Piper Dreams: Make It Happen (Dream Series Book 2)

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Piper Dreams: Make It Happen (Dream Series Book 2) Page 18

by Amélie S. Duncan

  “Hey,” Cole hit my shoulder. “Come back from wherever you went, we need you today, at least, to hand me the ring.”

  I grinned and patted the pocket of the tuxedo. “I’ve got you.”

  “You mean Piper’s got you. Hell, she’s got all of us.”

  I grinned. True. My sweet little beauty had created a position for herself as wedding manager and went around triple checking to make sure everyone was doing their part to make the wedding “perfect” for them. “She means well.”

  “I know. She’s got the makings of a drill sergeant,” he said and chuckled. “We’re going to miss her,” he said. “Seren blossomed with her around.”

  “Seren blossomed with you being here,” I said.

  “I know. She needs me,” he said and adjusted the floral Luna had pinned on his tuxedo. “That’s why I’m going to make sure I’m here. I’m not going to extend my time as a Navy Seal. I’ll finish out the time I have left, but I won’t stay.”

  My mouth went dry. “Are you sure?”

  “You know me. I wouldn’t say it if I wasn’t going to do it,” he said.

  “Did you tell Seren?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “I will soon as I get my papers.”

  I clasped his shoulder. “If you’re sure, then we’re one hundred percent on it. What do you think you will do?”

  “Maybe I can do the training, teach, I don’t know. Whatever, as long as I’m near and can be with Seren,” he said.

  “I hear you. I’m happy for you,” I said.

  “Knock. Knock.” We looked over at the door and found Piper standing there with her hand on the door. She had her hair down, in curls, with flowers entwined in it. She was wearing her cream and satin, laced bridesmaid’s dress. She looked stunning. Then again, she always did to me. “We need you both downstairs. Now.”

  “Yes, drill sergeant,” Cole said saluting her.

  She pursed her glossy lips, and now I was thinking about how good those lips feel wrapped around my dick. I adjusted myself. Her gaze followed my action and her lips quirked up. “You might want to keep that under wraps. The videographer is at the bottom of the stairs.”

  Her warning worked like magic, and I thought about something else so my erection wouldn’t make the cut. The two of us walked down together, and Cole waited at the top and came down slower for the video. We moved slowly towards the glass patio doors that were open and led to the backyard where the wedding was taking place. From what I could see on approach, we had lucked out with sunny weather. The large pine trees along the outskirts blocked out most of the sun, though some cut through and shone down on the large floral and vine trellis up where a Pastor from a local church was waiting to marry them.

  The cream, satin chairs were all full, mainly with Cole’s relatives and military friends. Seren had a couple of friends from San Diego that had come and an Aunt Patrice on her father’s side. I grimaced. We had to pay her to come and gave her money for a dress. From what I could see, she didn’t get the dress. The one she had on was visibly dirty and hung off her rail-thin frame. She was mumbling and tugging on her matted hair in her seat at the back of the yard. I thought to go over and say something to her, but the soloist started singing Adele’s cover of Bob Dylan’s “Make You Feel My Love,” signaling that the wedding had begun, and I moved into my place next to Riley.

  I was, of course, Cole’s best man. She was walking with me, but Seren had said they all were her Maid’s of Honor because they all were “equally special” to her. Still we had an order, and we were first. Followed by Piper with Zack, who I gave my “you fuck this up and we’ll have a problem” warning look. Piper was also giving Zack a dirty look. Good. She would keep him in line.

  “Doc and Seren are down. We’re ready,” I heard Fiona say behind us. She was walking with Miles. Riley took a hold of my arm, and we slowly marched down the rose-leaf aisle to the beat of the music. Once we got to the front, we moved to our respective sides. Me, right next to Cole, who was staring back towards the house. I followed his gaze, and there stood Seren with Doc. She had her hair up in curls and flowers like the rest although she had a tiara in her hair like a princess. She had one of her forever smiles on her face. She looked beautiful. When she reached Cole’s side, Doc placed her hand in Cole’s and once he was seated the Pastor started the ceremony.

