Slave Species of god

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Slave Species of god Page 70

by Michael Tellinger

  At this point it becomes clear how confused the earthlings must have been. An emerging species on a new planet, not quite in control of their own destiny, controlled by a number of different gods commanding them to do this and that and to wage war on their neighbours, the humans had very little choice but to follow the instructions from their brutal gods who showed no regard for human life. The people were mere chess pieces in a great game of global conquest played by the Anunnaki gods. The clashes between the gods almost always involved humans, who never knew the reasons for waging war against their neighbours. But as we see in the Old Testament, this kind behaviour was commonplace. It was this inexplicable act of aggression by one group of earthlings against another, which was initiated by their god, that set the behavioural pattern for all future human conflict. Humankind, which was just emerging from the age of darkness into civilisation, perceived this kind of activity as ‘the normal thing to do’ to invade and conquer your neighbour's land. God would command his people to invade and attack, giving his human armies the excuse that they were vile and evil and they were sinful against god. But this god would differ from land to land, demanding total obedience from the humans, or they would themselves be punished. This led to the worshipping of many different gods by the early people of the biblical lands, as they worshipped the specific god who led them into battle or out of harm's way. This worshipping would lead to retribution by some other Anunnaki god with a higher rank, demanding that people worship only him. And so the clashes between the biblical groups of people would continue for almost 3,000 years, driven by the power struggle of the Anunnaki. It is all very nicely captured in the Bible, but the evidence is now overwhelming that the entries in that particular book had nothing to do with salvation and the eternal spiritual afterlife of GOD with a big G; but rather, it was all a meticulously executed propaganda and mind control by a number of vengeful gods, who were no more than advanced humans with a higher level of intelligence, abusing humans for their own gain. And so we see this human behaviour continuing even today. While some communities think they have elevated themselves above this kind of primitive behaviour, just take a swipe at their religion and see their reaction.

  This was possibly the single most important period in all of human history, because it was this continued confusion among Humankind about the different gods, which set the tone for the emergence of the many diverse religions visible in the world today. There can be no other plausible reason for this amazing phenomenon. How else can it be explained that one planet has developed so many different religions in such a short space of time? The answers are perfectly clear in the many Sumerian tablets and on the pages of the Bible. All we have to do is to take the fear out of the reading of the book and rather approach it as a historic record which was commanded to be written with a very specific reason. To manipulate humans into a blind and fearful fanaticism. So from a purely human perspective, the very first wars among humans were fought on religious grounds by humans who were controlled by different gods. And it is safe to say that since those early days some 3500 BC, all wars among Humankind were also driven by religious beliefs, combined with our genetically inherited need to conquer, which was imposed on our species early in our infancy. But we see the incredible effect of the inherited Anunnaki DNA rise to the surface and manifesting itself in our violent behaviour. The amazing desire by Humankind to find peace has shown that genetically we are actually created to be more peaceful. The overwhelming majority of humans who strive for peace is a fascinating phenomenon. Combined with our incredible capacity for benevolence, it becomes debatable whether our violent behaviour is a characteristic pattern which we have adopted from our makers, rather than a genetic code which drives us to behave in such ways. In other words, have we been nurtured into becoming violent or is our violent behaviour driven by a violent gene? And so we get back to the ‘Nature versus Nurture’ argument.

