Complete Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy

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Complete Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy Page 5

by K E Osborn

  “Mike, why? Why would you send me away if you love me, it doesn’t make sense?” A single tear fell down her cheek.

  I brushed it away with my thumb and leaned my forehead against hers.

  “It doesn’t matter, I was an idiot and I know that now. I need you, Callie. I love you. It’s just you and me for eternity, remember?”

  I heard her whimper, ever so slightly. Her hand came up and caressed the back of my head. We were both breathing erratically as the hormones were kicking in.

  I wanted her.

  I needed her, and I knew she felt the same.

  “I love you,” I said quietly and then pressed my lips to hers ever so softly.

  She kissed me back, she actually kissed me back. Her hand scrunched my hair as she pulled me on top of her and we laid down. My tongue collided with hers and she moaned as she wrapped her legs around my waist pulling our hips closer together. I couldn’t help grinding into her as I grew hard and my need for her became unbearable. It’d been so long since I was with her, and I had only ever been with her. So, it was hard to regain my composure. She clawed at my shirt, lifting it up over my head; I sat up and threw it off as she worked on my belt. She undid it quickly and followed with my button and fly. I shuffled out of my pants while she took off her dress and then flew back into my arms kissing me passionately. She wasn’t wearing a bra, so I only had to remove her panties and I made short work of that. I moved over her, I couldn’t deal with taking it slow this time. I had to show her there and then, how much I needed her. I looked her in the eyes as I entered her, she looked right back at me and I saw a tear fall down her cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb.

  “Do you want me to stop?” I asked, confused by her tears.

  “I don’t want you to ever stop, Mike.”

  I didn’t last as long as I would have liked, she just felt so good and I got a little excited, but I made sure she was plenty satisfied first. Once we’d climaxed, I stayed inside her for as long as possible. I didn’t want to be apart from her. We just laid there together, kissing passionately.

  It was getting close to morning so I had to take her home. I didn’t need Bernard coming after me with his shotgun. He still probably will, when he learns that the engagement is off.

  I slowly woke her and we got dressed. She didn’t say much and she seemed distant. I put it down to her being tired. We climbed down from the hay stacks and she stopped at the door frame and ran her hand over our symbol. I smiled and took her hand walking her to the car. We drove the short drive back to the King mansion and I hopped out of the car and walked around to her door, but she had already opened it before I could get there. That struck me as an odd thing for her to do and should’ve been my second warning sign, the first being her silence. I waited for her to step out of the car and she did. I immediately encased her body with mine and smiled at her brightly, then leaned down and kissed her. She kissed back, but not with any great enthusiasm. I pulled back and looked at her. She was crying. My heart started racing in my chest and I wiped her tears away.

  “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head and exhaled loudly. “Mike, I love you, but I’m promised to Alistair and in some ways I love him too. I agreed to marry him and I’m a girl of my word, and I don’t break my promises,” she pointed out and then she moved a step away from me.

  I couldn’t comprehend what she was saying, it wasn’t sinking in.

  “Wait, what do you mean by that?” I asked, taking a step toward her.

  She put her hand out to my chest to stop me from walking any closer. “What I mean Mike is that my wedding day is in two weeks and I have to go through with it, whether I like it or not. I vowed to marry Alistair. He loves me unconditionally and I love him. I can’t rely on you Mike. You’ve hardly shown any interest in me since we did this nearly two years ago,” she said breaking my heart into tiny little pieces.

  “You love him?” I whispered, which were the only words I could focus on right then.

  She nodded and let her hand fall from my chest to her side. I took a step back and rubbed the back of my neck.

  “Is there anything I can do to make you change your mind and be with me?”

  She simply shook her head and walked toward me. She leaned in, kissed my cheek and then she walked past me and into the mansion taking my heart with her.

  I tried.

  I tried and I’d failed.

  I’d lost my girl, forever.

  What the fuck was I going to do now?

  Chapter Four

  I drove back to the O’Connell mansion and pulled up in the drive. Patty was getting in his car and stopped to look at me. I exhaled and walked over to him.

