Slave Species of god

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Slave Species of god Page 1

by Michael Tellinger

  Slave Species of god


  Michael Tellinger

  A Zulu Planet Publishers Book

  Johannesburg – South Africa.


  Slave Species of god

  Published by Zulu Planet Publishers

  PO Box 204 Waterval Boven 1195 South Africa

  Email: [email protected]

  © Michael Tellinger 2005

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied or reproduced in any way without the written permission from the publisher and author. The author has asserted his moral rights.

  Michael Tellinger can be contacted on:

  [email protected]

  Visit the website and subscribe to my newsletters:

  First published by Music Masters Close Corporation Johannesburg South Africa.

  1st edition 2005; Second edition 2006; Third edition 2006;

  Fourth edition 2009

  This is the electronic edition.

  I would like to thank a few people for their assistance and support in helping me to complete this book:

  Mike van Niekerk for his ongoing moral and financial support.

  Andy Stadler for his advice, motivation and African sunsets.

  Ryan Aldridge for the inspiring cover design.

  Leigh Stadler, Pamela MacQuilkan, Jan Swanepoel for reading the raw material and giving me their valuable comments.

  Tiara Walters for her critical input as the devil’s advocate.

  Lily Hattingh for her relentless commitment and working into the early hours of the morning on the layout.

  Thanks to Kerry Marshall and Terry Cropper for spotting all the gremlins in the first edition.

  Scott Cundill for his ingenious online marketing campaign and his contribution towards making this book a bestseller in South Africa.

  Note to readers!

  Each chapter was written with the objective to function as a small piece of the greater puzzle – one of 17 building blocks which collectively tell a more compelling tale. I have attempted to take the reader by the hand and guide them towards the deep end of the knowledge pool.

  While some chapters will appeal more to some readers, and less to others, I have tried to keep them as short and punchy as possible, while getting the core message across. There is however a strange logic to the sequence of the journey I have chosen to take you on and it all comes together in chapter 16.

  “The Story of Humankind” combines all the information you will absorb in the previous chapters and expose you to the time before the creation of the human race and the strange activity on Earth in such distant times which includes the terrible truth surrounding our origins.

  So do not lose sight of the fact that there is a chronology woven into the puzzle. If however you find yourself at odds with some of the more technical chapters and you cannot see your way through them… read Chapter 16 if you read nothing else.

  Enjoy the read and keep exploring.

  Michael Tellinger.



  Chapter 1 Animal Behaviour

  Chapter 2 The Cell

  Chapter 3 The Brain

  Chapter 4 A Journey Back in Time

  Chapter 5 The Genome

  Chapter 6 Panspermia

  Chapter 7 Planet X

  Chapter 8 Human Nature

  Chapter 9 Gold - The Endless Obsession

  Chapter 10 Instant Civilisation and Sumer

  Chapter 11 The Wrath of god

  Chapter 12 Slaves and Spies

  Chapter 13 World Religion - The Great Slave Maker

  Chapter 14 Myths and Lies - The Living gods

  Chapter 15 The Mystery of Jesus and Other Prophets

  Chapter 16 The Story of Humankind

  Chapter 17 Food for Thought in Bite-Size Chunks



  In an age where technology has allowed us to expect instant reward and provides us with immediate solutions, Humankind seems to have all the answers. Our confidence as a species is higher than ever before and the knowledge of the universe we live in is expanding faster than most people can keep up with. We can compute and calculate the landing of a small probe on a planet 100 million miles away; we know what the atmosphere on Jupiter consists of; we can regenerate new organs in our bodies and genetic engineers can create new life in any shape or size they want to. There are however three fundamental questions that we have not been able to answer. Who are we? How did we get here? And, why are we here?

  As we steadfastly march on the road to an unknown destiny, our ignorance has become our weakness and our arrogance has become a congenital disease threatening us with our own annihilation. In this book we will deal with the latest breakthroughs in science and technology, to reach back into the distant past in an attempt to unravel the extremely vague origins of Humankind. It simply makes no sense at all that, as advanced as we have become, we have no absolute answers dealing with our origins and ancestry. Why has Humankind been so obsessed with gold? And why are slavery and gold the two common denominators that can be traced all the way back to the very dawn of Humankind?

  The global population is torn between hundreds of religions and cults, all claiming to have the answers. Any semi-sober person will realise in an instant that they cannot all be right. Right? And yet it is religious dogma that has held billions of people captive through preaching death and destruction, threatening punishment by the ‘all mighty’ to disobedient pilgrims and promising reward and salvation to those who submit to blind faith.

  The past 50 years have seen an explosion of new archaeological discoveries which have stunned scholars all over the world with its body of information. Over 500,000 clay tablets have been excavated and many of them have been deciphered. It is only in the past 30 years or so, that the true meaning and relevance of the tablets has been identified by a handful of broad thinkers. What was originally believed to be myth or fantasy, mainly due to ignorance by so-called scholars, has turned out to be documented historic evidence so fantastic, that it shakes the very essence of our existence.

