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Rory Page 9

by Saskia Walker

  “You.” She nodded her head over at the building site. “So…what’s in there? It looks deserted.”

  Irritated, he moved to block her view of the site. “Nothing you need to know about.”

  “Those computer guys from the tube train?”

  She was like a dog with a bone. “Yeah.”

  “Okay.” She stared at the ground. There was something worrying her.

  He hadn’t finished warning her off, but her fretful expression mellowed his mood a bit. Instinctively he reached out for her, putting his hands on her shoulders, stepping in against her where she was sheltered in the doorway. “I told you what I’d planned.”

  She snuggled in, hands on his chest, face turned sideways against his leather biker’s jacket. “I know, but I thought you might have just said that and you were really meeting a girlfriend.”

  He stroked her hair. “There’s no girlfriend. You’re the only girl I’m spending time with right now.”

  She looked up at him. The nearby street light illuminated her face, and he saw surprise in her expression. That surprise morphed into longing.

  For a moment he forgot his plan to tear a strip off her, forgot to tell her off for daring to follow him. Instead he kissed her, and drew her in tight against him where he could hold her safe in his arms and feel her soft mouth parting under his. The sound she made when he kissed her—like a moan from deep inside of her—made him want to get her indoors and naked, hold her tighter still, tight enough so they were bonded.

  She shivered in his grasp and he pulled back when he realized how cold she was. “You’re freezing.” He rubbed her bare hands inside his. “Your jacket is too thin to be any use. Why the hell didn’t you go home?”

  “I missed where you went in, so I decided to wait.”

  “Come on, let’s get away from here.” With one arm around her, he urged her down the steps and along the road. He held her protectively, but inside he was still stewing. He’d sit her down somewhere warm and explain things to her. It was his own fault, he realized, he shouldn’t have told her what was going on. She’d been right about the USB though. Flushing it wouldn’t get rid of Jackson. She was canny, but he didn’t need a wannabe-sidekick he had to worry about.

  A nearby café bar beckoned to him. He’d been in there a couple of times. It served coffee and light meals during the day then went full bar at night.

  “Let’s grab a drink. It’ll be warm inside.” He ushered her in the door. The place was busy, the crowd a mixture of business types sharing bottles of wine at the end of the day and people already out on the town for the night.

  He led her over to two high stools by the window. “There’s a heater on the wall under the drinks shelf. Sit there and get warm, I’ll go get us a drink.”

  He was going to get them two bottles of beer, but when he got to the bar he saw they had mulled cider on the go and decided to get Sky a mug to warm her up.

  “Oh, wow, thank you.” She wrapped her hands around the warm mug, picked it up and breathed the aroma in “This smells delicious, thanks Rory.”

  “Have you eaten?” He pulled a bag of peanuts from one pocket and some potato chips from the other, placing them both on the nearby shelf.

  Sky smiled and tore open the snacks. “You’re such a hero.”

  “That’s the last thing I am.” He grabbed a handful of the nuts and chomped his way through them. “You shouldn’t have followed me, it’s dangerous. Promise me you won’t do it again.”

  She lifted her eyebrows.

  “I don’t want to bring trouble to your door,” he continued, “but if you follow me and are seen—”

  “No one saw me,” she interrupted.

  “I did.”

  She gestured at him. “You were the only person who noticed me.”

  “I’m good at this stuff.”

  She laughed. The sound of it warmed him, lessening the tension he felt about her being there. “Why on earth would you think I’ve got a girlfriend?”

  “You’re a good looking guy.”

  “I’m not going to argue.” He flashed a grin. “Seriously, did you really think I’d sleep with you if I had a girlfriend waiting at home?”

  She shrugged

  “I wouldn’t do that.”

  She sipped at her cider, her expression thoughtful. “Rowan’s boyfriend slept with someone else while she was in the hospital, right after she had the baby.”

  Rory was shocked. “Really?”

  She nodded, eyeing him from under her lashes as if curious about his reaction.

