Brotherly Love! (Markson Regency Mystery Book 4)

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Brotherly Love! (Markson Regency Mystery Book 4) Page 8

by Lindsay Downs

  He suspected she was about ready so he stood and stepped over to her as Amanda fastened the ruby necklace. It matched the earrings he’d given her when they’d returned from Scotland in celebration of her carrying his heir. Of course that subject was still debated fiercely as she kept insisting the baby was a girl. For him though, and he’d deny it if pressed, all he cared for it to be healthy and she also.

  “My lady, you are flawlessness,” he declared.

  “Why thank you kind sir. Shall we meet with the Duke, Duchess and Ethan so we can tell them what I, now you, suspect.”

  Robert accept her hand, helped her up then settled if on his arm as Evan slipped into their suite.

  “M’ lord they’ve just entered the Duchess’ parlor. I made sure the butler knew you’d be joining them and Lord Rosewood.”

  “Thank you.”

  While they made their way to the first floor then along the corridor Robert wondered if they’d believe his wife, that the murders could be to remove him from power. But, he then remembered it was the duke who’d called off the dogs from Bow Street from pursuing her brother. This was the strength of authority the man had, so it was possible. As they approached the door to the sitting room he felt a gentle squeeze on his arm.

  “Relax my dear, they will believe what we tell them. Of that I’m sure,” Kristina whispered.

  With a nod to the butler they stood in the doorway as they were announced. Once the man had stepped aside Robert guided Kristina in and bowed deeply knowing she curtsied.

  “Lord Markson, it is truly a pleasure to see you’re up and about,” the duke said.

  “Thank you Your Grace. I have a wonderful wife who assisted in my easy recovery.”

  “Lady Markson, please come and sit with me while I pour tea,” Jolene requested.

  “It would be my honour to join you Your Grace.”

  Robert glanced over to Ethan who had stood when they stepped in. He gave the man a nod then took a chair as indicated by the duke.

  “Robert, Kristina as I understand you have an interesting theory, other than revenge, as to why these women are trying to murder myself and possible the baby marquis?” William said.

  “As it was my wife who proposed it to me then we should hear it from her,” Robert stated.

  While she was laying out her thoughts on what could be the reason Robert wasn’t surprised at the reaction from the duke.

  “Kristina, if I understand correctly these women are here from an indiscretion years ago but also to help topple the government?” William asked.

  “On that you’re correct. I know it does sound rather strange but just think about it, even from your estate you have the power to halt an investigation. What would happen if you weren’t around to influence or direct policies both on the continent and around the world?” Kristina said.

  “Robert now I understand why you married this marvellous lady. Next to my wife and Katherine, speaking of her Ethan why didn’t she accompany you here?” William asked.

  “I’m here Father. I wanted to visit with little Thomas for a minute and forgot to mention it to Ethan,” Katherine announced stepping into the room.

  Her entrance brought the men to their feet and Robert being the closest escorted her over to a chair beside Ethan. He waited until she was seated then returned to his.

  “Now, I do apologize for not hearing the entire theory my dear friend Kristina set out but I do agree with her. And Father what were you about to say in regards to us ladies? I’m sure they’d love to hear what you have to say,” Katherine declared.

  Robert wanted to chuckle at how easily the duke had been directed by his daughter. Without having to hear he knew exactly what the William would say.

  “As I was about to say, the three ladies now present are without a doubt the most logical thinking within all of the ton. Not to mention in some aspects smarter than many gentleman I’m acquainted with.”

  Much to his amazement it was Kristina who giggled at William’s comment.

  “Dearest wife, would you care to enlighten us mere gentlemen as to what you find funny?”

  “It’s just His Grace’s comment. I would have to assume the gentlemen he’s referring to include the three of you,” Kristina announced.

  What astounded Robert was the applause coming from Jolene and Katherine, something he’d not expected considering his wife’s comment included the duke and Ethan. He desired to say something in retort but couldn’t think of a proper response.

  “Jolene, Katherine I rest my case as not even my darling husband has a retort. Now, that that’s settled ladies we have a major problem to deal with,” Kristina teased pointedly to Robert.

  “And what would that be my dear?” the duchess asked.

  Suddenly Robert had an idea what his wife was going to wish to discuss—safety for everyone.

  “If I may Kristina.”

  He accepted her nod to continue.

  “I believe she’s talking about all our safety. With the failed attempt on me what’s to prevent these women from trying to murder all of us. In doing so they could totally destroy the Clarion line,” Robert explained to a shock group.

  He knew there wasn’t a barracks nearby where the duke could call upon the commanding office to dispatch soldiers to assist in protecting everyone. The only choice would be to use the men employed by the duke and pray they would be up to the task. At least he had military experience, along with Evan but who else?

  “If I could make a suggestion,” Ethan said.

  As this was the first time he’d spoken Robert wondered what insight he could bring to the discussion. Yes, the man Robert knew did have somewhat of an analytical mind, when pushed, but could he provide a solution to the problem at hand.

  “Any input is welcome since both you and our daughter are seemingly now at risk,” Jolene told him.

