Cats and Dogs

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Cats and Dogs Page 8

by May Sage

  "What do you mean, Jas was kidnapped?" Christine asked, eyes wide. "It's Jas."

  Other than Ace, she was the strongest female in their pride and she was such a great enforcer. Blending in, being sneaky, was her forte. Plus, she could mute her vibes and pass for a regular better than anyone else she knew. Christine couldn't comprehend how she could have gotten herself kidnapped.

  "By Jason Force," Coveney said, letting them in on her location and condition. "We can't smell any blood and she was definitely breathing. Hunter went in; he thinks his brother wants to talk."

  Rye said nothing as he got up but they could all feel the intensity of his rage. He wasn't pissed; he was downright enraged. Feeling the start of his shift, Christine stepped in instinctively, and outstretched her hand, placing it on his shoulder.

  Then, Ace's words came back to mind, and she frowned, realising what she was doing.

  She was willing him to calm down, thinking, "It's all right, just breathe," all while clearing her own mind to breathe as slowly as she could.

  Under her palm, Rye's shoulders stopped trembling, and his shift was interrupted. There was still anger in his eyes, but he didn't look like he was about to burst out of the house and kill everything that moved in his path anymore.

  Christine turned to Ace, who winked at her, mouthing, "Badass."

  Man. Ace hadn't lied to make her feel better. Christine was doing something to keep the peace, although she'd never consciously noticed it before.

  "Let's not be blind, here," Rye said. "There's every possibility that this could be an elaborate trap. The Vergas could have planted Hunter here as a way to get us out of the way and go for Lola. We need to be smart about this."

  Christine had always loved and respected Rye, from the day he'd invited her to hang out, but she almost hated him for even suggesting that.

  "Unlikely," Ian said.

  Ace and Coveney both nodded in agreement.

  "I agree. Unlikely, but it's not impossible, so our priority is the pride house. Recall Theo and Luke from patrol," the Alpha male ordered. "Wake up everyone, except the kids. I need everyone around the house. Christine, stay with Lola. Ask Clari to stick to the kids' floor, too."

  Christine opened her mouth to protest, but Ace beat her to it.

  "I'll stay with Lola. Chris needs to be on the frontline this time."

  She did need it, truly, although she couldn't explain it to herself. She would have begged to be allowed to go out there and help.

  Help him, and prove that he wasn't the slimeball Rye believed him to be.

  If she was wrong, she needed to be there anyway, so she could strangle him with her bare hands.

  The strength of her feelings made no sense to her because Hunter Force was a stranger. A hot stranger, but a stranger, nonetheless.

  And yet, she couldn’t shake it.

  Chapter 18


  Hunter advanced slowly and found the door ajar when he got there. He pushed it with the toe of his boot, staying behind, just in case. Jason was a master in the art of traps.


  The cabin smelled as bad as the one they’d worked on today, so he couldn’t detect anything, except Jason’s and Jas’ distinctive scents.

  “Don’t be such a damn pussy, Hunter. Come on in.”

  Yeah, right. He took his time to inspect everything, expecting to find himself upside down and tangled in a net at any second.

  Jas’ voice said, “Ar, ar. Pussy. I get it. You’re a funny one. We’re doing cat jokes, now, because we’re in fourth grade.”

  She sounded just fine.

  “Jas, does he have a weapon in his hand?” Hunter asked, now that he knew her mouth wasn’t covered.

  “Nope. There’s a gun in his holster, though. Plus a knife in his left boot and another one strapped to his back.”

  That was normal gear for Jason. Hunter knew he went to bed with the knife strapped on his back. He probably showered with it, too.

  Hunter finally stopped pussyfooting, like his brother had accused him of doing, and walked in.

  Jas was handcuffed to a chair and looked seriously pissed about it.

  “You good?” he asked her.

  “Sure thing. I’m going to kill your brother, though.”

  Jason smiled. “You know, people don’t tend to announce their intentions in front of their prospective victims.”

  She batted her eyelashes, and replied, “Only when they’re scared of said prospective victim.”