  “Declan was it?”

  She nodded.

  He knew the guy, remembered him. “Are they still together?”

  “No. She wouldn’t have him back.” She went on to talk a little more about the circumstances, and Rory could see it preyed on her mind. She was worried for Rowan, upset at the betrayal. “That’s tough. I didn’t know.”

  “How could you? You didn’t keep in touch with us.” The rebuke in her voice guilted him. He was pretty sure it was meant to.

  “I’m sorry, really I am, but we’re in touch now.” He reached out and grasped her free hand, holding it in his. He wanted to be annoyed with her, but she looked so thoughtful while she told him about her sister. It tugged at him, making it difficult for him to be angry any more.

  She squeezed his hands. It made him think of making love to her the night before, and suddenly it wasn’t enough. He drew her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers.

  Sky put her mug down on the nearby drink shelf, rose to her feet and stood between his knees to kiss him. She looped her hands together around the back of his neck. He urged her closer still, his hands on her behind.

  Laughing softly, she shimmied against him. “Its okay, I forgive you.”

  “I’m glad, because I’d hate to think you’re going to walk off in a huff and leave me with this stonking erection you’ve caused.”

  With an approving purr, she moved her hands, repositioning them around the tops of his thighs, dangerously close to his throbbing erection.


  She moved one hand, brushed her fingernails over his cock through his jeans, while she faked an innocent expression. “What, you mean I caused this?”

  Her actions made his balls ached. “Guilty as charged.”

  The skin on his back electrified, his entire body readying for her.

  She rippled against him, pure feminine seduction.

  A loud knock on the window shattered the moment.

  When Rory refocused he cursed. Busted. He figured it was Jackson, but when Rory saw who was with Jackson he had to do a double take.

  Draco, Sky’s brother, stood alongside Jackson outside the window, glaring at them.

  “Oh shit!” Sky stared at her brother.

  Jackson grinned. He pointed his fingers to his own eyes, then at Rory and then at Sky.

  Rory gave him the finger and mouthed “fuck off” at him.

  He had to get Sky out, and not at risk of being followed home.

  Then there was the small matter of her brother to deal with.


  Shit, shit, shit! Sky stared at her brother, frozen to the spot.

  Draco was on his way to the door of the wine bar, face like thunder.

  Instinctively, she pulled away from Rory.

  Rising to his feet, Rory grabbed Sky’s hand, holding her tight against his side.

  Sky looked at him, unsure he should be holding her so tightly right then. Not with Draco watching them. Just when it actually felt like they were seeing each other, Draco had to turn up.

  “Come on.” Rory tugged on her hand. Under his breath, he issued instructions. “I’ll deal with them. You head straight to the tube station.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not going anywhere without you.”

  “Go! I’ll catch you up in five.”

  It was too late. Draco was inside the wine bar and a moment later he was up against Rory with his hands on Ror
y’s collar, eyes blazing.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Draco seethed.

  Rory pushed the flat of his hands to Draco’s chest, forcing him back against the wall by the entrance to the bar. Draco reacted by belting Rory with a swift fist to the jaw. Rory staggered back, briefly, then dived on Draco, holding onto the lapels of his rather expensive looking jacket while he pinned him to the wall. “What the hell are you doing with Jackson?”

  Sky stared at her brother. It didn’t surprise her he was acting this way. It’d happened before, and they were a good physical match for each other. She was shocked though, because her brother was wearing a suit. She’d never seen him dressed up like that, not even on the day their mum had married Rory’s dad. He looked smart.

  Draco glanced at the window, as if reminded of the onlooker.

  Sky followed his stare. The other guy, this ‘Jackson’ person, was still outside the window, arms folded across his chest, laughing, as if he were watching a TV show. Curiosity got the better of her. “Who’s he?”

  Rory shot her a warning glance.

  “Stay out of it, Sky,” Draco muttered, between gritted teeth.

  “Outside!” It was a barman. He barreled through the crowded wine bar and unceremoniously he pushed Rory and Draco toward the door.

