Piper Dreams: Make It Happen (Dream Series Book 2)

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Piper Dreams: Make It Happen (Dream Series Book 2) Page 21

by Amélie S. Duncan


  “I’M SORRY, PIPER, but truly I don’t recall anything like that happening,” Hatchet said. “I’ll check, and if someone has anything to do with that bike, I’ll make sure they don’t anymore.”

  “I don’t want you to get in trouble,” I said.

  “They won’t as long as they do what I tell them,” Hatchet said. “Now, did you contact Kat now you are home?”

  “I’ll call her soon. I promise.” I said writing a note to myself, and placing it on my desk.

  “You better and keep an eye on my son. You do that, and you’ve as good as got what you need for that bike,” he said.

  “Thank you so much, godfather,” I said sweetly.

  “Laying it on thick, eh? I’m good at my word,” he said. Jorge appeared in my door, and I waved at him.

  “Jorge is here,” I said to Hatchet.

  “Good, glad the two of you are getting along again. Keep it that way,” he replied.

  “I plan to. Thanks,” I said and put my phone away. “Is he here?” I asked. My pulse was racing. Brody had driven a bike from his business in New York and was due to be here any minute. He was staying for the entire weekend.

  “Not yet. The doorbell works you know.” He folded his arms. “Who were you on the phone with?”

  “Hatchet. He says to keep the peace with me,” I warned.

  What?” he said and gave me an innocent look.

  I pretended to choke. The warning was mostly for Brody’s sake. I agreed to have us all go out to dinner together, but now I wasn’t so sure.

  “Brody may be tired and want to stay in. We’ll maybe order takeout ourselves, I said.

  “No. Nora already made reservations at Atlas on Newbury Street.”

  “Atlas? I don’t plan to spend that kind of money on a meal. We could go to Busters.”

  “He can’t splurge on a little bit of food for you?” he said snarkily.

  “Stop. This is the reason I don’t—” The doorbell sounded. My heart jumped in my throat. He was here. I straightened my dress and smoothed my hair. I glanced up to see Jorge still standing there. “Please, go and answer it.”

  “Hey, he’s your boyfriend,” he said with snark.

  “But you stay here all the time,” I pointed out. “Come on.”

  Brody was damp with the rain, but wearing his leathers. His hair was disheveled from the helmet he was holding that had some rainwater on it. Overall, he looked breathtaking. His pale gray eyes met mine and he gave me a wolfish grin that caused tingles up my spine and weakened my knees. Everything about Brody just did it for me, and the way he looked at me let me know he was thinking the same thing.


  I rushed over to him and let out a little cry as he embraced me in his strong arms and kissed me passionately. We were lost in each other and the moment, our hands reacquainting themselves with our bodies.

  A cleared throat had us stopping to a beaming Nora and a brooding Jorge behind us.

  “Hello.” Nora was the first to walk forward and offer to shake his hand.

  I introduced her. “This is my roommate and Jorge’s girlfriend, Nora.”

  “Glad to have you here. I’ve heard so much about you from Piper.” She added.

  Brody held out his hand to Jorge, and he took it.

  “We were wondering if you’d like to come out with us for dinner unless you have some labor to do,” Jorge said.

  “I did labor this summer. Brody owns three businesses,” I snipped.

  “You don’t need to be defensive,” Brody said. “No. I don’t need to work this weekend. I’m here to spend my birthday with Piper.” He placed his hand on my ass.

  I leaned into him and inhaled. There was his smell I missed. I motioned for Brody to follow me and he picked up his bag and helmet, and we walked over to the bedroom. Once the door closed, he kissed me again and cupped my breasts. I winced.

  He raised a brow. “What’s up?”

  “Sensitive. I’m close to my period,” I explained. “But don’t worry. It’s not coming this weekend.”

  “I’ll be gentle.” He lifted up my dress above my bra and tenderly kissed and caressed over them.

  “Come on, Piper. I’ve got work to do later. I’m sure you do too. So let’s go for dinner,” Jorge called out.

  I frowned at the door and looked at Brody. “We don’t have to go.”

