Complete Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy

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Complete Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy Page 11

by K E Osborn

  “Daddy, I’m hungry,” he calls out from the living room.

  Guess my hour is up.

  “Okay, buddy, we just have to wait for Mom to get home and then we can have dinner, yeah?” I tell him and he sticks out his bottom lip in disapproval. I can’t help but laugh. He’s got that little trick from his mother.

  “It’s not funny, I’m shrinking away here, Dad,” he states, making me laugh again. Sometimes kids say the weirdest shit and you wonder where the hell they get it from.

  “You’re shrinking away, are you?” I ask and he nods his head emphatically. “Right, well, we can’t have that, can we?” I ask and he shakes his head and smiles at me knowing he’s won. He’s just like Sarah, I can’t say no to him.

  He runs over and I turn toward the cupboard and pull out the packet of choc chip cookies. He smiles brightly and sticks out his hands.

  “Right, only a couple okay, before Mom gets home. Don’t need you filling up on snacks before dinner,” I say and he smiles and shoves a cookie in his mouth.

  “Thanks Dad,” he mumbles through a full mouth.

  Sarah will probably kill me for giving him a snack. I turn around and continue cooking my chicken curry. I’ve made it extra spicy as they say that can help bring on the baby. Plus, my kid is a legend and he loves spicy food. I stir the pot as I hear the front door open, with a fit of laughter from Sarah and Jeni. I smile, even though I saw Sarah this morning I missed her today.

  Man, I’m whipped!

  I try to look busy in the kitchen to hide the fact that I’m desperate to see her and she walks into the kitchen with Jeni carrying a shit load of bags. I look at her and laugh.

  “I said you could buy anything you want, not the entire department store,” I joke and she rolls her eyes as Jeni giggles placing some bags on the dining table.

  “Just so happens that anything I want was everything in the department store,” she replies with a smirk and she walks over and leans up kissing me quickly.

  “Did you have a good day?” I ask while stirring the curry again.

  “Sure did, Jeni made me laugh so hard at the beauticians,” Sarah chuckles and Jeni glares at her with that whole, don’t you dare tell Chris look.

  Bad move!

  That will only egg Sarah on and I know she’s definitely about to tell me.

  “She wanted her pubes waxed into a love heart for her and Aiden’s anniversary—”

  “Shut up Sarah!” Jeni says shocked. I don’t know why she’s shocked she knew as well as I do that Sarah is a blabbermouth.

  “Shh, Jen Pen, so anyway, she’s never had a wax before.”

  My eyebrows rise as I look at Jeni who’s blushing relentlessly.

  “She’s a shaver,” Sarah tells me explaining my unspoken question.

  “So anyway you should’ve heard the swear words coming out of her pretty little mouth. The whole shopping complex would have heard. She was all fuck this shit and got off the table with her panties around her ankles and a half a love heart waxed on her vag. Funniest. Shit. Ever!” Sarah starts laughing hysterically and Jeni throws a baby jumpsuit at her. She catches it and laughs harder.

  I smirk at Jeni, I know she’s probably majorly embarrassed, but I decide to make it worse, ‘cause I’m an asshole like that.

  “So, now you have half a va jay jay covered in pubes and the other half is half a love heart, yeah Aiden’s going to love that,” I chuckle and she scoffs with a smirk and throws another baby suit at me. I catch it and laugh at her.

  “No, somehow I convinced her to have the other half done, so she now has a full heart,” Sarah says as she cuddles into my side.

  “Well, at least Aiden will know now you give him your whole heart and not just half of it!” I joke and Jeni shakes her head trying to hide her smile.

  “Hey Jen Pen you should show Chris. The beautician actually did a really good job,” Sarah says to me seriously and I laugh.

  “No way, sorry Chris I love you, but I’m not showing you my pubic art,” Jeni says and I see her cross her legs.

  “Oh, c’mon now Jen Pen, don’t be shy, drop those panties girl and show us what ya got,” Sarah laughs and Jeni shakes her head and picks up her handbag.

  “Yeah Auntie Jeni, drop those panties girl,” Ethan calls out from the living room through a mouthful of cookies.

