Jingle Wars: A New Adult Enemies to Lovers Romcom (Hollyridge Book 1)

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Jingle Wars: A New Adult Enemies to Lovers Romcom (Hollyridge Book 1) Page 9

by R. Holmes

  "Dude, you better figure your shit out. Also, Riley just spotted you and she looks like she may actually kill you."

  His eyes go wide and then Riley is hopping off her barstool, drink in hand, accompanied by the siren herself, headed our way.

  Jesus H.

  "Remind me to kick your ass for this later, yeah?" I whisper loudly to him as they walk up.

  "Mmm, fancy meeting you here West..." Riley heckles him.

  Both of them enter into the most intense stare off I've seen in my life, and I can't imagine how uncomfortable Freya is feeling, especially since she doesn't know either of them well enough to understand their history.

  "Riley, uh, can we talk?" West asks, rising from his stool, stepping closer to Riley and she takes a step back.

  Freya elbows her in the side, and she rolls her eyes, like she's annoyed that her friend is pushing her to give him what he's asking for.

  "Fine. Five minutes. Freya, I'll be right back, okay?"

  Freya nods and shifts around in her red leather pants uncomfortably.

  Glad it isn't just awkward for me.

  "This is weird," Freya says quietly.

  I look over at her and notice how quiet she's being, which I've learned is weird for her. I feel bad for being a dick, almost.

  Maybe a little.

  "Sit. Those two will be a while." I nod my head to where they're bickering in the corner and Riley is pushing him while they argue.

  "I didn't realize things were so... intense with them. She gave me the whole ‘just friends’ spiel." She laughs lightly.

  “Who knows, I can’t keep up with them two. I stay out of it as much as possible.”

  Aria comes over to check on us, and I order two shots of tequila with lime and a beer.

  "You gonna drink both of those by yourself?” she asks.

  "Nope, we're gonna take them together. I don't feel like drinking alone, do you?"

  When Aria brings the shot glasses over to us accompanied with lime, I push one towards Freya and she raises an eyebrow.

  "We're not gonna fight about it?"

  "Might. Right now, I just want to drink some tequila," I tell her. I pick up my shot and hold it up, waiting for her to join me in a toast.

  She eyes me warily, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop, but hesitantly picks up her shot glass and clinks it against mine, then tosses it back in one long sip.


  I'm so surprised that I haven't even taken my own shot yet.

  She sucks on her lime and my dick immediately hardens beneath my jeans. She squeezes her eyes shut then slams her glass down on the table.

  "Wow. I'm convinced that there's really nothing that tequila can't fix."

  With my eyes about to bulge out of my head, I toss my shot back and welcome the fiery path that burns down my throat.

  "Look, they're gone." Freya motions over to where Riley and West were just arguing and now there's no one there. My eyes scan the crowd and I don't see either of them in the building.

  I groan. "Looks like it's just us then."

  I know exactly where those two assholes are and now I'm stuck without a ride at a bar with my sworn enemy. Great.

  Signaling Aria, I order another round of shots. If I'm going to be stuck here, I might as well get drunk in the process.

  After another round of shots, or is it two rounds?

  "Fourth round, Finn Mayberry." Freya giggles next to me.

  I've lost track of how many shots of tequila we're on, all I know is that Freya is looking even more appealing sitting next to me. Her cheeks are flushed from the alcohol and her plump, lush lips are begging to be kissed. Every time she leans over the bar her tits rise against her cut out sweater and I have to bite back the groan that's ready to escape.

  "I bet you another round of shots that you can't ride that moose past eight seconds." I grin and point to the large brown mechanical moose that sits in the middle of the bar. Its roped off area looks much like a boxing ring, but with soft cushioned flooring to break the fall of unsuspecting victims. As drunk as I've been at Moose's, never have I gotten on that damn thing, but wouldn't it be a fucking sight to see Freya on it with her tits bouncing?

  "Oh?" She smiles confidently and hops off her barstool but wobbles slightly.

  "You're gonna do it, really?" I ask when she places her small hand on my arm to steady herself, then pulls her hair back out of her face.

  "I don't back down from a challenge, Finn Mayberry. That moose doesn't have shit on Freya Anderson." She grins.

