Slave Species of god

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Slave Species of god Page 19

by Michael Tellinger

  This obsession with gold was quickly adopted by Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age 10,000 to 4,000 BC) and Neolithic (Near or Late Stone Age 4,000 BC) humans in the Near East after the Great Flood some 13,000 years ago, while being helped by their gods to attain new knowledge of agriculture, architecture, communal living and more. We have evidence of this rapidly emerging and refined artistic culture from Sumerian artefacts. This know-how was successfully copied and developed to staggering proportions by the Egyptian royalty. Everyone in the world today is acutely aware of the great Egyptian achievements and the great wealth they accumulated. The amount of gold found in many of the Pharaohs’ burial chambers astounded archaeologists when it was first discovered. This was something that the tomb raiders of the past 200 years knew very well, as they plundered these riches from the early days of post-diluvial humanity.

  But by this time, some gods had decided to help man out of bondage and empower him with knowledge for survival. This caused unprecedented tension among the Anunnaki gods which led to argument, conflict and bloody battles for control of a rapidly dividing world. Various gods took refuge in distant corners of the world like the Americas, China, Australia, India or wherever they could set up a secure base for themselves. Every step of the way, the dispersed Anunnaki had their human slaves to perform the hard labour in the process of building new civilisations around them. The gods controlled the humans with an iron fist, giving them strict instructions on most things, rewarding them when they felt it appropriate and punishing them severely if the human slaves disobeyed. This is pretty much the story of most popular religions from the beginning of time, especially the Old Testament. We examine the so-called ‘wrath of god’ in other chapters, which show us the distinct humanlike needs displayed by the ancient gods. This globalisation by the gods explains why the same strict dictator-like behaviour was witnessed all around the world by virtually all the communities of early humans.

  While the Egyptian artistry and creation of spectacular golden artefacts were unprecedented on Earth, the cradle of goldsmiths was in fact the Sumerian civilisation starting as far back as 5,000 BC, according to the latest digs in Iraq and Syria. Nestled between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, they set most of the trends for global generations to follow. They traded their wheat and barley, upstream and downstream for other goods, including gold. The Greeks later called this Mesopotamia, the ‘Land Between the Rivers’. Here the Sumerians appeared and flourished until around 2000 BC in cities like Uruk, Larsa, Umma and Ur. These cities had a network of well-planned streets and well-organised societies. They pioneered cuneiform writing on clay tablets the size of a postcard, and wrote poetry. Their craftsmanship with wood, stone, ivory, semi-precious stones and especially gold, was astonishing. Many of these are to be admired at the British Museum in London, the University Museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and nearer to its origins, at the Baghdad Museum in Iraq, which was unfortunately decimated by looters during the George W. Bush attacks. Gold cups, helmets, bracelets, garlands and chains of delicate workmanship, reveal an exceptional understanding of how to exploit gold's unique properties of malleability, ductility and resilience. Jewellery historian Guido Gregorietti observed of the Sumerian times that, “In fact, there were more different types of jewellery than there are today.”

  But did the Sumerians really write the opening chapter in the history of gold, or was it happening simultaneously in other parts of the world? They may have been the pioneers in golden jewellery production, but gold was being mined all over the world under the supervision of rebellious gods with the knowledge of mining and the desire to claim a piece of this planet for themselves.

  You see, Sumer itself did not have gold, so it had to import it from somewhere. This was probably a great opportunity for the new custodian gods scattered around the world to bring their golden spoils to Sumer, establishing trade links while keeping their human slaves back home working, fearful and obedient. Jewellery expert Graham Hughes says, “Sumerian work is flavoured with amazing sophistication, delicacy of touch, fluency of line, a general elegance of conception, all suggest that the goldsmiths’ craft emerged almost fully fledged in early Mesopotamia.” How is that possible? That primitive humans emerged out of the Stone Age, set up well-structured communities, and immediately showed great knowledge of manufacturing some of the most refined golden jewellery we know today? Sumerian treasures reveal how well the goldsmiths understood working with gold. They used different alloys, and cast gold in solid or hollow ornaments. They chased veins on leaves or grooves on beads using the lost-wax technique. Jugs or cups could be beaten into shape from a flat sheet of gold, using sophisticated heat treatment. They even beat gold into thin foil or ribbon. This kind of sudden knowledge and sophistication clearly points to some form of intelligent intervention, which could only have come from their Anunnaki masters and gods.

