JAYDEN (MC Bear Mates Book 9)

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JAYDEN (MC Bear Mates Book 9) Page 12

by Becca Fanning

  This space was larger than the chapel at her Church. But the numbers were small in comparison to the entire ‘congregation’ of the Clan.

  There were those who lived on the Estate, and those who simply didn’t want to visit the clubhouse, preferring more solitary lives but liking to be linked to a Clan for the protection it afforded.

  Jay had just abandoned her for the pool table, but Kon was seated on the armchair opposite her, talking to his father, Spyder, and Sammy about bikes and the garages Mundo managed for the MC.

  Jay had been beside her on the sofa until someone had hollered at him to take part in a pool game. Ava, apparently seeing this, swept in and scared the heck out of her.

  “Ava!” she hissed, then peered around to make sure no one had heard her. “You can’t say things like that.”

  The other woman snorted, totally uncaring that she’d embarrassed Leila. Ava was one of those people who could be considered irritating and arrogant and mean, but she was also generous, kind, and funny. The two sides of her nature were utterly disparate, utterly confusing, but they created a personality that was, despite her flaws, magnetic.

  “What are you doing down here anyway?” she asked, knowing Ava rarely came to the common room, preferring the quiet of her bedroom.

  She and Chris were rarely spotted here, but when Ava looked at the pool table, she saw her friend’s mate was there too.

  Leila often wondered what they got up to in their bedroom. After all, they were there so much. Of course, after what happened last night, she could well understand why they’d be in their bedroom a lot, but so many hours? She knew they worked together on certain projects, still…

  She pondered what her mates had made her feel, and asked herself if that level of combustible wonder was like a first step. As a toddler, those first steps were always bumbling. A kid spent more time on the floor than upright. Then, came walking, and more, running, skipping, jogging, a fast-clipped strolling…

  Was it possible that there was so much more to explore in bed with a man?

  The thought had her gulping, and Ava, spotting it, grinned. “I knew it.”

  “Leave her alone,” Kon warned, making the two of them jump as he interrupted their conversation.

  She cast her mate a grateful smile, and he narrowed his eyes at Ava in response. It warmed her deeply to think that even though he was in an intense business conversation with his father, his attention was split partway with her.

  Liking that, she watched as Ava just huffed. “What do you think I’m going to do, Kon? Corrupt her? You’re already doing a good job of that!”

  Kon let out a growl that had his father and brother-in-law jerking to attention. Ava just grinned, but Mundo grabbed Kon’s shoulder.

  “Don’t push your luck, Ava,” Mundo advised her, his tone a warning he backed up with a flash of his eyes. “You know they’re on the edge.”

  “Shut up, Dad,” Kon hissed, immediately casting her a glance. “It’s okay, Leila. I just don’t want her winding you up.”

  “I know,” she told him softly, but it did distress her to see how on edge he was. She knew Jay would be exactly the same, too. That they’d be this way until they could finally make her theirs.

  He studied her a second more, making sure she was okay, before casting another warning glance at Ava and returning to his conversation.

  “Overprotective much?” Ava grumbled, making Leila snort in amusement.

  “You do like to push your luck, don’t you?” she questioned, cocking her brow at the other woman.

  “Spice of life,” Ava admitted with a grin. “Anyway, you have to fess up. Your scent’s changed, but not enough to tell me you’ve been claimed. And from Kon’s temper, I’ll gather that’s not the case anyway.”

  Though just yesterday, she’d have been embarrassed, would have blushed and stuttered her way through the conversation, now, she couldn’t find it in herself to get that up.


  She didn’t know. What they’d done couldn’t totally have lowered her inhibitions, that wasn’t possible. Was it?

  Or maybe it was because it was impossible to be embarrassed about something as beautiful as what they’d done together last night?

  Ava pursed her lips. “If you’re not going to share all the deets, then I’d better change the subject before I get into more trouble.”

  A small smile curved her own mouth as she cast a glance at Kon, who was looking intent once more as he discussed ‘whatever’ with his father.

