Slave Species of god

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by Michael Tellinger

  If you find this preposterous just ask yourself this question: The world's largest organisations who control our day-to-day lives are controlled by a small group of people who basically determine what brands we consume, how we dress, what TV shows we watch, what we drive, what beer we drink and where we go on holiday. How often do we see the small group of decision makers in their boardrooms as they plan our next mode of transport? Never. We simply accept it as it emerges and get on with our lives. But we believe and we 'know' that there is such a group of people making those decisions which will influence our lives dramatically. We know that there is a group of people who control the price of oil, but we do not know what happens in their meetings while they plan our future. We simply live with the consequences. Our lives are controlled by a relatively small number of major industries and a small number of people in charge of those industries, but we simply accept that this is the case and that in truth there is not really much we can do about it. The absolute power which the giants of global industry wield is virtually unassailable. We should therefore not be surprised to find out that there could be a small number of ancient Anunnaki ‘gods’ who still reside among us, controlling our affairs in ways which we cannot comprehend and cannot see.

  As far as Jesus is concerned, it certainly seems that he was the most successful of the planted messiahs. He was the one who took root and captured the hearts and imagination of the people of his time, while the other prophets only achieved moderate success. To the gods who planned him and placed him into the world, Jesus was a great achievement and possibly even a great surprise for finding success where many others before him had failed. He managed to plant seeds of obedience but also perpetuated the fear of god, while unconsciously spreading the principle of ‘divide and conquer’ among humanity. And so the Anunnaki gods reaped another major victory over their human slave species, keeping them enslaved and obedient for another 2,000 years. Who knows how much longer this grip of fear will control our world, before we will all be able to break free from the entrapment by our creators, our slave masters, our gods with a small ‘g’, so that we can reach out to the infinite community of universal beings who live in unity with the real GOD. The universal one, who needs no offerings of gold, or offerings of flesh, or who harbours no need to punish humanity for disobedience; the GOD who does not choose one favourite human over another.

  But the most compelling argument which supports that Jesus was an innocent bystander and accidental Messiah comes from Barbara Thiering in her book Jesus of the Apocalypse – The life of Jesus after the crucifixion. Most people will be shocked to find out that the story of Jesus did not end on the cross or with his resurrection. Ms. Thiering presents a volume of evidence, mostly originating in the book of Revelations, that Jesus retreated into a secretive life of anti-Roman activity with his two sons and daughter. We learn that by the time Jesus was crucified, he was already married to Mary Magdalene. Their first wedding took place during September in 30 AD not long after Jesus began his ministry. We should also remember that there is now overwhelming evidence that Jesus was actually born in the year 7 BC, which would have made him seven years older than history books lead us to believe. Their second wedding took place during March to May in 33 AD according to their custom, when they knew that Mary Magdalene was more than three months pregnant and a miscarriage was less likely to occur. But it was a turbulent time for the Messiah as this was also the year in which he was to be executed. Later that year in September, his wife Mary Magdalene gave birth to a daughter, their first child. Jesus rises from the dead, his body mysteriously disappears from the tomb and an ‘angel’ tells Mary Magdalene and friends that he had risen on the 3rd day as he promised he would. Those irrepressible angels seem to pop up every time there is possible trouble for the Anunnaki gods. Jesus begins his anti-Roman campaign with his disciples and a growing number of revolutionaries. They struggle against Agrippa I; Caligula; Agrippa II and other Roman leaders. In June 37 AD his first son Jesus Justus is born. In March 44 AD his second son is born and in September of that year his marriage to Mary ends. He travels extensively seeking support for his movement, in Cyprus, Asia Minor, Rome, Ephesus, Philippi where he marries a woman called Lydia in 50 AD. He continues to travel until he dies in the year 70 AD, at the age of 76, most likely in Rome. While this is a shocking glossary and revelation for the most religious, Ms Thiering goes into great detail in supporting these facts. But let us go back to the resurrection, because it was really from this point onwards that things went a little pear-shaped in the scriptures and many questions arise as to what possibly happened to the son of God after he rose from the dead. Suspicious activity surrounds the cave and the reactions of those who came in search of Jesus. It seems that the ‘angel’ did something to the guards which incapacitated them as they “became like dead men”. The gods used Mary to help spread the propaganda that Jesus had arisen.

  Matthew 27:65 -66

  “‘Take a guard,’ Pilate answered. ‘Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how.’ So they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard.”

  Matthew 28:1 -10. The Resurrection

  “After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men. The angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him. Now I have told you.’ So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. ‘Greetings,’ he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshipped him. Then Jesus said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.’”