  The clay tablets seem to concur that the world was gripped in a state of chaos and confusion. “After Marduk Amun became, kingship in the second region disintegrated, disorder and confusion reigned…After Agade was wiped out, in the first region there was disorder, confusion reigned…Kingship was disarray, from cities of gods, to cities of man it moved about…To faraway places kingship was shifting.” The situation got so bad that Enlil had to consult Anu on faraway Nibiru about how to deal with the situation. They appointed a new king in the city of Ur, to be the peacemaker and “bring an end to violence and strife…in all the lands prosperity was abundant.” This king's name was Ur-Nammu, ‘Righteous Shepherd’. Enlil had a very vivid dream about the coming of the Age of the Ram and Marduk taking control of the world. It affected him so much, that he dispatched his high priests to observe the heavens for signs of the new age. In the meantime Marduk kept on moving from land to land telling people of his supremacy, gaining massive support from fearful and obedient earthlings. His son Nabu was also helping to enslave more humans into obedience, with fear. Wars erupted again, “Between the dwellers of the west and the dwellers of the east clashes were occurring.” That sounds like a scene from the 20th century, seemingly not much has changed in 4,000 years. Ur-Nammu, the “Righteous Shepherd” died in a chariot accident, to be replaced by Shulgi. “Full of vile and eager for battle Shulgi was.” It seems that by this stage the humans did not need much encouragement from their gods to go to war, they began to emulate their gods. This Shulgi chap was a real tyrant according to the texts, with powers on the battle field and other powers of persuasion as well, because he managed to seduce the beautiful goddess Inanna. It just goes to show that as early as 4,300 years ago, women were already attracted to men of power. As silly as this statement may be, there is a lot of historic social behaviour to support it. This behaviour of women can be defended by outlining the genetic code, which programmes the female to choose the strongest male, which will more likely ensure the survival of their offspring. And so Shulgi used his power to conquer lands and women. “In Nibruki himself high priest anointed, in Unug-ki the joys of Inanna's vulva he sought…Warriors from the mountainlands in his army he enlisted…The western lands he overran…The sanctity of Mission Control Centre he ignored.” Once again, an arrogant human king made the mistake of 'defiling Enlil's restricted area. “Once again the rulers of your region all bounds have exceeded… Of all the troubles, Marduk is the fountainhead...” so did Enlil say to Enki in anger.

  And this is once more where we see the dramatic marriage of myth and history. Enlil needed to find a faithful, obedient, strong human leader, to oppose the chaos and growing human armies of Marduk. He did not have to search long before he found the most enigmatic figure in all of the Bible. The father of all the future biblical kings, Abraham. The father of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths. The Sumerians called him Ibruum, the Muslims call him Ibrahim. He was a powerful human with all the necessary attributes to command Enlil's army. The time had come for Enlil to start using the same tactics which were employed by the other Anunnaki gods and utilise humans as his own soldiers. His main objective was for Abraham to defend his space port. “A princely offspring, valiant and with priestly secrets acquainted, Ibruum was…To protect the sacred places, the chariot's ascents and descents enable, Enlil Ibruum to go commanded.” But as soon as Abraham departed from the city of Harran to perform his new duties to his god Enlil, Marduk arrived to incite the people and cause havoc. It would be this kind of incitement and havoc which would entangle Abraham and his nephew Lot to become spies for their god Enlil, reporting on the activities of Marduk and his followers. Just imagine the kind of confusion which consumed the poor ignorant humans of those days. One god demanding obedience, the other god threatening punishment and retribution for disobedience. No wonder the Bible is such a confusing book of constant conflict and war amongst the human tribes, because in reality they belonged to different gods and they were commanded and controlled by these different gods.

  It now emerges that the main protagonists in the holy wars of the Bible were the
followers of Enlil taking battle against those who were controlled by Marduk. Both were strict and brutal in their dispensation of punishment and reward to their human followers. Those were stressful times for the Anunnaki gods, who were in the final stages of their expedition to Earth, suddenly having to deal with unexpected situations. The new slave species they created to help them obtain the precious gold had now become their tools of war. By now, Marduk had reached the point of no return. He summoned all the Anunnaki to his beloved Babylon, to appoint him as the new ruler of the planet Earth. “In my temple house let all the Anunnaki gods assemble, my covenant accept.” Obviously the others responded with horror to such utterances by Marduk and Enlil called an urgent meeting of all the elders. “To a great assembly, counsel to take, Enlil them all summoned.” There was consensus that Marduk had finally gone too far, everyone was extremely unhappy with the tenuous situation. Nobody knew what to do, or how to respond to the present circumstances. “Accusations were rampant, recriminations filled the chamber.”