  Fuck, I want that feisty mouth wrapped around my dick.

  "I mean… If you think you can do it, be my guest."

  She grabs my hand, tugging me from the barstool. Laughing, I grab the beer and follow her over to the moose where Landon is setting up for the next rider.

  "Finn Mayberry, you gonna ride ole Moosey tonight?" Landon laughs, but his eyes aren't on me, they're on Freya and my hackles immediately raise. Even though I shouldn't care that he's checking her out, part of me wants to punch him like a fucking caveman.

  "Nope, my girl Freya is." I grin and toss an arm around her shoulders nonchalantly. I basically just pissed on the ground in front of her, staking my claim, and I have no damn clue why.

  The tequila, it's got to be. I can't stand the beautiful liar.


  The last person I should want anything to do with.

  "Alrighty ma'am, well hop on up and I'll get it started."

  Freya bites her lip and looks over at the moose hesitantly, unsure of what she's really gotten herself into. As usual.

  "Ah ah, no backing out, a bet’s a bet. Get your sweet ass up there." I push her towards the massive mechanical animal gently.

  Her shoulders square and she reaches down and unzips her fuck me boots, kicking them off. She’s ready to take on the moose.

  "Landon, give you twenty bucks if you make sure she falls off in less than eight seconds." I grin, pulling my wallet out quickly while she's struggling to swing her leg over and mount the bull.

  I wish it was me she was mounting instead.

  Fuck Finn, get it together before you get a stiffy in front of the entire bar.

  He takes the money from me quickly and stuffs it into the pocket of his jeans just as Freya manages to hop on. She grins a wide grin, ready to challenge me and holds on with both hands as he gives her a thumbs up, signaling he's about to begin. The moose lurches to a start slowly at first, but quickly begins to raise and lower and jolt her from side to side. Man, do those tits bounce. She's holding on for dear life when I nod at him and he cranks it up a notch until she's bucked off, sailing through the air landing in a heap at the cushion of the floor.

  I'm laughing so hard tears roll down my face and I'm struggling to keep it together. Even fucking more because she's still laying on the floor on her back, breathless.

  When I walk up and stand over her, extending my hand, she scowls at me and pushes herself to her feet, ignoring my help.

  "You knew that stupid moose would buck me off! That's why you bet me." She huffs and stomps her way back over to her shoes, putting them on quickly.

  "Maybe, maybe not." I shrug.

  "Ugh, you are infuriating. You love to watch me make a fool of myself, don't you."

  I lean into her, right where her dainty, diamond earrings are showing and whisper gruffly, "Maybe I just wanted to see how well you could ride, Princess."

  I watch as a shiver runs down her body and I know it turned her on just as much as it did me. She smells like fucking cookies and something I can't put my finger on. All I know is I want more of it, I want her sweet scent all over me as she rides my dick. I run my nose against her soft jaw line, and brush my lips against the lobe of her ear.

  "I need fresh air." She pulls away abruptly, leaving me standing alone in the middle of the bar, barreling out the back exit.

  I follow behind her, not bothering to ask if she even wanted me there. I don't give a shit anymore. A man can only t
ake so much and my resolve isn't nearly what it was this morning with the amount of tequila I have coursing through my veins.

  The cold air assaults me the second I walk outside, nearly stealing my breath. I've lived in Hollyridge my entire life and I'm still not used to the cold. It’s the bone-chilling kind that takes hours to shake once it's seeped into your body.

  Freya's standing against the cold brick, her eyes squeezed tightly shut. The moisture of her breathless pants makes a soft cloud in front of her. I walk over and stop just in front of her until her eyes open up and meet mine.

  Then, it's like all rationality has been sucked from the air. We collide together in a messy, raw fumble of chaos but it's every fucking thing I've waited on since she pranced her way into town. I can hate her tomorrow.

  Her lips find mine in the dark of night and I'm a fucking goner for the girl in the faux fur and UGG boots. She snakes her arms around my neck, entwining with my hair and yanking me closer to her as her tongue darts out, begging me to open. I’m equally shocked that Freya wants to take the reins. Hell most girls are timid when it comes to showing a man what she wants but not Freya. She knows she's owning me.