  “Dearly beloved. We are gathered here on this day to join these two, Seren Monroe and Cole Masterson, in holy matrimony.”

  Hearing those words brought me back to my own wedding. I had hoped it would bring us together, but now I knew that wasn’t enough. We didn’t share the love that would sustain us then, and they were the good times. Seren and Cole worked every day at maintaining their love and had been able to sustain it over the distance. Piper and I would be tested soon. She was leaving for Boston. I was going to miss having her with me, with us here.

  My hand shook as I handed over the ring. Cole’s hand was steady. He repeated their vows without a hitch in his voice. Seren was just as clear. This was their time. They were ready.

  “By the power vested in me by the state of Colorado I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” Cole gave Seren a dip kiss that got us all cheering. They were on their way up the aisle when her Aunt Patrice decided to make a scene.

  “Serendipity! They seated me at the back like I wasn’t family. You tell them who I am. I’m her Aunt, and she’s my niece. She may be cleaned up, but she’s no better than me.”

  Cole took a hold of Seren, who was now trying to go over to her.

  “We’ll handle it,” I assured them and they continued walking towards the front of the house. We didn’t have much time since the plan involved taking the railway up to take wedding photos at Pike’s Peak, the 14,110 summit over Colorado Springs. The company was already poised to set up the backyard for the wedding reception where Piper and I had our video cued to share before the meal and dance. I needed to deflate the situation quickly. But before I could approach Patrice, Luna had reached her.

  “It’s so nice to meet someone from Seren’s family. Patrice?” she said.

  She hesitated. “Yeah.”

  Luna smiled. “I’d like to get some family feedback on the way we are organizing the reception. Would you mind helping me?” Patrice reluctantly followed after Luna, and I beamed at her. She was officially my favorite Aunt of our group.

  I hurried through the house and once inside the limo, the driver immediately drove off for Cog Railway Station in Manitou Springs.

  “I’m sorry,” Seren said the second we got inside the back of the car. She looked flustered next to Cole, who was trying to soothe her.

  “It’s okay. Luna’s got Patrice.”

  Riley took out her makeup and patted over Seren’s face. She looked at me.

  “If Luna’s involved, everything will be fine,” Piper assured her.

  “Thank you,” Seren said to her.

  Glancing at Cole, I was sure we both were thinking the same thing. We had messed up trying to bring her here. She may be related, but she wasn’t her family. We were her family. As it was with Seren, she was smiling again and was bouncing on her feet as we grouped out of the car to the rail. We were lucky we had our tickets as we moved down the stairs and out to the small metal carriage and got on. We weren’t the only people in it, and those that saw that we were a wedding party clapped, and took out their phones for pictures as went to our seats.

  The photographer used some of the time to position us to take photos on the stationary train before the conductor came and started the ride up the mountain. I put my arm around Piper, and we watched the photographer snap photos of Seren and Cole. The photographer moved to take photos of each couple. When our turn came, I pulled Piper on my lap and kissed her.

  She squeezed my hand. “I must have a copy of that one.”

  Gazing into her eyes, I said. “Anything you want is yours.” I meant it. I’d do anything for her.

  She kissed my lips. “I h
ave what I want right here.” I felt the same.

  We moved through the forest and along the side exposed granite of the mountain until we came up to an almost clearing where we see more of the forest and in the distance peaks of mountains. Piper shivered next to me, and I put my arm around her. Even though it was the heart of summer, there was snow along the side of the carved path. Piper pointed out the elk and marmots visible along the way. The higher we climbed though, the more pull on my lungs. Piper was faring well, but the higher we climbed, the thinner the air. I studied Seren. She was fairing fine, but had Doc and Fiona sitting across from her and Cole should she need them. The photographer was now relaxing in his seat as we made it up the rest of the way to the top. Once we reached the top, we had to get off quickly for the photos. We only had a half hour before the carriage left again. Besides the lack of oxygen at the top would be too strenuous for some of us, especially Seren. So we all as a group took a moment to admire the view. And what a view it was! I had been before, but seeing the awe on Piper’s face was worth seeing it again.