  “The prodigal son returns,” he said, putting his hand out for me to shake, which I did.

  “Sorry I left without a word, I had some issues to deal with and I’ve come to the conclusion that maybe I just don’t belong here, Sir. You and Mrs. O’Connell have been amazing, but I think I need to move on. There are too many negatives for me here in Mornington Vale, so I see this as my only option. Sorry for leaving you in the lurch and I can work on until you find a replacement.”

  He looked at me and frowned. “Well, while I appreciate your honesty, Son, it may take a few weeks before I can find someone with the skills to replace you. So, if you don’t mind staying then that’d be greatly appreciated. Off the record, I’m sorry that you’re feeling down. I know this can’t be easy for you – especially with the wedding so soon.”

  I swallowed hard and nodded as he patted me on the back.

  “Good, now be a good lad and get suited up so we can get to work,” he said pushing me toward the mansion.

  I exhaled and went back to work. I was dreading that Patty was going to ask me to be the chauffeur for the wedding. I would’ve had to stand my ground on that one. Luckily he gave me the day off and so while Callie and Alistair were saying ‘I do’ I went to visit my parents' graves. It felt like a day of mourning, so I may as well mourn everyone I’d lost at the same time. I spoke to my mother about Callie and how I messed up. I knew she’d be listening and I wished so hard that I could hear her voice; I’d almost forgotten what she sounded like. I spent the rest of that afternoon drowning my sorrows in a bottle of whisky. I could only afford the cheap kind, but it was enough to slightly numb the pain.

  I woke the next day with the mother of all hangovers. Lucky for me, Alistair and Callie were away on their honeymoon for the next few weeks, so I wouldn’t have them flaunting their new nuptials in my face. Hopefully by that time Patty would’ve been able to find a replacement for me before they got back and I wouldn’t have to see them, ever again.

  I went on with work and every day I asked Patty if he’d found someone and every day he said he was still looking. It wasn’t until just over six weeks later that Callie and Alistair came home. World’s longest honeymoon, ever, and the thought of what they’d be doing on their honeymoon made me sick to my stomach.

  I watched them pull up and get out of the car. I saw Alistair first. He looked beyond happy.

  Why wouldn’t he be?

  Callie got out next and she was a little pale and didn’t look so good. That concerned me instantly. Alistair took hold of her and helped her inside as she held her hand to her mouth like she wanted to be sick. She must have caught a bug or something and that’s why they finally came home from their honeymoon. I wanted to check on her to see if she was okay, but I thought it was inappropriate. I’d be leaving any day now. Patty had been interviewing some lads from town for my position and he was doing the last rounds of interviews this week. So hopefully by this time next week I’d be out of there and on my way to somewhere I could try to build a better life for myself and be happy.

  The next day I was getting ready for work and Alistair came barging into my room.

  “Mike, I need you to take Callie to the doctors. She has an appointment in thirty minutes. I’m taking Father into work, so you can bring Callie home after
her appointment and then go about your usual day,” he said and then walked out as quickly as he came in.

  I stood there in a stunned silence; the last thing I wanted was to be alone with Callie. But I figured this was an ideal opportunity to say goodbye and to do it properly rather than just leaving. I walked to the main living room and saw her sitting on the sofa, waiting. I nodded at her and she half smiled back at me.

  “Are you ready to go to the doctor, Miss King?” I asked and she frowned at me.

  “Mike, I’m Mrs. O’Connell now,” she said and then looked away from me.

  That little statement was like a sucker punch right to my chest.

  “But Mike, you don’t have to be formal with me, I’m still Callie, okay?”

  I didn’t answer, but watched her as she stood up and then stumbled; I lunged forward and steadied her. She grasped at her stomach and took in a couple of deep breathes.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, feeling helpless because all I wanted to do was to make her feel better, but I knew that wasn’t my job anymore. She belonged to Alistair now and I had to keep my hands to myself, so I waited until she was steady on her feet and I let her go.