  “Oh my God,” Jeni says as she shakes her head with a smirk.

  “Ethan, don’t say that,” Sarah calls out as I laugh maniacally.

  “I seriously thought he would grow out of repeating everything we say. Man, it’s so much worse now that he’s older and I wonder sometimes if he understands what he’s saying?” Sarah queries as Jeni picks up another bag.

  “Well, I think I’ve had about all the harassment I can take from you two today, I’ll catch ya later,” Jeni jokes as she blows a kiss to Ethan and walks down the hall to the front door.

  “Thanks for today Jeni, you made me pee myself so many times laughing at your expense,” Sarah calls out and Jeni laughs.

  “Anytime, love ya!” she says and then the front door shuts.

  I look down at Sarah, who’s now cuddled into my side tightly.

  “Sounds like you had a fun day.”

  “I had a blast and I haven’t felt sick all day, a little bit of a sore back, but other than that I feel good for once,” she chimes and I smile.

  “But you, you’re in trouble Mr.,” she says, standing back from me and pointing her finger into my chest. I look at her dumbfounded.

  “What?” I ask and she smirks at me.

  “You fed our child cookies before dinner, you need to learn to say no babe,” she says and leans in kissing my cheek.

  I know she’s right.

  “Ethan, baby, bring those cookies here, please,” she asks and he brings them over with a giant smile looking completely satisfied with his meal, before his meal.

  * * *

  We ate dinner and everyone loved my curry as usual, even if it was hotter than normal and it was great to see Sarah eat a full plate. She puts Ethan to bed as I clean up and then comes looking for me in the bedroom, where I’ve placed candles everywhere and put a bunch of handpicked flowers on her bedside table. I’m just placing the massage oil down when she walks in.

  “Wow, this looks amazing,” she says as she walks over to the bed and sits down on the edge.

  “Well, tonight is all about you. I want to make you feel comfortable and relaxed, so get your clothes off I’m going to massage every inch of you,” I tell her and her smile shines brightly as she looks at me.

  “And this is why I love you,” she says and stands taking off her dress. I love Sarah’s body, especially pregnant. She’s glowing and I honestly have never seen her look more fucking stunning than right now. She undoes her bra and then struggles to take off her panties, so I walk over, bend down in front of her and pull them down her legs slowly. She steps out of them and sits back down on the bed.

  “Right, lay on your back, I’ll start with your feet,” I command and she smiles lying back down on the bed and relaxing in the soft pillows. Her poor feet are so swollen and she’s been walking on them all day, so I put as much care and pressure as I can, knowing that she likes me rubbing her arches. She moans slightly as I work my thumb over her arch and the moan springs my cock to attention.

  Down boy, this is about her comfort, not your pleasure!

  I try to ignore my raging hard on and continue to massage her from toes to top. I avoid massaging her tits or her pussy ‘cause obviously I’m having trouble controlling my urges as it is.

  “Okay, baby, sit up and I’ll do your neck and back,” I say quietly because I know she’s very relaxed. She slowly sits up and swings her legs over the edge of the bed. I move in behind her and she moans slightly. My eyebrows crease as I haven’t even touched her yet. I shake my head and move my hands to her neck and slowly rub the tension from her tight muscles. She moans again and I smile, knowing that she’s definitely liking it. I move down her
back and to her shoulder blades. And she suddenly jolts forward as I touch her lower back and she groans.

  “Sorry baby, too hard?” I ask and she shakes her head.

  “No, you’re doing great babe,” she mumbles and if I didn’t know better I’d think she was in pain or something. After spending an hour massaging, I really want to have a shower with her. I just want to have our bodies touching in every way.

  “Shower?” I ask and she nods as I get off the bed and take her hand and lead her to the bathroom. She walks slowly and I think she must be tired or something ‘cause she’s very slow. I turn on the water and step under, taking her in with me and she moans again.

  Okay, I think something is going on.

  “Baby, are you okay?” I ask and she nods.

  “Yeah, it’s just nice to have some time to relax in the peacefulness before the crazy panic starts,” she says and instantly I tense up.

  “Crazy panic?” I ask wondering what she means by that.