  “Oh, my God. This is so beautiful.” She turned in a circle. The peaks and valleys went on forever. The view was as close to Heaven as I imagined on earth. The photographer moved us around to pose, taking some shots of Cole with Seren alone and us all together as a group. When he was done, we quickly headed back to the carriage, and we set off back down the mountain for the reception.

  When we got back to the house, the tables were all set for the reception and the music played on our arrival. I took Piper’s hand, and we walked over to the video screens once we were all seated.

  “Piper and I have a surprise for the two of you. Seren, I bet you already had suspicions about this but made sure we’d believe you didn’t, so we could share in your experience. It is one of the many things we love about you. Cole, my brother, I could not have chosen a better and loving woman to be at your side. You two deserve each other.” My throat closed, and I cleared it. Piper squeezed my hand.

  “Alright. Before I get any mushier, here is our gift. The Masterson’s: A Day and a Life.” The video started with a compilation of photos with Cole and Seren I had from when they met in San Diego. Seren’s first surgery, and Cole leaving with the military. The video then changed to messages from Riley and Zack.

  “You made me be your friend and it was the best thing that ever happened to me.” She paused tearing up. “I love you so much, my sister. Cole, you keep fighting with her. You are her world.”

  Then Zack spoke up. “Cole, you have put the pressure on me, man.” Riley hit him and laughed. “I forgive you. You two are badass. Congratulations.”

  The video next went to our bike trip and all the silly and fun parts including her singing, camping, and jumping out of the plane. In between her calls and messages to Cole, keeping their connection alive.

  Doc and Fiona appeared. She was with her sons sitting on the couch holding up a colorful sign that said. “Congratulations Cole and Seren”.

  “I’m as proud as any father would be to see the two of you get married. Seren, you continue to be strong and Cole, you keep your hopefulness. No one I know has so much positivity as you do. Marriage is work.” Fiona poked him. “But you’re a hero. You’re up for it.”

  Fiona cleared her throat and said. “Seren and Cole. You walked into our lives and hearts. You are family. We all love you so much and are so happy to be a part of your lives and marriage. You have a long and happy life ahead of you, and we will be there in any way you need us. We love you.”

  The images played on, displaying our lives in the house with Piper. Our planting in the backyard, sharing one of Piper’s meals, and one of the two of them cuddled up sleeping. We added in one of their naked backs, and that went down with cheers. The video came to an end with one Piper took of Cole and Seren, gazing at each other. It was love. They were so completely together. The part of the video with Piper and my message played and was followed by an instrumental of “Make You Feel My Love.” When the credits ran, I finally looked over at Seren and Cole. They were crying and smiling. Everyone clapped and the music started. Piper took my hand and moved me to a spot in the yard where we were alone and kissed me.

  “I don’t want to leave,” she whispered.

  I didn’t want her to either, but she had to. “You must. If we are going to work, you need to go back to your life. This is your big year.”

  She smiled wistfully. “Yeah, my big Gilmore year. It seemed bigger before.”

  “It still is. You’ll get into your college work once you’re back. The three of us will be rooting for you,” I said. “I need to get back to work too. Cole and Seren will go on their honeymoon.”

  “I’ll come and visit, and you’ll come and see me,” she said staring hard at me.

  “We’ll keep trying,” I said quietly.

  “We’ll do more than that. We’ll make it work,” she said hotly.

  I grabbed her waist and kissed her. Capturing that passion and fire she had for me. She had the strength and determination. She was strong while I was weak. I needed to be stronger. For myself as well as Piper. If she was going to stay mine.

  She touched my face. “Whatever you’re thinking stop. Stay with me. Dance with me.”

  I hugged her to me and swayed with her. Holding on as much as I could before I had to let her go.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I TOOK ONE last look through the large bay window in the bedroom that Brody and I had shared since I came to Colorado Springs. My eyes ached like I had scraped them with sandpaper. So did the surface of my heart. It felt raw and jagged with all that it had experienced since Brody entered my life. I had lived more with him than I had in all of my twenty-one years. I had fallen in love for the first time, and I had my heart broken by him. And now today I had to leave him. The day had come for me to go back to Boston and return to my global journalism program with Professor Gilmore. My career dream was within my reach, and nothing had ever come close to challenging that dream until now. I had cried all night, and he held and comforted me. He also made love to me. My Brody. I loved him utterly.