  Hunter had to give major points to the female. He didn’t think he’d ever seen Jason be challenged like that.

  “Alright, tigress, I’m only coming close to undo those handcuffs. Letting you go, as promised. Are we good?”

  Jas smiled. It was a slow smile that lit up all her features, a sincere one. Hunter didn’t know her very well, but she looked like a fae about to devour someone’s fresh, beating heart and steal their soul.

  Somehow, Jason didn’t read the warning; he walked to her and got behind her before working on her metal bonds. She stayed very still through it all.

  The moment the second cuff clicked undone, the female bent her knees, leaping up, and flipping in mid-air. She was on Jason’s shoulders, her thighs crossed around his neck. She curved her back and reached towards the floor; once her hands were flat on the moldy carpet, she pulled her legs down, taking the large, powerful Beta down with her.

  The entire thing lasted two seconds, tops. She had him flat on the floor, kneeling above him, her hands around his throat.

  Jason could probably have managed to take her, but he remained frozen and shocked.

  Hunter had to laugh.

  “Told you you weren’t the type to like a girl on top,” Jas said with a snort.

  “Hey, I’m only the messenger. Killing me doesn’t get you a peace treaty.”

  She snarled, like someone who didn’t give a shit about peace. Hunter tilted his head, intrigued.

  “What treaty?”

  “Dad asked me to relay a message: he’s ready to sign a treaty, as long as you come home. You’re more important than some kids he wants revenge on.”

  Hunter laughed. “And you’re telling me we’re supposed to believe that crap?”

  Jason said, “Dad keeps his word.”

  “No. You keep your word. I keep my word. Gwen taught us to. Dad gives it and finds loopholes to justify doing what he pleases. You go tell him I have nothing to do with the Wyverns. I’ll leave in the morning. But I’m not returning to your backward, toxic pack, to do nothing except bear witness when kids get killed.”

  Jas turned to him, grimacing.

  “Does that mean I have to let him live?”

  “Afraid so.” He shrugged. “He doesn’t need to go back in one piece, though.”

  That seemed to cheer her up. The tips of her nails changed to claws, and she ran her hands down from his neck to his pecs, tearing through fabric and drawing blood.

  “Alright, enough of this.” Jason grabbed her by the wrists and yanked her hands down, before pushing her from him and shifting his body to hover above hers. “Not that this isn’t a delightful interlude, but I’m here on business, sweetheart. Stay.”

  “What did I say? I don’t stay.”

  “Well, we all have our burdens in life. Consider me yours right now.”

  On that note, he sat on her, his hands still pinning her down. She yelled, spat, scratched, and kicked. Like none of that was happening at all, Hunter turned to Jason.

  “Look, Dad was going to send Lincoln, and I knew you’d just kill him on sight. I came because I need you to fucking listen, here. You know how Dad is. If you come now, you’re in for a beating, maybe he’ll strip down your rank, but you’ll live it down. Stay away, and you’ll really piss him off. Next time, it might not be a nice friendly message he’s sending. I won’t be able to protect you.”

  Hunter had to roll his eyes. “When have you ever protected me, Jason? Or done anything except be Arthur’s little b

  “Yeah? How do you think you ended up going to college, little brother? Are you actually stupid enough to think that Dad just woke up and decided to let you go?”

  Hunter shut up. What the hell?

  “We were training when you called Gwen to tell her. Dad heard; he was going to go straight to you and say you’d stay right where you were. That no Force was leaving pack. Gwen begged. She’d never said please in her life but she begged Dad. But he didn’t want anything from her. She didn’t have a bargaining chip. I did.”

  All of a sudden, Hunter knew exactly what Jason was talking about.

  Gwen and Hunter had the same mother, but Jason had been son to one of Arthur’s mistresses; a she-wolf from the council. A woman who came from money. Jason had inherited a part of his grandmother’s fortune at age sixteen. At age twenty-four, he gave it to the pack. Hunter hadn’t thought much about it; it was a very Jason-esque thing to do. The perfect brother always heeled to please their father.

  But he had given it the summer Hunter was accepted to college.

  “You paid for my freedom.” That was fucking mind-blowing. “Why would you do that?”

