Drawing Blood

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Drawing Blood Page 3

by Mary Lou George

  Half an hour later, Holly had four appointments. She’d never visited a psychic before and wasn’t sure what to expect, but she’d made the calls and was prepared to see it through. Luckily, one woman agreed to see her that evening. She wasn’t sure how much time she would have to change the destiny her drawing predicted or what she’d do once she located the victim. Finding the woman was the first step.

  Avery knocked twice before entering the house. One look at Holly’s expression and she rushed to the table, concern written all over her beautiful face.

  “You looked pretty done in when I left you, so I asked Stephen to come home early. I’m all yours.” She landed in the chair next to Holly and said, “You look like crap. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, but this woman isn’t going to be.” She pushed the drawing toward her.

  “My God, this is horrible! What are we going to do?”

  Holly smiled at her use of the word ‘we’. There was no better friend in the world.

  “You’ve lived here longer than me and you’re more sociable. Does she look familiar to you?”

  Avery studied the picture and shook her head sadly.

  “Does the room make you think of anyone?”

  Again Avery shook her head. “Nothing in this drawing is familiar to me, but most of the people I’ve met in the community are parents just like me. This poor lady is a bit old to have kids in grade school.”

  “What about Stephen?”

  “He doesn’t make house calls, but you know him, he extroverts all over everyone. He knows a lot more people than I do. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to show him the drawing. Hell, we should show it to as many people as possible in hopes of finding her.”

  Holly nodded tentatively, feeling more than a little reluctant. “I agree, but the picture is pretty disturbing, I can’t pass it out to children and I’m not looking forward to showing it to adults. I’ll be labeled a nut job.”

  Pushing the paper away from her, Avery sighed. “Sometimes you capture the moment too well. This thing is scaring me.”

  Holly ignored her comment. “I’ve made appointments with some of our local fortune tellers. I think I’ll recognize the woman pretty easily.”

  Avery winced. “I will too. It’s not something I’m going to forget. I could take half the appointments if you’d like. Did you check the yellow pages?”

  Holly rolled her eyes. “I didn’t think of that. I guess psychics are listed. They’re businesses after all.”

  She hauled out the book. Avery took it from her and started to flip through, finding the page within seconds. She moved almost as quickly as Stryker Cain had. Holly shivered, she didn’t welcome the reminder.

  Dragging her attention back to Avery and the phone books she said, “That didn’t take long.”

  “Yeah, I know my alphabet. I’ve got three kids. Do you have any idea of how many times I’ve heard the alphabet song?” She reached for the phone and started dialing, but hung up before she heard a voice.

  “I just thought of something. We don’t have to show the picture to a whole lot of people. We’ve got Beth!” She said the name like someone would exclaim, “Eureka!”

  Beth Wayland owned their favorite general store and knew just about everyone in the community.

  Holly said, “That’s a great idea. Beth knows me. She won’t look at me like I’m a twisted psychopath if I show her this picture.”

  “Well, at least no more than usual,” Avery said as she stood up and made for the door.

  * * * *

  An homage to the old fashioned general store, Beth’s shop carried groceries, hardware, candy, souvenirs and more recently, a wide selection of movies to rent. Avery and Holly were regular visitors. They didn’t always have the time or energy to drive into town. Besides, they both believed in supporting local businesses, especially good-hearted and generous Beth’s. The woman was a powerhouse in the community, respected and admired by all.

  She smiled brightly when the two women walked in. Avery didn’t waste a second but got right to the point.

  “Hey, Beth, we need your help.”

  “Sure, what can I do?”

  Bless her, that’s what she always said when someone needed help. Holly handed over the drawing.

  Avery explained. “I know it’s pretty bloody, but try to put that aside. You don’t happen to recognize the woman in it, do you?”

  Beth took one quick look at the picture and turned her head away with a grimace.

  Holly said, “I’m sorry. The drawing is mine. I know it’s startling, but we’d like to find the woman if we can.”

