Piper Dreams: Make It Happen (Dream Series Book 2)

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Piper Dreams: Make It Happen (Dream Series Book 2) Page 9

by Amélie S. Duncan

  “What the fuck?! That filthy son of a bitch,” Brody said. “When did this all happen? Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice elevated. He took steps to close the distance between us.

  I stepped back and held up my hands. If he touched me, I would cry, and I wasn’t falling apart in front of him again. “I handled it. I gave him one photo during the trip.…”

  “You were being threatened when you were with me and kept that to yourself?” He cursed. “You sent him a photo?”

  “It was only of my face, and when he asked for more I told him to fuck off, but he got to my mom first. She was upset because I lied to her about going on the trip,” I admitted.

  His eyes clouded over. “Because of me.”

  “It wasn’t just because of you. I’ve never done anything like that before.”

  “She hasn’t. Star would have sent a fleet of cops after her. Although, she did much wilder things when she was twenty-one. I, on the other hand, am proud of Piper for breaking out of her norm and living. Her father would have been proud too,” Aunt Luna said.

  I smiled. I could have hugged her for that.

  Brody relaxed though I could tell from the set of his jaw he was still a little mad at me. “Bottom line; I need to sell the bike to afford school. It’s my last resort. If you can’t help me.…”

  “I will help you,” Brody said. He took another step towards me and my pulse sped up. I glanced over at Aunt Luna, who was studying us.

  “Alright, Piper. You want to be alone with your handsome lover that traveled far to see you, and help you may I add; you’ll have to send me away to make breakfast,” she said.

  “Yes. Please go ahead, unless you want to share more embarrassing things about me,” I said.

  “It can wait until later,” she said. Great.

  “She’s not much of a morning person. I don’t know if you have found that out yet,” she mused.

  “No, but she snores,” he grinned.

  “Yes. That’s why she’s staying in the room downstairs.” They shared a laugh together at my expense!

  When they recovered, I nudged her towards the door. “Okay. Thanks, Aunt Luna.”

  “Wait at least let me find out what’s his Zodiac sign?” she protested.

  “I’m a Libra,” Brody answered.

  She tilted her head. “Fair and diplomatic. A passionate, giving lover. I approve.”

  “You barely met him.” I glanced at Brody and found his gaze on me. I licked my lips.

  “I’m intuitive,” Aunt Luna said touching her head before finally leaving us alone in the barn. Taking with her the rest of the air in the room.

  “You didn’t say you were coming here. How did you get here?”

  “Doc sent me the directions, and I rented a truck to get here,” He stepped closer to where I stood and my body heated up.

  My jaw unhinged. “What? Drove? That’s like twenty hours. Why on earth?”

  “I flew down to Los Angeles first to get tools from my shop, then rented a car.”

  “You must be tired,” I said like an idiot. Of course he was tired! “I wish I had known. I’m so sorry. You drove all this way, and you may not find it worth buying,” I babbled.

  “I’m sure that’s not the case,” he replied and moved another step closer.

  “You should go to bed. You can now,” I said playing with my hands. I wanted to touch him.

  He touched me first. His large hands, smoothing my messy hair. “I will soon.”

  “I wish I had known it was you. I didn’t want to look like this when I saw you again.” I ran out of air in my lungs.

  “I still find you beautiful. You’re beautiful no matter how you look.” His gaze blazed a hot trail from my breasts down to my hips, and a tremor went through my body. He took a step closer to me, but this time, I moved quickly out of his reach and over to the bike in the corner.

  “Well um… I just got here, so I didn’t uncover it yet, but here it is.” My hands shook as I tugged at the cover.

  He came up to me and took my hands in his. “I’ll do it.”

  A jolt of awareness sparked through our connected hands. I dropped my head, and he moved closer until my forehead brushed his hard chest. I inhaled a sharp breath. His smell; a mix of cologne, leather, and him filled my nostrils. I love the way he smelled; I missed him. His hands slowly eased around me. The heat from them, warming through the thin fabric of my tank top as they settled on my waist and tightened. My hands inadvertently reached up and around his neck, and he exhaled. I hadn’t even lasted a few minutes without being in his arms, but they felt so good, so right. Then again, I remembered his arms were only on loan. He’d take them back and leave me.

