
Home > Other > Seth > Page 17
Seth Page 17

by VA Dold

  Seth sighed out a breath and pulled her into his arms. “How are you feeling?”

  “Can’t you tell?”

  “I don’t feel anything, but I wouldn’t put it past you to have blocked me.”

  “I can do that? Shame on you, Le Beau! You held out on me.”

  Seth blushed all the way to his ears. “I apologize. I should have been completely truthful with you. In my defense, I didn’t want your concentration split between blocking me and dealing with the pain.”

  “Thank you for thinking of that. You’re right. I would have blocked you and suffered the consequences.”

  “I will always protect you, Sara, even if it’s from yourself.”

  She rolled her eyes but smiled. “I must smell like a locker room. I need a shower before dinner.”

  He nuzzled the back of her neck as she swung her legs off the bed. “You smell delicious.”

  She sniffed her armpit and wrinkled her nose. “You’re a bad liar, wolfman.”

  Seth stood and helped her from the bed. “If I say you smell like a spring flower then you do.”

  Sara barked out a laugh and headed for the master bath. She stopped short when she saw her reflection in the mirror. Raising a shaky hand to her chest, she ran a finger over the unmarred skin. The red puckered scar from the bullet wound was gone.

  Seth stepped up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Look at how beautiful you are.” His eyes glowed brightly as he devoured her reflection.

  “You really believe that don’t you?”

  “Of course I do. Some women have a beautiful face or body, and others have a beautiful soul. You have all of that.”

  She blushed and glanced away from the mirror. “That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  He took her by the shoulders and turned her to face him. “It’s the truth, mon amour. You’re gorgeous inside and out. I’m one hell of a lucky man.”

  She gave him a smile, got on her tiptoes and kissed him. “I’m pretty darn lucky too. Not many women get a man who is the whole package: handsome, honorable, and sweet.” She grinned and asked, “You know what?”


  She leaned in and whispered, “I think I’ll keep you.”

  He chuckled and swatted her behind playfully. “I’d say you better, but you don’t really have a choice. You’re stuck with me, mate.”

  “I can live with that.” She was about to say more when her tummy’s hungry growls echoed off the tiled walls.

  He leaned in and gave her a peck on the cheek. “In the shower with you. I’ll start dinner while you clean up.”

  Seth rushed to the kitchen. Time was of the essence. He glanced at the collection of ingredients Sara had laid out on the counter. Okay, steak with leftover mashed potatoes, sautéed mixed vegetables, and fresh fruit with whipped cream for dessert. Excellent, nothing would take more than a few minutes to prepare.

  He narrowed his eyes at the dining table and snapped his fingers. There was a tablecloth in the hall closet. With that in place, he retrieved the vase of roses from the bedroom and a few of the candles. Now, for the place settings. It took a little searching, but at last, he found some rather pretty china.

  He stood back to appraise his handy work and rubbed his chin. Something was missing.

  Fang rolled his eyes and huffed. You’re such a Neanderthal sometimes… Fang leaned forward like he was encouraging Seth to figure it out. Finally, he huffed. Wine. You idiot.

  Wine! How could he forget the wine and glasses? Thanks, buddy.

  He looked over the choices on the rack.

  Do I have to do everything for you?

  No. Seth scratched his head.

  Fang rolled his eyes. Let me give you a hint. Red is perfect with beef.

  Red. Red, red, red…

  Geez. The Merlot. Second down on the right.

  Merlot! Thanks for the tip.

  Fang shook his head.

  Now all he needed were glasses. Once again, he surveyed his handiwork.

  Fang rumbled his approval. Nice. Really nice. Our mate will be pleased.

  Seth glanced at the clock and smiled. He figured he had about ten minutes to prepare dinner. Doable, very doable. While the steaks sizzled and the vegetables sautéed, he opened the wine to breathe. A quick zap of the mashed potatoes in the microwave and he would be ready.