  Looking at the paper again with reluctance, Beth frowned. After a long moment she raised her eyebrows, tilted her head to the side and said, “It could be Irene O’Neill.”

  A look of triumph passed between Holly and Avery, but they said nothing, giving Beth more time to study the picture.

  “Yeah, I’d say it’s Irene.” The store owner looked horrified. “What does this mean? Don’t tell me this is real. How…?”

  Avery quickly shook her head. “There’s no evidence that it is. We’d just like to find her.”

  “Does Irene O’Neill read tarot cards?” Holly asked.

  Beth looked down at the drawing again before handing it back to Avery. “Yes, Irene has been known to read cards, but just for friends and family. It’s not a business for her.”

  “Would you happen to know where she lives?” Avery ventured.

  The door opened and a couple of teenagers filed into the store giggling. Holly smiled at them and exchanged a quick look with Avery. She could remember those years where being together during the summer meant endless late night confidences and more giggling than a Tickle Me Elmo. Such moments helped to cement their now indestructible friendship. It comforted Holly to rely on that friendship especially when all hell was breaking loose and she was forced to try and locate a woman who was about to be murdered.

  Beth pulled out a well-worn book and a piece of paper. She wrote down Irene O’Neill’s phone number. She handed the paper to Avery and proceeded to give them precise directions to Irene’s home.

  Holly glanced at her wrist watch and said, “I’ve got that appointment with the fortune teller I booked before we thought of asking Beth. Too late to cancel on her. This is her business and it wouldn’t be fair.”

  Avery nodded. “You can cancel the others later. I’ll contact Irene. Just drive me back home.”

  Holly smiled and they thanked Beth for her help, promising to explain in full later. They each bought an ice cream and hurried out to Holly’s car. The sugar rush helped.

  Beth called out, “You’ve scared the hell out of me now. I have no choice but to trust you so good luck you two…with whatever you’re doing.”

  Holly wasn’t sure luck had anything to do with it. She didn’t know what the fortune teller would see, but she had a feeling she wasn’t going to like it.

  Chapter 3

  Margaret Wickham lived in the town of Huntsville about half an hour from Holly and Avery’s homes. The drive was smooth and traffic-free. Keeping her mind occupied with trivial things, Holly smiled when she recalled rush hour in Toronto. Thank God for the subway. As the office receptionist, Holly had kept slightly different hours than the rest of her family who drove into work together every day. Instead, Holly had always taken the TTC, public transit.

  In her head, she ran through the directions Margaret had given her and found the house with ease. She parked in the street in front of the woman’s home instead of the driveway. She didn’t want to block anyone in and have to move her car in the middle of her reading. Holly had no idea how the whole thing would play out, but she had an overwhelming feeling of dread and looked over her shoulder at her car, her only avenue of escape.

  Before stepping forward, she took a deep breath. Nervous, her heart pounded. How did one do this? Did she tell Margaret Wickham things about herself or did she wait for Margaret to tell her? She figured it was natural that her stomach
had a few butterflies. It wasn’t every day she sought the future. It had always come to her naturally, but this time, after creating the frightful drawing, actively seeking out the future was as scary as anything Holly had ever known. With a firm resolve, she walked to the front door.

  “Hello, you must be Holly.” Margaret Wickham answered the door bell almost immediately. Holly had pictured her grandmotherly. Margaret was anything but. She was rather good looking actually. Except for the shorts and t-shirt, she would have fit in perfectly at Holly’s father’s firm. Young, attractive and energetic, Margaret Wickham was definitely not the woman in her drawing.

  Holly felt relieved and disappointed at the same time.

  She smiled. “I guess since I had an appointment, you don’t need to be a fortune teller to know my name.” She rolled her eyes and apologized. “Sorry, I’m sure you’ve heard that one a million times.”

  The fortune teller laughed. “I’m afraid so.”

