Fret (The Recoil Rock Series Book 4)

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Fret (The Recoil Rock Series Book 4) Page 1

by K E Osborn

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty


  K E Osborn

  Fret: The Recoil Rock Series #4

  By K E Osborn

  Copyright 2017 K E Osborn

  This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this eBook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this eBook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  The Black Lilith reference is from the series of books “The Black Lilith Series” and is used with permission and copyright to Hazel Jacobs 2017.

  Trigger Warning - there is content within this book that may set off triggers.

  ISBN: 978 0994609274

  Book design by Swish Design & Editing

  Editing by Swish Design & Editing

  Proofreading by Fiona Dreaming – Proofreading

  Cover design by Kellie Dennis at Book Cover by Design

  Cover Model: Ryan Van Dyke

  Photographer: Eric Battershell

  Cover Image Copyright 2017

  Loss—the failure to keep someone or something.

  I know all about loss, and the resulting damage can do more harm than good.

  Losing everything in one fell swoop… yeah, Karma’s definitely not on my side.

  My life has been somewhat monotonous. Look after my twin. Play in the band. Party like a rock star.

  Women have filtered in but never stayed, and now that my band mates have all settled down, I’m looking for something… more.

  My problem? I’m a perfectionist, and I desire a particular type of woman. I don’t want groupies or fangirls, they’re not my scene anymore.

  No, I want the perfect ten. And I’m counting on an internet dating guidance guru to help me find her.

  But I’m not doing this alone. My brother’s friend and gallery manager, Alex, is along for the internet dating ride, and we’re doing this ‘dating thing’ together for support.

  And in doing so, we’ve become the best of friends. Inseparable one would say.

  Now with chaos surrounding me—being arrested, accosted by thugs, and all the drama that comes with my internet dating life—it’s forced a wedge between us, and I’m faced with losing her forever.

  And it’s only now I see what’s been in front of me the whole time.

  You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone…

  Dear Ed, you’re featured strongly in this book, so I see it only fitting to dedicate this book to you.

  Ed Sheeran—I would build you a Lego house and give you love because to me you are… perfect.

  See what I did there^^^?

  But really, your songs inspired a fair bit of this book.

  Keep up the fantastic writing, you lyrical genius!

  P.S. Email me ;)

  As always my first thank you goes to my editor, my confidant, my rock, my source of endless plotting parties, my mother, and my friend — Kaylene Osborn. Not only does she help me with my career in writing, but over the last year or so life hasn’t been easy for our family. She has been the glue holding us together, all while working tirelessly as an editor/formatter. Without her, this series wouldn’t be as fulfilling as it is and I wouldn’t have kept my sanity. Mum, you’re a living legend, and I don’t think people truly know just how much you do. Thank you! As an author, as a daughter—thank you! You go above and beyond, not only in the book world but in everyday life, and though the struggle is real, you ‘just keep swimming’—you’re the best!

  To Jane – Thank you for always being here for me in everything that I do. You’re a constant support, great friend and I love you!

  To Carol – As always thank you for everything you do. Your help, guidance, friendship, and support is astounding. You’re a true friend. Thank you for everything!

  To Kristy – This series wouldn’t have happened without you! Thank you so much for pushing me into writing about these boys and bringing their stories to life. I honestly can’t thank you enough for all the support and friendship you give me. You’re a one of a kind!

  To Fiona – Thank you for always proofing my work and making it the best it can be. Your support and skills are a valuable addition to my team. You always find time for me, and for that I am very appreciative.

  To Alana – Thank you for everything you have done for me. Your support has been amazing and your friendship is truly valued. I’m so glad to have you on my team!

  To Kim – Thank you for always being here for me, when I need help you’re always there for me when I message, without fail. Thank you! I don’t know what I would do without you!

  To Ryan VanDyke – Thank you so much for being my Matt as well as Nate. You played the perfect set of rocker twins. You captured my boys perfectly, and for that I thank you. Plus, your professionalism in a time of crisis was outstanding. Thank you for filling in at zero hour. I will never forget it.

  To all of my awesome BETA readers – Thank you for once again putting in your thoughts into this book. I appreciate all of your energy and ideas, and together we make a great team. Without you beautiful ladies, this series wouldn’t be at its best potential. So thank you, every single one of you.