  I would like to take you on a journey of discovery, using the latest translations and revelations of the many tablets that speak about ancient events long before a single word of the Bible was written. It is shocking to find that none of the stories of the book of Genesis are original but rather are watered down versions of much older stories conveyed in great detail in ancient clay tablets. Our journey will weave through precious detailed information which was left behind by our ancient ancestors, probably never realising that it would be treated with such suspicion.

  The uncanny coincidences which link the many ancient civilisations by the same pantheon of ‘mythical gods’ are too fantastic to be accidental. We now have irrefutable evidence that there were strange powers on Earth who ruled the early humans with an iron fist. They dispensed punishment and demanded absolute obedience from the primitive new species. We will uncover the slow and painful path the newly created human race had to travel and the crucial role played by more advanced deities who had ulterior motives for our existence. We will uncover the terrible truth that the human race was indeed created in the image of our maker, but the maker was not who we’ve been led to believe. We will unmask the god of the Bible and other major religions, showing the difference between God with a big ‘G’ as opposed to god with a small ‘g’. The god who constantly displays humanlike behaviour, the god of vengeance we know from the Bible, turns out to be a god with a small ‘g’. Some characters will be instantly recognizable, while others have been so distorted by latter translators that we will need a litt
le polishing to identify them. Many more questions will be raised as we postulate new theories surrounding our origins, demystifying God and allowing the reader to experience the much bigger picture of possibility.

  With the help of science and the corroborative evidence from thousands of ancient clay tablets, we are now able to weave together the full story which I like to refer to as the ‘Great Human Puzzle’. The thousands of years it took for the ‘slave species’ to progress from their labour camps in southern Africa, to the point about 9,000 years ago, when a wave of sudden civilization spread around the world. From India, the Near East, Europe and the Americas. This journey will also resolve the many archaeological dilemmas regarding the missing link, which is clearly outlined by our advanced ancestors. We dispel the myth and the dogma that has kept Humankind ignorant and fearful for far too long. The advances we have made in genetic engineering will help us understand that just because we can create life, it does not make us God.

  We dispel archaic myths that belong in the dark ages and provide clear thinking individuals with the information to reach new conclusions. I would like to share with every reader the same incredible sense of discovery that I personally experienced as I unravelled the utter rubbish which I was conditioned to believe through my formative years. As terrible as this ‘new truth’ may sound, it will be the most liberating experience you will have.


  Animal Behaviour

  Ever since I first became interested in genetics, it has always intrigued me that such an important part of our anatomy, the genome, a molecular structure so refined should have been created incomplete. Actually, the truth is that the genome was created in abundance with large parts of the structure that are not being used at all. It is as if the inactive parts of the genome are waiting for some extrinsic factor to switch them on. The question begs, which unimaginable characteristics or super abilities are the dormant parts of the genome not controlling? What human abilities are they hiding? And how has this affected our evolution as a species?

  The genome is just another name for the full complement of genes and DNA contained by an individual. In humans, the genome consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes, which contain the entire genetic programme for that specific individual and is located in the nucleus of every cell in our bodies. This genetic programme controls all the information that allows us to grow and function. Our genome is unique for every individual and every species. When we are born, we are blissfully unaware of what awaits us. There might be seven ages of man, but it all ends up woven together into a long reality performance directed by some invisible force. We are all given some 70 years to do our performance here on Earth, on average; the rest is up to each one of us. Enter stage left… exit stage right. The only certainty we have at present is that we will exit. What are you going to do with your 70 years? What is the purpose of this journey, this play of life that we all participate in? Will you use this time creatively, make a contribution to the global community of beings or will you be a mere spectator; a usurper of facilities before you exit stage right?

  Despite the 6.5 billion people who populate the Earth, the human race is a rather fragile and primitive species. No matter how intelligent and smart we think we are, we constantly display signs of basic animal behaviour that can lead to the destruction of our kind in the blink of an eye. We have waged war on our fellow man throughout history and continue to do so into the 21st century. There always seems to be a moral high ground or justification for our action. From Cain and Abel to George W. Bush, it has always been the strong and powerful who oppress and wipe out the weak. The old testament of the Bible is not a pretty tale of compassion and forgiveness. In fact, quite the opposite. It talks about an eye for an eye; wiping out man, woman, child and beast in the name of God and often mentions the enemy by name, personifying them as the 'bad' guys or disciples of the devil. It seems that God has been taking sides from the very beginning. He had his favourites and then there were ‘the others’. I always felt that the God I have been told about should be more impartial and loving.