  So now we know that the origin of humanity is somehow directly linked to the production of gold on Earth. That the human slaves were aided towards civilisation by their gods and makers, who accidentally created the gold trade on Earth by dispersing and forcing their own group of human slaves to mine the precious metal. While there was gold mining activity and jewellery-making going on in many centres of the world, Sumer was the main concentration of Anunnaki gods on Earth, and therefore it became the fastest growing centre of civilisation, setting the standard for an accidental industry which consumes most of the gold in the world today. This is the incredible story of the jewellery industry, which was an accidental by-product of a slave species and a group of occupying astronaut gods. The East consumes over 75% of the annual global production of gold in the 21st century AD. In 2002 this amounted to 2,726.7 metric tons.

  We must take a step back to avoid being blinded by all this incredible stuff. After all, we have come a long way in 11,000 years. We have evolved mentally and physically. If we have much of the Anunnaki DNA in our cells, we need to ask ourselves, how advanced were they really? My theory is, that they were not as advanced as I may have originally thought. I say this because the behaviour they displayed from the very first day on this planet, bears the symptoms of a species that falls way short of a complete genome. We have inherited many of their characteristics. I just pray that we lose the primitive desire to cover ourselves with shiny metal as we evolve towards more intelligent beings. After all, it was all a big accident.

  But to protect themselves against possible competition from a new species on Earth, the Anunnaki gods ensured that the genome of the slave species was severely stunted. They ensured that the new human species did not live too long, was prone to disease, did not use much of its brain and had a finite memory. But the one thing they did not count on was the evolution of our genome and our intelligence. Maybe they did not consider the evolutionary aspects, because they truly did not expect to stay on this planet for so long.


  Instant Civilisation and Sumer

  The word ‘civilisation’ is possibly one of the most misused words in all the languages of the world. We constantly refer to issues surrounding the ‘civilised’ world and compare quality of life between the developed West and the emerging economies. There is constant reference to the ‘First World’ and the ‘Third World’, I would like to know what happened to the clearly absent ‘Second World’? Or has the civilised world decided that the gap between their superior lifestyle and the rest of the poor bastards is so huge, that there is no case for a ‘Second World’ culture? Although the word ‘civilisation’ does not carry an exclusive component of distinction based on financial stability or wealth of its citizens, it certainly seems to be coined as an indicator of such criteria. The media talk about ancient civilisations with a mysterious tone which would suggest that they were not really that civilised, but we just don’t understand how those ‘low-lifes’ all those years ago could manage to build such impressive monuments. Even historians, anthropologists and archaeologists are guilty of waxing lyrically about the great civilisations of the
past, and yet they treat their scriptures and texts with an uncanny lack of respect loaded with heaps of scepticism. It's as if the ancients had some obscure reason to capture information aimed at misleading us poor 21st centurions. Our attitude is riddled with immense disbelief, as if there was an ancient plot aimed at feeding us with disinformation; ‘us’ greatly ‘advanced’ humans in the modern days of technology.

  By doing this, scholars inject a comparative system of levels of civilisation, placing us at the pinnacle of all time civilisations for obvious reasons to them. Ancient knowledge and so-called civilisation is immediately and automatically superseded by us, because we live in more recent times. We have to be more civilised because we have technology, we have mass media, we live in a free world where all truth must eventually surface because we are too smart to be fooled by false prophets. Is that a fact? I suggest we take a long hard look at how manipulated and controlled we actually are. If civilisation was to be penalised by some scale, based on human ignorance per capita, we would be the most penalised bunch of humans of all times. We have looked extensively at the possible origins of humanity, yet we still do not know, we do not even suspect, where we come from. There is overwhelming evidence that the ancient Sumerians knew exactly who they were, where they came from and who their ‘real god’ was. The god of the Sumerians, who had absolute controlling power and ruled the whole world. The god with a small ‘g’ and his extended family, who were turned into a group of fairytale mythological characters by latter civilisations. But that early knowledge has somehow escaped us, just like the extensive knowledge of the cosmos. Is it possible that for the same reasons we misplaced our knowledge of astronomy, and our ability to relate to our ancestry?