  “What kind of gossip do you have?”

  Ava narrowed her eyes. “You up for a trade?”

  “A lady doesn’t reveal her secrets,” Leila retorted primly, making the other woman huff.

  “We got Savannah.”

  Leila had only been a part of the Clan for the past ten days, but for all that time, they’d been on red alert for making Savannah, a Wolf pup lost to foster care, a part of their clan.

  Ava had explained that the girl’s father had done them a favor, and they’d learned of Savannah’s horrible situation. Ultimately deciding to help her, they’d started this plan to help other young Shifters find a way to a Clan or Pack rather than be stuck in human care.

  At first, Leila hadn’t understood what was so bad a prospect about being in foster care. Well, of course, it wasn’t ideal. But then she’d seen how the men would get into petty fights over the inanest of arguments. Fights that would culminate into fist fights that would have them shifting in the back yard and clawing at each other, seeming like they were willing to murder one another… If the kids were just as bad, never mind the adolescents whose tempers and moods would be as fickle as those of humans’, it was true that even Leila was starting to see why being in an orphanage was anything other than a ‘good’ idea for Shifter kids.

  “That’s fantastic,” Leila murmured, smiling brightly at Ava. She knew how much effort her new friend had put into liberating Savannah, and Leila was happy her hard work had paid off. “Is she staying with Toni?”

  “Yep. Well, she’s kind of staying with a few families to start with.”


  Ava grimaced. “Because humans are prudes, and I won’t apologize for offending your race, because you’re the biggest prude of the lot of them.”

  Leila snorted, unoffended actually by Ava’s remarks. How could she be? She was a prude. Getting used to the ease in which Bears discussed things that were definitely ‘behind closed door’ topics back home was the hardest learning curve she’d ever had to traverse.

  Toni was mated to two males, too. But Graver and Justiss weren’t brothers like Jay and Kon, so the bond was similar but not.

  “Because of the threesome thing?” she asked Ava, who nodded grouchily.

  “It’s ridiculous. They’re a loving, warm family. They’re raising their own kids to be respectful, respectable, decent civilians. Justiss is a businessman with a reputation beyond repute, Graver too although he’s not as rich as Justiss, and Toni’s a doctor! A director at her hospital! What more does welfare want?”

  Leila grimaced. “I’ll admit, it does seem a little obtuse. No wonder so many kids are in the system if it’s so hard to adopt them.”

  Ava wrinkled her nose. “That’s why we’re having to pull some jiggery pokery.”

  Jiggery pokery? Leila shook her head at her friend’s words. “Why? What did you do?”

  “Some hacking. Put the paperwork in Kon’s aunty’s name so Savannah will be living with them in the eyes of the law, but Toni and her family when all’s settled down.”

  “That makes sense.” Leila pursed her lips. “I managed to hack into the DC branch of births, marriages, and deaths today, by the way.”

  Ava’s brows rose. “I’ve been trying to get into that baby for the past fortnight.”

  “I know.” It wasn’t right to be smug, but Leila couldn’t stop herself from shooting Ava a self-satisfied smirk.

  Ava grinned back. “That’s awesome.”

  They w
ere targeting each State’s main office of birth registration. That office also dealt with registering Shifters, so it was a double whammy.

  The amount of information they were having to process and sort through would have astonished Leila if she wasn’t used to it.

  Plus, this was kind of her thing. Accounts never had been, but it had been as good a job as any to hold her over while she made a place for herself in this world.

  After she’d stolen that money, been ‘captured’ by Kon and Jay, then punished with a kind of community service to the Clan. Leila had to admit that when she’d left the Church, she’d never expected this was what she’d be doing with her time.

  One sin begot more sins, she realized, but the truth was she’d never been happier.

  “I saved the data on the hard drive.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me yesterday?”

  Leila huffed. “You and Chris were busy.”

  A sparkle appeared in her friend’s eye. “Ah.”

  “Yes. Ah.”

  “You mean we were fucking.”

