by Rachel A. Collett

  Laith and Darius took the seats opposite Elisa and me. Knowing I couldn’t continue to avoid him, I looked up and gave both men a curt nod. Darius shifted in his chair.

  “So, about tonight,” Laith began, clearing his throat. “Due to the damage to your window—”

  “Still not too happy about that,” Elisa mumbled under her breath.

  “—I do not believe it is safe for you to sleep in your room until we can get another one in place. I’m not one hundred percent sure Zane is the initial source of the whole demon-in-the-complex situation.”

  “Nor am I,” I said. “When he opened his soul to me, he was genuinely scared and I sensed real remorse for Payton’s death. I don’t think he’s done this before.”

  “But who else could it have been? Did you see anything in anyone’s souls when you were interviewing them?” Darius asked.

  I shook my head. “But to be honest, I wasn’t looking for that. I just wanted to get to know them.” Although, the fact that Zane was one of the handful of individuals who purposely didn’t meet with me piqued my suspicions. I told them as much.

  Laith’s brows furrowed. “Alright, who else didn’t meet with you?”

  “A dozen or so. Not counting Roman, most of the security team didn’t, including Charlotte, Hector, and Noah.” Dr. Maynes also refused an audience, but I was more than okay with that.

  “Figures,” Darius said. “Charlotte is understandable because—”

  “She hates me.”

  He only nodded. “No one even knows her history, not even her. She has no memory of her childhood, so that may be a touchy topic for her. And Hector and Noah have some pretty gnarly pasts. Only Laith and I know, and believe me, you wouldn’t want that burden. Do we force them to meet with Ava?”

  “No,” Elisa cut in. “She can only work with a willing heart, remember?”

  “But I can talk to them,” Laith said. Leaning forward he clasped his hands together on top of the table. “And while I do, Darius, I want you to search their rooms.”

  “Laith?” Elisa was shocked.

  “See if you find anything suspicious,” he continued.

  Darius nodded. Elisa seemed even more uncertain but she kept whatever doubts to herself.

  “If nothing is found, we’ll keep searching until something else manifests. Hopefully we’ll be able to stop it before someone else gets hurt.”

  But I was tired of waiting. We needed to stop the problem at the source. I needed to meet with Jonathan, and I had an idea of how I could do it.

  “Tonight, I suggest that Ava sleeps in Darius’s room.”

  “What?” I asked, not sure I had heard him correctly.

  “It makes sense, Ava. You accepted him as your temporary Guardian. He’s been protecting you every night for the past couple of weeks already. What would be so different about it if you sleep in his room until your window can be fixed?”

  All three pairs of eyes fell on me. My face flushed.

  What was the big deal? Oh, that’s right. Darius had kissed me at the lake and I had kissed him the second time—in front of everyone—less than an hour later.

  “It’s fine,” I said, pushing away my plate. “I haven’t touched my dinner if anyone wants it. Madi says there’s extra leftovers in the fridge.” I stood, excusing myself from the table. “I’m going to find something to read in the library. I’ll meet you later,” I said with a quick glance at Darius.

  He nodded, allowing me to leave.

  No one was in the library when I arrived. Shutting the doors behind me, I locked them. I proceeded to the windows and shut the drapes.

  I called to my demon and waited for what felt like an eternity—or it may have been less than a minute. At the pace my mind was going, everything felt slow.

  The place behind my ear tingled, causing my head to twitch, and even though I didn’t see him, I knew he was there. I rolled my neck, forcing my patience, and closed my eyes as another jolt went up my spine.

  “You’ve been avoiding me,” his voice whispered in my ear.

  My eyes flashed open to an empty room. I steadied my reply. “Wasn’t that what you wanted when you pulled that little stunt last time?”

  Soft laughter emanated from multiple points of the room. Finally, he appeared. Prowling a circle around me, he dragged his finger through my body at the shoulder, causing a ripple of goosebumps across my skin.