  I broke away from his embrace, and he let me. I rubbed my arms willing away the goose bumps that broke along my skin from his touch.

  “I’m fine. I just haven’t seen the bike in a while. I’ll be okay, Thanks,” I stammered.

  “You don’t have to put on a brave face for me. We can do this later.” He tucked my hair behind my ears.

  I lifted my chin. “It’s okay. I’m fine.”

  He eased me to the side and carefully took off the cover, revealing the 1940 Harley Davidson Knucklehead 40 El, as my dad used to say. Even under the cover, the black tear drop tank still managed to get some dust. Still, there was no doubt it was a beautiful piece of machinery. I didn’t know much about bikes, but from Brody’s expression, it must be good. My eyes roved over the finer points of the bike, the sturdy frame, lights down to my dad’s old leather saddlebag with embroidered Conchos still attached. He tried to turn it on, but it didn’t start. My mind flooded with memories of dad riding, working on it, or riding me and my mom around the farm. A deep sadness crept up inside of me again. A sob escaped my lips, and I covered my mouth. He was there again putting his arms around me and rubbing my back soothingly.

  “You can’t do that anymore. Don’t comfort me,’ I faltered.

  His hand stilled, but neither of us moved. I was still in his arms. “Why’re you holding me? I mean why are you here really? You could have gotten anyone to come or let someone else do it,” I said.

  “Because I knew how hard this would be for you and I was hoping to talk you out of it. How much money do you need to keep going?” he asked.

  “Nope. That I won’t share. But whatever you can…you can get for the bike,” I stuttered.

  “Stubborn woman,” he groaned and pressed his lips against my forehead and smoothed my hair. He sighed and let me go. He was finding it hard not to touch me too.

  “Battery is flat, the gas needs to be drained from the carburetors, and the brakes need freeing too, to start. I’d need to get my tools to know more,” he said.

  I swallowed. I hadn’t thought I may need to repair the bike to sell it. “How much is that going to cost?” I asked.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll work on it personally,” he said.

  My pulse accelerated. “You can deduct the cost. I mean if you will have to transport it. Are you taking the bike with you today?” I asked.

  “No. I hoped to work on it here. Your Aunt Luna said it was fine. It may take a day or so to order the parts too,” he ran his hand through his hair.

  “She did?” I smirked. Of course she did. “You don’t really have to fix it. I just need a quick sale. Can’t I just deduct the repairs from the final price to make it all easier?”

  He averted his eyes. “Without the repair, you wouldn’t make much of a profit.”

  “Oh, but I can’t keep you. What about Cole and Seren? I’m sure you don’t want to be away from them,” I said.

  He stared off into the distance. “They need some time alone.”

  I frowned. “I’m sorry. Seren told me that she had some tests and that she’s okay. Is that not true?”

  He didn’t answer, but he didn’t have to. He looked miserable now. I thought of all the love and care he had shown Seren over the time we were all together, and my heart ached. The thought of her being
sick was painful enough, but I couldn’t even imagine what this must be like for him and Cole.

  “I don’t know what to do,” he whispered. A slight tremble to his voice.

  “Oh, Brody. I’m sorry.”

  I ran my hand over his back. All I wanted to do was stay there with him, but getting close was a risk to my heart I wasn’t willing to give over easily again. I slowly released myself from his arms. His shoulders sagged. I couldn’t bring myself to look into his eyes again, so I made myself go over to the door before anything else happened between us. I paused in the jamb.

  “We’ll have breakfast. I’ll make up a bed for you to stay here and help in any way I can, so you can get back to Seren and Cole.” I was almost gone when Brody called out to me.