  A waiter darted over and held the door open.

  The scuffle between Rory and Draco continued. Sky quickly followed them out, giving the onlooking wine bar crowd a flippant wave of the hand as she did so.

  “Now isn’t this a touching reunion?” The guy called Jackson clicked his knuckles, one hand then the other, as if he was about to join in the fight.

  His presence seemed to level Draco and Rory though.

  “That’s a very annoying habit you have there,” Draco said with sarcasm, “and not in the least threatening.”

  Jackson nodded his head in her direction. “Who’s the girl?”

  “Nobody,” Rory answered quickly.

  Sky noticed he exchanged glances with Draco, like a secret pact, and Draco immediately settled down, turning silent. What the hell was going on here?

  Jackson laughed sarcastically. “You were getting pretty close to nobody back there.”

  Rory rolled his eyes.

  Jackson gave an exaggerated sigh. “You know I’d rather you come back to me of your own free will than take the toolkit off you.”

  “The kit’s mine. Get one of your goons to build you a new one.”

  “Just give me the kit,” Jackson said, “or you’ll regret it.”

  Sky hated the guy.

  “Threaten me and you’ll regret it.” Rory pulled the USB from his pocket and dangled it in front of Jackson’s face. He closed the USB in his fist and pulled away just as Jackson made a grab for it.

  It was then Sky had an idea. “No, wait!”

  “What the hell are you doing?” Draco stared at her.

  She growled at him as she passed. “Please don’t hurt Rory,” she said to Jackson in a pleading voice. “I’ve got the real kit right here in my pocket. Rory gave it to me for safekeeping.”

  Rory stared in disbelief when she pulled a USB on a lanyard out of her pocket and offered it to Jackson.

  “Smart girl. Good doing business with you.” Jackson pocketed the USB with a grin and walked away.

  Rory shoved his own USB in his pocket and looked at Sky for an explanation. “Why the hell did you do that?”

  “I didn’t like him.” She glared after Jackson.

  “Didn’t like him?” Draco stared at her.

  “You’re a liability,” Rory muttered.

  “I didn’t want him to have your kit.”

  “I wasn’t going to give it to him,” he growled. “I was going to destroy it in front of him, as you yourself suggested.”

  “Yes, well it was a good idea…of mine.” She paused and gave a pleased-with-herself smile. “But once I saw him I didn’t want him to have the slightest chance of getting hold of it. Plus…it was fun giving him a dud.” She chuckled.

  Rory pushed his fingers through his hair. “I’m on the back foot again, further away from being done with it.”

  Draco stared at her. “What the hell was on that USB anyway?”

  “The reading list for the art history element of the course I want to do next term.” She laughed. “Don’t worry, I can download it again.”

  “That’s not what I was worried about.” Exasperated, he gestured at her. “You’ve fobbed him off with a phony. How long do you think an art history reading list is going to keep him occupied?”

  Annoyed, Sky flipped her hand at him. “It bought some time, didn’t it?”

  Draco cursed, loudly. “Jesus, Rory, what the hell have you dragged her into this mess for?”

  “I haven’t dragged her into anything,” Rory responded, quickly.

  Sky noticed he didn’t look convinced by his own words.

  “We just bumped into each other,” she interjected, worried that Draco would pick up the fight where it had been left. “I’d never seen that other guy before tonight.”

  “Is that true?” Draco looked at Rory for the answer.

  Typical. The guys have a better bond than I do with my own brother.


  Draco put his hands on his hips, eyes narrowed.

  “We were having a drink.” Rory put his hands out, gesturing. “Come on Draco, you knew we liked each other, we’re just hanging out is all.”

  “It doesn’t seem right.” His frown deepened.

  Sky laughed. “You were the one who didn’t want us to act like the Brady Bunch.”

  “Doesn’t mean I wanted you to do the complete reverse!” He glanced at his watch. “Fuck it. I’m late.” Frustration marked his expression.