  “Chris, I’m in labor,” she mumbles, as she holds onto me tightly.

  And she is right; the crazy panic sets in instantly.

  “Okay, how long for?” I ask trying to work out how long we have before I need to call our mom’s.

  “It’s okay babe, it’s only been going since dinner, and I can see you’re starting to panic, but let’s have our shower together and enjoy this moment, please?” she asks and even though every fiber of my being is telling me to get her out of the stupid fucking shower and to a hospital. I can’t say no to her, so I hold on to her tightly as the water flows over us both.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I didn’t need you panicking unnecessarily, and I wanted my moment of peace and tranquility. It’s the last chance I’ll get for a while.” She leans up and kisses me strongly, so strongly that my dick twitches, but then I instantly remember that she’s in labor and it fades quickly.

  I take out the loofa and wash her down, even though she’s about to get extremely messy in the next few hours, I want her to be as comfortable as possible. She starts moaning again and I can’t take the stress any more.

  “How are you feeling?” I ask and she nods at me while exhaling loudly. “Okay, I think we need to make that phone call don’t you?” I question and she nods as she scrunches her eyes shut tightly and her hand moves to her stomach.


  I turn off the water and step out, grabbing a towel. I towel dry her as quickly as I can while she starts to moan with regularity. My heart is racing and I feel a little light headed as it starts to sink in. Our baby is coming. I walk her into the bedroom and help her put on some clothes and then I lay her on the bed while I organize everything. I pick up my cell and luckily it’s only eight at night and not three in the morning like I thought it would be. I dial home and Mom picks up after three rings.


  “Hey Mom, it’s me,” I announce and she gasps.

  “Oh my God, is it time?” she asks and I nod, then realize I’m on the phone and she can’t see me.

  “CJ?” she asks again and I exhale.

  “Yeah Mom, it’s time,” I say and she shrieks down the phone line so loud, I have to move the phone away from my ear.

  “Jeez, Mom, you want me to go deaf?” I ask and she laughs.

  “No, sorry, of course not honey, I’m just so excited! I’ll come around right now and bring the girls with me to watch Ethan; we’ll be there as soon as we can. Bye! John, the baby’s coming,” I hear her say before she actually hangs up the phone.

  I then ring Trish and then Aiden to let them know it’s happening. I’m so annoyed that I can’t get Sarah to the hospital now, but we have to wait for someone to watch Ethan. I walk back to the bedroom and she’s lying on her side and huffing.

  Fuck, this is happening quickly!

  I walk over and sit behind her and place my hand on her side. She takes my hand in hers and squeezes tightly.

  “I love you Sarah,” I whisper in her ear and then kiss her neck. She responds with a moan and my heart rate climbs again.

  “Mom’s on her way with the girls, they’re going to watch Ethan for us.”

  “M-hum, ooh,” she moans again and I’m not liking how quickly this has gone from an occasional moan to what looks like she’s in serious pain.

  “Baby, what can I do?” I question and she starts to breathe heavily. I swallow a lump in my throat, stand up and walk around and lay down on the bed on my side facing her.

  “I’m right here baby, I love you,” I say. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. I lay there with her staring straight into her eyes, trying to let her know that I’m right here with her. I move her hair from her sweaty face, lean in and kiss her forehead. Twenty minutes later, there’s a knock at the door, I kiss Sarah and get up to let everyone in. I open the door and see Mom with the biggest grin on her face and Dad holding balloons. My sisters are holding teddy bears and random toys and stuff.

  “CJ, how is she?” Mom asks barging her way through the door.

  “In a lot of pain, sorry to make a rush of things, but can we take her to the hospital now?”

  “Yeah of course, girls go into the living room and set up, and your father and I will take you both to the hospital,” Mom says. My sisters walk in and each gives me a kiss on the cheek as they walk past.

  “You girls make yourselves at home, eat anything and watch anything, just try not to give Ethan too much junk okay?” I call out to the girls as they walk down the hall to the living room.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Skye calls back. I know they’ll give him heaps of junk to eat, they always do, but I have much bigger things to worry about right now.