  He was plating the meal when he heard the shower shut off. Perfect timing. He added a few rose petals artfully arranged to imitate a flower with a sprig of parsley as the stem to each plate then placed them on the table.

  The candles. Light the candles, Fang barked frantically.

  Shit. He waved his hand, and the wicks flared before the flames settled into a flickering glow.

  Sara rounded the corner and gasped. Her hand covered her mouth and her eyes welled with tears. “Oh, Seth. This is incredible.”

  Seth searched her eyes and tried to hear her thoughts but got nothing. “Do you like it? I was going for romantic.”

  WE were going for romantic, Fang corrected.

  She nodded. “I love it. It’s perfect.”

  She stepped up to the table and took a deep breath. “Dinner looks and smells amazing.”

  Seth pulled out a chair and held it for her. Then took his seat. “I hope you like your steak medium rare.”

  “Medium rare is perfect.”

  Seth raised his fork and nodded at hers. “Go ahead and dig in.”

  Sara took up her fork and steak knife and paused. “Everything is so pretty I almost hate to ruin it, but I’m famished.”

  Seth smiled happily. “I’m glad you like it.” He was about to cut into his steak when he pulled the knife away. “Hey, I have an idea. Get your phone and take a selfie of us at the table before we eat then you can look at it anytime you wish.”

  Sara’s face lit up. “That’s a great idea.” A minute later she rushed in and retook her seat. “Say, cheese.” She snapped the picture and showed it to him.

  “That’s a great shot of you, cher.”

  “You and the table look great, too. Thank you for thinking of that.”

  “You’re more than welcome. Now let’s eat before it gets cold.” He watched as she took her first bite of steak, waiting to see her reaction.

  “Oh. My. God!” she moaned, eyes closed in ecstasy. “This is better than sex.”

  He cocked a brow in disbelief.

  “Okay, that came out wrong. Nothing can compare to your mad skills in bed,” she quickly amended.

  He smiled and nodded in approval. “You’ve got that right.”

  She tried the vegetables. The flavors of each individual vegetable mixed with the spices Seth added and the melted butter coating it all, combined into a symphony of tastes and textures.

  She swallowed then looked from her plate to Seth. “How is it possible to taste each vegetable separately and yet the flavor of the dish as a whole at the same time?”

  “It’s a shifter thing. You know how a dog can separate out smells and pick one out of a cacophony of a hundred?”


  “Our wolf senses can do that as well with both taste and smell.”

  “Holy cannoli. Is that how you track a rogue?”

  “Yes. That and I read the signs he leaves behind, much like an American Indian tracks animals.”

  Sara cocked her head and asked, “Why have you been whispering since we did the claiming?”

  “Because your sense of hearing is dramatically enhanced as well and you haven’t learned to turn it down. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “Seriously? I have super hearing, too?”

  Seth chuckled softly. “You could call it that. Have you also noticed that everything is sharper, more in focus?”

  “She put her fork down and looked around the dining room. Holy cow! It is.”

  “That’s your wolf vision. You’ll be able to see in the dark, too.”
  “Shut up! Really?”

  Seth held back a full out laugh. He truly didn’t want to hurt her ears. “Yes. You can try it out after dinner. First, I should teach you how to turn your hearing down.”

  “Teach me, sensei.”

  “Adjusting the volume of any situation will quickly become second nature to you, but for now close your eyes and imagine a volume dial that you can turn up and down. Turn that dial all the way down to its lowest setting.”

  Sara squeezed her eyes shut and screwed up her face. “Okay, say something in your normal voice.”

  “I love you, Sara Adams.”

  Her eyes popped open. “I did it!”

  “I knew you could. You’re already adept at blocking your mind when you don’t want me to hear your thoughts.”

  “I am? I didn’t know I was doing that.”

  “Perhaps you do it naturally. If you want your thoughts open to me just imagine a door or window opening in your mind. If you want privacy simply close it.”

  “Let’s try it.” She closed her eyes again and visualized a window that was wide open. I love you too, Seth Le Beau.