  Enki was the only one who felt that it must have been fate which led them to this situation and maybe they should not oppose fate but rather to accept Marduk's rise to assume control. “What is coming, no one can prevent, let us Marduk's supremacy accept.” At this stage Marduk had settled himself in Babylon and basically taken control of the whole known world of the biblical times. It included Egypt, Israel, Canaan, Assyria, Akkad and Sumer. There were only a few Anunnaki strongholds which were not loyal to the brutal god Ra or Marduk, known to most in the world today as the biblical ‘god of love’. Is that not filled with deep dark irony? There was much deliberation and debate about what action to take against Marduk. The Anunnaki finally decided that there was only one way to stop Marduk: to obliterate all his cities with all his human followers who dwelled in them.

  By this time Abraham had been a trusted and loyal general of the lord Enlil, who equipped him with the best chariots available together with the finest horses. Abraham fought many battles for him, mainly defending the space port in the Sinai which was out of bounds to all humans. Lord Enlil rewarded him with riches of all kinds, which included “ as far as the eye can see...”, gold, cattle and sheep and a host of things which eventually made him the wealthiest man of his time. Abraham had a crack squad of some 380 well-trained and well-armed soldiers for the task. The weapons provided to him by his god, were so awesome, that this small group of warriors could smite an army of ten thousand men in a matter of hours.

  This made Abraham not only the wealthiest man in the land, but also the most respected and feared. There are several references in the Bible where kings and priests come to him for leniency and mercy. They refer to his close ties with god, and that he should not forget their good deeds towards Abraham when god wants to pour his vengeance on them. Everyone was petrified of their god of vengeance, whom we now know was none other than Enlil, the supreme Anunnaki commander on Earth, whose command was under threat by his young nephew Marduk. On several occasions we read in the Bible that angels came to Abraham, enquiring about the behaviour of humans in certain cities. They clearly used Abraham and his nephew as informants to gain information about the activities of the followers of Marduk. Two of the cities which the Bible mentions in great detail were Sodom and Gomorra.

  We have already explored the events which led to the destruction of those cities, but now we get a clear understanding of why this all happened. These were only two of the cities under Marduk's control. From there, he would marshal his large number of human followers and take control of all the establishments on Earth, including the space port of Enlil.

  And so, after the long debate by the Anunnaki in Enlil's chamber, the fateful decision was made “to use therefore the weapons of terror” on all of Marduk's people. It was not dissimilar to the USA-led pre-emptive strikes on Iraq, in anticipation of some form of deadly attack by their perceived enemy. Is it not ironic that 4,200 years ago, the same part of the world was involved in a terrible battle, which by the sounds of it must have been a nuclear attack that wiped out most of the people of the Near East and Mesopotamia, otherwise known as Iraq? So the Anunnaki gods would use these ‘Weapons of Terror’ on Marduk. If we look at the geographical area, all this information makes a lot of sense. Marduk was in charge of Egypt, the Sinai peninsula with the space port was virtually just to the east of him and Sodom and Gomorra were just north of the Sinai, perfectly positioned to launch an attack on Enlil's space port. So we should not be surprised when the angels came to visit Abraham shortly before the destruction began, to get any final information about the citizens of those cities and how they were ‘conspiring against god’. The actions of the people were described in the Bible as “vile and evil”, and Abraham shows some of his humane side as he pleads for the lives of the righteous few in the two cities. We know the rest of the story, the angels go to the city, talk to Lot, get apprehended by the citizens who suspect that they are there to kill them and the cities are destroyed by incredible explosions which turned Lot's wife into a “pillar of salt”, meaning that she was actually vaporised.

