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Surviving Page 8

by A J Newman

  “Okay, John,” Gus grunted and trudged off into the night.

  Beth caught John and said, “You sure do boss people around a lot, don’t you John?”

  John looked at Beth and said,” I'm sorry, I had not realized that I was being bossy.”

  “John, I was only joking with you, it is obvious that the others look up to you and you are a good leader. You have saved my ass and helped save all of the others from harm several times today,” replied Beth.

  “Don’t give me too much credit and remember only this afternoon you were calling me a pervert for looking at a beautiful woman.”

  Beth moved closer and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

  She said, “Thanks for saving my life this morning and you can watch my ass anytime you want to.”

  John threw his arms around her and pressed her against his chest. John kissed her quickly and she rubbed her cheek against his.

  A half hour later, Steve said, “Someone’s coming toward us; I think its Jim and Scott.”

  Steve had been on lookout since the boys had left on their scouting trip.

  “Hello, don’t shoot, it’s Jim and me.”

  They strolled into the middle of them and filled them in on their scouting trip.

  Scott said, “Dad, you were right, the bomb killed one and wounded all of the others. None has life-threatening wounds, but several are in great pain and the others were peppered with tin and gravel. Only Karl and Manny appear to have escaped with minor wounds. Even the girl was hit in the chest by shrapnel from the can. Her right boob got hit by a piece of tin and they were making fun of her.”

  John asked, “How could you know all of this, son?”

  “Dad, we snuck right up on their camp. They are only about a mile or so behind us and have a roaring fire in a cave on the bank of the creek. Dad, let’s plan another attack tonight and do away with this scum, they are sitting in the open at the front of the cave. You can see all of them huddled around the fire, several had already bedded down for the night and the rest are drinking heavily.”

  John replied, “Son, wait until Gus gets back and then we will discuss this further. Our goal is to escape from them, not to kill all of them. Besides this cozy camp, that you’re telling us about sounds somewhat suspicious to me. Sounds like a trap or they are plain stupid.”

  Steve again warned them that someone was approaching. Everyone ducked behind trees and logs, for they were not going to be ambushed as easily as the thugs had been.

  This time the person stayed in the shadows for several minutes before Steve hollered, “Gus, we see you, get your sorry ass in here now.”

  “Damn, I’m getting too old and slow to sneak up on a bunch of tender foots like you.”

  Gus approached the group with a smile and quietly whistled a tune.

  “I didn’t find a five star hotel, but I found a place about a half a mile on down the creek where we can get out of the rain, but sorry, no fire tonight. We will be cold camping.”


  Chapter 14

  The First Night

  Deep Woods Somewhere in Idaho

  May 17, 2020

  They walked alongside the creek bed and out of the now rushing water as much as possible, but had to cross the creek or walk in the middle of it several times. The rain continued to pour down, soaking most of them to the bone. At least all the women had the jackets from their camp to keep their upper bodies dry. The rain had started pouring down after the ambush.

  While Alice was not in shock, one could tell that she had been severely traumatized by the gang rape and abuse that she had suffered earlier in the day. Steve continued to help Janet as they continued towards the campsite and Bill, Janet’s husband was helping Alice. Janet appeared to be okay, almost as if nothing had happened. She stayed very close to Steve.

  Beth and John were walking and talking.

  “What the f…err heck is going on,” John whispered to Beth.

  “I don’t know, but I had noticed Bill and Alice sneaking away from camp several times over the last week. They were going out into the woods and making love right under Janet’s nose. Janet does not need an unfaithful husband right now,” Beth added.

  John said, “But hell, Beth, look at Janet and Steve, she hugs up to him and looks deeply into his eyes every time she gets a chance."

  “She may be reacting to the rape or Bill being all over Alice. Hell, I just don’t know. I thought I knew those two, but whatever is going on, they kept it from me,” she told him. Then she said, “Hon, why don’t you just ask Steve what he knows?”

  “Beth, you just called me Hon. Please don’t do that unless this can go somewhere. I am 10 years older than you are and live 400 miles from your home. Don’t tease me because..…”

  Beth pulled him close to her and said, “Hon, I don’t know you real well, but I really like what I’ve seen so far.”

  She then smiled, walked ahead and joined Janet and Steve for the rest of the walk to their camping spot.

  The group rounded a bend and Gus pointed to an outcropping of rock that jutted out over the creek from a wall of rock on the right side of the creek. John pulled a tiny single cell flash light out of one of his many pockets and shined it all around the area that Gus had pointed out, looking for critters and snakes.

  Steve saw the light and exclaimed, “I knew that you just could not abide by the rules of this camping trip, but this time your gadgets are welcome. Do you have any more?”

  John replied to Steve,” I always have a few tricks up my sleeve, now let’s make camp.”

  There was a hollowed out place in the rock wall, just below the outcropping, that was large enough to provide shelter from the rain. The floor was sand that had washed in from the creek during high water. They began walking up to their home for the night. It was about five feet up above the bottom of the creek bed and was like walking up a steep sandy beach. The ground consisted of dry sand and would make as nice a place to sleep as they could have found. John saw no snakes or other creatures and they sat down in the sand and stared going through what gear they had.

