Slave Species of god

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Slave Species of god Page 58

by Michael Tellinger

  My other favourite is the story of the Pyramids. I remember how impressed I was as a child when I saw the detailed pictures of slaves dragging giant monoliths, one by one, to build the three greatest structures in the world, even by today's standards. The descriptions of exactly how they went about getting the rock, shaping it, building the ramps, putting them on sleighs and dragging them into position. All those slaves or families who made a living out of building pyramids were responsible for dragging 1,6 million giant rocks, up steep ramps, each weighing between 1,5 and 3,5 metric tons, carefully creating the passages and inner chambers, all fitting so tightly that you cannot squeeze a blade of grass between them. To top it all, they covered these incredible structures with perfectly smoothed white limestone averaging 15 tons each, which had even greater levels of accuracy in the joints. This would have taken thousands of workers at least 50 years to complete if they managed to fit 100 stones per day. And all of this, so that one Pharaoh could be buried in it? This impressed me immensely when I was ten years old, but when I started to read a bit more about these mystical structures, I realised there was much more to them than meets the eye, and that we were not so sure about who actually built the Great Pyramid, but we think it was King Khufu. From that day on I decided never to believe anything written by historians again, but rather inform myself about the situation and formulate my own informed opinion. I would much rather have our children at school be taught that we do not know who built the pyramids, allowing their minds to absorb the reality and formulate their own theories as they grow and search for clues on their own. We have to stop making absolute statements about the past which are built on fragments of speculative knowledge by ‘experts’ with personal issues. The damage that has been caused over millennia will take much undoing, to allow humans to free their minds and allow themselves to think for themselves with the real knowledge that has been kept from them by authorities and especially the religious leaders, most of whom have been brainwashed to a large extent by their own lack of knowledge. Or could it be that they have knowledge which they do not want to share with us? The religious and political fear in which most humans live is immense and will take centuries to reverse. But we have to start somewhere. The many writers who have challenged the conventional popular belief systems are growing in numbers and their readers are discovering new horizons of human knowledge in greater numbers every day. As in all of history, only time will help shine the light on the real facts surrounding our human origins.

  I embark on this somewhat ‘righteous’ bashing of the sciences for reasons of my own personal agenda. I developed an urge to share the information which I have absorbed over a 20-year period, with those in search of something light and juicy to read. Not too scientific but meaty enough to stir the pot. I hope it will motivate others to do their own scratching and discover new evidence that has been buried beneath millennia of disinformation. It seems that now is the time when more and more people are looking for new answers to the mystery of our origins. They are not satisfied with the diluted answers and the reasons and the religious rhetoric they've been fed. They want to know what else is out there of which they have been deprived. So when we talk about events which truly challenge our personal beliefs, and when we propose new theories which shake the foundation of popular establishments, we must rise above those insecurities and remind ourselves that things are not always what they seem. The popular example of two people looking at an object from two opposite sides comes to mind. What the one sees, is totally different to what the other one sees. I need you to keep this in mind as we embark on the last stretch of the road to discovering our human origins.

  This chapter will take us on an epic journey of new discovery so fantastic that our natural instinct would be to block it out. Since the 1970s when more scholars became attracted to the Sumerian translations of clay tablets polluting the basements of many museums of the world, a whole new wave of information started to emerge. Suddenly we were exposed to a whole new civilisation that preceded all others, which spoke a different language and made references to times before their own from where all their knowledge was derived. Once again, many conservative scholars have shown great restraint and the majority of books written about those new finds have placed them safely under mythology or fiction. There has however been a growing number of authors who have identified that there is much more to those stories from the ancient past than meets the eye. Erich von Daniken truly popularised the whole concept of ‘extra-terrestrial activity’ on Earth in prehistoric times already in the 1960s with his Chariots of the Gods allowing mankind to really start thinking about the many unexplained phenomena of our past. He was followed by many other esteemed investigative writers, scholars and authors who took his lead to greater heights. But it was Zecharia Sitchin who truly pushed the newly deciphered Sumerian cuneiform text to the greatest heights in his nine books dealing mainly with the content of the Sumerian tablets and the eroded truth behind them. He has become one of the leading translators of the Sumerian language and he has presented evidence so vivid and compelling, that it is truly hard to contest. Much of this last chapter and the story of humanity from the beginning of our time on Earth until about 2000 BC, comes from the many translated Sumerian tablets and some other tablets which have emerged since the '70s. It comes from linking the stories of scattered ancient cultures to each other and recognising the common denominators that all lead to one simple conclusion. A conclusion which is exposed to us over and over again, in thousands of translated clay tablets, stone carvings, seals, stelae, and other scriptures from many cultures, clearly shining a light on who we really are, where we come from, and why we are here. This is after all, the one question which has crossed most humans' minds. These scriptures all have one thing in common, and that is their references to the Sumerian gods who came from distant lands and gave the early humans all their knowledge. The story has been captured dramatically in The lost Book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin, which is a compilation of cuneiform translations of Sumerian tablets over a period of some 30 years. On many occasions, tablets found in different parts of Mesopotamia refer to the same events giving us plenty of proof of their validity. It is now time to realise that we have gone way beyond speculation. We have accumulated a critical mass of evidence to start silencing the venomous critics and narrow-minded disciples of mediocrity.

