Shyt List 5: Smokin' Crazies The Finale' (The Cartel Publications Presents)

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Shyt List 5: Smokin' Crazies The Finale' (The Cartel Publications Presents) Page 1

by Reign (T. Styles)

  Check out other titles by The Cartel Publications

  Shyt List 1

  Shyt List 2

  Shyt List 3

  Shyt List 4

  Shyt List 5

  Pitbulls in a Skirt 1

  Pitbulls in a Skirt 2

  Pitbulls In A SKirt 3

  Poison 1

  Poison 2

  Victoria’s Secret

  Hell Razor Honeys 1

  Hell Razor honeys 2

  Black and Ugly As Ever

  A Hustler’s Son 2

  The Face That Launched A Thousand Bullets

  Year of the Crackmom

  The Unusual Suspects

  Miss Wayne and the Queens of DC

  La Familia Divided





  The End: How to write a bestselling novel in 30 days

  Shyt List 5: Smokin’ Crazies



  Copyright © 2012 by The Cartel Publications. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission

  from the author, except by reviewer who may quote passages

  to be printed in a newspaper or magazine.


  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses,

  Organizations, places, events and incidents are the product of the

  Author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance of

  Actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2012935127

  ISBN 10: 0984993002

  ISBN 13: 978-0984993000

  Cover Design: Davida Baldwin

  Editor: Advanced Editorial Services

  Graphics: Davida Baldwin

  First Edition

  Printed in the United States of America

  What’s Crackin’ Fam!!

  I’m coming to you all with a heavy heart and mind as I write this letter. The end of an era…The “Shyt List” series. Seeing this series come to an end is truly sad for me. It was not that long ago when the first book, “Shyt List: Be Careful Who You Cross”, was published. We were boosted, excited and thrilled, to say the least. Now we are on the last book of the series, “Shyt List 5: Smokin’ Crazies The Finale” and I am jive sad! Although I realize that all good things must come to an end, I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself now that the tales of Yvonna are done. Maybe just hope and pray that one day, Yvonna will make her way back to a book in the near future. But, in the meantime, get ready to read a finale that will go down in history! Remember, choose wisely ;)

  But before we get into that, in keeping with The Cartel Publications tradition, we MUST pay homage to an author who is making noise in the literary world. In this novel we like to recognize author:

  “MiMi Renee ”

  MiMi Renee is the author of several titles including, “Pretty Bright”; “Deadly Decisions” and “Deadly Decisions II”. We had the pleasure of meeting and hanging out with this author and we had a ball. She is talented and sweet and we know she will take the industry by storm!

  Aight peoples, I’ma bid you adieu so ya’ll can jump into this classic! Remember, life is a blessing! Live it and love it to the fullest!

  Be easy!

  Charisse “C. Wash” Washington

  VP, The Cartel Publications


  I acknowledge every Shyt List fan who has supported the series from the onset. Yvonna’s world is wicked and to be honest, I’m not sure where the vision to create this series came from. What I do know is that I was saddened when I wrote the final word to this book. I guess with all good things, it must come to an end. I truly hope I did you proud.


  T. Styles AKA Reign


  To Crazed Shyt List Fans Everywhere


  The doctors thought Yvonna Harris was unconscious. Thought she couldn’t feel a thing, but they were wrong. This was a nightmare. She felt extreme pain as a scalpel sliced the flesh of her arm, to remove a bullet that pierced one of her arteries. It was the most excruciating pain she ever experienced in her tumultuous life.

  Whoever shot her three times in the upper body, and once in the ear, wanted her dead. They wanted her stopped. And judging by the amount of blood she lost, they were going to get their wish. Yet a little girl by the name of Delilah, needed her to survive. And that same little girl, born to a woman plagued with a mental disease, would not understand if she didn’t keep her promise, to come back to her in one piece.

  Yvonna did enough dirt to see death row ten times over, yet as she lay on top of the operating table, she was asking the one with the final decision, to spare her the death penalty. In the past, dying was not a fear but that was before she experienced unconditional love.

  Trying to get her mind off of the bullets occupying her body, her thoughts flashed to those she murdered. As if they were standing before her on a jury, she could clearly see their faces - Bilal Santana, Bernice Santana, Cream Justice, Sabrina Beddows, and Dave Walters. Sure there were more, but in her opinion, when she took their lives, it was the beginning of her demise. And then there was Bilal Jr, the innocent child whose life she destroyed, because of jealousy.

  Remembering the prayer Pastor Robinson recited before she killed him, some months back, she wondered would it work for her. Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy…hallowed be thy…

  She couldn’t finish the prayer because she was enveloped in pain once more, thanks to the relentless effort of the doctors. This time the feeling was so incapacitating, that she saw flashes of light under her closed lids. She tried to part her lips to speak once more, to let them know that they were making a mistake, but nothing on her body moved, not even her mouth.