  “I wouldn’t call it a stunt, Ava. What I feel for you isn’t a stunt.” He was unusually dressed—fully clothed at last, and all in black from his long-sleeved shirt stretched tightly across his chest, to his combat boots.

  “Feelings? We’re talking about feelings now?”

  He ignored my comment. “But I forgive you, my darling. I realize now that I could never stay mad at you no matter what you choose to do or how long you stay away.” He cocked his head at an angle, his eyes traveling the length of my body. “However, I would prefer it not to be as extensive. Two weeks is dreadfully long to live without you.”

  My eyes widened as I processed what he was saying. “Oh, please, Jonathan. Don’t pretend as if you actually missed me.”

  “Oh, but I did,” he said. His hand lifted as if to caress the side of my cheek. “You are my mortal. I felt your absence painfully. But that’s okay. It gave me time to look into other things. Things you may be interested in.”

  I inhaled sharply. “Cheryl! Is she—is she alive?” I reached out to grab him, forgetting he wasn’t a physical presence. My fingers slipped through his shoulder.

  His body quaked from the sensation, but he nodded. “The Annihilator has her. They are keeping her heavily sedated.”

  My hand flew to my mouth, moisture rising to my eyes. And then, I stopped. I couldn’t afford to be weak or afraid. I dropped my hand. “What do they plan? Will they try to possess her?


  “But you possessed Benjam—”

  “But he had purposefully dulled his senses, Ava. Free will plays a huge part in possession. Cheryl is a good woman who has, to my knowledge, never done something to allow an evil entity to enter. Try as they may, they cannot overtake her.”

  I breathed a momentary sigh of relief. “A shape-shifter took over the body of one of our security today.”

  Jonathan’s brows lifted. “Then he was willing, even if only a little. Your sanctuary isn’t sounding very much like a sanctuary, anymore. Have you figured out how they’re getting in?”

  I shook my head. “But Cheryl. What are they going to do with Cheryl?”

  “That I don’t know. Tonight they have her—”

  “What? You know where she is?” He only nodded. “Take me to her. I need to see for myself that she’s alive.”

  “Ava, that is not wise.”

  There was a noise at the door. The handle to the library shook as someone tried to enter.

  I lowered my voice to a whisper. “I need to see her. Meet me tonight outside the veil.”

  “But Ava—”

  “Please,” I begged. Jonathan scanned my face, his eyes searching mine. After a moment, he nodded, then disappeared.

  My heart went into overdrive. At an even faster speed, a plan formulated in my mind. It was foolish and it might not work, but it would be worth it if I could find Cheryl. If I could see her. I went to the closest shelf and grabbed a hardcover book before exiting the library.

  No one waited to enter when I propped open the doors, but it didn’t surprise me. The library was often used for meetings, but exiting alone might raise suspicions. I would have to be smarter the next time I met with Jonathan.

  My insides juddered as I rapped on the entry of Dr. Maynes’s office.

  “Well, this is unexpected,” the doctor said, peering out from his room. “What do you want, my great Defender?”

  “A favor,” I said. “May I come in?”

  “Intriguing.” He swung open the door and I entered.

  Nervousness tugged at my guts as I remembered the last time I’d been in his off
ice. I turned, keeping my back to the wall and my eyes on his hands.

  Dr. Maynes rifled through some papers on his desk, avoiding my direct gaze.

  The muscles in my forehead contracted. Reaching out, I searched for his soul, but it was shut-off to me, locked behind a mentally closed door.

  “I never did thank you for not telling Nana about our last visit. I would have probably wound up in that prison Zane is in.”

  Drawing my energy back, I pished. “I highly doubt that. You’re the Healers’ grandson and compound doctor. I’m sure they would have made allowances.”

  Dr. Maynes only smirked. “Still, it was appreciated.”

  “Wait, how did you know Zane was in the compound’s prison?”

  He shrugged. “As you said. Compound doctor. I was asked to look in on him.”

  “Is he awake?” I asked.

  “You would have already been notified if so, my Defender. But what is it I can do for you?”