  To my beautiful, playful and utterly adorable pup, Bella – I love this dog way too much! She is with me when I write, and she keeps me company during the days when I struggle to reach my word counts. She makes me smile even when sometimes it’s hard to. I love you Bella Boo.

  Last of all, I want to thank YOU, the reader. Your continued support with my writing career is both humbling and heart-warming. I love the readers so much, and honestly couldn’t keep going without the love and support you all show me each day. Thank you for believing in me, and I hope I can keep you entertained for many, many, years to come.

  Thank you,

  Much love,

  K E Osborn


  As Lunar is an Australian, she pronounces the word mom as mum and hence it has been spelled that way throughout the manuscript when in Lunar’s dialogue.

  Bonza – Australian slang for excellent or first-rate.




  A Note to the Reader

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty



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  About the Author – KE Osborn

  I’ve been arrested.


  The press is going to have a field day with this…

  Tillie is going to have my balls…

  Oliver is going to kill me…

  Alex… Fuck! Alex will either laugh or be so disappointed in me I’ll never hear the end of it.

  And Nate? Well, he’ll probably be the only supportive one. He’s being super responsible now he has Ria and a bub on the way. Actually, he’s really stepping it up, while I seem to be going in the complete opposite direction.

  I’m always the responsible one. The smart one. The intelligent one. The one who keeps everything and everyone together, and now here I am, in a cell, being charged, and missing one of my best friend’s wedding.

  Could I have fallen any lower?

  “Levine?” a cop calls out into the massive cell that’s currently holding three other men besides me. One man—which I’ve already had a minor clash with—recognized me as the bassist from Recoil. Apparently, he’s known to the rapper, Debt Money, and of course with our band’s history with said rapper, me and T-Dog here don’t exactly see eye to eye. I seem to have managed to calm the situation before it’s gotten too out of hand, with a quick transaction of handing over my watch in exchange for none of my bones being broken. I’d say that’s a damn good trade personally.

  “Yeah,” I call back looking at the cop who’s not even looking into the cell. His eyes are wandering around like he’s completely bored with his job. Who can blame him, I guess?

  “You can make your one call now.”

  I stand up and walk toward the large black barred gate as he unlocks and opens it. He lets me walk through taking my hands and putting them into a set of long, chained handcuffs.

  “Is this really necessary?”

  He half-smiles. “Sorry man, just following protocol.”

  While letting out a long sigh as he locks the cell door, I set off with him down the hall to a line of phone booths.

  He leads me to one and nods to it. “You have one call and five minutes… make it count.”

  With a quick exhale, I think about who to call. My first thought is Tillie—damage control is probably best in this circumstance, but coping a grilling from her is not on my list of must-haves right now. Oliver is probably the next in line, but to be honest, I don’t want his judgment either. Nate would be understanding in this kind of situation, but I don’t want him to see me like this—he looks up to me.

  No, I can only think of one person I need right now… Alex. She’d be wondering where I am anyway, and is probably pissed at me for not showing up. Even though she knows everyone, I know she’d be feeling awkward by herself at the wedding. I should have been there for her, and I simply wasn’t. I’m a fucking shitty friend.

  “Anytime rocker,” the cop says breaking me away from my thoughts.

  I grab the phone and dial Alex’s cell. It rings a few times and then finally answers. The music is clearly audible through the phone, so I know she’s still at the wedding when she answers with her usually ridiculous greeting.

  “Penelope’s sperm bank, you yank it, we tank it,” she calls down the line.

  Smirking, I shake my head. “God are you ever serious?”

  “Matt, where the hell are you? It’s practically over!” she almost yells, the annoyance evident in her tone.

  With a wince, I slump slightly. “I’m a little… detained—”

  “Well, getting busy with a beaver shouldn’t take precedence over your friend’s wedding, sir!”

  Her usual way with words has me smirking. Before I hit her with my news, I want to find out how her night went. “How was your date?”

  She groans exaggeratedly. “Ronan was a bust. But there’s an Aussie biker here, though called Techie. He’s a babe, total hottie… and that accent plus bad boy… Oh. My. God. Can’t say as I haven’t thought about—”

  The guard looks at me and taps his watch. So I give him a nod and interrupt Alex’s tirade. “Alex, I don’t have much time.”

  “Huh, what do you mean? Time for what?”

  “To talk. I’m in a bit of trouble.”