  Screaming from the inside she yelled, I can feel you! Please stop! You’re hurting me! There was a brief pause before she felt the rest of her clothing being torn from her body. What are you about to do now? The moment the thought entered her mind, a scalpel ripped through her trachea. Suddenly, she whisked back mentally, to how she ended up in the predicament, which may very well cause her, her life.



  It was cold as a mothafucka outside. And Yvonna’s crew was pissing her the fuck, off as they sat in the passenger seat of a stolen 1976 Monte Carlo, belonging to the late Pastor Robinson. She didn’t know what possessed her to think that she could roll on a mission with Bricks, Swoopes and Ming, and everything would run smoothly. They fought nonstop and their personality’s crashed harder than a drunken driver with his eyes closed.

  “You don’t think Robinson was lying to us do you?” Yvonna asked, as they sat in front of a large home in an upscale part of Maryland. She removed her red Prada shades and focused on the brick home. “’Cause we been casing this house for days and we sti
ll haven’t run into Ron Max.”

  “It’s a little too late to ask questions, Squeeze.” Bricks said, polishing his bullets to remove his prints. “You killed slim right after he told us where he lived. In his church at that.”

  “That wasn’t no real church!” She said with spite. “Robinson was just as guilty as the rest of those baby fuckers as far as I’m concerned. I just put him out of his misery.”

  “Well what the fuck are we waiting on then?” Swoopes asked, wondering why they couldn’t just run up in Ron Max’s house and start blasting. A black eye patch covered his left eye courtesy of the paint thinner thrown in his face as a teenager. “I know the mothafucka in there! We been watching this house for hours and ain’t nobody come out yet.”

  Swoopes had his own reasons for wanting Ron Max and the rest of the pedophiles murdered. Just like Yvonna, he remembered having to do things to grown men, and sometimes women, that no child should be subjected to. ‘Till this day, his dreams forced him back to those tender, terrible moments and were the cause of him being the sadistic killer he is in present day.

  “We not going nowhere until we make sure this is the right place.” Bricks quarterbacked, as he looked back at him. “I’m not fucking with you on no bullshit today, nigga. I’m done wit’ your shit.”

  Swoopes leaned forward in his seat. “Nigga, you ain’t got to fuck wit’ me at all.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” Bricks bucked back. “If you wanna go shoot up a bunch of niggas for no reason, don’t let this mission stop you. The door is to your left, it opens.”

  Just like the others, Bricks had his reason for staying with the cause. For starters he was in love with Yvonna, and secondly, he didn’t trust Swoopes alone with her. Because of him, they’d been involved in five mini wars with random dudes due to his unmotivated temper. Although they were always able to put each matter under wraps, sometimes having to bust their guns in the process, his rants still expended energy they couldn’t spare.

  Yvonna slithered down as far as possible in her seat, when she saw someone walking out of the house. “Somebody coming.” She whispered. She wiped her shoulder length hair out of her face and peered outside of the frosty window. Following suit, Bricks, who was driving, along with Ming and Swoopes, who sat in the back, also tried to conceal themselves.

  “Now we got action,” Swoopes said, rubbing his hands excitedly together. “This what I been waiting on all night.”

  “I was thinking the same thing,” Ming grinned. Her red leather jacket exposed the tops of her breasts, despite the weather being frustratingly cold outside. Ming was still ride or die for her friend, even though she secretly hoped that her new crush, Swoopes, would look at her as something other than a ‘fuck at night’ buddy.

  Bricks pulled the 9-millimeter from his brown leather jacket and in a husky voice asked, “Can you see his face yet, babes?” He cocked and loaded his weapon. “’Cause I can’t see shit over here.”

  “Why you not ask, Ming?” Being the smallest of the gang, she was able to peer out of the window on all fours. “Ming has good view too.”

  Irritated with Ming’s constant need to fit in, Yvonna said, “Shut the fuck up before he hears you. You been getting on everybody’s nerves since we left the hideout.”

  Gabriella, who rarely left Yvonna’s side these days because she wasn’t taking her medicine said, “She just needs a little dick. And if you ask me, we do too.”

  Yvonna rolled her eyes and ignored her other half. She was no longer a rookie at hiding her illness and those in her life were unaware of the severity of the problem. She was getting sicker by the day and even resorted to relying on Gabriella for advice. Without people like Dr. Terrell Shines to force her to medicate, she was losing hold of sanity.

  “Ming will not be quiet! I’m sick of the three of you leaving me out! Having meetings behind back and not telling Ming what’s going on. I signed up for this job too.” She looked at all of them, using the moment to voice her opinion. She had a strange knack of doing things at the wrong time. “You all must learn to respect Ming.”

  Swoopes shook his head. “This why nobody fucks wit’ you sometimes. You too hot!” He grabbed his revolver out of the holster on his blue jeans, and removed bullets out of his grey tweed jacket. He was fully loaded. “You gotta learn to calm down.”