  I took a deep breath. “When I first arrived, I was under heavy sedation. When I woke later, I was briefed about my location and the situation, and then was placed back under that sedation to rest. I assume you were the source of this medication.”

  “I was.”

  “And if I needed some, just for one night?” I hedged.

  “May I ask the reason why?”

  I placed my hands behind my back, feigning innocence. “Let’s just say I haven’t been sleeping well—you know, for obvious reasons—and I want something that will knock me out for several good hours. Preferably something that can be dissolved in my drink.”

  “I see. It’s understandable, all things considered. I’m sure all of The Three have not been sleeping well.”

  Removing a key from his pocket, he unlocked the cabinets above his office sink. After searching for a moment, he dropped a white capsule into a tiny plastic bag.

  “This single capsule is a quarter of what you were given upon arriving and dissolves in most liquids within seconds. It’s tasteless, odorless, and will take effect in less than five minutes. It should give you several hours of undisturbed sleep.” He held it out for my outstretched hand. “When you wake, you will feel more energized than you probably have in a while.”

  “Thank you,” I said, slipping it into my pocket.

  Before I left his office, the doctor stopped me with a clearing of his throat. “For your information, Darius’s favorite evening drink is herbal chamomile tea.” He closed his cabinets, locking the doors with a click. “With honey.”

  I hesitated, wondering if I should deny what he had already correctly guessed. “And Ava…”

  I gritted my teeth, twisting the handle to his door. “Yes?”

  “We’re even.”



  At half past eight, I hesitated before knocking on Darius’s door. Just earlier in the afternoon, I had taken him by the shirt, planted a kiss on him in front of everyone, and accepted him as my Guardian without even knowing what that all entailed. Laith and Elisa, Fiona and Cedric—they were mates. Why did I not realize that my Guardian and I would have to become mates as well? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  But hadn’t Darius kissed me first this very same morning? In fact, he had told me he had done so because he wanted me to understand his intentions… but what did that mean? Did he want to become my mate? Or did he just want to date… or…

  I knocked my head against the panel of his door. After the third time, Darius opened and I fell over. Strong hands caught me before I face-planted into the floor, and once again I was staring at a bare-chested body wearing only a pair of draw-string sweats and a towel flung over his right shoulders. His tattoos were amazingly intricate at this distance.

  I covered my eyes with my hands to hide the burn in my cheeks. “Do you ever wear clothes?”

  He pulled my fingers away from my face. “You know I sleep this way. This is nothing you’ve never seen before, Ava. Grow up.”

  It was true, he did like to sleep that way. It was one of the many perks I enjoyed when I took my shift guarding over him and the compound while everyone slept. But he would never know that. He smirked at me in that way that made me flustered and furious all at the same time, but I managed to keep myself in check.

  “You grow up,” I muttered, pushing past him and into his room uninvited.

  I froze once inside. The room was tiny, only half the size of mine. His king-sized bed filled a lot of the space. Modern in design, the headboard was covered with a tufted dark gray material, his sheets and blankets a lighter gray. A silver swing-style lamp was pulled over his bed, highlighting the reading material he must have just been studying.

  On the opposite wall, a desk sat in the middle of four tall bookshelves. Books littered the desk and stacked his floor. Awestruck, I picked up the nearest title.

  “The Life of Ulysses S. Grant? A biography?”

  “Yes, Ava. It’s a biography. Ever read one?” He pushed his hands into his pockets.

  “Not if I can help it,” I said scanning his bookshelves. “Biography, biography, autobiography… history? Wow, you are so boring.” I set the book on the desk. It thumped against the hardwood top.

  “Hey, now,” he said, moving to my side. “I have a whole section of fiction right here. And what do you read? Sensual romance novels with a picture of some half-naked, ripped sleaze-bag on the cover?”