  Leila closed her eyes. “Why must you say the word when we both knew exactly what we were talking about?”

  “I like to make sure we’re all on the same page,” Ava retorted, as cheerful as ever.

  Leila blew out a breath. “You’re a pain.”

  “This I know,” came the singsong retort. “However, in this instance, my being a pain will do you good. You think I’m a nuisance?” She snorted. “Wait until you’ve seen Jay hungover.”

  Leila’s lips twitched as her eyes sought out her mate. At that very moment, his lips were wrapped around a beer bottle, and though she should ponder more over Ava’s warning, she was thinking about something else his lips could be wrapped around.

  The errant spark of desire that cascaded through her had her flinching inwardly. Such thoughts were utterly sinful, and yet, she was starting to feel no shame.

  How could something that felt so right be the source of shame?

  Ava clicked her fingers in front of Leila’s face. “Earth to Miss Prude.”

  Leila reared back with a scowl. “What was that for?”

  “You were busy gawking and ruining the world for me. No way do I want to see love hearts for eyes when it comes to two guys who are like my bros. Capiche?”

  Leila gawked at her. “You can’t be serious? After all the shade you throw my way?”

  Ava’s mouth dropped open. “Did you just say ‘shade’?”

  “Don’t make a big deal about it. Kon taught me what it meant yesterday,” she said on a huff.

  “Jesus Christ,” Ava whispered, then reached over and patted her friend. “What have you done with my friend? Have you had some anal probing, is that it?”

  The wickedness to her tone and glance had Leila blushing scarlet.

  “Ava!” Kon snapped again, making them both jump.

  “What?” she demanded with a snarl, turning to glower at him. “She likes me. She’s safe. What do you need to protect her from, dumbo?”

  He narrowed his eyes, then turned his gaze on her. “Are you okay?”

  She hunched her shoulders, feeling both in awe at his protective instincts as well as overwhelmed by them.

  She’d never had anyone to defend her before. Not even her parents had bothered to protect her from the Church, when one of its most powerful members’ son had tried to rape her. Yet here was Kon, getting shifty with Ava, a woman who was like a sister to him, and all for her.

  “Thank you,” she whispered softly, well aware that her eyes were gleaming at him with appreciation.

  He blinked at her, apparently taken aback by the gesture. But he nodded, and though she could tell he was keeping one ear on the conversation, he did as he’d done earlier… returned to whatever he was chatting about with his family.

  “Fuck, he’s such a pain now he’s mated,” Ava said with a pout.

  Leila snorted. “He’s my pain.”

  “What a great compliment that is,” came Ava’s snarky retort. “Anyway, if you got into the DC branch that’s a major coup. You know all the files from the other state’s offices coordinate there at some point.” She rubbed her hands together. “We might have the basics of a working list.”

  Leila smiled at her enthusiasm. When Ava had first explained the end goal to her, she had been a little perplexed, but gradually it had all fallen into place. Back in the eighties, there had been a drive to round up all the Shifters and to place them on an identification database. That drive had mostly been rejected by all Shifters. In the early 2020s, another drive had happened with more success as they’d taken to identifying newborns in hospitals, but ever since, it depended entirely on who was in the White House. Some governments were sticklers for knowing all Shifter activity, others less so.

  At the moment, they had a stickler which was helping their case. She’d hacked into the major branch and was able to use that for their gain.

  “I thought so, too. I should probably have interrupted your orgasm to tell you that, but I figured you’d be madder at the interruption.”

  A smile played about Ava’s mouth. “I’m not sure which option was the wisest, but what’s done is done.”

  “Are we going to inform the police of the database?”

  Ava snorted. “How naïve are you? They’ll want to know little things like how the hell we discovered all the names… That sound like a smart decision to you?”

  “Not so much a Brainiac now, am I?” she confessed with a rueful grimace. “But what use is a database if no one has access to it?”

