Strange Lake Falls Volume 1 (Strange Lake Falls Series)

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Strange Lake Falls Volume 1 (Strange Lake Falls Series) Page 18

by KD Jones

  Connor came up to him. “I’ll drive.”

  “Thanks.” The keys are in the ignition. “Take us to the pack house.” Connor was about to argue, but Ric growled which had Mary frowning.

  “Don’t argue.” She croaked out. Connor stomped into the driver’s side of the truck and turned it on.

  Ric got into the passenger’s side and held her in his lap. He looked down and saw her eyes glowing. “Mary?”

  “You smell really good.”

  “You do too sweetness.” His voice was gruff with emotion.

  “Are we really going to be mates?”

  “I am mating you the moment you are fully recovered.”


  They sat there staring in each other’s eyes. Then Mary touched his cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you too beautiful. I’m never letting you go.”

  Chapter 20

  Mary stood in front of the dresser mirror staring at herself. She couldn’t believe the difference the transition made. She looked like she was in her late twenties again; except she looked much better than she ever did when she was in her late twenties.

  Those extra pounds she’d a hard time losing were gone, and she had muscle definition in her arms. Her boobs were upright, and so perky that she wouldn’t have to wear a bra if she didn’t want to, and her ass was smooth and tight. No more grey hairs, her hair hung down her back long and curly blond. She looked like a playboy bunny. A voice from the door caught her attention and she yanked her robe back on.

  “Alpha wanted me to check to see if you were ready.” Samantha asked.

  “I am. Why didn’t he come himself?”

  Samantha blushed. “He said that if he came in here that y’all wouldn’t be coming back out for a while.”

  Mary smiled. She couldn’t help it. Ric hadn’t been able to keep his hands off of her, and she was just as bad. “He’s right. Guess I can’t delay this any longer.”

  “It won’t be that bad.” Samantha reassured her.

  “The full moon, the run with the pack, or the mating?”

  “I don’t know anything about the mating, that will be done privately, but the pack run is amazing. At first I was scared. I didn’t want anyone looking at me naked, but once the change starts no one looks at anyone else. Then you are in your wolf body and nature takes over. You run, jump, play, and hunt. Afterwards you feel this incredible sense of belonging. You’ll come to love it like the rest of us.”

  “Well let’s get this thing going then.” Mary followed Samantha out of the house.

  Ric was waiting for her at the bottom of the steps on the porch. “Hey, beautiful. Everyone is here.”

  Mary looked around. All the wolf pack was present. There were two new members present; two of the women Ric had been forced to date, Victoria and Roxanne. They’d both moved to Strange Lake Falls, and each had a job and their own place to live. She smiled at her best friend Jackie who stood beside her husband Adrian.

  Connor was there too. He’d rescheduled his flight out so that he could be there for her. She noticed that he was watching Roxanne a little too close. The woman was hundreds of years old. Way too old for her son.

  “What’s wrong?” Ric asked.

  “Nothing. Just happy that Connor came. What should I do?”

  “Just stand next to me.” Ric turned to face his pack. They were moving from foot to foot anxious to get started. He looked up at the full moon and howled in his human voice. The others did the same. He started to change and it was like a chain reaction, everyone removed their clothes and shifted to their wolf form.

  Mary smiled as she heard Connor swear and turn his back to them. He told Jackie to let him know when his mom was no longer naked. She chuckled. Then her body shifted. It felt like when a person first wakes up muscles stretch and pop into place. The next thing she knew, she was on all four paws sniffing the ground. She looked up at Ric who sent her a mental message.

  “You are part of the pack now. When we are shifted we can communicate with one another like this. As my female Alpha, you can command the pack along side of me. Are you ready for the run?”

  “Yes.” Mary couldn’t stop the excitement she felt.

  Ric took off for the woods, Mary and the rest of the pack followed. They ran and played for about an hour. Then Ric signaled for the rest of the pack to leave him and Mary. He circled her sniffing her fur.

  “Change back.” He growled with need.

  Mary immediately changed back to her human, very naked form. She watched as Ric transformed back to his human self. She was overwhelmed with the need to fuck him. “Ric?”

  “Now we mate.”


  Connor stood watching the forest where his mother and Ric had gone to, to mate. There would be a wedding soon too. Ric had already asked for his blessing. Connor gave it to him, but swore if he ever hurt his mother, he would cut off the man’s protruding body parts.

  “Are you going to stay for the cookout?” Samantha asked. After the run with the pack everyone changed back into their clothes. Samantha walked over to him wearing a bikini top and cut off shorts.

  He glanced over at the porch swing where Roxanne and another female werewolf sat. God, the woman was beautiful. He was tempted to stay and get to know her better, but that would be a mistake; he was leaving tomorrow for his study abroad. No point in starting something you couldn’t finish.

  “Naw, I’ve got to go home and pack.”

  “I’m going to miss you.” Samantha hugged him.

  “You too kiddo. Stay out of trouble while I am gone. I don’t want to come back and find out you turned into a troll next.”