  Jason shook his head. “Because you’re my brother, you stupid-ass idiot.”

  Hunter opened his mouth, and closed it again, because his brain was too busy to formulate anything coherent.

  “Dad is a dick,” Jason stated. Jason. The guy he’d believed to be Arthur’s clone. “But he’s still strong - stronger than me or you, despite your tantrum during his morbid little ceremony. He’s never lost a challenge and his wolf is still strong enough to take most of us. Could I rebel and go play with rocks like you? Sure. But then the pack might go to a bullying bigot just like him. I’m doing what I can so that the pack comes to me one day. Then, I can change things. The slaves. The evaluations. I’ll banish it all. I want you by my side to create a better place for our people. You’ve seen the world. You’re the voice of tomorrow. Together, we can ensure our generation does better than the last one.”

  That made sense: he’d been transported in an alternative reality. Or maybe he’d just been knocked out and was having a weird-ass dream.

  Jas had stopped wiggling now. She lifted her head and said, “Great, you’ll be king of a utopia and everyone will live happily ever after. Just explain to me how in the meantime, it’s okay to kill kids and hunt down your own damn niece?”

  A second passed without anyone moving or talking.

  Then, Jason’s blue eyes flashed black and yellow, turning wolf, and he growled, “My what?”

  Chapter 19


  Jason was also a hottie. A little taller than Hunter, and definitely bulkier, he was up there with Rye on the list of frightening, overbearing Alpha males.

  When Christine had arrived at the cabin with Rye and Coveney, they found everyone talking. There was a slight smell of blood in the air, but it wasn’t Jas’ or Hunter’s, and no sign of a fight alerted them, so they approached tentatively.

  Hunter was telling his brother that Lola was the daughter of their late sister, and apparently, Jason was fucking pissed about the whole thing.

  “He didn’t know?” asked Rye, frowning.

  “Nope, he didn’t,” Jas answered.

  She was perched on a broken chair, seemingly amused by the whole thing.

  Christine couldn’t say the same.

  Jason was starting to shift, without consciously choosing to. Having a pissed off shifter in his animal form was never a good idea; but an enemy wolf, in their territory? Hell no. Christine wouldn’t stand for that, especially since the object of his anger was her precious little Lola bear.

  She took a step closer to him. Rye immediately moved to pull her behind her, but she glared at him.

  “Christine?” It was Hunter this time. She ignored him, too, approaching Jason, who looked at her like she was a worm he’d just stepped on.

  Her hand went to his arm, slowly.

  It’s okay. Calm down.

  Jason’s eyes widened.

  “What the fuck is this? What are you doing to me?”

  She retracted her hand, but Jason reached out, holding her wrist.

  “Don’t stop. You’re settling the wolf. Just tell me what you’re doing. Are you a witch?” he sniffed. “I smell cat.”

  “Cheetah, thank you very much,” she replied. “And a cheetah that definitely wants to claw you for making her worry about her family, by the way.”

  The wolf was frowning.

  He stepped away; his eyes had gone back to their human form.

  “What was that? I need to learn that trick.”

  She shrugged. “Ace thinks it’s submissive vibes.”

  She expected him to recoil, maybe curse her out. That was what Vergas were all about, after all. Instead, he nodded. “You’re an Omega. I read about them.”

  “Omega?” she repeated.

  The wolf shrugged. “Submissives who can take Alphas. Control them, if they’re weak enough. Didn’t you take shifter history at school?”

  She hadn’t. Most people didn’t, it was one of the most boring electives anyone could opt for, full of dates and complicated names.

  “Anyway, why the fuck would Dad hunt our fucking niece? It makes no sense. Does he even know—”

  “Jason, he fucking knew. And there’s more. He was the one who raided Gwen’s home. He shot her, she told me herself. He might have aimed for her mate but it was Gwen who took the bullet. She died in my arms.”

  The wolf wasn’t pissed anymore; he was distraught, feeling desperate and lost.

  How could she tell? She didn’t know but she fucking needed to read up on Omegas, apparently.

