Slave Species of god

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Slave Species of god Page 62

by Michael Tellinger

  But before they allowed Enki to proceed with the ‘creation’, there was much deliberation whether GOD would have given them such knowledge, if GOD did not want them to use it to their advantage. Does that sound familiar? “Let us with wisdom new tools fashion, not new beings create” was the one side of the argument. “What knowledge we possess, its use cannot be prevented” Ningishzidda the young scientist answered. They even contemplated very deep and spiritual issues like “Is it destiny…or is it Fate?...That to this planet us has brought…” It was decided to put this matter before the elders from Nibiru and so it was decreed that a “primitive worker” would be created. And so began the arduous task of cloning the first humans by Enki, his very smart sister Ninmah, and his son the scientist, Ningishzidda, who would lead the team. What followed was like something from a horror movie, and yet our ancient 'prehistory' is filled with images of such creatures. Ningishzidda showed Ninmah the results of many experiments he had been conducting in secrecy. Among the trees to “…a place of cages” he took her. There were the living results of various cloning and cross-species experiments he had performed, with horrific outcomes. “Foreparts of one kind they had, hindparts of another creature they possessed…Creatures of two kinds by their essence combined” he showed her.

  The creation of the slave species did not happen overnight, it took the team a long time and many failed attempts to finally achieve the perfect genetic combination. One can feel their frustration and desperation as one attempt after another failed. They used the female creatures as the surrogate mothers, placing a fertilised egg into their womb. The results were not good. This is where we read about DNA splicing for the first time in human history. “The two entwined strands separate and combine an offspring to fashion.” Many times they tried, while constantly aware that they could only use a small portion of the Anunnaki ‘essence’ to keep the new being primitive. “To receive our essence in graduation…Nibiru's essence only bit by bit could be attempted.”

  Ninmah prepared the “admixture” or fertilised egg in a ‘crystal vessel’ before inserting it into the female creature. The following text could have been taken from a modern day scientific magazine, describing artificial impregnation. And yet once again these astounding words are thousands of years old, eternally captured in clay tablets.

  “In a crystal vessel Ninmah the admixture was preparing, the oval of a female two-legged she gently placed…With ME Anunnaki seed containing, she the oval impregnated…The oval back into the womb of the two-legged female she inserted.” What more do we need to hear to be convinced that the Anunnaki knew exactly what they were doing, and that they were indeed performing not only genetic splicing but artificial insemination into surrogate females? But it took many attempts and many modifications to the “admixture” to get the results they wanted. Time and time again offspring were born deformed, deaf, hairy, short arms, blind, and other defects. It is also evident that they were creating only males.

  “One being had paralysed feet, another his semen was dripping, one had trembling hands, a malfunctioning liver had another…one had lungs for breathing unsuited.”

  Enki and his colleagues were highly disappointed but they kept on trying new ways to perfect the ‘primitive being’ till finally a being was born “In her hands she held the child…it was the image of perfection.” But their excitement was not long lived. After several years they realised that the child did not have the ability to speak, its animal genetics were stronger than its human side. “Of speaking he had no understanding, grunts and snorts were his utterings.” It was Enki who made the observation that they have only been impregnating the ‘two-legged’ Earth females. He suggested that they insert the fertilised egg into an Anunnaki womb. This caused a long debate about who would be the carrier of the baby, but it was finally decided that Ninmah should be the carrier and risk any danger, since it was her project. “The fertilized egg into the womb of Ninmah was inserted; there was conception.” The gestation period was an interesting experience. It seems to have taken longer than the other ‘two-legged’ females but shorter than on Nibiru for the birth to occur. And finally they achieved what they had set out to do and Enki was elated. “…The image of perfection he was…He slapped the newborn on his hindparts, the newborn uttered proper sounds.” I suppose it should be quite simple to distinguish a human baby from other species, the baby cries when you slap its bum, just like the doctors do in the maternity ward. They examined the baby, his limbs, ears, eyes, and found that everything was perfect. We learn at this point why the Anunnaki referred to the primitive worker as the “blackheaded ones” because Enki gives a perfect description of the child. “Shaggy like the wild ones he was not… dark black his head hair was…Smooth was his skin…smooth as the Anunnaki skin it was…Like dark red blood was its colour…like the clay of the Abzu was its hue.”

  We learn so much about the very first human on Earth from this short statement, at the same time we corroborate a number of very important archaeological and anthropological theories. We know from Mitochondrial DNA and the Y-Chromosome studies that the first humans Homo sapiens emerged around 200,000 years ago. It is a widely accepted fact that the cradle of Humankind originated in southern Africa, and now we also know what their skin and hair colour was. The parallels between these clay tablets and the Biblical creation of Adam are uncanny, except that once again, most of these tablets predate the Bible by at least two thousand years. But here we discover the terrible truth that will hopefully jerk us out of the confused state in which we find ourselves as a species! That our maker was not GOD, but rather an advanced being with advanced knowledge pretty similar to our knowledge today. And from that moment on, we saw our maker as a god. The subservience of humans permeated across the Anunnaki ranks, and as time went by, many of them would become worshipped, against the liking of Enlil, the supreme commander on planet Earth.