  Samantha punched his arm lightly and laughed. “Shut up.”

  “But seriously, be safe. That creep that turned you into a wolf is still out there somewhere.”

  “I know. I’m careful. Plus, Adrian is being a very over protective step dad. He has body guards watching me wherever I go,” she said moodily pointing at one of her guards standing by the tree, Brock.

  “Adrian cares about you and wants you safe.”

  “I know I appreciate it I do, and it makes me feel safe knowing that there is someone watching over me. It’s just that sometimes I feel…like a child. I just want to be treated like an adult.”

  “Don’t rush that honey. You have plenty of time to be an adult.” Connor looked once more at Roxanne and caught her watching him. She blushed and looked away. He smiled as he turned and headed for his car. At least the attraction seemed to be both ways. Maybe he’ll look her up when he comes back in a few months for his mother’s wedding. Who knows?


  Jackie kissed Adrian and watched his sexy ass climb the stairs. Life had certainly changed for the better in the last few months. Her daughter would be starting college soon. Her best friend was happily mated to the Alpha. She and Adrian’s love grew deeper every day. Yes, life couldn’t be any better.

  She was putting away towels from the laundry when the doorbell rang. Adrian had gone upstairs to shower. Samantha was spending the night at the pack house. She put down the towels and headed to the front door. She opened it up and sucked in a breath.

  “Hello Jacqueline.”

  Fuck me. It was Adrian’s maker Lila. “Uh…hi.”

  “Can I come in?” Lila asked.

  “Yes of course.” She moved out of the way to let Lila in. “Adrian, we’ve got company!”

  Lila entered the house looking everything over. She stopped to stare at a wedding picture of Jackie and Adrian.

  “Sorry we couldn’t get hold of you to invite you but you were…”

  “In the ground. I know. You both look very happy. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks. So, why are you here?” Oh that sounded wrong.

  “I’m come here for my mate.”

  Mate? Oh shit. “Well, that’s nice. Anyone I know?” It better not be Adrian.

  “No.” Lila answered briskly.

  “Anyone you know?” Ja
ckie was struggling to make small talk.

  “Not yet.”

  Okay then. “Adrian!” Where the hell was that man?

  Strange Lake Falls Vampire Mistress

  Book 3 Strange Lake Falls Series


  KD Jones

  © Copyright November 2014 KD Jones Publishing

  All cover art and logo © Copyright November 2014 by KD Jones Publishing

  Artwork by KD Jones Publishing

  All rights reserved:

  This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission. All characters, places, and events in this book are fictitious or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblances to actual persons living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations are strictly coincidental.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences. Contains language and actions some may deem offensive. M/F

  Lila Draken is a 2000-year-old natural born vampire. She is one of the last born of pure blood vampire parents. She is considered royalty among the existing vampires, Mistress of her Clan. But she doesn’t feel royal, she feels out of place. She awakens after centuries of a self-imposed sleep and comes to the small town of Strange Lakes Falls to seek out her future. Little does she know that her past and future will collide, nor does she see the danger that will come from that collision. In the center of all the chaos is a tall, dark, and handsome werewolf that she can’t ignore.

  Laws Carrington is back in Strange Lake Falls and he is shocked at the changes he finds. A new pack and a new Alpha have taken over the town. Not only that, but the wolf pack shares the town with a vampire clan, which was almost unheard of in his time. He plans to challenge for his old position as Beta, and is looking forward to resuming his normal life. At least he thinks he is, until a sexy female vampire shows up needing protection. The attraction he feels is taboo. A werewolf can’t mate with a vampire. But his wolf has other ideas.

  They come from two species that have warred with one another for centuries. They both must learn to overcome their prejudices and fear to find common ground. Will they be able to overcome the seemingly insurmountable obstacles and dangers that surround them? Can they overcome their misgivings and let their hearts rule?


  “She will not be forced into this! She is but fifteen years old!” The shouting was coming from the throne room. She recognized her father’s voice.

  Lilia Drakenaska made her way down the long corridor, hiding in the dark corners so that no one would see her. Her parents had ordered her to her room half an hour ago when an unexpected visitor arrived. She hated being treated like a child, so she had snuck out against their wishes.

  “That is the age most human girls marry and have children. She is to be mine. I won’t leave here without her!” another male’s voice responded, equally loud.

  Lila frowned. Who would dare talk to her father that way? He was Wrendel Drakenaska, born vampire King of the Eastern World. No one but a fool would go against him. As she came closer, she saw her father’s guards lying on the floor unmoving, blood dripping and pooling underneath them, obviously dead. She pulled back and kept to the shadows. She gasped as a warrior came in to drag one of the bodies away. It left a trail of blood on the floor.

  Her stomach tightened. Though she was a vampire, the smell of blood was nauseating to her. All children born from vampires were born almost human. They had enhanced senses, but their full powers did not develop until they hit vampire puberty, still a year away for her. Then her vampire teeth would come in and she would have to take in blood along with food to sustain her. She wasn’t sure she could do that, feed from humans. Her mother and father planned to teach her how to feed without killing and how to keep her true identity secret. It was something she was dreading.