  “Because of you hacking into those records, we now have a list of Shifters that were born in the last twenty years when harsher implementation of identity became a real stickler. That means, if we then have a current list of missing persons in all the states, we can cross reference them and send out the information to the local Clans or Packs.”

  “It’s still hard to believe that all these half-animal people are wandering around.”

  Ava rolled her eyes. “Get with the program, Leila. Jeez, people have known about Shifters since the Second World War.”

  Pulling a face, Leila admitted, “I know, but when you don’t see them and barely hear about them, it’s easy to forget they exist at all. Then, you get transported to a world where there are hundreds of them all around you.” She shook her head. “You have to admit, you can see why I feel like Harry Potter.”

  For a second, Ava just stared at her, then as she had a way of doing, floored Leila by flinging her head back and roaring out her laughter.

  Chapter 10

  With Ava and Chris canoodling somewhere, Leila was manning the fort. The database was coming on fine. In fact, it was better than fine.

  It was phenomenal.

  They were days away from creating a fully functioning program that would enable them to gain access to every state in the union’s Shifter registration files, allow them to cross reference those files with the federal, state, and local Missing Persons’ lists, and identify kids who had fallen through the cracks.

  This was most definitely still the beta version, and most certainly there would be kinks as they got the program running, but heck, even Leila was impressed with what she and Ava had accomplished. Though pride was a sin, and egotism a horrible trait, she knew that it would have taken Ava three times as long to do all this by herself.

  Instead, in a matter of weeks, they’d managed it.

  She had to pat herself on the back for that even if it wasn’t a particularly nice thing to do.

  “Ava said you were still working on the program.”

  The voice jolted her to attention, and knowing the voices, but not very well, had her stiffening as tension made her sit ramrod straight.

  Turning away from her computer and spinning the chair around to face her visitors, she whispered, “Am I supposed to stand?”

  Mars, the Prez, and Kiko, the VP, tilted their heads to the side. If she hadn’t been petrified, she’d probably have been am
used at the way they’d mimicked each other without knowing it.

  It was Mars who eventually spoke, though he sounded as perplexed as he looked, “Sugar, I’m not the King.”

  “No? The way the Clan acts around you, you couldn’t tell me otherwise.”

  It was probably a tad, as Ava would say, ballsy to speak so bluntly to the man who ruled this particular roost, but they’d avoided her for all the weeks she’d been here. She didn’t know if that was out of disapproval for her presence here, or simply because she was too unimportant to be of notice to them. Either way, she wasn’t altogether certain she appreciated them appearing when Ava wasn’t here.

  It wasn’t that she needed her friend to protect her, it was… well, she needed her friend here to protect her.

  Jeez. Leila blew out a breath that had her bangs flying out a little. In response to her words, Kiko folded his arms across his chest. “You stole from the MC, Leila.”

  “You think I don’t know that? I told Kon and Jay just working on this program wasn’t enough atonement.”

  Kiko surprised her by shaking his head. “No, we’re disappointed you chose the path you did, but Shifters don’t view things the same as humans. If you’d stolen the money to go on a spending spree at Dior, then yeah, we’d have been pissed.”

  Leila blinked at him. “You know who Dior is?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Of all that, that’s what you focus on?”

  Mars cleared his throat. “She kinda has a point, buddy.”

  Leila’s lips twitched because she could see Mars was ganging up on Kiko too. Well, not that she was, she was simply surprised Kiko, who wore jeans so old they looked like they were hanging on by a string, knew the couture designer.

  Heck, she’d only discovered him herself after she’d gorged on Vogue.

  “Look, we’re getting off the point here. I have a mate with very particular tastes, and if said mate is happy, then she’ll do things that please my particular tastes. Okay?” he declared, more to Mars than to Leila. When the Prez just snickered, Kiko grunted. “Anyway, the minute Ava found out who had stolen the money, I sent Jay and Kon out to find you. When she kept on hunting, trying to discern where the funds had gone, then she discovered it had been sent to a private clinic in Utah… well, things changed from that moment on. The situation carried on morphing when the boys discovered you were their mate.”


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