  Today, the majority of the world is so brainwashed with religion that any breakthrough in knowledge of our shocking past is immediately relegated to the realms of the esoteric or mythological or evil or cult or heresy. We are so controlled by the media and advertising that we base our decisions on the moods of soap opera characters. If we get wiped out by a giant tsunami 200 metres high, when they uncover the dregs of our civilisation some 20,000 years from now, will they think that the ‘soapie’ scripts and characters were actual events and real people? Hey, anything is possible.

  If we unravel the true meaning of civilisation, we will possibly see that the population of the 21st century is far from meeting the criteria. It is quite discernable that there is a global split between ‘thinkers’ and ‘followers’. By this I do not mean that if you have a 9 to 5 job you are a follower, but it’s rather a more direct stab at the mechanisms of fear that are successfully implemented at controlling large groups of people. Whether these are of political, religious or of any other origin. The 2004 USA elections are a perfect example. The majority of Americans voted for George W. Bush because of this fear factor. They were so cleverly manipulated by the media, that they truly believed their candidate would protect them against the onslaught of the ‘evil’ world. To the rest of the world it was very obvious as to what was going on in the USA, but the average American truly believes that the world wants to invade them, either by coming to live there and taking their jobs away or by spreading terror. And the USA is apparently the most advanced economy in the world, therefore the most civilised? I don’t think so. Therein lies the proof. Just because we are more technologically advanced, does not give us the collective capacity to reason, think or solve problems any better than our ancestors did 6,000 years ago. In fact, Greece is probably best known for its great thinkers, like Socrates, Aristotle and Plato. These philosophers are quoted now more than ever before and their influence has seeped into countless crevices of our societies. Just like dead artists who carry a strange mystique that propels the price of their work to dazzling heights, the dead philosophers from ancient times are more revered now than during their own time.

  I will bet that if you placed Plato in a live performance situation to simply talk about his thoughts on life and death, he would fill every football stadium on his world tour. We seem to accept their wisdom and written works, but we will not accept the written works of other ancient teachers, just because we don't know who they were. That is so very shallow of us, that I feel embarrassed by such behaviour. But as popular as those ancient wise men were, they were not seen as the prophets of their day, even though they carried such a great deal of respect. Why could that possibly be? The answer is clearly displayed in the chapter dealing with Jesus and other prophets. We will discover in later chapters that so-called prophets whom we have come to worship were cunningly contrived and planted by the ‘gods’ of the day, while the ‘thinkers’ did not fall into that category. The thinkers did not fit the profile of religious leaders who would attract pilgrims in need of spiritual shelter. The thinkers were too independent to be manipulated in such ways, it seems, at times causing great trouble between the newly created slave species and their gods.

  So what does the word civilisation actually mean? The dictionary describes it as “an advanced stage of human development, marked by a high level of art, religion, science, social and political organisation.” And yet the word ‘civil’ means “belonging to, or consisting of the ordinary population of citizens; not military or religious.” Immediately we see a distinct conflict here, since religion is one of the criteria that marks the levels of ‘civilisation’, yet it is explicitly excluded from being ‘civil’.