  Holly looked around uncertainly. “Where do we do this?”

  Pointing to a large table, Margaret said, “Just this way. Come sit down and relax. Would you like something to drink?”

  Holly wrinkled her nose. “Do I have to drink tea?”

  She laughed and pulled out a chair for Holly. “No, I don’t read tea leaves. I was just trying to make you more comfortable. You’ve never done this before, have you?”

  She took the seat offered. “That obvious, eh? I guess I’m a little nervous.”

  “Do you have any particular questions you want to ask?” Margaret sat opposite her.

  Holly’s mind went blank. She shrugged. “I can’t think of any at the moment.” How could she ask “Is a woman I’ve never met but have drawn, going to be murdered in the next couple of days?”

  “Well, feel free to ask should any questions occur to you while I’m reading.” Margaret sounded encouraging. “Okay?”

  Holly tried not to wince and nodded instead.

  “I don’t read tea leaves. I don’t use cards either. Instead, I take something that belongs to you and I get impressions from it. Do you have anything like that with you? A ring or necklace?”

  Holly sighed. She wore no jewelry except a circlet of garnets set in white gold on her left baby finger. As the only thing she had from her mother, it meant a great deal to her. Pulling the little ring off her finger, she handed it to Margaret.

  “It’s pretty.”

  Holly said, “I feel a little naked without it. It belonged to my mother. Oops.” She put her hand up to her mouth. “Was I supposed to tell you that?”

  “You can tell me whatever you want. Or you can just stay completely silent.” She covered the hand holding the ring with her other hand and closed her eyes.

  Holly waited silently, watching different expressions cross the psychic’s face.

  After a few moments, Margaret’s eyes popped open, startling Holly. Her face was blank, her eyes appeared glassy. Holly shuddered at the strange look on the psychic’s face. In a much deeper voice than her own, she started to speak.

  “Your mother is dead. Her life was short…happiness…and tragedy. She knew love…brief...but intense enough for many lifetimes.”

  Margaret continued. “It is good you moved here. The city was not for you. I see love. You are fortunate to have such a friend. It gives you strength. Did you know that?” She didn’t wait for Holly to respond.

  “I can see it. Right now you share your spirit with this friend. That will never change but there’s something out there. Something strange.” She blinked and frowned. Her eyes still held that glassy look and her breath came out in pants.

  Still breathless and struggling she whispered, “Secrets. Old secrets. Misunderstandings, violence. You will be tested. He is not what he appears to be. So many in your life are not what they pretend to be. You have a choice to make.”

  The color drained from her face and her voice rose as she forced the words out, “Blood, I see so much blood…it’s all over him! Hunger! Madness! Oh God! Betrayal, death…slaughter!” Her scream almost pierced Holly’s eardrum.

  Unsure of what to do, Holly moved to shake Margaret out of her trance. The other woman stopped screaming when Holly touched her. At last she snapped out of it and looked up with fear in her eyes. Her chest rose and fell rapidly.

  “That’s all. I can’t tell you any more…I’m sick…leave please…”

  Holly opened her mouth to object. She hadn’t paid Margaret for her time.

  Trembling, as if it burned her fingers, Margaret dropped the ring in Holly’s hand. Unevenly she said, “Go…go…I don’t want your money. I’m sorry. I’m not feeling very well.” She looked away.

  Before Holly could move, Margaret gripped her forearm tightly and in a voice that was not her own, she said, “Be careful who you trust. Don’t make your decisions lightly, so many repercussions…”

  Dumbstruck, Holly didn’t know what to do. Margaret’s face changed and like a curtain falling, finally her own intelligent blue eyes peered back at Holly.

  Apologetic but eager to be rid of her, Margaret said, “I’m sorry. This has never happened to me before. It’s so strong. There’s an unusual energy around you and I think it’s thrown me. I can’t do this right now, maybe another time. Can you find your own way out?”