  “You’re one to talk with the way you look right now.” I smiled as he folded his arms over his muscled chest. “I used to read a lot. I loved fantasy fiction—anything that would take me out of my incredibly boring life and into something fantastic and colorful, but now…”

  “It hits too close to home,” he finished for me. I could only nod. “Well, you’re more than welcome to stay here. I’m just going to jump into the shower.”

  “Nuh-uh,” I said with a shake of my head. “I’m not staying while you shower.”

  He laughed. “Ava, I don’t shower here. I shower in the common bathroom across the hall.” He lightly kicked the corner of his bed with his shower shoes. “My room…” He hesitated a moment, pulling his fingers through his hair. “This room was actually your room, Ava. This was your nursery.”

  “My nursery?” I repeated.

  “I took this room when you returned. Your mother asked me to be your Guardian and I felt it was only right. Initially there wasn’t a door that separated the two spaces but I had one put there during your recovery, for your privacy. The bathroom was shared between both rooms.”

  I stared at him, not knowing what to say.

  “Are you really that mad?” he asked, guessing my lack of response to be anger, but I wasn’t angry. I felt—confused.

  My heart thudded in my chest, making breathing difficult. Darius had left the comfort of his own space to live next door to me, in a room only big enough for a child, to watch over me. He was the reason why I was alive after fighting off Grayson.


  My face flushed. “I’m not mad, Darius. And this is silly. Just use my bathroom. If that’s the case, it’s yours too. It’s big enough for the both of us.” I picked up another volume, pretending to scan its pages but not seeing anything.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, skepticism heavy in his voice.

  “Will you hurry up already? It’s getting late and I’m tired.” I reopened the door to my room and motioned him inside. “Towels are—”

  “I know where they are,” he said and the red of my face deepened.

  “Fantastic.” I pushed him through the door. My hand pressed against the muscled, tattooed back, sending tingles coursing up my arm. “Oh, and by the way…”

  He spun on the spot, causing my hand to slip to the side and me to fall face-first into his chest. Again, he gripped my arms to keep me from falling further. I could feel the vibrations of his silent laughter and I jolted from his grasp.

  “I’m starting to think you’re doing that on purpose. What do you need, my darling?”

ignored his comment. “You’re sleeping first tonight.” I shoved him across the threshold of our adjoined spaces. “And don’t call me darling,” I said, slamming the door on his smirking face.

  Insufferable man! I no longer felt guilty about drugging him tonight.

  While he showered, I ran to the kitchen to make his favorite tea. My hands shook as I dropped the pill into the hot liquid and stirred until it dissolved. They continued to shake as I walked down the hallway into my room. Darius was just exiting the shower when I entered, a towel wrapped around his waist.

  “Sorry,” I said, but he didn’t seem the least bit fazed by my presence. We would obviously need a privacy screen if we were going to make a shared bathroom work. I went to my boarded up window, waiting for him to enter his room. A few minutes later he opened the door wearing his sweats and a t-shirt.

  “I’m ready if you are,” he said.

  I followed him into the room, grabbing the book I had taken from the library. “I made you something.” I said handing him the cup of herbal tea.

  His head jerked back as he regarded the mug. “That was thoughtful of you.”

  I shrugged. “I can do nice things, you know.”

  “I figured that out today.” He smiled suggestively and I wanted to hit him, but I refrained. He pulled out his desk chair for me, then sat on the edge of his bed. I waited anxiously for him to drink his tea, but he was hesitant. Something weighed on his mind. “I feel as if we need to talk.”

  “Nope,” I said. “You’re sleeping first or neither one of us is.”

  He raised his brows at my threat. “You can take the first watch, but that wasn’t what I was referring to.”

  But I knew what he referred to. I forced myself to move. If I could just get him to drink the tea…

  Sitting next to him on his bed, I took the cup from him. I placed the cup to my mouth letting the liquid graze over my skin, and pretended to sip. I wiped away the spiked residue with the back of my hand.

  “It’s not hot. If you don’t want to drink it, I’ll take it back to the kitchen. I was just trying to do something nice for you.” I stood, but before I could even take a step, Darius grabbed the bottom of my shirt.


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