  Very good, mon amour.

  “If I’d known about all these wolfy senses I’d have claimed you the instant I met you.”

  Seth frowned at her. “No, you wouldn’t. You’re an independent woman who feared having a mate who would dictate your life.”

  Sara lowered her head. “Yeah, you’re right. I did think that. But I was wrong. I’m glad you put up with me until I figured that out.”

  He tucked one finger under her chin and brought her gaze back to his. “I will always give you whatever you need. Even if it’s patience and time.”

  “Thank you, Seth. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you.”

  “Sweetheart, we were made for each other. To complete one another. You don’t have to do anything to deserve me. Let’s finish our dinner, and if you’re up to it, I’ll teach you how to shift.”

  Sara cut another bite of steak. “Oh, I’m up to it, wolfman.”

  Dinner was eaten and cleared away. Sara cracked her knuckles and flexed her fingers. She was ready to try this shifting thing.

  “Normally, a human who is converted has years to perfect their shift. You don’t have that luxury. Once you get the hang of shifting, you’ll need to practice until you can call on your wolf quickly and seamlessly. Paul won’t wait around while you try to get it right.”

  “Good point. So how do I do this?”

  He held up a finger for her to hold that thought while he studied the room speculatively.

  “As a woman who likes control, I’m sure you can keep your wolf from getting frisky and damaging the furniture so I’ll leave everything where it is.” There was a tenor of teasing in his voice.

  Sara put her hands on her hips and cocked a brow.

  Seth rubbed his chin in thought. “Has your sister ever shifted for you?”

  She nodded. “Yes, several times.”

  “Since you’ve already seen what a shift looks like, we can move forward. Unless you want to see me shift first, so it’s fresh in your mind.”

  “No, I’m good to go.”

  “In that case, before you do any shifting you need to know the rules. I learned these as a child. Luperca decreed them as our laws when the very first shifters were created. The five rules are very simple. They basically dictate that all shifters should respect their mates and other supernaturals while preventing humans from knowing about us.

  “Always put your mate before yourself.

  “Respect another shifter’s mate.

  “Do nothing to expose the existence of shifters.

  “Do no unnecessary harm to shifters or humans.

  “Respect other nonhumans.”

  She nodded. “Very logical and uncomplicated.”

  Seth grunted. “If all shifters were smart there would be no need for the Elite Hunters.”

  A frown pinched Sara’s brow. “I can understand the death penalty for the rogues you hunt. They have to be put down. But what’s the penalty for someone who breaks one of the rules?”

  “There are only two punishments, and they are simplistic and straightforward. The three lesser laws: always put your mate before yourself, respect another shifter’s mate, and respect all nonhumans—carry a punishment of blood rites. For the major rules of exposing shifters to humans or harming another shifter for any reason other than self-defense, carry a death sentence.”

  She looked him straight in the eye. “What are blood rites?”

  He scowled and bared his teeth. “It’s a very brutal but necessary punishment where the criminal is tied to a stake, and the offended party beats him. I don’t agree with the punishment, but jail time is out of the question for a shifter. We require touch and affection. Without that, we go insane. It’s paramount that shifters remain secret, or we’ll all find ourselves laboratory subjects, dissected to figure out how we work.”

  Sara cringed. “Wow, savage and barbaric but understandable as a deterrent if incarceration is off the table.”

  “Exactly. No one wants to be strapped to the blood rites post.”

  She nodded. “So, should we get started?”

  “Yes, we should. Close your eyes and visualize a wolf. Notice the details of the beast. Fur covers the entire body. The shape of its head and muzzle. The length of its tail and the shape and size of its paws. Hold that visual and imagine you are that wolf. Fur covers your body. You have a tail. You have paws instead of hands and feet.”

  Sara closed her eyes, took a deep breath and scrunched up her face. The next thing he knew, he had a silvery-white wolf tangled in a blouse and slacks struggling to free herself. Narrowed olive eyes glared at him from the tangle of clothing. Me thinks you forgot an important part of the instructions, sensei.