  After setting their gear down, Beth poked John in the shoulder, “I am so hungry, I could eat the southern end of a northbound skunk.”

  They had been so busy surviving that none of them had thought about food. None of the group had eaten since breakfast, but at least Beth’s bunch did have sandwiches for lunch.

  “John, didn’t you get some of our food when we grabbed some of the gear back at our camp?”

  “Damn, you’re right Beth, I forgot all about it.”

  He had been packing the small duffel bag since they left Beth’s camp. He also had the candy and candy bars from the plane. He dumped the bag’s contents on the ground and searched through the pile on the ground.

  “Damn it John, I can’t see a darn thing.”

  “Hold on Beth,” with that he pulled the tiny single cell flash light out and illuminated the contents of the bag. “You can have the flashlight.”

  “Thanks, Hon,” Beth replied as she squeezed his hand.

  They then sorted through the food to see what to eat tonight and what to save for later.

  Gus took charge of the food and told them up front that he had no idea how long they would be in the woods.

  "With these bad guys on our tail, we can’t stop and fish or hunt so what we have is what we may have to live on for two to three days,” Gus warned all.

  Each person was given a can of beans and franks and a piece of bread for their supper. The beans reminded Gus of all the jokes about farting from the movie Blazing Saddles, but the humor was lost on all but Jim. Gus did give a mint to each for desert after they finished their outstanding meal. The creek supplied the water. They all agreed to save the remaining food and candy for tomorrow.

  “Jim, grab that rope that you have been packing and those empty cans. We are going to set up some trip wires and early warning systems,” Gus said with a wicked smile.

  “John, I’ll take the fir
st watch then you finish up the night. The rest of these guys need their beauty sleep.”

  “That’s okay with me,” John replied as he reminded Jim and Scott to fill Gus in on what they had seen on their scouting trip back to the GAO crew. He then caught Steve and asked him what the heck was going on with him and Janet.

  “Now John, don’t make too much of it, I am not trying to take advantage of a poor girl in a weak moment. She and Bill were already breaking up. She and Alice are still good friends even though Bill’s been seeing Alice for about three months.”

  “Why the hell didn’t they just get a divorce like normal people, and then screw their brains out?” John asked.

  “Remember they all work at the same school, they were trying to work out a job change for Bill so that none of them would get fired if it leaked before they were ready.”

  “Well anyway, are you falling for Janet?”

  “Damn John, I’ve only known her for a few hours, but I do like her and want to protect her from any more harm,” Steve responded.

  Steve thought for a minute and said, “John, what about you and Beth, we can all see you two holding on to each other.”

  “Steve, your imagination is just running wild because you are feeling guilty yourself,” John replied.

  “Bullshit,” was his answer.

  While Gus and Jim were out setting traps, they gave each of the ladies one of the three sleeping bags that they had brought from Beth’s camp. Everyone spread out under the outcropping and prepared the best they could for a well-deserved night’s rest. Janet had placed her sleeping bag as far from the rest of them as she could and still be protected from the rain. The rest, including Beth, kept close together as close to the rock wall as possible.

  Everyone stripped down to their underwear and hung their clothes on bushes and rocks to try to dry them over night. The guys had fresh dry underwear and socks from their duffel bags that they had salvaged from the plane, but Beth and John did not think to grab clothing from their camp for the women. They gave each of the ladies a T-shirt to sleep in while their undies dried. With the rain continuing to pour down, there probably would not be much drying accomplished tonight, but it was great to have some dry clothes next to their wrinkled skin.

  John looked over the camp and saw Gus on guard and the others sleeping. Like a shepherd watching his flock, John knew he could not sleep until they were safe. John walked over to where Beth was laying on her sleeping bag and sat down next to her. He told her that he was too keyed up to sleep now, but would try later. She said that she could not sleep either. Beth and John talked about their families and friends back home. He really enjoyed her company and felt that he had met someone special.

  “John, why did you and your wife get divorced, did you run around on her?”

  “No, it wasn’t anything like that. I think that we just grew apart over the years. We were high school sweethearts who finally got married and grew up and then apart.”

  “Well how did you change and why did you want the divorce?” Beth asked.

  “Again, it was not like that at all. I was still in love with her and was happy when she sprung the idea on me. I didn’t beat her or run around on her, we had a nice house and enough money. I run a successful chain of body shops in the Mobile area and we were set for life,” John answered.

  “Well, why did she leave you then?” she pried. “Beth, you are getting kind of personal here, aren’t you?”

  She smiled, “Yes I am, now answer please, I want to know all about you.”

  John said, “I’m guessing that your ex cheated on you and might have been abusive."

  She gave him a peck on the cheek and said, “It was rough and I could not go through that shit again."

  John lay down on the sleeping bag with her and then he told her about how Ann had walked in one day and said that she needed her space, packed her bags and told him good-bye. The divorce papers were served on him at the shop a week later. He was crushed and had felt for a long time that somehow it was his fault. He told her that Scott had his own theory. It was because his mom came from the old money in Mobile and that their life was just too plain for her.