  Holly nodded and moved to the door. She folded up bills and set them on the hall table. Margaret didn’t want to be paid, but Holly had taken up her time and the poor woman suffered for whatever she’d experienced.

  Sitting in her car, with her hands shaking and her pulse racing Holly leaned back and tried to calm her nerves. She hadn’t known what to expect, but what happened was far from anything she’d imagined. The psychic’s words echoed in her head and scared the hell out of her.

  * * * *

  Until now, Holly felt her life was pretty uneventful, boring even. Alan Seaton had always been overprotective of his youngest daughter. His concern had made Holly uncomfortable because she knew he thought of her as weak and incapable. Eventually she’d believed it herself. Father knows best. How many times had she told herself that? She’d made a habit of taking his advice, letting him handle her life. That is until Avery stepped in and offered up an entirely different world, one where she wasn’t the ‘special’ daughter of brilliant Alan Seaton and his equally brilliant son and daughter.

  Still disappointed that she hadn’t taken his advice and stayed in Toronto, her father never visited her new home. But once a month her brother or sister came to check on her and report back to their father. It amused Holly to see how utterly out of place her siblings were in her new surroundings. But still like clock work, every month she’d get a visit from one of them. In a way, it was endearing. Matthew and Alison Seaton took their lead from their father and treated Holly like she was made of glass. They usually brought a carload of meals the cook had prepared on her father’s instructions.

  For the first time in her life, Holly was actually living her own life. It amazed her just how competent she could be. She still hadn’t mastered the cooking thing, but was incredibly good at heating things up, and when she got sick of prepared foods, there was always Avery. Avery was a master at making even the most uninspiring fare taste good. Holly and Stephen often joked that all food tasted better if Avery prepared it…including crackers and cheese. Holly chose to believe it was because she added love to everything she did. Stephen and the kids agreed.

  Sure, since moving to Muskoka, Holly had discovered her independence, but Margaret Wickham’s words had unsettled her. Instead of going straight home, she pulled up in front of Avery and Stephen’s house. Just the sight of it made her feel better. She wasn’t alone.

  At 8:30 the kids were either in bed or finding excuses not to go to bed. She didn’t bother to ring the doorbell. The dogs’ barking had heralded her arrival. The Williams family believed in going big. They owned a great deal of property and their dogs were loyal and protective, perfect examples of their impressive breeds. Austin, a Great Pyrenees a
nd Micah, a Newfoundland greeted Holly happily. As an adopted member of the family, she was under their protection and always welcome.

  The house was silent when Holly entered. After the strange day she’d had, it felt blessedly warm and familiar. She mounted the stairs and heard Avery’s animated voice, reading. Just in time. The kids looked up and smiled when she walked in. As soon as she sat down, Connor found his way onto her lap. She hugged him close and flashed a special smile at Aaron and Jessica. They had no idea how much she appreciated their uncomplicated company especially after what she’d just been through. Together they listened to an animated and expressive Avery tell the story of King Arthur and Excalibur.

  Once the kids were in bed, Avery and Holly sat in the living room. Stephen, understanding that they needed to talk, made himself scarce.

  Avery spoke first. “Irene O’Neill is definitely the woman in your drawing.”

  Holly breathed a sigh of relief, looking towards the heavens. “Thank you, Beth.”

  “She didn’t scoff when I told her that a friend of mine thought she was in danger. It seems she believes in listening to instincts, her own and other people’s.”

  “So she’s getting the hell out of Dodge?”

  Avery nodded. “She was planning a visit to her sister’s anyway. We just moved up the date of her departure by a week.”

  “How soon is she leaving?” Holly wanted the woman gone immediately. She wasn’t sure how far into the future the events depicted in her drawing would occur.

  “She said she’d go tomorrow if she could get all her errands taken care of first.”

  “Good. The sooner the better.” Holly leaned back with a sigh. “I guess we’ve done all we can for now.”


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