  I turned around, and waves of emotions bubbled up inside as I couldn’t stop myself from meeting his eyes again. What I found reflecting back made tears fill them. He was struggling with his emotions too, about me.

  “You want to know why I’m here.”

  I swallowed and waited.

  “I’m here because I love you.”

  “But you said love isn’t enough,” I replied.

  “I don’t know if it is, but I’m still here for you.”

  Chapter Eight


  WE STOOD THERE staring at each other. My heart breaking for every tear I watched flow down her beautiful face. I owned them, and I would make up for each one if she would let me.

  “I’m going to go and change, and we’ll eat breakfast,” she turned to walk away but stopped. “Thank you.”

  I gave a nod, and she left. Being here wasn’t going to be easy. I accepted that when Doc told me she needed help. She was right, I could have had anyone to come and see about the bike. But I chose to come. Even though all our problems were still between us, and nothing had changed. Hell, I didn’t even know how long I could stay away, but I’d bought myself a few days to work on the bike though it actually didn’t need much fixing. It did need all the work I’d told her, but those were easy fixes that I could handle in a day.

  From recent auctions of bikes in less shape and my contacts, she could get enough money to change her life selling that bike. She would also be sacrificing a piece of her heart too. I didn’t want her to do that, if I could, I’d talk her out of selling. Though I wouldn’t take her choice away from her. It was worth more than I could give her for it. I could give her my skill and assistance to sell it. I would do that for her, but it wouldn’t be quick. Still, I was determined to find a way to help her.

  I walked out of the barn and over to the big house—a converted barn with dark wood and large windows. One of them covered with stained glass birds. Well, we all have our hobbies. The side door was open, but the screen door was still closed. The faint smell of incense hung in the air. But when I got inside I could smell the applesauce and potato pancakes her Aunt Luna had cooked in the kitchen. I stopped to wash my hands in the small bathroom and took a deep breath.

  It had been a while since I’d done the meet and greet with a parental type though her Aunt didn’t appear old. She had that natural, ageless Californian woman look about her. Tall, tan, and thin, with long wavy hair. She was all smiles this morning too when I got here. She greeted me like I was an old friend she’d been expecting. So why was I nervous? I took a deep breath and headed over to the kitchen. When I got to the archway, I found Luna singing and swaying before the stove. And there I discovered they shared the same tone-deaf trait. I suppressed a laugh. They were both adorable in the way they gave themselves to the music. She waved the spatula at me once she spotted me standing there and turned down the volume.

  “Piper went to get dressed. Please have a seat.”

  “I can help,” I offered.

  She grinned and shook her head. “Next time.” I sat down, and she went back to stacking more little pancakes on a plate.

  “Seren would love these,” I said taking a seat at the small table.

  “I’ll have to make them for her when I see her. We sent some emails back and forth and talked on the phone. She’s agreed on my Heart Chakra dresses for her bridesmaids. Piper is very fond of her, and clearly you are too.”

  I rolled my neck. “I am. And that’s great. Cole will be happy to hear that,” I said, and I poured a cup of coffee from the carafe on the table.

  “Cole and Seren make up your ménage?” she asked.

  I stopped in mid lift of my cup. I’d relaxed too soon. “Um.”

  “I have been in a few ménages in my day, and I know there is more to ménages than sexual contact. Yours may not have crossed over yet.”

  “We won’t cross over.”

  “Never say never,” She said like she was some sort of seer. “There’s an intimacy and love between the three of you. You are in love with them. What other reason would it be that you take care of your friend’s woman and give up my niece?”

  I lowered my brows. I did like her. “Seren wasn’t always sick, but I don’t abandon my friends when they need help. I love them, but I don’t want to fuck them if that’s what you’re getting at.”

  She shrugged and brought over the plate of potato pancakes. “You don’t have to be so defensive. Honestly, I wouldn’t care if you were fucking them. I’m all about freedom. I’m not territorial, but Piper is. She gets that from her mother’s side of the family.”

  “You’re her father’s sister?” I asked.