  “We don’t change our routines one bit. William you take a walk in the garden several times a day, accompanied by Robert. As for the ladies if they wish to sit on the veranda for tea or repose in the gazebo while reading, so be it. As for the young marquis, he remains inside.”

  “Ethan, if I understand you’re saying we put ourselves out for them to attack?” Kristina demanded of him.

  “We let them come to us but with extra guards who will fit into where any of us are. It could be the only way to draw them out,” Ethan added.

  From where he was seated Robert studied the others for their reaction to this most dangerous recommendation. What worried him was the woman with the rifle. She would be able to stay safely away while the other, who preferred the knife, would be easier to stop.

  “That would be doable but if I might add, we have men further away from the main grounds to keep a look out for them. To that end I’ve several well skilled gamekeepers who are able to hide. What if we post them at the logical approaches?” William suggested.

  “No, not at the most obvious. Something tells me these women will expect that. If we have the men at the least apparent then we’ll have a better chance of stopping them,” Katherine recommended.

  “I think that would be for the best. Robert and Kristina as you must have seen upon your arrival I’ve ordered the main gates closed,” the duke said.

  Without having to ask Robert knew the reason. Even though the duke, duchess and Katherine were in deep mourning there was a laying over their heads. By not allowing visitors would lessen the chance of a murderer from sneaking in.

  “Then I would like to suggest, since much has been decided, we have another tea tray for us ladies and brandy for you gentlemen,” Jolene declared.

  “My dear wife do you think we could have some form of pastry at the same time?” the duke asked.

  “Somehow I don’t think a fruit tart and brandy would go all that well together. Sandwiches for you men,” the duchess corrected him.

  “In that case Mother why not sherry instead of tea so we may all enjoy a delicious sandwich,” Katherine said.

  “Then so be it.”

  At one point Robert sent for Evan, as a former soldier, for his recommendations which were accepted.

  Finally, much to Robert’s happiness all the plans were agreed upon and set to put into the works. That would be done but the duke when he spoke with the senior staff, including Cook and the housekeeper.

  After escorting Kristina back to their suite Robert went down the corridor to a small sitting room where he had Evan bring him a whisky.

  “Thank you. I know you’re not from here but do you think any of our former soldiers might live in the area?”

  “I’m sure of that Captain. Tomorrow I’ll start hunting them down and I know the first places to look. You want them to be an outer perimeter from the Duke’s?”

  “Yes. Now I’m sure Her Ladyship has been settled help me then retire and don’t think of bothering us, and that goes for Amanda, until we ring for you.”

  Later, with his wound freshly bandaged, Robert slipped between the sheets and snuggled up to his wife. Before he was able to do or say anything his eyes closed.

  Chapter Twelve

  Dressed plainly in a pair of riding britches, boots and loose fitting white linen shirt Robert made his way down to the small family dining room. Walking in he was greeted by William.

  “Your Grace, forgive my attire as I sent my valet on an important mission.”

  “Think nothing of it as I understand completely,” the duke replied.

  Robert next turned his attention to the side boy and the offerings presented. Eggs done several ways, ham, roast venison and beef not to mention, much to his enjoyment both pheasant and quail. Then there was the fish; grilled salmon and trout. After piling his plate high he walked over to the table, taking a seat to the left of the duke. Immediately, a pot of coffee, from the heady fragrance, was set at his elbow.

  “Your Grace I was thinking, but please don’t inform my wife of that for she’ll tease me endlessly, what if these women think I’m dead? When I was shot I slumped forward over the horse’s neck as a severely injured person would do. If these people should try to get a look onto the estate and see me then we have a problem. What I’m suggesting, I stay inside and in the interior of the mansion. This way if they, somehow, can look over the estate they won’t see me.”

  “Why my dear husband would I tease you for wanting to hide out. You know I will agree with your decision,” Kristina announced.

  He lovingly studied her graceful form as she glided into the room bringing him and the duke to their feet. He waited as she took a seat across from him which told Robert he was to prepare should prepare a plate for her. Knowing her likes and dislikes, one being haggis which wasn’t being offered, he stepped over to the side boy.

  There he chose individual slices of ham, venison along with two poached eggs and a leg from a roasted pheasant. Serving it to her from her left side, if he remembered his instructions correctly, he retook his seat.

  “Now my dear wife, what would you suggest I do as the need to hide will bore me senseless?”

  On hearing a chuckle from William he glanced to the duke only to be met with a smile.

  “Robert there’s plenty to do. For one after we finish breaking our fast we can look over the map of the estate. If I’m not mistaken you dispatched your valet to hunt down former soldiers to act as observers to add to my me?”

  “Sir on that you’re correct. I expect him back within the hour with news and hopefully several men.”

  “Gentlemen, then I’d suggest we address ourselves to our plate so we can see where best to place them,” Kristina all but ordered.

  “You see William, there’s very little that can be hid from my wife. I should also warn you she can and is very persistent in getting what she desires.”

  “It’s only because sometimes I can see something with a different perspective than you. Now, has anyone seen Ethan this morning?”