  “It’s fine. I’m here all weekend,” he said and kissed me again. He fixed my dress then took my hand. I grabbed my jacket and went back into the living room and then stopped in my tracks. Matt was here. I frowned at Nora, and she blanched.

  “Hey, Piper. I stopped by to tell you I made a contact at the hospital that’s familiar with the treatment we are researching together in South America,” he said. His stress on “together” wasn’t lost on me, or Brody.

  “I’m not working this weekend. I’m spending it with Brody. Like I told you,” I said coolly.

  “Well, we have that presentation on Monday,” he protested. “Surely he understands how important your studies are.”

  “Of course he does, and I’m ready for the presentation,” I responded. “I prepared this week.”

  “Yeah, we prepared a few times in your bedroom,” Matt said.

  I felt Brody stiffen next to me, and I clenched my jaw. “We are going to dinner now. So, if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t,” Matt said smiling. He held out his hand to Brody, but Brody didn’t take it. He dropped it and turned to me. “I think I left my book under your bed?”

  I stared at him, my anger showing on my face at his insinuations. “I’ll go and get it,” I stomped over to my room and snatched it up. Returning to the room, I shoved the book into his chest. “How could you?” I whispered.

  “No need to be rude.” He turned away from me. “So um. Is that your bike downstairs?” Matt asked Brody.

  “Yeah, it is,” Brody said.

  Matt scrunched his face. “Oh. Hmm. Okay, see you later, Piper. Nora. Jorge.”

  “Well, I don’t want Piper on a death trap in the rain, excuse me, Brody,” Jorge said.

  I furrowed my brows. “Our parents rode bikes for most of our lives. It’s hardly a death trap.”

  “It was a joke,” Jorge said. “How about I drive? Is that alright by you?” he looked at Brody.

  “Sure,” Brody said.

  Even if we’d been in the dark, I would have been able to see it wasn’t okay with Brody. I cuddled into his side. “An hour, tops,” I whispered as we grouped outside to Jorge’s car.

  Atlas was a short drive luckily, and Nora turned on the radio the second we all settled inside the car. The restaurant was on the upscale side of Newbury Street but wasn’t so trendy that we stood out. That didn’t stop the waitress from seating us near the kitchen. Ouch.

  The hostess left our menus on the table, but before we sat down, I tapped Jorge’s arm. “A word?” I looked at Nora and Brody. “Two minutes.” We walked out of the restaurant.

  “You need to back off, Jorge,” I said hotly. “I will be cursing out Matt later, but as for you, you’re on your last leg with me. I’m not kidding. This is your last leg. I won’t put up with any of your petty jealousy.”

  “Petty. You think I’m petty?!” he said. His voice elevated. “I’ve stood by and helped you through everything and you have the nerve to call me petty.”

  “Okay, not petty. You’re jealous though,” I said. “I have never mistreated Nora, but you are deliberately poking at Brody. He came to visit me. We are together now.”

  “I know that. You don’t need to shove it in my face; I get it,” Jorge said. “When did you get so defensive?”

  “When you started acting like a jerk,” I snipped.

  “You’ve been acting crazy since he got here, and now you’re overreacting. I mean, dramatically pulling me out of the restaurant. Are you serious?”

  I bit my lip. He had a point.

  “I’d like to get back to my date. You ready?�
�� he asked.

  I followed him back inside the restaurant where Nora and Brody were waiting. I forced a smile to put them at ease, and we started going over the menu. It was out of my regular price range. I was ready to settle on an appetizer.

  “I’ll treat you,” Jorge said.

  “No. I’m buying her dinner,” Brody said. Just then, the hostess came by and took our orders. I ordered the grilled chicken, Brody the steak, Nora and Jorge ordered Salmon. Brody ordered a bottled water.

  “You can drink unless you have a problem? Jorge asked.

  “No. I’d rather not drink tonight. Thanks,” Brody said. I ordered a water too.

  “Get wine. You always drink wine,” Jorge said.

  “She doesn’t want it,” Nora cut in.

  “Why not? She should celebrate. She is top of her class. Her stories are getting national coverage. She’s on her way,” Jorge said.

  “Is that true? You didn’t tell me,” Brody said quietly.