  The Bible is filled with prophets and other individuals who for thousands of years had a direct link to God and who on a regular basis received instructions from God to do certain things. When reading the Bible it is not only deemed normal but it is expected of us to take for granted that we believe that a number of ‘chosen’ people received such regular instructions from God. Not only did they receive clear instructions and warnings, they received physical instructions in the form of the Ten Commandments and rewards of a material kind, such as land or cattle. But the most impressive interactions between God and man were the many visitations God made in person to various individuals. If he could not make it in person, he would send ‘angels’ to deal with whatever situation needed to be dealt with. The divine beings would share ideas, share wine and bread and inevitably God would instruct the person to perform certain tasks. All of these individuals seem to have been men. And all of the people who contributed to the scriptures of the Bible were also all men. If ‘He’ created us all equal, did God have a problem with the credibility of women? Or was God just the personification of a male dominated society? The simple historic fact remains that God actually physically interacted with man. Today, such claims of a physical interaction with God would draw strong criticism and ridicule. Why is that? Is it perhaps that such events in prehistory cannot affect us here today? We seem to accept it when it happened in ancient history, almost reduced to some fantastic fairy tale of our struggle for freedom. Or is it simply because we are too scared to analyse the facts for fear of victimisation if we place such arguments in the public domain? These questions have troubled me for most of my life.

  And who decided that the Bible had reached its conclusion and when; that it was now enough, it is now the end and the final chapter must be written? Obviously this was another man, inspired by God and dictated to by the Holy Spirit! Surely the quest for truth and salvation continues? Surely the atrocities on Earth have not abated; surely the people of the Earth need ongoing guidance and instructions from God on how to deal with modern day mayhem and crime; how to respond to dictators; how to survive colonisation, racism, invasions and other inventions of ‘evil’ minds. Our capacity for cruelty as a species has reached unbearable proportions. We make rules as civilised beings, only for them to be abused and used against us by less civilised individuals with a good knowledge of the legal system. Those who preach peace and love and turning the other cheek have become the weakened victims of their own philosophy.

  Now, more than ever, people need salvation. They need something real to believe in and to hold onto in times when all hope seems to have vanished. So why are the scriptures not ongoing? Why is God not dictating more wisdom through one of his prophets? Or many of his prophets? Some say He is. Many claim they are in contact with God on a regular basis. Many convey God’s messages in packed churches and other places of worship. How does the global community respond to individuals who make fantastic claims of miracles and hearing God’s voice and having the answer? Well, in many cases these modern prophets rise to a cult status with a blind following of disciples who will respond to every command while in other cases they are reduced to cranks with a loose screw.

  So, how should a judge in the 21st century respond to a guy who tied up his ten-year-old daughter to a table in the back yard and who was caught by police in the process of stabbing her to death or slitting her throat? If he claims that God had instructed him to sacrifice her to prove his obedience to the Almighty Lord, should such a character be seen as an example of a modern faithful or a psychopath? Yet we look at Abraham as a faithful man of God with strong principles and a leader of men because he obeyed God’s instructions to kill his own son. The Bible however calls it ‘sacrifice’. Would we see it as such if it happened today in a wealthy suburb of Johannesburg or Paris?

  It is truly a confusing state of religious activity out there. Thousands of religions, all of them man-made, all claimin
g that they have the answer. Only ‘their’ followers will be saved by the maker and bask in the pleasures of paradise. It seems that the more money they have, the more power they wield and the closer to God’s ear they can get.

  And so the religious argument begins and we clearly display the primitive side of our low evolutionary state. Are these the primitive characteristics that could be controlled by the inactive genes? We look at the past great civilisations and somehow feel superior. The fact that we cannot explain many things from prehistory is quickly discarded as ‘who cares about the Egyptians… they’re all dead’. In the light of all our achievements and scientific discoveries, the more we evolve, the stronger the religious dogma becomes. It seems that the religious dogma, which could also be called fanaticism in this case, is directly linked to money. The wealthier a nation, the more they can enforce their particular religious views on others. The USA may claim that they are a ‘free’ society in all respects but that is mainly because they feel a sense of comfort among their 96% Christian community. It is safe for them to allow the minority ‘rogue’ religions to waste their time on their own meaningless salvation.

  But then we start to look at who we really are and the road we have travelled as a species on this planet, only to realise that our presence here does not even equate to the ‘tip of the iceberg’. We marvel at dinosaur fossils and talk about what it must have been like here on Earth when dinosaurs roamed. We throw around numbers like ‘60 million years’, when they were extinct; ‘200 million years’ when T-Rex caused havoc and ‘400 million years’ ago really makes us gasp at the fossils of insects in the museums. Then we start comparing the timescale to famous events in our own frame of reference. The First World War 100 years ago; Leonardo da Vinci 500 years ago; the Vikings some 1,200 years ago; Mohammed some 1,400 years ago; Jesus 2,000 years ago; the pyramids 4,000 years ago; the last ice age some 13,000 years ago; by then most of us run out of reference points.


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