  Political assassinations are as common in modern days as they were in ancient times. And because war is declared by a political leader of a country, it means that a president or a king can never be civil, or civilised. The point is, the true meaning of the word is extremely obscure and it is used as and when necessary by individuals who want to create a distinction between themselves and others generally proclaimed to be less civilised. But if we take the dissection a little further and actually try to determine our current levels of civilisation from the definition, we reach a rather interesting outcome. ‘High levels of art’ – we can say that current artistic levels are pretty high around the world. Our writers, film makers, theatres and painters are creating more than ever before, so we score high marks there. Science – this is a tough area to judge, since there is physical evidence that humans many thousands of years ago knew more about science, medicine and astronomy than we know today. At every archaeological dig in Mesopotamia, there are almost always clay tablets found, some dating as far back as 3,800 BC, outlining the achievements of the ancient Sumerian civilisations. They describe the cosmos, planets, medical schools and medical procedure, surgery, eye surgery, genetic engineering, space craft, space travel and much more. Historians have however found these claims to be unbelievable and so they have become part of mythology rather than history. Remember that the father of modern anatomy, Leonardo da Vinci, was risking his life as recently as 500 years ago by dissecting corpses in the middle of the night so he could draw images of the internal organs. This was a time when the church had complete control over people's lives, killing and destroying anything that was not in keeping with their image of religious behaviour. Unfortunately, we have inherited much of this behaviour and we are practising it ‘religiously’ today. So, on the scale of scientific advancement, we cannot say that we have surpassed the knowledge of the distant civilisations. On the religious front we are less aware of the human reality than the ancient people were, mainly for the reasons that we have reduced their reality to the realms of mythology. If the ‘religious’ reference as a measure of civilisation is based on religious tolerance, then we certainly are far less civilised today than our distant ancestors. The last 1,000 years have seen the most brutal religious conflicts in all of human history. My conclusion is that until we start to treat the ancient texts and tablets with the kind of respect they deserve, we will remain trapped in the cycle of ignorance that will keep a strangle-hold on our current civilisation. How can we claim to have any levels of real intelligence if we still do not know with certainty where we come from? What kind of civilised species are
we if we have no clear link to our origins? How can we expect to find unity and harmony among the cultures of the world when all our theories are driven by scattered groups of disparate religions, each one claiming to be the correct one?

  The fact remains that our ancient past is filled with incredible achievements by many civilisations, which left behind traces and clues of their rise and fall. Many of these civilisations write about the ‘prior times’ or the ‘times before time’ or the ‘earlier times’, when they refer to where they had received their knowledge from. In times when global communication was non-existent, these groups of highly capable people settled in the distant reaches of the world and began to develop highly structured cities with colossal monuments and pyramids. From the more recent Japanese, Chinese and Thai ruins, to the more romanticised Egypt, Near East, Mesoamerica and the Andean civilisations in South America. To truly demonstrate our modern arrogance and greed, all we have to do is look at how Columbus and Cortes responded to the ancient cities and their people when they first invaded the New World in the 15th and 16th century. They were so obsessed with looting gold and other artefacts, that they didn't really give the incredible achievements that stared them in the face much thought. The ‘greed’ gene was hard at work, driven relentlessly by the ‘conquering’ gene in those Conquistadores. How is it possible that those civilisations could have appeared out of the blue, more or less at the same time in history, displaying the kind of advanced knowledge of the cosmos and architecture, without even knowing about each other? There are many more examples of such inexplicable ancient activity that are still surrounded by wild speculation today. Easter Island, Stonehenge and the Great Zimbabwe Ruins are just a few. But let's take a short trip through some of these ancient sites to see how they all seem to be related to each other. Let us try to answer the recurring question, who could have possibly been responsible for such a connection in those ancient times? The ever-present Anunnaki gods of course! As we work our way through this book we will uncover that the ancient mythological gods in all of human civilisation were not figments of the people's imagination. We will also discover that they were not weird and supernatural manifestations of the spiritual world; or any other hard-to-explain beings from the fourth dimension. They were in fact a group of early explorers and settlers on this planet under the leadership of Anu, their supreme commander and hence their name, the Anunnaki. They are the ancient astronauts who the Sumerian tablets speak about in great detail and we will show beyond any doubt that the Anunnaki ruled the world for over 400,000 years, performing the roles of gods as they nurtured their primitive creation, the ‘human slave species’ into a state of civilisation. It was one of the members of the full extended Anunnaki family who was in charge of the various activities on their newly settled planet, which would have also included the Great Zimbabwe settlement. The full story of the Anunnaki astronauts from Nibiru is told in great detail as it is written in many hundreds of clay tablets. It is not very difficult to see that it was they who crossed the skies in their ‘chariots’ and were equally worshipped, while to a certain extent also feared, among all the ancient civilisations on Earth. So do not panic, you will be enlightened with the full story.


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