  I lift her off her feet and walk her backwards until her back hits the wall and pull my lips from hers, kissing a path down her throat until I get to her neck where I suck, bite, lick. The frenzied motions get me nowhere closer to where I want to be with her leather jacket and sweater in the way.

  "Finn. What are we doing?" She pants as I nip at the sensitive spot of her collar bone.

  "Shh. No talking," I whisper gruffly, taking her mouth once more. Her tongue dances with my own in a searing, breathless kiss.

  "Finn? Freya?" I freeze whenever I hear West's voice from behind us.


  I lower Freya gently to her feet and close her jacket some, since apparently in our scuffle I ripped it open for easier access.

  "Wow." Riley snickers.

  I drop my head against the wall beside Freya and groan.

  Just what I need.

  "Riley, I'll meet you inside, ‘kay?" Freya says softly, picking up on my frustration.

  "Okay." Riley snorts again and then I hear the door slam behind them.

  "Well, that was even more awkward than watching them pretend to fake hate each other," she says, laughing lightly.

  "Uh, yeah." I straighten and do my best to fix my disheveled hair and jacket, so it isn't completely obvious what was happening outside the bar.

  "Wanna talk about what just happened?" she asks me lightly, her eyes hesitant.

  "Nope, let's pretend it never happened," I tell her, even though it's the last thing I want to pretend. West and Riley's interruption was like a splash of freezing water and exactly what I needed.

  I was weak tonight. I gave in to temptation and I let Freya win. If I don't stop letting her under my skin and into my head, I’ll lose this competition and then the Mayberry will be no more, all because I couldn't keep my dick in my pants. There's too much riding on this competition, not just notoriety and what the town will think. This is everything to my grandparents.

  "Wow, I thought you'd at least wait until tomorrow to be a dick, Finn." She scoffs and storms off.

  "Freya... Wait," I call out, trying to stop her but it's too late, she's already opening the door and stomping inside.

  Great, now I've made an even bigger mess than the one I'm already in.

  "Grams, I'm back!" The warm heat of the inn hits me as soon as I step foot inside from the blizzard that rages on outside. I'm assaulted by the smell of fresh baked cookies and am even fucking more glad that I got back to the inn when I did. I quickly remove my damp, snow soaked jacket and gloves, then unlace my boots and leave them by the door. I've been down the road helping Mr. Walker all morning get their furnace back up and running and I’m chilled to the bone. The wind is killer.

  Now that I'm home and on the way to being warm, all I can think about is one of Grams’ secret recipe cookies. Working in the cold, freezing my balls off has worked up a serious appetite. I'm a growing boy, I need all the carbs. Specifically in the form of Grams’ desserts.

  I round the corner into the kitchen, ready to eat the entire plate. "Grams, did you make coo—"

  I stop mid sentence when I see Freya standing next to Grams, both of them covered in flour, kneading a large round ball of dough. She looks up and gives me a shy smile, then Grams smiles widely, enjoying this way too fucking much.

  This damn woman, playing matchmaker every chance she gets.

  I haven’t seen Freya since the other night at the bar, when I almost fucked her against the damn building then ruined it all in one second by opening my mouth. I should’ve handled it better. Even if it’s what needed to happen, had to happen, I should’ve taken her feelings into consideration and not been an ass.

  "Hi Finn! We're making your favorite cookies, the ones with the little strawberry filling, look," Grams says giddily, all too happy to have Freya by her side helping. She lifts the dough in her hands to show me. Typical Grams, trying to distract me with food while she gets away with murder.

  "Uh... Sounds great Grams, can't wait. Freya, surprised to see you here...with my Grams...baking cookies in my kitchen..." I trail off, waiting for one of them to say something, or at least tell me what the hell is going on. It's...strange seeing Freya in my house and the idiot part of me who always thinks with his dick is more than happy to see her fitting in nicely.

  Freya looks at me warily, still kneading her dough. "Your Grams saw me outside with the delivery guy and asked if I wanted to help her make some Christmas treats... I, well, I didn't have anything else to do, so I decided to come," she says quietly, and I feel like even more of an asshole for treating her the way I did. She doesn’t seem to be mad, but more hurt and that’s worse than being mad.