  “Right, where is she?” Dad asks, obviously seeing my concern and I point to the bedroom. We all walk in and she’s off the bed and pacing the floor holding on to her back.

  “Okay, baby you ready to go?” I ask and she nods smiling at Mom.

  “Hi sweetheart, how you are doing?” Mom asks.

  Sarah nods as she works through her breathing.

  I walk over and wrap my arm around her as Dad gathers her bags and we help her walk out to the car. I move Sarah into the back seat and I slide in next to her. I take her hand in mine as Dad starts the car. I look her in the eyes while she pants and clutches at her stomach.

  Fuck, I hate seeing her like this.

  If I could take the pain away I would, in a heartbeat. We arrive at the hospital and everything is happening so quickly. She’s out of the car and into a wheelchair before I can catch my breath. We say goodbye to Mom and Dad as they take us through to the birthing suite. The room is cozy and luckily we’re on our own. We know how feisty Sarah can get so sharing with another person is never a good thing. I help her get changed into her gown and up onto the bed. My heart hasn’t stopped racing since this all started, for some reason I thought this would be less scary than Ethan’s birth, but it’s just as fucking terrifying. I sit next to Sarah’s bed and hold her hand as the midwife does her testing.

  “Has your water broken yet, hun?” she asks and Sarah shakes her head.

  I’m surprised at how quiet, she’s being, I thought in a typical Sarah style she would let everyone know she’s here, but all she is doing is concentrating on her breathing and moaning a lot.

  “Okay, no worries, I’m just going to check how dilated you are,” she says and she moves to the end of the bed and Sarah brings her feet back toward her ass and spreads her legs for the midwife. I hold Sarah’s hand as she looks at me. I look back at her and reassure her with a smile.

  “Okay hun, we’ve got a long way to go. Try to rest as much as you can and save your strength for the birth,” she says and Sarah nods as she walks out.

  Chapter Ten

  We’ve been here for what seems like an eternity. Sarah’s contractions are getting worse and she’s starting to become a little more vocal. So far I’ve been called every name under the sun. I know she doesn’t mean it and I can’t help but laugh when
she goes off, which only makes her angrier. But I love her feistiness, I always have. That’s how we ended up together at the party when we met. She was smokin’ hot, still is. I wanted to dance with her, she said no and told me to fuck off and I wouldn’t take no for an answer, so I pulled her in for a dance and I think we both fell in love at that moment. I spent the rest of that night snogging with her while Jeni played on her phone.

  Poor Jeni!

  “Did you not hear me?” Sarah says, bringing me back into reality.

  “No, baby, what do you need?”

  “Were you just day dreaming while I’m trying to force your child out of my pussy?” she asks and again I can’t help but laugh. She screws her face up at me and pulls her hand from mine.

  “No, well, yes, I was remembering how we met,” I explain and she looks back at me and smiles.

  “At that nimrods party,” she recalls.

  “Yeah, you were so beautiful that night,” I tell her and hold her hand again to which she quickly snaps it away again.

  “That night? So, what, I’m not beautiful now? That’s right knock me up and then tell me I’m ugly while I’m pushing a watermelon out of my twat, nice one Chris remind me to divorce you when this is all over won’t you?” she snaps.

  I shake my head at her as she starts to cry.

  “Hey, don’t cry baby,” I say, smoothing her hair back. “I love you, and you’re beautiful. You’re simply stunning, especially when you’re pushing out a watermelon,” I chuckle at the end of my sentence.

  She looks up at me and her bottom lip quivers. “I love you Chris, I’m so sorry I don’t want a divorce, it’s just the pain, you know. It’s making me crazy,” she exclaims and I chuckle again and lean down to kiss her forehead.

  “Baby, it’s not the pain making you crazy, that’s just you,” I joke and she huffs and turns away from me.

  “Fuck you, you fucking jerk!” she mumbles.

  “Don’t worry, I love it when you’re crazy,” I mumble back to her and she turns her face to mine and half smiles. Then suddenly she’s moaning in pain as she hunches over on the bed. I take her hand and she holds on to me so fucking tight I hardly have any feeling left in my hand.


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