  She swallowed and looked into my eyes. “Mike, there’s something you should know.”

  I had inkling as to what she was going to say and I knew I wasn’t going to like it.

  “Alistair and I, well… we’re pregnant,” she announced and then I was the one stumbling on the spot. Our relationship was beyond saving now, they were going to be parents and there was no way I would ever tear a family apart. In that moment I knew for certain that Callie and I would never be together. Our time had truly passed and there was going to be a baby… his baby and I think that’s when I truly died inside.

  “Right, well let’s get you to the doctor then,” I suggested trying to show no emotion and gesturing for her to lead the way.

  “That’s it? That’s all you’re going to say?”

  I scoffed. “What do you want me to say? Congratulations Callie? You’re the love of my life and you’re having another man’s baby. Sorry, if I’m not over the moon about it. But I am sure you’ll be an amazing mother. Now shall we?” I asked, sounding harsher than I meant, but I was hurting… badly and I realized that most of the hurt in my life was because of Callie, so I think a bit of resentment crept in.

  She exhaled and stormed out of the room. I mentally kicked myself for saying that to her, but I moved on and walked out to the car to take her to the doctor. The car ride was silent. She sat in the back of the car and I thought I even heard her crying at one stage, but I just kept driving.

  I waited in the car while she had her appointment. I didn’t want to go in there with her. Doctor’s surgeries and hospitals freaked me out. So, I sat in the car simmering away, getting angrier and angrier at myself with each passing second.

  Why didn’t I run when she agreed to marry him?

  I should’ve known that it would’ve turned out this way. They got married, of course, that meant they were sleeping together and would eventually have a child. I just didn’t think it would be so soon. I was lost in my thoughts when the back door opened and Callie got in. She was a mess, she was sobbing and instantly all my anger vanished into concern.

  Maybe their baby was sick? Could they tell that this early?

  “Hey, are you alright?”

  She looked up at me and I could see the desperation in her eyes. “Mike, take me to the barn.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t think that’s a great idea Callie, it only brings up memories that we don’t have any right to.”

  “Mike, please, I just need to think, and I feel safe there. Please will you just take me?”

  I rubbed the back of my neck and exhaled. I could never refuse her; even though she belonged to someone else she still had so much power over me. So I drove to old man Harris’ barn.

  She didn’t say anything on the way, she just cried, and the sound was like razors to my ears. I hated her crying. I knew something was wrong, but it wasn’t my place to ask, not anymore.

  I pulled up at the farm, got out and opened her door. She stepped out and started walking toward the barn. I thought she wanted to be alone, so I went to get back in the car.

  “Mike, aren’t you coming?” she asked, looking back at me with desperation in her eyes.

  I couldn’t say no to her. I know I was weak, but that’s what she did to me, made me a weak, pathetic excuse for a man. I walked into the barn behind her and she walked over to the hay stack, but this time sat on a hay bail at the bottom. Wise choice, I wouldn’t really be happy with her climbing the haystacks in her condition. I stood by the door while she cried into her hands. I wanted to ask what was wrong, but like I said it wasn’t my place. I looked at the door frame and saw our symbol carved on it. I wanted nothing more than to take out a chisel and get rid of it from the door frame. It didn’t belong there now. I didn’t belong there with her. It felt all kinds of wrong. She was married to another man and pregnant, so why was I in the place where we went all the way not once but twice? I turned toward the door to walk out.

  “Mike, wait, please don’t leave. Can you come and sit next to me, just for a bit?” she asked and the look in her eyes was pleading, she was begging me not to leave.

  I scratched my head, walked over to the hay bale and sat down next to her. I went to take her hand, it was a natural reaction, but I stopped myself.

  “Oh, Mike, I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

  I didn’t say anything. Then she took my hand in both of hers and turned to face me.

  “Mike, I found out how far along I am today.”

  I was instantly confused.

  Why would I give a rat’s ass about how far along she was?

  I didn’t want to know anything about Alistair’s spawn.