  “Ethan was finishing up breaking his fast when I came in. He said something about inspecting the outside areas for possible weak spots. I made sure he had several footmen accompany him for his safety, to which he readily agreed to,” William told them.

  Robert glanced over to Kristina to see she was a little more relaxed then when she first asked about her brother. Hopefully Ethan wasn’t in danger of being killed as he and his wife were. For the answer that question only time would tell. He watched as she finished her morning meal, as he’d done moments ago.

  “Shall we adjourn to my office and look over the map of the estate so, Robert when your valet returns, we will know the best places for them. As for my gamekeepers, I’ll leave their postings up to them,” William said as he rose from his chair.

  After assisting Kristina up Robert guided her behind the duke upstairs to the first floor and the office. He settled Kristina on the settee as the butler entered with a tray, two pots and three cups.

  “Your Grace, I’ve brought tea for Her Ladyship and coffee for Your Grace and Lord Markson as requested.”

  “Thank you for Your Grace but if you don’t mind I’d prefer a little coffee also. Yes, I know it’s not a beverage normally taken by a lady, but as Lord Markson knows I do tend to do things differently,” Kristina announced.

  “Then I’ll have the same as Her Ladyship,” Jolene declared.

  Robert turned his attention to William to see what his reaction to both requests would be as the duchess swept into the room. He wasn’t surprised when the duke nodded his understanding before sending the butler off for another pot of coffee.

  While they waited Robert strolled over to where the duke had spread out the map. As he studied it movement out the far window which overlooked the formal garden caught his attention. He started for it only to be stopped by a hand on his arm.

  “No, you have to be careful and not be seen if that’s one of the women,” Kristina told him.

  “I’m sorry I forgot. Force of habit so you’ll need to look. The person was in the area of the gazebo.”

  He looked over to the duchess and the puzzled expression on her face. While his wife and William investigated the possible intrusion he explained it might be best if the women thought he was dead.

  “The person you saw, Robert, was one of the maids with a footman. They have permission to be seen together as they are married,” William said.

  “I know I’m not that knowledgeable about things of this sort but wouldn’t it cause them greater worry knowing you are alive. Not only alive but walking about,” Jolene imparted.

  “On thinking more about it and taking in what Jolene just said I agree it would cause them great consternation to where they might make a mistake,” Kristina declared.

  Robert waited while the butler set the second pot beside the first then left before speaking. Right now the fewer knowing of the possible change in plans the safer it would be for everyone.

  “Then so be it. At least I would get bored having to hide out,” Robert said with a chuckle.

  “Oh you’re so impossible husband,” Kristina teased.

  Laughter, at his wife’s words, coming from William and Jolene caught him by surprise.

  “You see, as was said last night, she’s not only one of the more intelligent ladies but loves to make my life impossible at times, like now,” Robert answered back.

  “Of course, that’s why you love me. Now I believe I’ve found several paths which the women might use to gain entry to the grounds,” Kristina pronounced.

  While his wife pointed out the routes Robert was more interested in the surrounding area, mainly the several roads. What had him concerned was the directions they went.

  “William, you said the rider went north and was seen by several different people?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “Because the person who shot me couldn’t have traveled to far. As you can see it ends at the river and unless there’s a bridge or ford they would have had to turn east or west.”

  “But husband, once they cleared the forest they could have gone in either direction as you ca
n see here,” Kristina added.

  He glanced down to where she was pointing but not having gotten a response from the duke to his question he focused on him.

  “I’m trying to remember but don’t think the river is shallow enough to cross there and recently the bridge was destroyed. Even though it wasn’t on my land I’ve already set events in motion to have it rebuilt since children use to as they go to and from school. It should be finished soon, from what I was told.”

  Hearing a gasp of surprise from Kristina didn’t come as a surprise to her husband. If everything had gone as planned yesterday that was one of the places he’d wanted to visit. He’d heard about them for tenant children but wanted to see one firsthand.

  “Worry not my dear once they are taken care of we’ll visit it together.”

  “I was hoping you were going to say that. But turning our attention back to the map I see several cottages scattered about to the west but nothing to the east,” she asked.

  “It’s all swampy that way. I’m slowly buying up the land and plan to invite several gentlemen from the Netherlands over to help with draining the area. The buildings west are for the most part falling down no thanks to the former viscount who’s land it was. It’s now reverted back to the crown,” William explained.

  With this new information Robert now knew where the women were hiding, in one of the small houses. The only question—which one. He just had to convince his wife to let him go after them but that was put on hold when saw Ethan and Katherine enter.

  “How was your stroll about the garden Brother?”

  “Very nice, if we’d actually done that. As it were Katherine showed me several possible entries onto the grounds,” Ethan answered.

  “Yes, I remembered them from my childhood and used to attempt escaping from my governess,” Katherine said.

  “Daughter, I’ve known about them for years as I suspect they were the same ones I used. What makes it more interesting if you’ll look at the map you’ll see they come out onto the paths Kristina found,” William informed everyone.


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