  John said, “Hell, the kid could be right for now you always see her in the paper on the arm of some rich guy or the other.”

  They lay there with him spooned up against her back. She squeezed his leg and fell asleep. She had a slight snore, but otherwise fell sound asleep.

  Gus woke John up about 4:00 a.m. from a light sleep that was chock full of nightmares and boogiemen. The last thing he remembered saying to Beth was about his ex. Not exactly what you really want to be discussing with a sweet young thing that you want to get in good with. He then remember this dream about making love to Beth, it seemed so real. He took a minute to watch Beth sleep and knew that he was falling for her.

  They moved away from the rest so that they could talk for a minute before Gus woke the others up. It had stopped raining and was warm, the clouds had passed and the stars were bright. It was a beautiful night with a half-moon shinning down on the forest. It had gotten very foggy and looked like a scene from one of the old Sherlock Holmes' movies in England with the wisps of fog dancing around in the gentle breeze.

  Gus said, “Jim filled me in on what they learned from watching the thugs. Based on that, I just think that we just need to bug out of here early and leave these guys behind. Let the law deal with them.”

  John said, “I agree, while part of me wants to sneak back there and finish them off; we chance getting more people hurt or killed. Let’s get everyone on the move about 4:30 a.m. and head for that road at about 5:00a.m.We should only be about 10 – 15 miles from it and if the women can move a little more quickly, we can get there tomorrow or the next day in the worst case.”

  Gus went to take care of business and John was happy for the first time in years. It was very quiet with only the sound of the water rushing in the creek and an occasional owl hooting in the night. This was the most peaceful time that he could remember having in quite a while; it gave him time to reflect on their situation and this beautiful woman, who he was getting more attached to minute-by-minute.

  John heard a noise behind him and saw Beth walking towards him. “Hon, are you okay? Would you like some company?” She smiled.

  “I’m okay. Don’t you need a little more sleep? We are going to be on a forced march in 30 minutes,” John responded.

  “I’ll be fine. Remember I am a hiker from way back, I will walk you into the dirt,” she laughed.

  “You are probably right; I’m getting too old for this shit.”

  She popped him on the shoulder as she sat down, “Don’t say that, I like you just the way you are.”

  She then kissed John before he could say a word.

  John tried for another and she waved her finger at him and said, “Don’t be a pig.”

  John replied, “Beth, I really like you and when this is over I’d like to see you again."

  She said, “Didn’t you see enough of me yesterday?”

  John laughed and replied, “Maybe I’d like to see more.”

  She gently slapped him and told him to be a good boy.

  John looked at his watch, “We have to get the others up in about fifteen minutes. Gus wants us to be on the trail about 5:00 a.m.”

  She put her arm around him and lay her head on his shoulder for the next fifteen minutes. Neither of them said a thing and just enjoyed each other’s company.

  • • •

  Beth and John went around shaking each one until they opened their eyes. Jim jumped up and exclaimed, “Good morning LA.” Gus kicked him in the ass and told him that there were ladies present. All were laughing at Jim and Gus. They all quickly put their rather damp clothes on and packed up what little gear they had in their possession and made ready to leave. Just as they started down the creek bed, they heard tin cans banging and someone cussing. Apparently, the bad guys had the same idea about getting an early start.

Let’s haul ass folks. That was one of my trip wires and it is only a hundred yards out. Let’s go! We need to get to civilization,” Gus exclaimed.

  John knew that today they had to keep on the move and stop less than their pursuers or they would get caught. They had just been lucky back there when Gus' trap had warned them.

  Just then, they heard a scream and a burst of gunfire.

  Gus laughed, “I’ll bet they just found my pongee sticks. That will slow one of the bastards down for a while. They will be looking for traps everywhere.” With that, they picked up the pace.

  • • •

  Maria woke up with Manny softly stroking her hair with one hand while the other was resting under her blouse. She shoved his hand away from her hair and slapped the other one.

  “Manny, you are just making me hate you more and more, yet you say you love me.”

  “I do love you and I also want you in the worst way,” replied Manny.

  She replied, “Well, I will never want to be with you if you keep trying to rape me like those other women.”

  All of the others were awake and had already gotten their gear ready to travel.

  “Maria, the rest of us are ready to go. We must catch the Yankees before they get moving this morning,” said Jesus.

  Maria said, “I’m not going anywhere until I take a trip behind those rocks over there and Jesus make damn sure that Manny doesn’t try to peek.”

  They bickered for a minute and Karl said, “The Lady has to go.”

  Maria went behind the rocks to do her business in private, but had to watch over her shoulder the entire time to make sure that Manny or one of the other perverts weren’t watching her using the outdoor facilities. She knew that she had to get away from this bunch one of these days, but she also wanted to slow them down so that the hunters could escape. She took her time until she knew that Karl would be upset. She finished, returned to camp and picked up her part of the gear and they followed Red along the creek bed.


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