  Seth covered his mouth to hide his laughter, but the shake of his shoulders gave him away. “I’m sorry, mon amour. I forgot to tell you to imagine no clothing. No blouse, pants, or under things.”

  Sara’s gorgeous silver wolf narrowed her eyes further and then closed them altogether. The clothes vanished.

  Seth clapped in approval. “Very good.”

  Sara gave him a bow and big wolfy grin, then her tail wagged, and she yelped. What the hell was that?

  This time Seth couldn’t hold back his laughter. Your tail, cher.

  Sara twisted around to eye the long furry extension of her body. She gave it a trial swish. It feels freaky.

  You’ll get used to it.

  I hope so. The thing is distracting.

  Okay, enough about your tail. Try to shift back. Imagine yourself human again and don’t forget the clothes unless you want to end up in bed. On second thought, forget the clothes.

  Good try, Romeo. I have to practice this. Cardio among the sheets will have to wait.

  Sara’s wolf eyes closed and suddenly she was a human again, and fully clothed, dang it. He gave her a one-man standing ovation. “Excellent. Since cardio is off the menu, try to shift again. If you can do it without any problems, I’ll get a stopwatch and we can work on your speed.”

  He took a seat and quietly let her practice. Now that she had the basics of shifting she was a natural. She didn’t need any more coaching from him. Several successful shifts later Seth had a stopwatch out and ready to work on her speed. Five more shifts and Sara was almost as fast as he was. To his surprise and delight, she could even shift on the run.

  She shifted to human and turned to him a little out of breath. “Can we work on fighting techniques now?”

  “Not quite yet. For one, you’re exhausted, and for two, I want to get my best friend here to demonstrate offensive and defensive moves. It’s one thing to explain them and another to see them done.”

  “Does he live here?”

  Seth palmed his phone and called up Richie’s number as he shook his head. “No, but I can have him here by tomorrow afternoon.”

  Seth opened the front door as Richie raised his knuckle to knock. “Richie. Come in. How was your flight?”

  Richie shrugged out of his coat. “Good. Relaxing. The Le Beau jet is very comfortable.”

  Seth took it and hung it in the closet. “I’m glad it was available. Mom and Dad like to pop in at Lucas’s ranch and have been hogging it lately.”

  “Seth? Who are you talking to?” Sara called from the bedroom where she was changing.

  “The friend I told you about. Come on out here, and I’ll introduce you.”

  Still fluffing her hair, Sara walked into the living room. “Hello.”

  “Hello, cher.” Richie grinned and nudged Seth. “You did good.”

  Sara’s cheeks pinkened.

  Seth smiled and put his arm around her waist. “Mon amour, this is my best friend Richie Majors. Richie, this is my beloved mate, Sara Adams.”

  Sara extended a hand to Richie who raised it to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “I’m very pleased to meet you, Sara.”

  Sara’s eyes widened, and she shot a look at Seth.

  “No need to worry, my love. It’s customary and a show of respect for a man to kiss a woman’s hand. Besides, Richie is a happily mated male.”

  “Oh. Okay.” She turned her attention back to Richie a slightly deeper shade of pink. “I’m very pleased to meet you too. Thank you so much for coming all the way from Louisiana to help me.”

  Richie shrugged one shoulder. “I’m happy to do it. When Seth told me he was assigned this hunt, I offered to help him in any way, and I meant it.”

  “Seth is lucky to have such a good friend. You must have been up before dawn to get here so quickly. Would you like to rest for a bit?”

  Richie snorted, then winked good-naturedly. “I’m a shifter, cher. It takes a lot more than getting up a few hours early to wear me out.” He glanced around the room and rubbed his hands together. “Where do you want to do this?”

  Seth glanced at the clock on the wall. Only one o’clock. They had plenty of time to teach Sara a few essential moves before dinner. “The basement is unfinished. We’ll have plenty of room to maneuver and nothing breakable.”


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