  “He killed Gwen,” Jason repeated numbly. Then he started moving towards the door.

  Rye stood in the way and glared at him.

  The wolf’s eyes set on their Alpha male’s.

  “Don’t make me do this. Not right now. Trust me, you won’t like the result.”

  Rye chuckled. “Just try to push me, dog. You came to my territory and abducted one of my females. The only reason you’re still in one piece is because you’re blood to some of my people. But, come at us again and I’ll take pleasure in tearing you to shreds.”

  A second passed. Then Jason nodded. “I’m not ever going to attack this pride. Send a peace treaty to the pack. It’ll be signed and sent to the Council.”

  The two males stared at each other for another second, and then Rye stepped aside, letting Jason go.

  Before leaving, he turned to Hunter. “Come back home. I’ll need you tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” Christine repeated, after following his silhouette as he disappeared in the woods.

  “Because,” said Jas, “he’s about to go home and kill Daddy Dearest. Tomorrow, he’ll be Alpha.”

  Hunter swore out loud, and dashed towards the door, where Rye stopped him, too.

  “Look, I can’t let him do this alone. He said it himself a few minutes ago: no one can take our father. He’s too strong, never lost a challenge.”

  “Yes, and you’ll nonetheless stop and think for a minute. If your brother challenges your father, it’ll be a one-on-one. Jump in and it’d invalidate the result. It’s his fight.”

  “I can—”

  Rye sighed. “You can stay for two seconds and listen to me.”

  “You don’t get it,” Hunter yelled. “All my life, I thought Jason was a goddamn piece of shit, and I was wrong. I owe him. I should be there for him.”

  “Yes,” Rye acknowledged. “And none of that trumps one simple fact.”

  Hunter looked like he might argue with whatever came out of Rye’s mouth.

  “I have access to a private jet.”

  The wolf stopped. “Oh.”

  “Yes, 'oh.' Let me make a call. Whether he’s driving or running, we’ll get there before your brother.”

  “We?” Hunter asked.

  Rye shrugged. “Seventeen. That’s the number of times Hsu warned us
of an attack. We owe you. This is one opportunity to repay the favor. Do you know how many times a shifter wins the leadership of a pack in a challenge and ends up killed right after? They’re weakened and vulnerable. All the Alpha males in your pack might descend on him and fight it out the moment he’s done. The true winner is always the person with the most support there. Let us help.”

  Christine loved the fuck out of her Alpha for this.

  “Sounds good,” Jas piped in. “Except, of course, for the fact that we’ll all get killed on sight if the enforcers find us anywhere near the border of their territory.”

  Hunter shook his head.

  “I can sneak you in. That’s not a problem.”

  Coveney was the first to ask how, and Hunter shrugged.

  “We just need to ghost.”

  Chapter 20


  Thankfully, Rye’s father was in a good mood when they called and he let them take the jet. Twelve hours later, they all were in Texas.

  That’s when they discovered that ghosting sucked.

  “I can’t fucking stand it, get it off me,” Ace begged, tears in her eyes.

  The term "tears" and Ace had never before been used in the same sentence. But eau de wolf shit was the worst thing they’d done in their lives. Strong smells were that painful for a shifter. If it was hard for them, felines, Christine wondered how bad it was for Hunter. Wolves’ noses were a lot more sensitive than theirs. So, they were literally covered in essence of shit.

  “How can you stand it?” Rye whispered, as they passed through a hole in the outer fence of the Vergas pack’s land.

  Hunter shrugged. “Habit. I started to sneak out when I was eight, to go get some sweets in the next town over. By the time I shifted, I was so used to it that it didn’t bother me. I think that training my nose to smell things past the shit is the reason why my sense of smell is so acute. Wait a second, here.”

  They crouched and waited in silence. A wolf was walking their way. His direct trajectory would have taken him straight in front of them, but he purposefully avoided the area where they were hiding behind a car. When he’d passed, Daunte said, “Fucking brilliant. He doesn’t suspect that anything’s wrong because wolf shit is something he’s used to smelling. He just thinks someone took a dump and doesn’t want to deal with it.”


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