  “That’s good?” I asked, more like a question because I had no idea what she was telling me.

  “Mike, I’m nearly nine weeks pregnant.” She had a strange look on her face.

  Well, that’s great do you want me to throw you a baby shower or something?

  “Okay?” I said, I didn’t know what else to say.

  She exhaled. “Mike, think about it. What happened nearly nine weeks ago in this very barn?” she asked and it was like a piano fell from a height on top of me. A crushing force of weight pushing me down to the floor.

  Holy hell!

  I think I actually gasped as the realization hit me.

  “I could be the father?” I asked hesitantly.

  She shook her head. “No Mike,” she stated and a wave of relief washed over me.

  “Not could be the father, Mike you… you are the father,” she stuttered, gripping on to my hands tightly.

  That piano dropped on me again, and I felt like my lungs were caving in. I stood up and paced the barn dodging the baby chicks that seemed to be all around my feet for some reason. My heart was racing in my chest as a million thoughts went through my head.

  “How do you know? How do you know that the baby is mine and not Alistair’s?”

  She bit her lip and wiped away a tear.

  “Because I didn’t sleep with Alistair until our wedding night and that was two weeks later. The doctor was adamant about the dates. This baby is yours Mike,” she exclaimed, and I inhaled sharply. My mind was wandering, I should be angry or upset, but all I could think about was that I was going to be a dad and it was with the only girl I would ever love. I was scared as hell, but I was beyond ecstatic. This meant Callie would divorce Alistair and I’d finally be with her… her and our baby.

  “Mike, say something,” she said, standing and walking over to me.

  I smiled brightly and picked her up twirling her around and she giggled. I planted her feet back to the ground and she smiled at me.

  “We’re having a baby,” I said and she bit her lip and nodded at me. I couldn’t resist I was so happy that I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. Almost instantly she pulled away and wiped
her mouth. That broke my heart.

  Was I that terrible?

  “I’m married Mike, you can’t just go around kissing married women,” she said loudly.

  I was confused. What did she mean? Alistair would want a divorce as soon as he found out the baby was mine and not his.

  “I don’t understand Callie, the baby is mine, surely that means you’re leaving Alistair?” I asked looking directly at her.

  She started to cry again and I had a terrible sinking feeling in my gut. This was not going to be our happily ever after.

  “Mike, think about it, Alistair would never give me a divorce, even if he found out. He’s made that way. If he found out we were going to be together and be a happy family, he’d make sure I could never divorce him. He’s vindictive like that. And if I told him and then stayed with him, he’d make sure that you never get to see our baby. It’s better if I just stay with him and let him think the baby is his. Then, if you stay working as a Chauffeur you’ll be able to see our baby grow up and be there for it. Be the second father that the baby will always have. We both know that Alistair won’t be much of a father, so the baby will need you Mike. It’s the only way,” she said infuriating me.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously? You expect me to let Alistair think that he’s the father of my child and for me to watch as the baby grows up thinking that Ali-fuckin-stair is its father. I don’t think so Callie. No, you tell him or I will,” I said and she shook her head.

  “Mike, there’s no way that we can be a happy family. The moment I said I do to Alistair is the moment this mess began. I don’t regret making a child with you, Mike. What I regret is going through with the marriage to Alistair, however, as much as I regret that decision, it doesn’t change the fact that I stick by my word. I said for better or worse and it doesn’t get much worse than this. So, I have to stay with Alistair. I do like him Mike, even though he’s bossy and inconsiderate sometimes, I like him. I thought I loved him once, but I’ll never love him the way I love you. That being said I can’t… no I won’t break up my marriage, but I can’t have a baby to another man either. So, Alistair has to think the baby is his, there’s no other way Mike. Like I said, if he knew you were the father he would stop you from seeing it, and I don’t want that. I need you to be in our baby’s life, Mike. This is the only way. Please, you have to understand,” she spoke as she walked over to me and took my hands in hers. I swallowed a lump in my throat. I knew what she was saying was making sense, but it didn’t mean I had to like it.


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