  I stared at Jorge. “It’s not as big as Jorge is making it out to be, but I’m doing well in the program.” No one said anything for what seemed like forever, but it was more than likely less than a minute.

  “So what is it like to ride on a motorcycle? I’ve never been on one before,” Nora said.

  Brody smiled. “I think of it as—”

  “You’re not missing anything,” Jorge interrupted. “So you live with your best friend and his wife?”

  “Yes, I do. Seren has been getting new medical treatments,” Brody said.

  “She has cancer,” I said to Nora.

  “Oh. I’m so sorry. That’s so kind of you to help.…” Nora stumbled. I sympathized. I didn’t know what to say in the beginning. One thing about the switch in conversation, it shut Jorge up completely.

  “How are Seren and Cole? I was disappointed she decided not to come,” I said.

  “She couldn’t right now,” he said quietly. “They miss you.”

  My heart constricted. “I miss them too.”

  The hostess came back with our food. For a while, we ate without incident. Nora shared her experiences in her law program and asked questions to Brody about Colorado from a traveling perspective. I appreciated that. We paid the bill and drove back to the apartment. When we got there, I took Brody’s hand and said to them. “Thank you, Jorge and Nora, for dinner. We’re going to the room and spending the rest of his visit in bed or into each other. So that’s that,” I joked.

  Nora laughed. Jorge simpered.

  “Well, I guess that’s what he’s here for,” he said under his breath.

  I blushed. “Stop talking.”

  “She will be gone for five or six months with Matt. I mean a lot can happen in that time,” Jorge said.

  “And she still won’t come back to you,” Brody said.

  “Apologies, Nora.” Brody walked into the bedroom.

  “That was your last leg. Don’t bother apologizing,” I hissed at Jorge.

  “Why should I apologize?” Jorge said tersely. “I was just telling the truth. He can’t handle it.”

  “You were being an ass,” Nora said.

  I went to the bedroom and slammed the door. I looked up and found Brody collecting his things.

  “I’ll go and stay in a hotel,” he said not looking at me.

  I started getting my things. “Good idea.”

  “Alone,” he said picking up his helmet.

  “And leave me?” I hugged my arms.

  “No, Sprite. I’ll leave to clear the air and to cool off.”

  “I live here, and if Nora wants me out she’ll have to give me back my rent and time to move, and I will move, but I’m not leaving right now, and neither are you.”

  “This isn’t working,” he pushed his hair off his forehead. “I’m messing up things with you and your friends here.”

  “Matt was being a prick. Nothing is going on between us. I’m just stuck with him at least for the rest of this semester,” I said.

  “I trust you. I don’t trust him,” Brody responded.

  “As for Jorge, he’s just being ornery. He has Nora.”

  “She’s a nice lady,” Brody replied.

  “She is and he’ll lose her if he doesn’t let me go,” I said. “I don’t want to talk about them. You’re here for me. You just arrived in my life here, give us time to adjust.”

  I took his helmet, and he let me, but he looked so lost.

  “I don’t know what to do with you,” he muttered.

  “After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t know?” I sniffed. The pressure of my life weighed on me. I needed him to ground me. I needed him to stand up and love me enough to do whatever it took to be with me. For the first, time I wondered if he was strong enough to keep me. I didn’t know if I could live a life of wondering if something in my life would make him so easily give up on me. What would I need to do to show him where in my life he stood with me?

  “I can’t make you stay,” I said suddenly too tired to stand. “If you want to stay at a hotel. I can’t stop you.”

  He paused for a minute and then said, “I’ll stay for a while tonight and come back for you in the morning.”

  My heart split apart, but I hugged him tight as he placed tender kisses on my face and down my neck and breasts. Every touch was with love. He did love me. He pulled off my underwear and buried his head between my thighs, tenderly caressing me with his tongue. A gasp left my mouth. My body knew what it wanted, and it wanted him there. He rolled his tongue over my slippery clit. Yes. He knew me intimately. He pressed in with his tongue, demanding I come, and I complied completely. My thighs trembled in his hands as he gently sucked on my pussy. Yes. He made me feel amazing. I touched his soft hair and bent down to kiss his wet lips.