  “Yes. Wheeler was my brother. His soul moved on to another level over a year ago.” She paused as if she was waiting for me to ask her about another level, but I wasn’t going there. I took a sip of my coffee.

  “My brother was crazy about Piper, and she was the same about him. They were close. He’d want to know what your intentions are with her.”

  I tapped the table. And you want to know my intentions too. “I’m sorry for your loss. All I can tell you is that I don’t want to hurt Piper. She told me about her college program and dream. If I can help her in any way, I will. I care about her.”

  “Oh, I know you love her,” she said as she sat down and leaned on her elbows towards me. “Your aura merged with hers the second you saw her. It was beautiful. I told her she would have to learn to share you if she wants to be with you. Right?”

  I lowered my brows. She had me on the ropes. “Sharing in the sense that I’d want us for all of us to be a part of each other’s lives, yeah. Seren loves her. Cole will love her too if he spends time with her.”

  “Good. I’m glad you see that.” She drunk her tea, and I sipped my coffee for a few minutes before she spoke again.

  “You know Piper wants to be a global journalist?”

  “Yeah. She told me about her college program. She was with us on the bucket list working on a project for her program.”

  “Yes, of course. That’s how you met,” she tilted her head. “Though I often wondered if her desire to be a global journalist was really hers and not Wheeler’s. He told her stories of the exciting part of global work. He didn’t share the dangers or dark parts that scarred him. Not that Piper would hear it, or anything bad about him when he was alive. But that’s her journey. She definitely won’t hear or change direction now.”

  “I wouldn’t stand in her way.” I took another sip of my coffee.

  “How do you feel about her being in danger? You accept that Cole is in a dangerous job, Navy SEAL. He goes where the worst of the war happens. He’s trained, but how will you feel about two of your lovers…” She waved her hand to stop me from correcting her. “…out in danger? Wheeler went to war-torn areas as a global journalist. Piper will too.”

  Pain gripped my heart. I hadn’t thought about that, at least not to the extent she said. I didn’t have an answer either, or not one I was ready to share. In truth, it would break me if something happened to her. Good thing Piper walked in and saved me from her Aunt’s weird interrogation. Though seeing her made putting my worries away all the more difficult.

sp; “Whoa. Ease up. I left him to talk to you, not for you to scare him away again,” she joked. Her tone was light, but she averted her eyes.

  “She’s not scaring me. I’m not going anywhere.” She was swooning at me now, so I left my feelings with the many other issues between us. She had put on a pretty pink sundress that hugged her tits in front and reached mid-thigh. Her bare thighs. My cock was sure the dress was a fuck-me dress and sprung to life. It moved the blood from my brain that was mulling over the mess that Luna made in my mind too. Oh, I want to fuck you, Sprite. You don’t ever need to doubt that. It’s what I came after, that I doubted we could handle.

  “You’re being too much,” she protested. “Keep it up and you will be uninvited to the wedding.”

  Her Aunt Luna looked at me, and I didn’t assure her she wouldn’t. So she ate her food. Good. I winked at Piper, and a small smile appeared on her lips. Her hand brushed the top of her breasts. She flushed.

  My dick twitched. Let her flirt. I didn’t mind. But now I couldn’t drag my gaze away from her sweet tits. Hell, I’d crawl across the table and suck on them if I could. I was hard as fuck now. I had to either grab her or force my gaze away. I went back to eating.

  Her Aunt’s mouth stayed closed enough for us to finish breakfast. It was delicious. When we were done, she was back with her questions.

  “Will you have any single friends attending this wedding?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” I answered. That brought a broad smile to her face and a pained look on Pipers.

  “Alright. I’ll ease up and keep my invitation,” she proclaimed.

  Piper’s phone rang, and she answered it in Spanish. I looked at her questioningly, and she said. “I’ll be right back,” and moved away from the table. A few minutes later she came back with a sheepish grin on her face.

  “That was Matt, my class partner,” she glanced at me.

  “Oh, was it now. Aren’t you on summer break?” I asked dryly.


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