  Other scents distracted her from these thoughts. The smell of werewolf was strong. Her people had at one time been at war with the werewolf packs. There had been so many deaths on both sides. A truce had been called, but recently there was a demand to also have a no-contact policy in place, for safety reasons. The only person she knew of that violated the no-contact policy was … Prince Vladrinski.

  With the soldiers gone she rushed to the door of the throne room and cracked it open a little. She peered inside and felt her chest tighten at the sight. Her parents stood side by side, arguing with an enraged Vladrinski.

  “She is one of the last natural born vampires, just as I am one of the last natural born vampires. It is my right to claim Lilia and produce more natural borns.” Lilia shivered at the thought of having to mate with the prince. He had a reputation for being cruel and twisted, but no one did anything to him because he was one of the last princes of the vampire nation. Her parents didn’t seem to care about his status, though.

  “We are her parents. We get to decide whether we approve of this union. We do not.” Her father crossed his arms over his chest. That was never a good sign.

  “You dare to deny me what is mine?”

  “She is not yours!” her mother yelled. Her father reached out as her mother tried to claw Vladrinski.

  “She is mine and I won’t let anyone keep me from what I want. End them.” With that order, a pack of werewolves sprang from the shadows and attacked. Her parents didn’t stand a chance. She screamed as she shoved the door open and rushed in to try to save them. But it was too late. They lay on the floor, their heads severed from their bodies, slowly disintegrating into dust.


  Lila woke from her nightmare. She was disoriented for a moment. Then she remembered why she couldn’t move her arms or legs. She was inside her coffin, buried deep within the Earth. She wasn’t sure how long she had been asleep. But everything muscle was stiff and hurt when she moved. She was starving for blood. She had only risen a few times over the centuries, when it was necessary to take in blood to keep going. Now she could feel how much she needed nourishment.

  It was time to rise and start her life anew. This time, she would let nothing get in the way of finding what she truly wanted: a happy life and love.

  Chapter 1

  Months Later

  “So how long are you here for?” Jackie asked as she handed a bag of blood to Lila. Her question seemed innocent, but there was a definite sharpness to it.

  “As I said before, I am here to stay, or until I have found my true mate.” Lila tried to hide her smile as Jacqueline, Adrian’s current mate, shifted uncomfortably.

  Adrian Belliveau was a wonderful man she had turned into a vampire centuries ago. He had lost his family and his will to live. But Lila saw something in him that was redeemable, so she changed him, and they remained close for many years. But she had known she was not his true mate and he was not hers. When she grew tired, she decided to go to ground for while, but now she had begun to dream of her true mate. She knew this was the time to rise again and finally find the mate she longed for. She had come to Strange Lake Falls, where Adrian had moved, and had been staying with him and his mate Jacqueline ever since. The arrangement was convenient, but not ideal.

  Lila knew the other woman was jealous of her relationship with Adrian. It didn’t help that Lila had inadvertently walked in on them while they were making love. It had been a total accident; she had simply gotten confused about which room was hers. It was just as embarrassing for her as it had been for them, but the expression on Jacqueline’s face had been priceless.

  “Is your … mate here in Strange Lake Falls?” Jackie’s friend Mary asked. Mary was a werewolf and mated to the local pack’s Alpha.

  “Not yet, but I belie
ve he will come here.” Lila took another sip from the bag of blood. It was amazing the way modern times had made it so much easier for vampires to live. In her day, she would have needed to hunt for her blood. She would have gone to a nearby town at night, used her senses to find humans, preferably healthy adult men, and used her mind control while she fed. She had never killed them and always left them with pleasant memories, but now if she wanted blood, she could call a number and have it delivered in a bag at her doorstep.

  “You don’t know for sure?” Jackie stood up and began to pace back and forth. “You could be here for years.”

  “Perhaps a few days or a few years. I have waited centuries, so what are a few decades?” Lila shrugged her shoulders. It took great effort not to laugh at Jacqueline’s very expressive face.

  “Decades!” Jackie looked like she was having a hard time breathing. Her friend rushed to her side, fighting her own fit of giggles.

  “It’s going to be okay, Jackie. Just breathe. In, out … in, out.” Mary rubbed her friend’s arms comfortingly, but did laugh a little.

  “This isn’t funny!” Jackie yelled.

  “No, of course not,” Mary agreed.

  Lila watched, fascinated. The two friends seemed to care deeply for one another, despite the fact that Mary was a werewolf and Jackie was a vampire. Once, there had been peace and communion between werewolves and vampires. Then the wars had started.

  So much had changed since she had gone to ground. Adrian had formed friendships with several werewolf packs, including Ric, the current Alpha of Strange Lake Falls and Mary’s mate. It was strange to see the two species working and living together. Old taboos were hard to overcome.


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