  The event described in the clay tablets are even more dramatic, but clearly deal with the same situation. Only Enki was opposed to the proposed action of terror, saying that “What was destined to be, by your decision to undo will fail...”, once more displaying the Anunnaki's firm belief in a higher universal power which included destiny and fate. It was Ninurta, son of Enlil and Nergal, son of Enki, who were chosen to “the evil thing to carry out.” And so the identities of the two angels who visited Abraham, are exposed. The same angels who then proceeded to Sodom to destroy it with nuclear weapons. And once again mythology meets biblical history, but this time we have a real link with real names and places. Ancient Sumerian tablets which predate the Bible telling us this horrific tale of destruction and the same diluted version is in the Bible itself. If you believe the one, you should believe the other. Except that the Sumerian tablets give us a lot more detail which was omitted in the Bible when it was compiled by humans 2,500 years later.

  The deadly weapons were retrieved from their secret places and Enlil revealed to the young Anunnaki “how the weapons from their deep sleep awaken.” They were warned that the cities must be spared and the righteous people in their cities must not perish. The crucial part of the tablet which substantiates my assertion that Abraham was a spy, is when Enlil tells his two fighters to “make sure that Ibruum is forewarned.” Many scholars of the past have implied that the weapons used in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra must have been nuclear weapons. These suggestions are not only supported by the descriptions of the aftermath in the Bible itself, but the clay tablets tell us in great detail what actually happened. They even reveal the names which Nergal gave the weapons before they unleashed them and they certainly leave no doubt about what they were. “One without rival; Blazing flame; One who with terror crumbles; Mountain melter; Wind that the rim of the world seeks; One who above and below no one spares...” and the grand-daddy of them all, “Vaporiser of living things”. There were seven weapons in total with which the massacre would be performed. When the destruction began the tablets tell us that “Athousand and seven hundred and thirty six was the count of earth years then...” which would make it 2064 BC when the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra occurred, the end of the days of Abraham. It is also very clear from the tablets that Enki was mortified by the actions of Enlil, as he writes: “On that day, on that fateful day, Enlil to Ninurta the signal sent.”

  Ninurta and Nergal began the bombing. The tablets describe in great detail how “the mount's innards in an instant it melted…The rocks into a gushing wound were made…The Earth shook and crumbled, the heavens after the brilliance were darkened…Of all the forests, only tree stems were left standing.” For those who have seen pictures of a nuclear aftermath, these words present a perfect description. They also concur with biblical descriptions. From there they flew to “the verdant valley where Nabu the people was converting.” Na
bu was Marduk's son who was also a target. There they annihilated five more cities and as it says in the Bible, “with fire and brimstone were they upheavaled, all that lived there to vapour was turned.”

  What followed is described as a typical ‘nuclear storm’ with darkening of the skies, extreme winds blowing at hundreds of kilometres per hour, distributing the deadly nuclear clouds of dust. “Gloom from the skies an evil wind carried…The Sun on the horizon with darkness it obliterated.” We must remember that these words were written before a single word of the Bible had been put down. It is very difficult to imagine that the descriptions in the Bible came from any other source than the same events which inspired the writing of the Sumerian clay tablets. And the incredible nuclear descriptions continued. “At nighttime a dreaded brilliance skirted its edges…Wherever it reached, death to all that lives mercilessly it delivered.” The Anunnaki were astounded by the extent of the destruction, they did not expect it to be so devastating. The nuclear wind was distributing the deadly dust everywhere and in their direction as well. There was no place to hide, the dust or “Evil Wind” would penetrate every nook and cranny, as it rapidly moved towards Sumer, where the Anunnaki had based themselves. “No door could shut it out, no bolt could turn it back.” Ninurta and Nergal sent an urgent message to Enlil and Enki. “Escape! Escape! To them all they cried out.” Those are dramatic words which were followed by even more graphic descriptions of the effect which the Evil Wind had on the people in its path. “In the streets were their corpses piled up…Cough and phlegm the chests filled, their mouths with spittle and foam filled up…Their mouths were drenched with blood… From west to east over plains and mountains it travelled.” Those words suddenly bring to light an even more horrific truth of that particular biblical event. The Anunnaki were not only using nuclear weapons, but biological weapons as well.


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