  I cleared my vision enough to allow my gaze to sweep over the room one more time before closing the door and descending the staircase. At the bottom, in the living room, Cole and Seren were waiting to say goodbye and a lump swelled in my throat. Truly, I wasn’t just leaving Brody. I was also leaving Seren and Cole. My mind brought up every little moment of my visit. It wasn’t long, but it was rich. Rich with acceptance and love. Seren had accepted and loved me unconditionally. Cole had warmed to me on meeting me. And once he did, welcomed and included me like I’d been a part of his life for years. I didn’t have to be anyone but me with them. They just loved me.

  I timidly moved over to where Cole was holding Seren on the couch. He let her go enough to see me, and when our gazes connected, I was overcome with feeling. She was crying. She made space for me to sit by her on the couch. Her small hands took a hold of mine.

  “I wish you didn’t have to leave…I’m going to miss you, Goldie.”

  I squeezed her hand. “I’m going to miss you too.”

  “I’m so happy you came with us on the bucket list trip. I’m happy you were able to make up with Brody. I’m sorry for asking him to stay with me…it was wrong.”

  “It’s behind us,” I said in a hushed tone.

  “No. I would never have been able to forgive myself for keeping you two apart. You both deserve happiness now…there is only now,” she said. Her voice graveled.

  “Hey, don’t talk like that,” Cole said putting his arm around her and kissing her.

  “I’m just telling her the truth. I want all of us to be happy.” She moved forward and placed her hands on the sides of my face and smiled. “You’re one of the strongest, bravest, and genuine people I know. No matter what goes on back there in Boston, over here we’re thinking about you, and love you.”

  “I’ll be doing the same.” Her words overwhelmed me w
ith feeling. I cried irrepressibly, and they comforted me until I got myself together.

  “My turn,” Cole said and took my hands. “You need anything at all; you call us. Anytime, we’re here for you.” He pulled me into a tight hug and kissed the top of my forehead.

  “Thank you, Cole. I’m going to miss you. You both have a wonderful honeymoon in Paris. I expect plenty of photos.” I said against his shoulder.

  “You’ll get them, and you’ll be back for Thanksgiving dinner…oh, and I expect the works.”

  I stood, and they stood with me. “Nope. I expect you to grill the turkey.”

  Cole took my arms and held me at arm’s length away from him. His eyes bore into mine. “You just come back. You’re a part of us now, and if you want grilled turkey, you will get it. Anything for our ladies. Right, Brody?”

  I turned and there he was crossing the room to us. His eyes were glassy. He started to speak but faltered, making the tears that were brimming my eyes spill over.

  “Yeah, Cole. Anything for our ladies.” He took my hand in his. “We must go now.”

  I looked back at Cole and Seren. “Remember you are loved by me, inside and out and I’ll see you soon.” They hugged me again before Brody placed his arm around me and we left the house for the airport.

  As we rode on, I realized with wedding ceremony and clean up; I hadn’t had much time with my Aunt Luna and had missed her leaving for her tree farm. In fact, I’d had only caught her in passing because she pretty much stayed next to Seren and Miles since she arrived. I didn’t mind because Seren liked all her alternative stuff and Miles, well she also enjoyed the company of a hot man. Brody was up and moving before me, so I asked him. “Did Luna get off okay?”

  “She did. Miles took her to the airport,” he said.

  “You know her she’s ‘open,’” I joked.

  “Miles will keep her ‘closed,’” he mused, and we laughed.

  I knew Aunt Luna wouldn’t care if we made fun. In all fairness, we were both happy she hit it off with Miles. She was lonely on the farm. Glancing out of the window, I noticed we had already reached the highway. “Don’t you think it’s amazing how it seems to take forever to get somewhere, but when it’s time to go it takes minutes?”


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