  “You calling somebody hot?” Bricks rebutted. “As much shit as you got us into?”

  “Why you always feel it in your power to say something to me?” Swoopes asked.

  “Do you see the nigga or not, Squeeze?” Bricks questioned, ignoring Swoopes. “My back hurting down this mothafucka.”

  Both Yvonna and Ming peered out of the frosted window again. When the man turned to the side, Yvonna was able to identify Ron Max, one of the leaders of the child sex ring. Although he had on a knit hat, his large pink lips protruding from his face, were a dead giveaway. She didn’t remember him from the orphanage, but Swoopes did and would always seem uneasy when the four of them discussed a plan of action.

  “Yes! Ming sees him!” She exclaimed, eager to alert the clan. “It’s time to move.”

  Yvonna glanced down at the picture in her lap once more. “She’s right,” She looked at Bricks. “That’s the mothafucka Robinson told us about.” Although he was a small man on the totem pole, they were sure he’d be able to lead them to the big man. “I think we should…”

  Suddenly the door opened and a cold gust of air entered the car and crept up their bodies. The three of them looked toward Swoopes and saw an empty seat. When Yvonna turned toward the house, she saw a blur quickly move past the window. In seconds flat, Swoopes was behind Ron Max, as he was preparing to lock the door to his home. Sensing Swoopes’ presence, Ron turned around and was knocked in the face with the handle of his gun. His body plummeted before Swoopes unloaded into his white teeth making them red.

  “I’m sick of this nigga!” Bricks said to no one in particular, as they all poured out of the car. “If we don’t drop this dude, he gonna get us killed!”

  Yvonna could predict how things would pan out. Bricks and Swoopes fought twenty-three hours out of a twenty-four hour day. They argued so much, she was certain that they battled one another in their dreams. No matter how hard she tried to reason with them, nothing seemed to work. It got to a point where they needed to hate one another just to get through the day.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, nigga? Have you forgotten we got mothafuckas looking for us?” Bricks asked as he steam rolled Swoopes. “We ain't got no time for all this RA-RA shit you bringing. If you wanna be on that…”

  Unfortunately for Bricks’ mouth, he was unable to complete his statement. He was met with all five of Swoopes’ knuckles and he dropped in the snow next to Ron’s bloody body. Since he only had two fingers on his right hand, he did what he could with the other, by way of body blows. As if he was never swiped, Bricks popped up and stole Swoopes in his good eye, knocking him to the ground. It didn’t take long for them to be in the throws of a violent brawl. It mattered to neither that a dead man lie amongst them or that the world and Yao wanted their heads. At the moment, their only mission was inflicting pain on the other.

  Turned on by the scene, Ming, having absolutely nothing to do with the matter, decided to jump in the middle of the battle, in the hopes of getting slapped around a little. Yvonna was so angry with all three that she felt like murdering each of them and rolling solo.

  “I don’t know why you just won’t get rid of them.” Gabriella said standing next to Yvonna. She dusted the shoulder of her red leather cat suit. “They’re going to get you killed or locked up. Unless that’s what you want.”

  “Leave me alone, Gabriella.” She didn’t care if they heard her or not. In her opinion at the moment, they were crazier than everyone claimed she was. “I got one thing on my mind. Killing these mothafuckas and getting on with my life.”

  While the three of them tussled in the snow, she lifted the keys to Ron’s hous
e and dawdled inside. The moment the door opened, a strong scent of Pine Sol and cigarettes smacked her in the face. The aroma instantly made her queasy, as it brought up memories from living in the orphanage. The staff members would make them clean with it, to hide the smell of blood and death that constantly ruled the air. She held onto her stomach contents, by taking a few quick breaths, and continued through the house. When she was calmer, and remembered they couldn’t hurt her anymore because she was in charge, she refocused.

  Taking a few seconds, she observed her surroundings. From where she stood, she scanned the foyer, and the living room and everything seemed bland and lifeless. Not how she expected a pimp to live for sure. When she spotted a portrait above the mantel of a family, she walked slowly toward it. The picture was of Ron Max, a woman and two kids. Of course she knew who Ron was, but what fucked her up was the woman with him. Up until that moment, she wondered what happened to her and now she had her answer.

  “I remember her,” Swoopes said as he, Bricks and Ming drug Ron’s body into the house before dropping it in the foyer, like dirty luggage. He stepped over it, wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth from the fight he was in, and moved toward Yvonna. While Bricks busied himself with the contents of Ron’s pockets. “Her name is Ebony or some shit like that, right?”

  Yvonna turned around to look at him. “Oh so what, the three of ya’ll finished fucking already?” She turned back around to examine the picture. “I’m so over the fighting shit. I just want to take care of these mothafuckas and go on with my life. And you should too.”


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