  Her voice softens and takes a serious tone. “Okay… what’s wrong?”

  “Alex, you need to come to the police station and bail me out. I’ve been arrested…”

  She’s quiet for a pause, takes a deep breath, snorts, then bursts out laughing. “Oh, good one, Matt, you almost had me there.”

  Exhaling, I let her laugh it out until she slowly stops and then pauses again. “Wait... Matt, you’re not laughing. What the hell are you playing at? Are you really at the police station?”

  “Yeah Alex, I’m really here. I need your help. Can you grab Nate and come down? I need to be bailed out.”

  “Fuck! What the hell did you do?”

  I guess for you to understand where I’m at now, I have to take you back to where this all started…

  Three and a half month’s ago…

  Making my way to Nate’s gallery, I’m slightly nervous. This is the first time I’m seeing this place—his passion other than the band—and I feel kind of like an asshole for not knowing this place even existed.

  I know he loves his art, and I understand he leaves the house and heads off somewhere to paint. I just never knew the extent, and the fact he had his own place to delve into his creativity. I really wish he’d opened up to me. It bothers me that he felt I wouldn’t have supported him in this, and even more so that he was alone in this dream until Zaria came along. Now Zaria is gone, I want to be the one to help him harness his energy into something productive for himself.

  I’ve been told he has two staff members working for him at the gallery—his cleaner Robert, and his manager slash curator Alex. I don’t know much about Alex other than his name. It’s good he’s employed a guy to work for him, a chick could be awkward, I suppose.

  Making my way down the street, the signage is excellent as I look down toward the entrance. It’s bright and attractive and would definitely catch my attention if I were walking past. Alex has done an excellent job so far with curb appeal.

  My hands are firmly in my pockets as I approach the doorway because I’m nervous as hell. Nate doesn’t know I’m coming, and I want more than anything, for today to go well for him. It’s going to be a big day, and I want to be here for him.

  As I approach, I see a glimpse of a tiny framed woman standing inside the doorway next to Nate. Her hair is a mixture of white blonde and aqua. As I get closer, I notice she has a surprisingly cute little nose ring and two lip piercings that give her that extreme edgy grunge look. But despite all that, she’s dressed immaculately and professional. It’s a stark contrast to her face and hair. Although her outfit does have a slight sixties feel to it, it’s still very professional looking and doesn’t match her overall ‘look.’ It’s like she’s dressed for work. But the thing that does catch my attention is her eyes. They’re stunning. Not the color as they’re quite dark—almost black—but the size. They are huge doe
eyes that resemble a cartoon character. They light up her face, while her lashes curl up giving her this total innocent look, even though everything screams hardcore bad ass. This chick’s a walking contradiction, and I’m slightly taken aback as I step up to the gallery while taking in every detail of her cute face. I can’t help but wonder who the hell is she? Maybe she’s another artist. She looks the type.

  Her stunning eyes lift up, and she notices me. They widen even more if that’s fucking possible. My heart skips a beat and my breath catches which take me by surprise. It’s weird, she’s not the normal type of woman I’d be attracted to. But there’s something about her that’s different, and I don’t know what it is. She definitely isn’t my type or the girl I’m thinking about looking for right now, she doesn’t meet any of the requirements on my checklist, but I can’t deny that she is rockin’.

  I arrive at the door, and she looks me up and down with a smirk on her face as she stands next to Nate.

  “Whoa dude, this is trippy,” she notes as she smiles widely and proceeds to shove a flyer straight into my face. “Welcome to the gallery of Artist Anonymous. We hope you enjoy your time here today. I’m the curator, Alex, and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.”

  Swallowing hard, the sound of her voice is husky and yet somehow angelic at the same time. What the fuck is with this chick? She’s an enigma.

  She stands there, flyer out, and staring at me with the cutest of smirks. I gawk at her completely awestruck. Then it hits me. She said her name’s Alex… as in Nate’s Alex? The manager and curator that Ria hired for him. The woman I thought was a man? She’s definitely not a man. I casually look down to her medium sized tits and quickly back up to her big doe eyes. Definitely not a man.

  “You’re Alex?” I ask.

  She nods. “Mmhmm…”

  While I’m still trying to comprehend that all this time I thought Alex was a guy, when she really is all woman, I shake my head slowly and blurt out, “But you’re not a dude?”


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