  The time has come to accept at face value that we are not the pinnacle of civilisation, that we are only now emerging from the cradle of knowledge, and that we need to face the facts of our genetically created origins. The most incredible part of it all is that GOD had nothing to with it, but the many gods of our distant past were the true masterminds and manipulators of our misery here on Earth. We must also come to terms with the fact that there are no ‘aliens’ involved in this great new truth we must face. WE ARE THE ALIENS. We were created as a ‘primitive worker’ by astronauts from another planet and in their image, some 450,000 years ago, to perform a necessary task on their new planet. We have much of their DNA in our bodies and we look pretty much the way they looked because they used their own DNA to create us. Part of the terrible truth that we have to come to terms with, is that humans are really an ‘accidental by-product’ of an ancient colonisation of Earth by the Anunnaki from Nibiru. Humans came into existence for one reason only, to be the slave labourers in gold mines and nothing more. The importance attached to our existence is one which we have created in our own minds over millennia of ignorance and evolution which were primarily guided by the oppressive control of our creators. From the early beginnings humans saw their makers as ‘gods’ for obvious reasons, and not merely as more advanced beings. But as the dramatic events unfolded on this newly settled planet, humans were slowly given more tasks to perform, edging their way into a permanent master-slave relationship with their maker. But the Anunnaki had their own problems to deal with on their new planet and they did not really spend too much time worrying about the well-being of the new ‘primitive worker’. Our pr
imary task was to work the gold mines and relieve the gods of all the hard labour. These first settlers on Earth had a crucial task to perform for their leaders on their own planet, just like our astronauts had on the many moon landings and trips to the International Space Station, Alpha. They had their own problems and differences and ‘we humans’ were not really a priority to them. Humans were however an important tool to help get the gold from the ground, but we certainly did not occupy much of the Anunnaki's pastime. All of this will be revealed in great detail using translations from ancient tablets.

  In the chapters leading up to this point, we have looked at our DNA and its shortcomings, its absolute control over our physical and mental capabilities; we studied the human cell and questioned the fact that such a perfect organism eventually dies while it should realistically exist forever; we have explored the issue of slavery and our obsession with gold from the earliest times of Humankind; we've travelled back in time to compare the evolutionary paths of some remotely related species to us; and we have even reintroduced the term ‘panspermia’ into the vocabulary of readers, outlining the facts that life exists everywhere in the universe. Now that we have set the scene and hopefully provided enough food for thought to start questioning the anomalies of our existence, let us begin at the beginning. From the very first time when the first group of astronauts from another planet arrived on Earth and discovered that there was gold… the lifesaving metal which they were looking for in the solar system.

  Coming to Earth from Nibiru

  The Sumerian tablets refer to it as the “Olden Times” when the Anunnaki first came to Earth; and the “Prior Times” when they were on Nibiru. Sitchin translates:

  “ In the Olden Times the gods came to Earth and created the Earthlings. In the Prior Times, none of the gods was on the Earth, nor were the Earthlings yet fashioned. In the Prior Times, the abode of the gods was on their own planet;

  Nibiru is its name.”

  The tablets refer to the elliptical orbit of Nibiru as being ‘1 Shar’, which equals 3 600 Earth years, it is also one of the reasons we have 360 degrees in our circles. Nibiru comes in close to the sun, crossing the paths of most planets up to Mars and the asteroid belt and then it shoots out into deep space just like many of the long-term comets which we get to see every few thousand years. So we should not be surprised that astronomers could not find it in the solar system because at its apogee (furthest point) it is possibly 3-5 times as far as Pluto is from the sun. Nibiru's citizens were advanced in may ways and yet they seem to be on a different level from our current state of development. I would venture to say that our human rights legislation has surpassed their approach to the subject all those thousands of years ago. Nibiru was under the rule of a king and we will see how it was all imposed on us, the new ‘earthling’ species, in future years. But they had cracked the genetic code and had a clear understanding of how DNA could be manipulated. Their constant reference to immortality makes it obvious that they had also conquered the genetic defect which causes ‘cell death’ and humans to die. Their planet was not free of conflict and those characteristics arrived with them on the new planet called Earth. There are many references about the various periods of their stay and that is why we can calculate when the Anunnaki actually arrived on Earth. In The Lost Book of Enki it clearly states that the flood came in the “120th Shar”.

  “In the one hundred and twentieth Shar was the Deluge awaited. In the tenth Shar in the life age of Ziusudra was the Deluge forthcoming.”

  That would place the flood 432,000 years after their arrival. Scholars generally agree that the Great Flood occurred around 11,000 BC, which would place the arrival of the Anunnaki on Earth some 443,000 years ago. It is important to keep track of the time references because they play a crucial role in supporting many of the activities and developments of human origins and the creation of the first humans, Adam and Eve some 200,000 years ago. There was however a very good reason why the ancient astronauts arrived here, it was not just some random decision of a bunch of distant astronauts. After what is described as a fierce battle on Nibiru between an appointed king and a successor by birth, a truce was called.