  While examining the baby boy, Enki noticed that his penis had a long skin hanging from the front end. “Unlike that of Anunnaki malehood it was, a skin from its forepart was hanging. Let the earthling from us Anunnaki by this foreskin be distinguished.” And suddenly the ancient ritual of circumcision takes on a whole new meaning. Is it possible that in years to come, the human tribes not only circumcised the newborn male babies not only for hygienic reasons, but also to imitate the gods? To look a little bit more like them? Because they saw the baby not as a creature, they decided to give it a name, they called him 'Adamu', “One Who Like Earth's Clay Is”. And if you have ever wondered where the Aryan blond and blue eyed people come from, the texts also divulge this information. In previous chapters we read that Enki had a son who looked just like him. It describes the baby as 'radiating' and 'bright eyes the colour of the sky'; and light hair as the 'golden Sun'. It is pretty clear from that description that the Anunnaki must have had white skin, generally blond hair and blue eyes. And since Enlil and his followers preferred the cooler climate of the lands further North, near the snow capped mountains, it would also explain why the blue-eyed-blond people mostly originate from that part of the world even today. Further support for this revelation comes when Ninmah lifts up to hold her new ‘earthling’ baby. “Ninmah cast her hand upon the newborn's body, with her fingers his dark red skin she caressed.” We should assume that if her skin was also dark, they would not have made such a fuss about it in the tablets.

  It's very important to recognise Enki’s immediate affinity for his new ‘earthling’ creation. We see the maverick, creative scientist in his character, who absolutely adored his ‘Adamu’ and almost immediately wanted only the best for him. This would lead to many disagreements between him and Enlil, who only saw the ‘earthlings’ as primitive workers who were created to perform a specific task. But now they had to face the problem of multiplying this baby many times to create a large group of workers. The mass production of the ‘slave species’ had begun. Out of the several hundred Anunnaki females, seven volunteers were found to become surrogate mothers and carry the ne
w species to term. “Their task is heroic, by them a race of Primitive Workers shall come into being.” They became known as the ‘Birth Mothers’ and these seven females became highly worshiped in Vedic poems, Harappan and other Asian cultures in latter years, often appearing in seals and other pictorial representations. It could also be the origins of why the number 7 is so highly revered in so many cultures.

  Now that ‘Adamu’ was created as they had wanted, they used his DNA as the prototype for all the other babies. The seven birth mothers were each impregnated with fertilised eggs, to carry the foetus to term. It is fascinating to see that there are seven female deities which were revered in the Indus Valley and Harappan cultures. The task of giving birth to the workers was a lengthy process and Enki realised that this was not really going to solve the problem of creating a substantial labour force of earthlings.


  Could these representations of the 7 Mother Godesses from the Indus Valley civilisation be related to the Sumerian stories of the 7 Birth Godesses who were the surrogate mothers of the first humans?

  He proposed that they create a ‘female’ earthling to procreate with Adamu. “….For males counterparts to be… let them know each other… as one flesh the two to become… Let them by themselves procreate… By themselves give birth… Anunnaki females to relieve.” This time they used Adamu's blood and DNAto create the ‘admixture’ for fertilisation while Enki's spouse Ninki became the surrogate mother. In good time the first female earthling was born, it made human noises, it was healthy and “her skin smooth was, as that of the Anunnaki in smoothness and colour it was.” This is a fascinating bit of information, even right from the very start there was a differentiation in skin colour between Adam and Eve. Is this why we simply cannot eradicate racism from the face of the world even today? Is it something so deeply seeded in our DNA that more evolution is required to overcome this 'race' clash which lingers on and on? Only time will tell.

  Once again they decided that the being needed a name because it was not a creature. They called her ‘Ti-Amat’, the Mother of Life, which was also a derivative of the watery planet Tiamat from which Earth was created during the Epic of Creation. They went on to create another seven earthling females from the Anunnaki birth mothers, which gave them seven males and seven females. “Let the males the females inseminate, let the primitive workers by themselves offspring beget.” They created cages for them and allowed them to grow up together while observing them. But Adamu and Ti-Amat were to be excluded from the hard work of the other earthlings. They were the first ones and were to be protected for their DNA. Enki took them up to Edin in the Upper World where the Anunnaki dwelled, to show off the new ‘primitive worker’ to all. A simple dwelling was built for Adamu and Ti-Amat in an enclosure of Edin and they were allowed to roam freely in it while the Anunnaki came from far and wide to observe them. It was probably a bit like an ancient ‘freak show’ with never-seen-before species on display. Even Marduk arrived from the way station on Lahmu. What took everyone by surprise was their intelligence and ability to follow commands and perform simple tasks. Adamu and Ti-Amat led a privileged life in the lush gardens of Edin. They were cared for, constantly observed and admired by all the Anunnaki. After all, they were created in their image. Even Enlil who vigorously opposed the creation initially, was pleased with the outcome. But those who worked in the mines were most relieved. “Primitive workers have been fashioned, our days of toil to end” they were shouting.