  Sky’s hopes lit. If he had something to do, maybe he’d leave.

  “Wait,” Rory said, “what the hell were you doing with Jackson anyway?”

  Draco’s mouth tightened.

  Sky knew that look. He didn’t want to spill.

  “He told me he wanted your kit.”

  Rory snorted. “And what... you were going to help him get it from me?”

  “No. Look, he could make things really difficult for me. I’ve just got myself a new job. I’ve got to stay out of trouble.”

  “We were all supposed to be staying out of trouble, for Sean’s sake.”

  “I wasn’t going to help him. I was just trying to figure out a way to end it.”

  Sky listened avidly, her curiosity deepening all the time. They both wanted to end this feud they had with the Jackson creep.

  Again Draco looked at his watch.

  “Don’t let us keep you,” she said, sarcastically.

  Draco glared at her. “If I didn’t have something really important to take care of right now, I’d be taking you home, wherever the hell that is now you’ve done a runner from Cadogan.”

  Sky folded her arms across her chest and shot him an accusing glance. “What do you care, you never even kept in touch with me and Rowan.”

  Draco groaned, paced back and forth hands on hips. “Because I was ashamed! That’s why. We messed up, we got caught. Sean is paying the price.”

  Shocked to the core, Sky swallowed. It had never occurred to her. “You’re still our brother and we care about you.”

  The tension in his posture seemed to lessen. “I’m sorry.”

  He strode over and grabbed her to him, hugging her. “It’s good to see you,” he whispered against her ear

  Sky hugged him back, pleased.

  Draco nodded over to Rory. “Rory, will you take her home, make sure she’s safe?”

  “I was taking her home all along.”

  Draco’s eyebrows lifted, his mouth tightening again.

  “Escorting her home,” Rory gestured with his hands, “making sure she’s safe, for fuck’s sake.”

  “Make sure you stick to that.” He looked from one to the other of them, and then shook his head. “I’ll ca
ll you.” He directed the comment at Rory. A moment later he vanished into the night.

  “Bit late to play the concerned big brother now,” Sky commented as she watched him leave. “I wonder what he’d say if he knew we’d already slept together.”

  Rory groaned. He took her elbow and urged her along the street toward the tube station. “I’m taking you home, and tomorrow I’m coming round to fit a new lock to keep you safe.”

  “No need. I’ve asked the landlord to upgrade it already.”

  Rory gave her a sidelong glance.

  He was impressed, she could tell “Besides,” she added, “I have a date tomorrow night.”

  He stopped walking altogether.

  “With you, Rory.” She laughed at him. “You’re cooking me a proper meal, remember?”“

  “Right yes.” Confusion marked his expression. He looked past her down the street. “Come on. I need to get you home, and I need to be sure we’re not followed”

  “Only if you tell me who Jackson is and why you both know him.”

  “You’re like a dog with a bone.” He tried to urge her to speed up.

  She resisted. “Who is he? If you don’t tell me you’ll have to drag me home;”

  Rory’s jaw actually dropped.

  Sky pressed her lips together to stop from laughing.

  “An ex-associate,” he snapped.

  “Associate? Hark at you.” She chuckled, but sped her paces to match his. “I’m guessing he’s the one who has wanted your kit all along.”

  “Jesus, stay out of it! Not only have I got to sort my past mistakes, I’ve got you to worry about! I wish to god I hadn’t set eyes on you on that tube train.”

  She jolted free of his hand.

  When he turned back, she shook her head. “You don’t mean that.”

  He stared at her silently for the longest time, and she thought he was just going to walk away.

  Then he loped back to her, put his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “No, I don’t mean it. In just a couple of days you’ve somehow got deep under my skin.”

  Her heart fluttered. The crazy world around them stopped spinning, and there was only them, only this moment of honesty amongst the chaos. She stared up at him, longing filling her anew.

  He put his fingers to her lips. “But right now I’ve got to make sure you’re safe, okay?”


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