  And so began the life of ‘Jesus the revolutionary’ after his resurrection. There was so much activity between Jesus and Simon, Mark, John, Peter, Matthew and others that it baffles the mind and I highly recommend the reading of Jesus of the Apocalypse for the sceptics. What could have possibly happened to Jesus after these events? How could the son of GOD; the messiah of the people, just suddenly disappear from the face of the world? If he survived and lived on, would he not have continued a life of ministry of some sort? Why did he go into hiding? The biggest surprise comes when we learn of Jesus' personal views of the events surrounding his life. He was so disillusioned by all the activity that after his resurrection he vanished from the scene and carried on living with wife and children until the age of about 76, leading the life of an activist against the Romans. But why the Romans? Jesus was not a stupid man, he was extremely well-travelled, well-educated and broad-minded. He must have realised that he was set up by the gods to be their front and mouthpiece. The gods who presented themselves as the GOD of the universe, the God with a big ‘G’. It must have come as a great shock to him that this was not the case and that he was greatly manipulated, lied to and misguided by the deities of Rome. It became clear to him that these were actually the gods of Rome; the conniving and manipulative gods who have been controlling humanity from the very beginning. This made Jesus retreat and with his fellow supporters begin a campaign of underground resistance against those Roman gods. They realised that the ‘gods’ were not infallible and that humans could stand up against them. Just like his predecessors during the time of Abraham did, in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, the earliest organised resistance against the gods, for which they were severely punished. I cannot find another plausible explanation why the son of GOD, who survived his execution would suddenly disappear from the mainstream when he had had such a loyal following. In t
he years after his death the Christian movement grew steadily, but in truth it was a movement which was aimed at discrediting the Anunnaki gods of Rome, while offering the people a whole new spiritual reality which Jesus absorbed during his early years in Asia. It is ironic that the Messiah who was planted and manipulated by the lesser deity gods to keep Humankind enslaved through fear, turned against his makers and began to preach the awareness of a greater spiritual power in the universe. But history got it all mixed up, and the poor faithful masses today do not really know who they are praying to. Because the message of Christ after his death is not clearly recorded or understood, but it somehow seeped into the greater pool of religious preaching and continues to be highly confusing in the 21st century. The number of divergent Christian movements are testimony to this curious development in the Christian Church.

  The desperation of the Anunnaki gods becomes evident when they try to create new prophets and messiahs, like in the story of Mohammed who was throttled by an ‘angel’ commanding Mohammed to recite the name of the Lord. As time went by and humans emerged out of the Dark Ages and the Renaissance, the activity of the gods seemed to have diminished. They had greatly achieved what they had set out to do. To keep their human slave species ignorant, divided, faithful and frightened of the wrath of god. So here we are, some 200,000 years after our creation, having gone through many stages of development, civilisation, mechanisation and now technology. And still we do not know who we are and where we come from. 70% of the world population holds onto some fanatical religious belief system which promises to give them salvation over the masses of sinners in the world. Regardless of the technological achievements and our exploration of the planets, many still hold onto their ancient belief system, too scared to challenge it with newfound knowledge. Jesus was just an innocent bystander who was chosen and manipulated by the conniving Anunnaki gods. But when he realised what had actually happened to him, he tried his best to undo the damage. Unfortunately it was a little too late. The Roman Empire used his example to perpetuate the lie under Constantine who was most likely guided by Enlil and his godly followers, while the Aryans and the supporters of Marduk opposed their activity, which is clearly outlined during the council of Nicaea of 325 AD.

  If you think that the mystery surrounding Jesus is pretty much exhausted, think again. We have only scratched the surface. A real mind bender occurred in 1963 with the discovery of the Talmud of Jmmanuel (TJ) scrolls. Eduard Albert Meier, a Swiss traveller and his friend, an ex-Greek-Orthodox priest, Isa Rashid, were walking along a roadway just south of the Old City of Jerusalem, when Meier happened to glance up and noticed a small opening in the ground amongst the rocks and shrubs. Curiosity made him reach into his backpack for his flashlight and he peered into the hole to notice that it continued inwards. They proceeded to dig away rocks and earth until the hole was large enough that they could crawl inside. It was an old tomb site, half filled in with soil. After further digging and exploring they noticed a bundle buried underneath a flat rock. It turned out to be the TJ in the form of rolls of written sheets, along with a few small artefacts. They were wrapped up together in animal skin which was in turn encased in resin. There were four rolls, each of which contained many leaves or pages of Aramaic writing. They were old and fragile and each leaf was roughly 30cm by 40cm in size.

  Rashid, who could read most of the old Aramaic due to his priestly education and Palestinian background, was concerned that the scripts were heretical. For example, its title involved Jmmanuel (i.e. Immanuel, spelled with a J-symbol; making use of the ‘i’ sound in place of the Aramaic/Hebrew letter ‘Ayin’) rather than Jesus or Y'shua. Furthermore, its writer was noted as Judas Iscariot, the supposed betrayer of Christ. Thirdly, it mentioned that Adam's father had been Semjasa, the leader of the “celestial sons”, who were El's or God's guardian angels, and who were “distant travellers”. It immediately became apparent that if they ever wished this document to become public, its translation would have to proceed in secret. The scrolls further indicated that the Old Testament god had been an extraterrestrial leader, taking on the role of a ‘Father’ in heaven, rather than the omnipotent GOD. So let us refer to him as El, as in Immanu-el.