  But their excitement was short-lived because while the two ‘workers’ in Edin were being observed; so were the ones in the Abzu being observed by Ningishzidda, the young scientist. “Conceiving there was not, birth-giving there was not.” The new species was unable to procreate. This was not only proving to be a problem for Enki in the lab but also underground. The Anunnaki miners were getting very restless and losing their patience waiting for this new ‘primitive worker’ to take over their toil. Enki and Ningishzidda had to do more genetic manipulation and we read in great detail what they did. The new species only had 22 chromosomes which did not include the X and Y sex chromosomes; that is why they could not procreate. How on Earth could an ignorant scribe 4,500 years ago have had such detailed knowledge about genetics? “Like two entwined serpents Ningishzidda the essence separated…Arranged like twenty two branches on a Tree of Life were the essence…The ability to procreate they did not include.” Then the young Ningishzidda performed a dangerous procedure which included the ribs of the individuals and which was rewritten in the Bible some time later with some variation. He sedated Enki and Ninmah extracting the missing “sex essence” from each one, implanting it into Adamu and Ti-Amat. “To their Tree of Life two branches have been added… With procreating powers their life essence are now entwined.” From that moment on all humans had 23 pairs of chromosomes.

  The two were allowed to roam freely in the orchards of Edin while their creator Enki tried to teach them some basics of intelligence. He clearly wanted his new ‘species’ not to be too primitive; not to evolve as a slave; he wanted to uplift them with knowledge. Enki's symbol was the entwined serpent which is still used as the symbol for medical doctors today. It was this imagery which has led to the ageless confusion between the maker and the ‘evil serpent’ who tempted Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. The story is somewhat simpler and more logical if seen from the point of the Sumerian tablets. Enlil was furious about the ‘slaves’ being able to procreate on their own. This was never part of the plan. Now they have not only created a new species which was not supposed to happen, but they have given them the essence of intelligence and life which the Anunnaki possessed.


  The tree of life referred to by the Sumerians was actually the DNA. Here we have two deities manipulating the DNA-Tree-of-Life with a winged deity or a winged disc observing them from above. Such winged deities are common in ancient depictions and have been adopted by various religious groups like Zoroastianism. Similar representations of the DNA in the form of a Tree of Life are found throughout ancient civilisations.

  And this part of the scriptures points irrefutably to the genetic manipulation performed by the Anunnaki which stunted our DNA, causing many of the undesirable and unexplainable characteristics among humans today; the fact that we die, that we get sick and other undesirable side effects associated with an incomplete genome. Ningishzidda comforted Enlil by explaining that he did not give the new species the gift of eternal life. “Knowing for protection they were given… The branch of long living, to their essence tree was not.” This statement explains why the Anunnaki lived so long, or even eternally and why they could be revived from the dead. It also suggests that they must have performed more genetic engineering on humans after this point, because it is clear from other scripts that the early humans lived very long lives, unlike humans today.

  Enlil could not be pacified and he proclaimed “Then let them be where they are needed…In the Abzu away from the Edin, let them be expelled.” This story is well know as the ‘Fall of Adam’ in the Bible. There are also some other fascinating similarities when Enlil was walking in the shade of the trees in Edin looking for the two earthlings, wanting to see how they were getting on. By that stage they had already been taught various things by his brother Enki and they were aware of their nakedness. Wanting to be more like their maker, who wore clothing, they began to emulate him. This was a dead giveaway to Enlil that someone had been feeding them knowledge and information which he was decisively opposed to. It was at this point when he expelled them from Edin for becoming too informed, and a stern threat was extended to the human couple not to consort with the ‘evil serpent’ and not be led astray by his attempts and promises of knowledge and other things. So it turns out that the serpent was actually Enki, who was the maker, the ‘creator’ of Humankind who was personified as the devil by Enlil, while from that moment on, Enlil became the ‘god of fear and vengeance’ who did everything in his
power to oppress and control humans. He was very clear about the limits to which he would allow humans to develop. He chose his favourites, punished those who would not listen to him, and prevented humans from worshipping any other god than him, although the other gods had much more regular contact with humans, which led to them being worshipped in any case. But in time, Enki's oldest son Marduk would take over this vengeful god role when he proclaimed himself the ‘god above all’.

  In the Abzu, all the earthlings were procreating, which included Adamu and Ti-Amat. “With wonderment did Enki and Ninmah watch the newborns… How they grew and developed was a marvel.” They comprehended commands, did not complain about the heat and dust and worked hard for rations of food. Finally, after a whole Shar (3,600 years) the Anunnaki were relieved of the toil in the mines, while back home on their planet, Nibiru's atmosphere was healing. The earthling workers in the Abzu grew in numbers quickly, working in the mines and as servant-slaves to the Anunnaki. But in the north or the “Upper World” the Anunnaki were also growing in numbers. Enlil and Enki's sons had offspring with some of the nursing Anunnaki females who arrived from Nibiru.


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