  “I’ll stay here with you,” he whispered.

  He tilted his head up and kissed me, and I kissed him back deeply. He was mine, and that was all that mattered. He moved me back and pulled his fly open with one hand as his cock sprung out hard and ready. He urgently kicked off his jeans without bothering to take off his boots; so desperate he was to get inside me. I felt myself grow wetter between my thighs as he positioned himself in front of me. His face tensed as he thrust in all the way to the hilt. I wrapped my legs around his ass as he moved deeper and fuller inside me. This was what I wanted, what we needed right now. Nothing between us; just the two of us.

  He grasped my wrists over my head and pushed them high making my breasts jut out towards him. His free hand cupped my breast and guided it into his hot mouth. I whimpered as he suckled and thrust his cock hard. I panted as pulses of pleasure coursed through me with every stroke. He made a low growl against my breast as he surged deeper inside me, way past my limit but I took all he could give me.

  “Come on my cock” he demanded. His words sent me over the edge, and I started to shake as my orgasm crashed over me and I cried out. He grunted and gripped my hips tightly as my sex clenched hard around him. He thrust faster and harder as he pulled me towards him as he came, I felt his cock throb deep inside me.

  He collapsed on top of me, resting his head against my tender breasts. I could feel his heart pounding hard just as fast as mine. “Are you okay?” he whispered.

  I answered by cradling his head in my arms and lightly stroking his damp hair. Putting all my love and affection in every pass of my caress. Hoping he would trust in what we had together.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  MY PHONE FLASHED the next morning signaling the battery had died. I searched through my pack and couldn’t find the charger. Shit. I could see it on the bedside table in my bedroom back in Colorado Springs. I glanced over at Piper. She looked peaceful, snoring away in her bed. I had kept her up for most of the night and wasn’t about to wake her. I picked up her phone to borrow it. Seeing the flash of text messages had me thinking to take a peek, but nothing good ever came from snooping so I just left a message for Doc and Fiona to reach me through her phone. Her phone w
as different from mine, and I pressed the wrong button, and one ended up playing a message. I should have put it down, but what I heard had me stumble back and hit the desk.

  “Ms. Rowe. This is the nurse from the medical clinic. Your urine test came back positive for pregnancy. The doctor can’t refill your birth control, and we can’t complete your screening forms or immunizations for your trip abroad. If you need to discuss options, please let me know and we’ll refer you. Thank you.”

  My mind and blood were running faster than I could keep up with. Pregnant. Piper was pregnant with my baby, our baby. Shock quickly transformed into elation. The seed of joy trying to take root in my heart had me fighting myself against it. Her whole life was ahead of her. All she’d worked for. Her life dream and my baby would take that all away from her. She couldn’t keep it.

  The phone clanged to the floor. Piper stirred on the bed and blinked her eyes awake. “Brody?”

  She didn’t know; I had to remind myself. She would know I listened to her private message though. I wasn’t ready to discuss her options. I wasn’t ready to watch her fear and disgust at being tied down by me. I turned my back. “My phone is dead. I tried to use yours.”

  “Uhm…okay. Please do so. There is a shop not too far from here that you can buy a new charger. It’s probably good to have more than one when you travel. Hey, you can leave one here,” she said. The happiness in her voice hit the center of my chest. But I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t hear her say she wanted an abortion, and I couldn’t hear she was giving up her dreams for me. I put on my leathers.

  “Hey, give me a minute. I can get dressed and come with you,” she said.

  “No. You get some rest,” I inhaled. “I’ll be back soon.”

  “You don’t have time for a morning kiss on the cheek?” she asked. “I deserve that after you woke me up.”

  I walked back over and brushed my lips over hers. “I’m sorry.”

  “You stayed. I’m happy. Case closed,” she said.

  I wasn’t even thinking of last night now. I glanced down at her breasts. Full and tender. My eyes lingered to see signs of what I now knew. She wasn’t showing, but our baby was there. I wanted to run my hand over her stomach and kiss over it. I wanted to make love again, but I couldn’t. Shit. I wiped my eyes and pinched the space between my brows.


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