  Rashid spent a few months reading through the TJ rolls to extract the highlights, which he reported to Meier. In August of 1963 they agreed that Rashid would translate the TJ into German and would retain custody of the Aramaic document, while sending his translations to Meier for him to disseminate. So Rashid started the long task of rendering a translation while Meier continued his travels.

  The first set of translations up to chapter 36 of the TJ reached Meier in Switzerland some time around 1970, but Meier did not hear from Rashid himself until in a letter in September of 1974. This letter briefly explained the disturbing news that his translation project had become known to certain authorities, forcing him to flee from Jerusalem, together with his family. Rashid found his way with the TJ rolls and further translations, to a refugee camp in Lebanon. But his presence there became known to Israeli authorities forcing him to flee again, this time to Baghdad, where he posted the letter to Meier. He and his family, like the other refugees, had to flee so suddenly that Rashid had no time to retrieve the original Aramaic rolls or his further translations of them, and they were destroyed in the chaos from which they fled. In 1976 Meier learned that Rashid and his family were assassinated in Baghdad. Fortunately the German translations were quite substantial and various versions have been released from the original version of 1978. The latest edition was due out in 2005.

  Meier insists that publications of non-German translations of the TJ include the side-by-side German edition, so that discrepancies or distortions in translation be less likely to creep in. The translation of the original Aramaic pages of the first roll, reads as if it is the original writing of the ministry and teachings of Jesus. However, the messiah is referred to as Immanuel and not Jesus. The TJ resembles very closely the Gospel of Matthew in both wording, where the verses have close parallels, and in its order, although each contains many passages not contained by the other. James W. Deardorf is an esteemed author of a number of detailed books dealing with Jesus in India and other New Testament issues. He states that “Even a brief comparison of the TJ against the Gospel of Matthew discloses that one depends upon the other. The correspondence in order of events and sometimes in wording is too close to permit any other possibility”. Deardorf has been analyzing the TJ since 1986 and has found several hundred reasons why the verses in Matthew were derived from the Talmud, and that it is virtually impossible for these writings to be the work of hoaxers. The Talmud speaks of a supreme deity called El who orchestrated all the activity surrounding humanity on Earth. Could this be the Enlil we read about in Sumerian texts, who was the supreme Anunnaki commander of planet Earth? Here are some excerpts from the Talmud to illustrate its close but shocking relationship to the Gospel of Matthew.

  TJ 1:1

  “This is the book and Arcanum of Jmmanuel, who is called ‘the one with godly knowledge,’ who is a son of Joseph, grandson of Jacob, the distant descendant of David. David was a descendant of Abram [Abraham], whose genealogy traces back to Adam, the father of a lineage of terrestrial humans. Adam was begotten by Semjasa, the leader of the celestial sons who were the guardian angels of El, the great ruler of the travellers from afar.”

  I would dare to say that this follows closely my postulated theory that Humankind is a slave species created by ancient settlers on Earth, who seemed to be highly advanced and regarded as ‘gods’ by us, up until recent times.

  TJ 1:80 -81

  “Jacob begot Joseph. Joseph was the husband of Mary, the mother of Jmmanuel, who was impregnated by a distant descendant of the celestial son, Rasiel, who was the guardian angel of the secret.”

  Rasiel was the guardian angel who appears to have been associated with a master plan to ensure that a highly evolved human like Jmmanuel was incarnated at the right time and right place. Rasiel is also mentioned in
the Kabbalah and the book of Zohar as the angel who was the master of mysteries.

  TJ: 1:82

  “When Joseph heard of Mary's secret impregnation by a descendant of the celestial sons from the lineage of Rasiel, behold, he was filled with wrath and thought of leaving Mary before he would be married to her before the people.”

  TJ 1:83 -84

  “While Joseph was thinking in this manner, behold, a guardian angel, sent by Gabriel, the celestial son who had impregnated Mary, appeared and said: ‘Joseph, Mary is betrothed to you and you are to become her spouse; do not leave her, because the fruit of her womb is chosen for a great purpose. Marry her in all openness, so that you may be husband and wife before the people.’”

  TJ 1:85

  “Behold, the impregnation of Mary occurred eleven thousand years after the procreation of Adam through the celestial son Semjasa, to fulfil the word of El, the ruler of those who travelled from afar, who conveyed these words through the prophet Isaiah:”

  Here is a comparison between Matthew and Talmud Jmmanuel. See the last part which refers to ‘one with godly knowledge’.

  Mt 1:23

  “Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel (which means, God with us).”

  TJ 1:86 -87

  “Behold, a virgin will be impregnated by a celestial son before she is married to a man before the people. They will name the fruit of her womb Jmmanuel, which translated means ‘the one with godly knowledge’...”

  In the following verses the writer of Matthew omitted to mention the name of the prophet Micah, while the Talmud makes it clear who the actual prophet was, that gave them the information.


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