  “The nation of the north against the nation of the south took up arms…A war long and fierce engulfed the planet…there was death and destruction both north and south…for many circuits desolation reigned the land; all life was diminished.”

  A time of unification, rebuilding and peace followed, where great cities and developments engulfed the planet of Nibiru. There is a vivid description of Nibiru's atmosphere, explaining how the volcanoes constantly feed the thick atmosphere which protects them against the sun when at its closest point “…hot period it shields Nibiru from the Sun's scorching rays...” and “ the cold period the inner heat of Nibiru it keeps about the planet like a warm coat...” We must remember that the planet moves away far from the sun for longer periods than when it is closer to the sun, it therefore needs a much denser protective layer to sustain a temperate climate for life. Not much different from our own atmosphere but seemingly much thicker and more active. The planet is described as a “radiant” planet with a “reddish hue”. “A red planet, reddish in radiance; around the sun an elongated circuit Nibiru makes.” While some planets absorb heat and energy, others radiate heat. Nibiru is such a planet. That is why it can seemingly survive the long periods in deep space, before returning closer to the sun every 3,000 years or so. It may take Nibiru as long as 600 years to orbit the sun in close proximity, as it makes its way out into deep space just like a comet.

  But Nibiru was a troubled planet, its atmosphere was disturbed by some cosmic force, which began to have a devastating effect on the lands, animals and people. The hardship hit everyone and started threatening the peace. The harsh rays of the sun were destroying crops and arable land, making large parts uninhabitable. Nothing new to us on Earth in the 21st century? “In the atmosphere a breaching has occurred…Nibiru's air has thinner been made, the protective shield has been diminished.”

  They tried all kinds of remedies to cure the growing gaping hole in their atmosphere with little success. “In the land strife was abundant, food and water were not…in the land unity was gone; accusations were abundant.” We can also relate to the accusations and lack of unity in our own time, when we compare the way in which the world is disagreeing on the many issues threatening the environment, greenhouse effect and ozone depletion. Once again we stare bluntly at the hereditary characteristics which were passed down to us by the Anunnaki. “Rains were withheld, winds blew harder; springs from the depths did not arise.”

  They called a council meeting and under the advice of some bright scientists, reached a decision to use gold in a fine powder form to be dispersed into the atmosphere and patch up the hole. “…to use a metal, gold was its name. On Nibiru it was rare; within the Hammered Bracelet it was abundant.”

  It's important to note that they called the asteroid belt outside of Mars, the “Hammered Bracelet”. It was known to them from the descriptions in the Enuma Elish or the Epic of Creation that there was gold embedded in the many fragments of the asteroid belt. But would they be able to retrieve it? I trust that in years to come we will rediscover the rich gold deposits on the asteroid belt which the Anunnaki knew about 500,000 years ago.

  “It was the only substance that to the finest powder could be ground; lofted high to heaven, suspended it could remain.” So while they sent out space ships to obtain the gold, they also tried to activate the dormant volcanoes to start “belching” again. “With missiles the volcanoes to attack, their dormancy to bestir, their belching to increase.” But neither of these attempts worked while the planet was slowly slipping into an environmental disaster. The king of the time was weak with little skill to make weighty decisions. Unhappiness and opposition grew against him until he was overthrown by Alalu, who took the throne. It was then discovered that Alalu was actually the successor by law, because he was the son of the prior king and his concub
ine half-sister. This is incidentally where the Biblical succession laws were also derived from. The child of a man and his half-sister was first in line as successor, not the child of a man and his unrelated bride. We will see how the Anunnaki applied this rule on Earth and passed it onto the Hebrews, Egyptians and other civilisations. But before Alalu's reign could be ordained, a young prince by the name of Anu presented himself, claiming that he was the direct descendent of the great king An. They studied his ancestry and came to the conclusion that he was a pure descendent of An, and therefore by their laws of seed and succession Anu should be king. After some more deliberation, it was finally decided that Alalu would remain king and Anu would be his ‘cupbearer’, in the interest of peace and stability. This was also a very early example of a coalition parliament.

  “Let us live in peace, together Nibiru to abundance return. Let me keep the throne, let you keep the succession” said Alalu to Anu, and “in this manner Alalu on the throne remained seated”.

  One of his first tasks was to find gold in the ‘Hammered Bracelet’so he dispatched “celestial boats to seek the gold” but space can be a cruel place, and the mission was a huge disaster. All the space ships which were dispatched on a discovery mission were destroyed by the asteroids. “By the Hammered Bracelet the boats were crushed…” After nine Shars on the throne and very little progress in the relief of the planet, Alalu was challenged by Anu. As advanced as the Nibiruans may have been in technology, they certainly had some interesting customs. The ritual was that the two opponents had to meet each other in hand-to-hand combat, all naked. That is the way it was written some 4 500 years ago, and also where the Greeks obtained some of their cultural influences.


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