  "Yes Finn, I did invite Freya over to make some treats and if you don't behave you won't be getting not a one of them." Grams gives me a stern look over her wire rimmed glasses.

  "Just curious. Smells delicious." I watch as Freya and Grams talk quietly. She mimics everything that Grams tells her to, handling the dough with care. Like it's completely new to her.

  "You ever made cookies before Freya?" I ask.

  She bites her lip and her eyes flicker with sadness before recovering quickly. "Uh, no actually, this is my first time."

  I caught the look that passed in her eyes before she answered, and suddenly, even though I know I shouldn't... I want to know what caused that sadness in her eyes.

  "Well, good thing your next door neighbor supplies Christmas treats for the entire town, including all of the homeless for the holidays. Grams is always in the kitchen, isn't that right Grams?”

  I give her my best grin and her eyes soften.

  "Sure is. Least I could do for the town that's given us everything. Family and friends are everything to us Freya, there's nothing more important," she says, adding a cup of sugar to her mixing bowl.

  "I love that. That's really special Grams," Freya whispers.

  "Darn Santa's Sleigh!" Grams mutters. Her version of cursing.

  "What's wrong?" I ask then turn away, trying to hide the cookie I snuck off of the plate.

  "Put the cookie down, Finn. Those are for the shelter. I'm out of sugar and flour!"

  And this is the part where she asks me to go back into town and fetch it for her, like a true errand boy. Bad thing is, she knows that I'll do it because I'd do anything for her.

  Grumbling, I put the cookie back on the plate.

  "Ooh Finn, how about you take Freya into town and get a few things for me? It would be the perfect time for her to pick up those Christmas decorations she was talking about earlier. Right Freya?”

  Our eyes meet over the counter and she hesitates for a moment then nods. "Yeah, that would be great, Grams. If you don't mind me tagging along, that is, Finn."

  Not that Grams would give us much of a choice anyway. Freya was coming with me no matter what the second Grams brou
ght it up. When she gets something in her head, there's no coming back from it.

  "Sure, no problem. Let me just get my coat."

  An awkward, heavy silence hangs in the air between us. Grams must pick up on the tension and she starts a never ending stream of conversation about her latest bingo hall drama. I use the distraction to head into the mudroom to gather my stuff. A few minutes later, Freya joins me in the mudroom with Grams following closely behind her.

  Grams hands me the list she's written.

  "Okay, here's the list of what I'll need, please make sure to get everything Finn, I would hate to have to send you back." She grins cheekily.

  "Wouldn't dream of it, Grams. Be back soon." I drop a quick kiss to her cheek, and then open the door, gesturing to Freya.

  "Ladies first."

  Outside, the snow is falling at a steady pace, blanketing everything in sight. As beautiful as it is, it's fucking cold and I'm not looking forward to another trip to town. Especially while getting the silent treatment from Freya. I open her door and wait for her to get inside the cab of the truck, then shut it behind her and head around to my side. When I'm in and have the heater on full blast, she finally speaks.

  "Listen, I wasn't trying to invade your personal space. Grams really did invite me over while I was out signing for a delivery."

  Her face is a mask of seriousness and I can't read her expressions, but I know Grams and that's exactly something she would do.

  "You don't have to explain yourself. I'm not upset." Tearing my gaze from her, I put the truck in reverse and pull onto the road heading into town.

  "You know, Finn, I don't understand why you think I'm this horrid, terrible person that's destined to be your enemy," she says quietly.

  Of course you don't.

  My hands tighten on the wheel until my knuckles are white, but I say nothing, keeping my eyes on the road in front of me.

  "When I was five years old, my parents got killed in a car accident," I say, finally breaking the silence. Her breath hitches with my revelation. "I was at the inn with Grams and Gramps. They were headed home from a movie. I was just a kid, too innocent to understand the world around me. I remember Grams breaking down at the front door when Sheriff Baker came to the door to tell them. He said the bridge was iced over, and they must have hit a patch of black ice and went over the embankment." My chest feels tighter revealing that, but also it feels good to tell her my truth.


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